mUKSUAY, FEBRUARY Col. T.. Lynn Boosters Club HI if 11 Given Extended Leave In Europe LtCol. John C. Lynn, former Haywood county farm ageni has been given a war-time leave of absenee granted by State College Extension serviee, to be in charge of the U. S. Military Government's agricultural production in Ger many, for another year. The request for the leave of ab sence was made by Brig. Gen. Hugh B. Hester, economics head of the American Zone in Germany, and announced during the week I by Dr. I. O. Sehauh ivfmci director, Raleigh. In a letter to Dr. Schaub, Gen eral Hester said that Col. Lynn had "made a fine beginning nego tiating accords with the British, French and Russian officers on a future agriculture program for Germany," adding that it would be "extremely difficult for a suc cessor to hold the leadership in negotiating with the officers of other countries," which he said had beeu gained by the Tar Heel offi cer. Colonel Lynn would become eli gible for release from the armv this spring. The general's letter stated that Col. Lynn's work in Germany is the most important that he has ever had the oppor tunity to do within the scope of his profession. The former Haywood farm lead- ei, worKing trom Berlin headquar ters, planned the rural production program for 1946 in the U. S. Zone in Germany and assisted in formu lating overall German production policies. In a recent letter from Col. Lynn in which he described the 194b' agricultural outlook in Germany as dark with fertilizer supplies at 10 per cent of normal and avail able farm machinery at five per cent of normal. "Don't let anvone kid you about the ability of the Russians." he wrote. "They know what they want and how to get it." To Meet Tonight The Hazelwood Boosters Club will meet tonight at the Presby terian church for the regular monthly dinner meeting. The meal will be served promotlv ;it 7-nn o'clock. The committee named last year to present a community wide cele bration on a national holiday will be among those making reports. Rev. S. R. Crockett is president, and Frank Undervvoo-J is secretary of the organization. RESTING UP TO GREET Gl DADDY Bethel PTA To Observe Founders Day On Feb. 21 The Bethel PTA will hold their regular meeting on next Thurs day, the 21st, ;it the liiyli srh.w.l auditorium at 2:00 o'clock.,l. ing to an announcement by Miss Dorothy Janes, publicity chairman i lie devotional program will be conducted by Miss Janes and fol lowed by a play entitled. "Light For Tomorrow." directed by Miss ! Mildred Medford. In the cast will be the following: Marilyn Medford. William Whiteside. Nancv Smath ers, Madeline Blaylock, Neal Kelly, Margaret Sherrill and Charles Cat hey. All past presidents of the Bethel PTA will be honored in i. ,.!,,-,,n.. lighting .service during the after noon, in observance of Founder's Day. A social hour will follow the meeting during which time the hospitality committee will be in i barge. tar Sr m Bedtime Cleaning A good time to clean white shoes is at bedtime. Overnight drying does the trick if they are needed for daily wear. An aid to keeping them in shape is to tuir them with iiFb'..e paper er place them on trees auiU'j cleunim; and rirvinj THE SEA DID QU TE A BIT of kicklng-up as the transport Argentina made Kenneth r N,f W ?rk wUh Us carg0 of GI brides and bies. So UtUe when .h. hn", ylb,Td fr Arli"8ton- Mass.. was too tired to care --DEATHS-- Last Rites Held Sunday For Mrs. John Rogers of Monuinenis Available Regardless of the price von ,v fn- nna our memorials, beautv. diL-nitv ami i. manship will be assured. MONUMENTS OF DISTINCTION HAYWOOD MONUMENT CO. Near Farmers Federation Asheville Road . . . Waynesville, N C As Equipment Becomes Available More Telephones Can'Be Installed Ae new .witchboard, cables, w!re and ,ele. phone, become available, we will be able to ..serve more and more of thoe who. have been waiting longest for service. To ( .ten p on au lield orders for service ill require very large additions to our tele phone plant. This is j, tremendous construction job that will require much time to complete even after the delivery of equipment. There are many places where we have switchboards to install, even places where we must construet new building, or building additions to house new switchboards. But we can say that we are on our way to furnish service to all who want it on our 7lo restore Bell System standards of ser vice and raise them even higher. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company Funeral services were conducted at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the Ml. Zion Methodist church, Crabtree section, for Mrs. John F. lingers. Go', of Clyde, Route 1, who died suddenly of a heart attack at her home Thursday evening at 7 1. in. Itev. Pink McCrackcn and the Kov. Paul W. Townsend, the latter pastor of (he First Methodist cnurcli ot Waynesville. were olTi- ciating ministers. "Burial was in the church cemetery. Serving as Dallhearprs nephews as follows: Herschel Hipps. James Hinns r.l..nn u;.,c George Rogers. Russell Rogers and Ward Kirkpatrick. Mrs. Rogers was before her mar riage 49 years aeo last Sintnmhr Miss Mary Elizabeth Hipps, of the Beaverdani section. She harf . sided in Haywood county all her life. Joining (he Methodist church early in life, she was active always in the work of the church. De spite her large family she found tune to minister to the sick and needy in her community Surviving are her husband, John Rogers, and the following children all of whom attended the funeral services on Sunday: seven daugh ters, Mrs. Steve Stowe, of Gastonia, Mrs. Weldon Willis, of Asheville Mrs. Jack McCracken, of Canton' Miss Jessie Boone Rogers of Char lotte, Mrs. Paul Ford, of Belmont Mrs. Charles Duckett cf r-i,.,i and Miss Elizabeth Rogers, the'lat- i ter emploeyd by the Pnvprnnwint . the Bahamas, who was on vacation ' "i i,anaaa, at time of death of her mother; eight SOns. C.rartv r(, of Newport News, Va., Frank Rog ers, principal of East Wavnesville school. Herschel Rogers, of Clvde Jack Rogers, John Rogers Zeb Rogers and Hush Rotorc nrii.i of the Cruso school; 22 grandchil- uien; inree brothers Jim of Canton, Rev. Jessn uir., Greensboro, and French Hipps. of Canton; one sister, Mrs. Billy umuiiiL-i s, ui canton. The Wells Funeral Home was In charge of the arrangements. MARVIN KEIX Funeral services were conducted Sunday morning at 11 the West Canton Baptist church for Marvin Kell. ;i3, owner and opera tor of the Lance Shoe shop in Can ton, who died in the Haywood County hospital early Friday morn ing, following a brief illness. Rev. C. II. Green, assisted by Rev. George Ingle, officiated. Burial was in lion-A-Venlure cemetery. I Mr. Kell had been engaged in the shoe repairing business in Can j ton lor the past 14 years. Surviving are his widow; his I father, W. L. Kell, of Canton, seven J sisters, Mrs. John Wells, Mrs. I Ralph Putnam, Mrs. Vernon Bur ns, Mrs. Lawrence Fowler, Mrs. I Charlie Moore and Misses Carrie ! Kell and Cassie Kell. all of trav. wood counly and one brother W L. Kell. Jr. ' ' The Wells Funeral Home was In charge of the arrangements. Silver Tea For County Library Realized $50 The silver tea whin!) uac i;o ai me naywood County library on Saturday afternoon was both a social and financial success, with approximately $50 realized during the afternoon. The affair was spon sored oy the Woman's Club in ob servance of the second anniversary of county-wide library service. Receiving durine the home fr,.m 3 to 5 o'clock were Mrs. James Kil- uan, president of the club, Col. J Harden Howell, chair man rtf Dm County Library board, Mrs. James n. ooya, Mrs. Frank Kinsev M John R. Hipps, Mrs. T. L. Bram- Jett, and Mrs. John M. Queen nn,i Miss Margaret Johnston .num., librarian. The callers were greeted t th. entrance by Mrs. J. Harden Hnw,.n and Mrs. T. L. Gwyn, the latter a memoer of the County Library board. Tea, sandwiches nnri tes were served from tn attrac tively appointed tea table crwpi'fil with a lace cloth, with serviee m one end and bowl of red gladioli at the other. Mrs. B. N. Barber rniirtH li,v. ing the afternoon and shp a0 sisted in serving by Miss Theresa Alley. Valentine motifs were licorl in the library, arranged by the libra nan, and holders with red tapers were placed about the rooms. une center of attraction dnrmn the afternoon of special interest was the children's renHinrr which was visited by all callers. Despite the inclement weather a large number of persons called The money realized at the tea will be donated to fh,. library by the Woman's Club and will be applied on the purchase of new books. Bowles Heard At Central P. T. A. "As a contributing ' factor to wards a lasting world peace, the educational forces of the world must begin teaching students a thorough understanding of all peo ples ot the globe, together with the need for co-operation," M. H. Bowles told the Central Parent Teacher Association here Tuesday night, on the 49th birthday of the national organization. Mr. Bowies traced the history of education from the stone age to the atomic age, stressing the need for a better world-wide understanding of each other's problems. The fourth grade committee serv ed refreshments after the meeting The committee was composed of Mrs. Rome Brown, Mrs. J. C. Pat rick and Mrs. M. D. Watkins. Mrs. Floyd Miller won the door prize given by the membership committee. See Us For . . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTS (Licensed) Electrical Repairing of All Ki PHONE 472 Howell Electric Co J. "V. HOWELL, Owner Shop and Office Under Henderson's Corn Airy Windows If you've two cr more grouped windows full of breezes and sun light, don't smother them. Link one ,pair of full draperies with a gath ered valance that spans all the win dows. Then loop one pair of fluffy sheer ticback curtains gracefully, looselv back to soften the lleht. WANT ADS . V I o o a rJUW VTihJ M Jtt; fTfftl. MRS. MAGNOLIA II. TAYLOR Mrs. Magnolia Hope Taylor, ?5, widow of George W. Taylor, na (ive of Haywood counly, died at ri:3l) a. in. Tuesday at her home in the Thickctty section Funeral services will be held Ihis afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Oak Grove Baptist church in the Thick ctty area, with Rev. C. JI officiating. Burial will be jn the church cemetery. Mrs. Taylor is survived by two sons, Hugn and Herbert Taylor both of Canton- twn rianoMo . Miss Essie and Miss Bonnie Tay lor, also of Canton; and six grand children. Garrett Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements. FOR SALE Good small home, lots of cupboards and closets, four rooms and bath, oak floors, full front porch, screened in back porch, new garage and coal shed. Water and electricity, lot 50x150. This home is in A-l condition, located at 305 Carolina Ave., Hazelwood, Feb. 14 May Warta of Disordered Kidney Action Modern lie with its hurry and worry, Irregular habits, improper oatinR and drinking its risk of expuaure and infla tion throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and tail to filter excess acid ana otner impurities from the life-Ki vinir blood. You may sutler nagging backache, headache, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try iloon's Pi'ils. Doun's help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. Thev hnvo uir 1 century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Ask ytmr neighbor! "1rniiaii1Blir"tlt'TiftlBT'TFT-Yi FOR RENT Bulldozer or dump truck. Also dirt for sale. Phone Alan Smathers, 229 or call 13 and leave message. Feb. 14-21-28 FOR SALK General Electric 17 cubic foot refrigerator. New. Suitable for cafe or boarding house. Massie Furniture Com pany. Feb. 14 Decide Now.. If Yours Needs Replacement! A Umlt.d number of brand n.w Lsrmox Furnacei ar. available. Pre-war auaBty. steel, qai-Ucht construction. tectum. FOR SALE Spring Guernsey and Jersey heifers. See Glen James at Shelton Farm on Pigeon Street. Feb. 14 fcosy terms. Competent Engineering Service Free Estimates FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel pup pies, registered, 3 months old Call 317-R. Feb. 14 The Warm-Hire Company Meii FARM WANTED 50 to 200 acres. Will buy. Give particulars and condition. Write H. J. Rosen kranz, box 224, Albemarle, N. C. Feb. 14-21-28 FOR SALE-.22 cal. Remington rifle, bolt action, repeater, new, $27.50. Telephone 282-R id 669 Merrimon Ave. Asheville, N. C. I' turned Use The Classified Advertisemd i - MRS. SALLIE RATHBONE AMOS B. CRAWFORD Funeral services mo the residence in Hazelwood on Sun day afternoon at 2:3n nwt. Amos B. Crawford, 78,. who died at his home on Saturday afternoon. Rev. Thomas Erwin wi tim ating minister. Burial was in Bethel cemetery. Surviving are the widow; one daughter, Mrs. Juanita Rogers, of Canton: one sister, Mrs. Early I Browning, of Hazelwood; one grandchild and one great grand-! Funeral services were conducted on Wednesday morning at 11:00 o clock at the Panther Creek Bap tist church for Mrs. Sallie Rath bone, 58. wife of Dexter Rathbone, of the Panther Creek section who d'ed at her home on Tuesday morning at 6:50. Rev n,w r- officiated. Burial was in the church cemetery. Serving as pallbearers were: Charles Messer, Orville Hannah! Ralph Messer, Milton Messer, Rose Messer, and Marvin Arrington. Mrs. Rathbone, who is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Ray, of Haywood county, is survived by her husband; two sons, nugn and Rav. both at hnmo- daughters, Mrs. Milton Messer and Mrs. Roscoe Messer, both of Pan ther Creek; one brother, Roy Ray, of Canton; one sister, Mrs. Robert Bryson, of Newton. Garrett Funeral Home was charge of the arrangemenst. Name Brands at in child. The Crawford Funei.-.l Home was in charge of the arrangements. SCOTTS SCRAP BOOK By R J SCOTT Taylor NAMED PaRKinsoh MADE -fflE KILf itfP OF Peopu. PoOB.'fo BUY HFWO 0 KEEP UP WrTtl lite -fiLlcn fiirv KAVt -fo DEPEND Ml "fttE. PREt. HEWS BOARD a SCRAPS'- ?ROUMD COLOR OT 2EBRA. ? WHlfE , Pilisbnrg PAIHTS Inside - Outside All Colors ALL GRADES Swiff i Bed Sieer Fertilizers BENJAMIN M o o r e PAIUTS irs u s PatiiPtm" wo OiSflHClY MAPE PdUC Of fid A RE WARP ROB. PAKfy SERVICE A Complete Line SEE US FOR YOUR ROOFING Underwood Lumb and S 'inppliy At The Depot DAVID UNDERWOOD Owner Comne -4JL any Phone 371 c t at fm I .m, Iffer Mil act DK Inch Li:

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