b Nil THURSDAY. PAGE FOUR (Second Section)" " THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER march t. 1 :' J 4 . I' J Stale-Wide Medical Program Is Underway A movement to provide for the people of North Carolina more donors, especially in the smaller communities and rtunl are. is. and better medical care was under way throughout the Stale 1 1 week. A program to achieve tins foal Was launched at a leeelin;.; ol more than 2U0 leaders ol ai ious profes sional, husiiu-s. l.nlusli i.ii and lay groups Jroni all mtU;i of the State who gathered in i'hoinasville last Tliui'sdax and o ' .mi, d ilie North CaiiiliiM lim-it ;it ..a:i A. sociaiion. 'ilie ueei.n. w- tailed by 1. (1. Gru r. Su; i r.nt. mU ut cl the Hapli.-l Oiyliaii.. e ;.t l i.'.Mia--Mlle. Citing numerous i.nN to show that North Carolina ranks U anion!? the other tt, in hospdal and midical care, the Aocialion. in preliminary plan- took step- in' carry lu eri nook and toin.r ol the State a i:io eiiii in 'to siipperi the efforts of the downier, the' North Carolina .Medical ('..: Co:i: mission. the- ine!ie.;l ..ii.oi! ).io-fes-ions. and .it her io.'e- .old in dividuals uoikin.; an iho ;ltlnl health program." The Legislature e! l"4."i, under the leadeislnp w,ii,.ciii'ir I'hcii . it uas pointed oiil. eM.,!e. ;.e( Ma chinery lor the i:i,i:i.r.j'!! o: iiu program. Citing the hiai'eijii.e . .-i lia State's health pro.: : -:a ;.: p.-, . ..,;! the Assueial lull s in.,: . i'-e.e.ee out that: "In the number ; he-pi' ..! b,ai j per llioii.-aud poeai.n ion. 4 1 of tin : 4!1 states in the I M'.oii nov. ianf. ahead of North, ('ainlu.a. "In the number In lr. ieian- per thousand population. -11 :' the 4:1 states rank ahead id NoMn Caro lina. "In the death rate of infant-. 38 of the 4i'. -tale- li.ne a lower percentage than North Carolina. "In the select ie , i iee rejee- ', lions for pliysieal defects in 1:144. 47 of the 4!1 state-, had a lower per- Wanted! Men And Women Who Are Hard Of Hearing To make this simple, no risk hear ing test with Ourine drops used with simple syr.in.'e. If you .ire deafened, bothered by rincin. buz zing head noises due lo hardened or coagulated was; iccrirr.cn'. try ! the Ourine Home Method test llu.t so many say has enabled them to hear well again. You must hear better after making tins simple test or you gel your mono', hack at ! once. Ask about Ourine K ir Drops today at Smith's Cut-Hale Drug Store. . .. cent age than North Carolina." The machinery created by the HI4.") Legislature for the inaugu ration ot the good health program, it was pointed out, calls lor "1. State assistance in the en:. of indigi nt sick. 1' State assistance in accordance with wise provisions, for building or enlarging local hospitals, and establishing and equipping rural health centers. A i.iedieal-eth.i at ion loan fund to help worthy .Ninth Can, lira ; oiing men and women, who I'iuKe themselves to practice in a I ar.il community lor lour years 4. The expansion of the two year medical school of the L 'Diver sity of North Carolina into a stan dard four-y ear school. "3. A special study of the medi cal education of Negroes. ' '(. The promotion of voluntary or iliue Cross' groups insurance plans." It is to organize "the strong pub lie sentiment already expressed by our people that the .North Carolina (.ood Health Association has been organized to support this entire program, so vital to the health and productive powers of our people and vital to the economic, social and spiritual progress of North Carolina." the charter declared. Rudolf Iloess Admits Atrocities Committed I!Klll.I Iludolf Hoess. com mandant of the infamous Oswiecitn slave camp who was arrested March if has admitted gassing 2. Olio. (I'M) victims on direct orders of llein rich Ilimmler. British authorities staled. The 4ti-y ear-old fugitive sought since Germany's collapse, signed a statement March l(j. the announce ment said, declaring: "I personally arranged, on orders received from Ilimmler in May. 11141. the gassing of 2.11(10. (MM per sons between dune and .Inly. 11)41. and the end of l!)4:i. during which time 1 was commandant at Os wiecitn." Hoess' confession said he trans formed three peasant homes near the camp into air-tight gas cham bers. After the victims had been gassed, their bodies Were cremated and internees were forced to crush any remaining bones with wooden ciubs. What was left was thrown' into the Vistula liiver. Later, more permanent gas cham bers were built. 1 he confession said the victims! were mostly Jews. j : Volunteers For Atom Bomb Test Ignored By Army WASHINGTON' Many an American probably has had night mares about death under a rain of atomic bombs. ! Hut there are some Americans 0 ! whom it's not a nightmare. They have volunteered to do just that to die (.1 an atomic bomb ex plosion. Army otlii ers preparing for the mid-Pacific explosion of an atomic bomb over a massed furiuat ion of SIT warships disclose that literal!, direns ol nelsons have volunteer ed to ride to a liery death with tin guinea pig fleet. Ilo.icver. the chief of intelli gence tor the air lore- unit which ah drop the bomb at liikini Aloll :n May. Col Alfred Kalherer. says all tin1 volunteers are being tinn ed. 'Some of them want public iH and others apparently are just plain nuts. We want no part of them." he says. but other nilicers with the unit say some nf the volunteers "actua1 !.v want to die for science." They iv.mt scientists to have the benefit of a direct study of what an A homb would do lo naval personnel on the high seas. Rut the arm;, says no. Coats. is and rats, they will be the only sailors aboard I he doomed fleet. Tot's Demand for Amusement i 'One In Twenty' Drivers Will Be Killed, He Says TI..NT -The retiring C, - gia safetv director has sounded a rather t'hm warning. He thinks that within five years one out of 1!0 persons now driviiv an automobile will have been kill ed in a Irallie accident. The olli cial w ho gives us this to think about t lie next I line we get out I he family ear is Major Charles Williamson lie is stepping into the position ol director of the state corrections department. As a means of pro moting safer driving. Williams has tluee suggestions: No. I safe driving courses in the high schools. No. 2 Double-lane highways. No. ;j Separate highway sys tems for truc ks. President Truman pledges sup- ! port to rural electric co-op plan. I Aged Man Dies While Digging Own Grave DILLON. S. C Arch Godboll aged Negro, arranged with a local undertaker to prepare for his I unc ial. He then went to a nearby Negro cemetery and began to dig his oven grave. A short time later passorsby found his body lying be side the unfinished grave. Death was asc ribed to natural causes. By GARRY CLEVELAND MYERS, Pk.D. SEVERAL times in this column, I have discussed the youngster from a months to about 2 years who d jmands constant amusement by the mother. Recently, I have re ceived letters from many mothers with one child from 2 to 4 years of age (maybe also an infant) who say they are wearing themselves ragged trying to amuse their tots. A large proportion of these mothers are wives of service men, who are trying very hard to guide alone their little child happily. The way is harder for some of these mothers because they must live in with their relatives or in close charters, alone. Wife Writes O.ie wife of a service man, for t-vr mple, wrote that three families cf little children shao a common kitchen, each family living in a Eirgle bedroom. Another young mother say? she and her infant live in two rooms and finds it difficult to cultivate good sleep habits in this child because when guests come they must assemble where the child sleeps. More or les3 regardless of the housing conditions, many tots who can roam about the house want to Le amused constantly by the moth er. However hard-pressed for time and energy, the average young tiother, sometimes in self-defense, docs spend hours every day enter taining her tot. Developed Resources N'o'.v the child from 2 to 4 should have acquired far richer resources f-'i- seli'-anmscnient than when he v. as hut a year or so of age. He can cr.rry and pull things about, lit tliingM of all sorts together, a.-': r;j"s!:ons and do many things while following his mother about the ho'.i-c; he can look at pictures in r. in ".gazim; and may have some playmates. Having been read to,he may Le able to invent all soits of yarns of fancy, and play at make believe, alone or with another child. Yet, this child may demand amusement by his mother almost constantly. He just begs, cries, whines till she succumbs to his wishes. This mother's experiences day in and day out are wearing, the more so if she also has an in fant to care for and even must do all her own housework. One mother writes that when .-ha sits down to sew or read, her child may climb on her lap and push hr book and sewing away, if she dues not respond to -his wishes prompt ly. Then, if she has company, tins youngster may make still bigger demands on her and, if he can't get her attention by gentle ways, h will force it by some nuuirhu.ne:;-. Even when she telephones, he mr torment her till her conversali'.n ends. Correction Advised This mother, for her own good and that of the child, nee. Is to pest a schedule and follow it. By his schedule the child will have to wait 20 or 30 minutes before the mother will read to her, make things for her and the like. Then the m t:hei, after giving the child 10 or 15 mi.i utes, will resume her work f t an other stated period. By and by the child will find that her demands won't ciiang her mother's plans, and she will hit on ways at self -amusement. Of course, the mother rarely will ba too busy to answer this child's questions and enjoy her creations. This appreciation will encourage the tot to go on nt creative play. A certain mother set aside a morning to correct the telephone problem. She talked to an imag inary person so she could disci pline the youngster effectively, as signing her to sit in a chair for 20 minutes for interrupting her. However, if the youngster learns "to wait" under normal con'lilioni-, she should not be so difacult v ' ; "emergencies" arise. Cigarette Prices !May Be Increased i NTW YORK A rise in cigarette ; pi ices coon was seen today by Ol'A i and industry source as "a strong i I possibility." The Office of Price Administrn i lion may b.c me d . el le'ling within the next two or three weeks i to offset increasing costs of raw i materials. Ccotlrey Uaker. deputy ' price administrator, said. Kcmoval : ol price controls on c i '. ir- nny I follow within a lew months. ; Industry sources said cb-'aiet'o j price increases were expected to ran-.e lYom 2" to all cent -- per 1 Coil, j Baker said Ol'A aba is slie! . in the snuff and M-rap chewing o-bacc-o si' iia; ion. a-- well as cigar price s. end it is "i.r.t irely po : .b'e that some increase ma'.' be grin one or all of thi pieduct- im.lcr our earning -: standard.'' i Tobacco iniliidrv sources 'aid if 1 OPA granted a 2f cents: per 1 .000 increase it would be difficult to pass it cm to the consumer and v. holesalers and ivl ai'ers would have to absorb it. A ad-cent hike ; could be a sod on at one cent a ; pack, but Ol'A had given no imlioa- lien w helher the I'uhr 1 1 : wie.i'd ' be allowed to rai--e pi ices to I he consumer. PARK THEAT? WAYNESVILLE, NORTH ( ARoi iNa MATINEE : Sunday 2 and 4 p. m.; Saturday Nir:HT SHOW: 7 and n m . c.. . ADMISSION: Children Under VI y Seals. .!.-.( TAX: On Children's las -..1li . Hi TIM'RSPAY-FRIDAY M ;( n ..'-. -s-23 "The Harvey Girls (In Color) Judy Carland John 1 1 txi i.ik ' ew Army policy plan-- for wider use of x'egioe-. SATl'RDA Y MAIM'M in "Bad Men of the Border" Kirhy (.'rant Armidn LATE SHOW 1(1: :o 'The Woman Who Came Bad Nancy Kelly John l.oder SUNDAY MARCH :i 'And Then There Were Nom V. I lust on Harry I ilgerald Floey Serenaded In Sena I e Office WASH I NCITOX -North Carolinian-, serenaded Senator Hoey ' I). -N.C.i. in his Senate office last w eek. 'John C. Woodrovv and Cecil lioone. all of Mars Hill. N. C. and bragging that they were descend ants of Hie famous Daniel Boone, phi' i d the "best out of the books" including 'Coming Hound the i l u u 1 1 1 a i n . " They came from Carolina this week lo boost the hook rug indus try of Western North Carolina and are making appearances with sev eral artists at a Washington de partment store all week. Quere Income Tax Return Is Filed GHKENSRORO Flooded with income tax returns this week, the I office of state Internal llcvoiiue collector. Charles II. Robertson, lias received at least one chuckle in its mountain of mail. One North Carolina woman hav ing filled out her lax form cor rectly and found that she owed no tax, enclosed a check for "no dol lars and no cents'' with a "no tax due'' notation written across the check. P.ccause of large stored stocks of . gov ermiienl-owned poultry, I armors hav e been asked to can as much chic ken as possible in 1940 as a mean- to relieving the market glut of broilers this spring. Natives of Truk spurn warfare as a means of settling disputes. I What makes a child toss and. tgfl sleep fitfully.' frequently t.-.-j there's nothing wrong except P!J he needs a gentle laxauve. . . .'a t-cscy S - A J Triena combines two famous r-.A Inr-rrrlicrts nure rjrur.e S3 juice for flavor and sc-na for ettectiveness. crnaren i.iivt: Triena gladly because it tastes good. You don't have to force them. Remember the quick relief Trie na mav bring when faulty eli- fifi-fki.li ft less, irritable and cross. Buy T P I I? U 4 size 50c. Use t -s- , " ctcd. t ; MONDAY-Tl'ESDAY '!!, .-) "Doll Face" Carmen Miranda Tetrv ( until WEDNESDAY APRIL .: 'Captain Tugboat Annie" Erfjinr Kennedy .lane DannvHI H fca as dire m SPECIAL NOTICE Due to the fact that very often our patrons are compelled! and wait for a scat, w hen many seats are taken hv small cl did not purchase a ticket, and also the fact that the I'ieturel are pressing us for a settlement with them mi pereenta based on our seating capacity, it has become necessary that every child who takes a seat to buy a ticket, therefore begil day, April 1st. all children not in arms will have to purchi lo get into any performance at this theatre. We trust you will all co-operate with us in this matter, Thanks, THE MANAGEMENT. IT MEANS A LOT mcrrKtowrr. fear tkdnt ivM Yes, when eleclricity goes to work on a farm il makes a lot of difference. It increases the profits of the farm. It makes easy many jobs that were formerly drudgery, and it brings more, comfort and conven ience into the firm home. For example, take only one farm job pumping water and here is a true story. On one farm they used to pump 15,042 gallons of water every year and walk 124 miles to carry it where it was needed. Then they installed an electric pump and water sys tem. Last year they pumped 4,909 gallons more water than ever before and nobody walked a mile to carry it. The pump cost $100 and the electricity to run it cost less than 25c a month. But that In only one use of electricity. There are many, many others all of them labor- and money saving. Plan now to fully electrify your farm and en joy the benefits no other form of energy can give you. (CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY ) if "Lot of truth in that saying! Why is there a lot of truth in the slogan,! Southern Serves the South" ? Because the rails of the 8,000 -mile South Railway System reach into every state, as West Virginia, in all that vast urea east of Mississippi and south of the Ohio and Potw Rivers. And because serve means "to work for; ton mote the interest of; and to aid." The Southern works for the South...by pro' ing a permanent, efficient, economical masstn portation service that can be relied upon kinds of weather.. .to meet the transport needs the South's people, and of its industry, comm and agriculture. It promotes the interests of the Soullu.M couraging new industries, homeseekers.andvi tionists to come here to work and live and pt It aids the South... by providing steady for 50,000 men and women; by paying huge so in taxes that help support schools and other pu services; and! by stimulating trade throupi large-scale purchases of local products. So, there is a lot of truth in that saying. M ...and gladly.. .the "Southern Serves the aoi SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM f.rt,' i

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