U t! MARCH 28, 1946 THE WAYNES VTLLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (First tteetlon) Teams Win W. C. . Basketall Tournanni Bethel emit irls Win ivnesvilie' k Murpny roiirnameiu ketball aveWon-inis ml t, Section !vs and i, both champion- . ... ,.,..! l inn1"11" ,!. "Tuiini.'i- sj.iiisur'(l lV Cam lina n-M ''' mill ,1 must "I the too mlH'li to hi delisting had finish won a i"""" LlllMfl' 1 1 it '2 to neiil Huitfol hands a .0, SJ I'll IIMU. td Hie liilli.'i lm Scale- man'- .Wells pared me I, in anil Carter Murpliy. Waynesville (23) Scales 1 14i Hampton i lUankeiiship i7i Uryson Messer MeliufTcy I'lilllips. lilalock. uliiik. Bumgainer. sulle. Mi C'i .ii ki-ii. (.'rouser. Murphy '17i Green (2 1 Hughes (til Carter IV i McDonald Picklesinier 12) ayiiKin. Murphy. LIMITS lioliliinsville (27i 3i Iluopcr H2) II. Dayton I lOi Millsaps 1 3 1 Jordan (2i !i Wallers i, York. Sutton. ,1. ltohbinsville. M. Ford. Elliott. Sliee- 126) Bethel (43) Wills (18i Ford (10) 2) Ti nil 1 13i Stanley Sorrel Is 1 1 1 City. II. Morrow. Cooper. W. Watson. Ithi'l, Frady, Long. in. Presslcv. '37 Way-ville (22) Caldwell (2) 1 Powers (8) 8' Robinson 1 Shook 181 Messer (2) Ih'C Parker. Wnv- . Rogers. Sheehan, 2. fc' Fines CtTpk (97) McElroy (9) Ferguson 16) Green (8) :i Russell Swanger (4i fhy- Christopher. f'i'k. Evans. M..i H. Green. 2. Bethel (43) Wills (23) Ford (6) Trull U3) Stanley (2i Korrells (li York, Sutton 9 6. 20) Murphy (36) Green (9) Hughes (9) Carter (16) McDonald (2) I'icklcsimer Parker. Mur- fhee, LINEUPS Hiwassee Dam (20) C. Allen (3) Reid (ID E. G. Reid (6) Price Leonard it Hall "a'me. Anderson, 'tatham. Burrell. Havne. Hawkins "cinei (45) West (20) .,.. .. "'utnews (4) Pitts (5) Metealf Howard Ha.;:U -: -: Cook Tat :A"de:son m io. rw" fpatriek. "suurn Pln Creek Q4) 1) .. "ntnam (6) Caldwell r 8) McElrath (l) Jenkins Haynes Bethel High School of Haywood high school basketball plaeyrs w above. First row, leU to right, Metealf, Bill Trull, Carlinr West. right, standing: Juanila Howard, Bunigarner, Agatha Phillips. Sue Frank Sorrels, Charles Ford, Richard Slamcy. Bill Wells. I A. Mcl.ain, left to right, standing: Junior I.aynion, Hubert l'ressley, Harry Owen, Bethel Cagers Make Outstanding Bethel is completing a success- full basketball season, having won the tournament at American Enka and Western) Carolina Teachers college. For the season Bill Trull was captain of the hoys team, wnne Carline West was captain of the girl's team. At the Western Carolina Teach ers tournament, neiiiei nan iu bovs on the all-tournament team. Bill Wells and Bill Trull. Wells was named the most valu able player in the tournament, while Trull was declared (he best sport. For the girl's division, Carline West was named as the best sport, and three Bethel girls were named on the tournament first team Carline West, Vera Farmer and Edith Metealf. Gay Chambers is coach of the girls team, while 1. A. Mcl.ain is coach of the boys team. W. 1'. Whitesides is principal of the school. The W. C. T. C. all-tournament teams are as follows: Boys First team Wells of Bethel and Carter of Murphy, tor- wards; Trull of Bethel, center; and Green of Murphy and Vance of Canton, guards; second team Pressley of Cullowhee and Brown of Bryson City, forwards; I'icklc simer of Murphy, center; and Stamey of Bethel and D. Norton of Cullowhee, guards. Girls First team West of Bethel, Scates of Waynesville and Griffin of Canton, forwards; and Metealf of Bethel, Byron of Way nesville and Farmer of Bethel, guards. Second team Matthews of Bethel, Hampton of Waynesville and K. Reid of Hiwassee Dam. for wards; and Leonard of Iliwassee, Price of Fines Creek and Mehaccy Creek. Price, Noland, Sutton McCrary, Woody, Teague. BACK AT HELM ft v-tfr MAY AT ; J I V1' T iJ - - mj f m 1 1 J 'u tef? Bethel High's Tourney-Winning Cagers County took honors at the American Enka Corporation's tournament for ith both teams u inning championships. Players and officials are shown silling: day C numbers, roach ol girls Irani, Bernice Blaylock, Kilith Shirley Kilpatrirk. IJi tty Matthews, Agnes I'itls. Billy C ark. Betty Sue Hargrove, Margaret Cogburn, Betty Cooke, 't hird row. le I lo right, standing: V. P. Wbitesidrs, principal. Record of Waynesville, guards. Wells of Bethel boys and Bryson of Waynesville girls were named the most valuable players. Out standing spoils were Trull of Bethel boys and West of Bethel fills. Work to Start on Locks of Panama Canal Washington The locks of the Panama Canal have become in adequate to handle the passage of new Navy ships. Hep. Herbert C. Bonner declared in making the recommendation that enlarging of the locks be authorized by Con gress. Bonner has just relurnad from a week's visit in the Canal Zone, where, as chairman of a House merchant marine and fisheries sub committee, he held hearings on problems laced by the governor of the canal. Work had begun before the war on a third set of larger locks, Bon ner said, but was delayed by short ages of equipment and skilled en gineers. Handless Vet Artist Sells Two Paintings Atlantic City, N. J. Lieut. George L. Sharpnack of Sebring, Ohio, who lost his righ arm and left hand when an anti-personnel mine exploded in Germany in 1944, was paid $225 Feb. 28 for two landscapes he painted with a brush affixed to the hook of aii artificial hand. Hospitalized for more than a year Lieutenant Sharpnack, with no previous professional training, painted 30-odd canvases from memory before showing two in the League of South Jersey Artists' exhibit here. Jack Sords Haamhom mbiX aeA& AVAU By If lW Vera Farmer. Second row, left to coach of boys' team. Fourth row, Claude Frady, Henson Long. R o d and Gun By C.F.NK WIRE Warm Weather Whets Fisher men's llrte . . . With warm spells whetting the fishing urge, pros pects for the state's biggest sport fishing season is marked by the early rush of fishermen to their favorite lakes and streams in North Carolina. From the mountains to the sea encouraging catches of large mouth bass, perch, crappie, bream, stripers, and shad forecast an early season. Generally speaking, fresh water fishing in the state starts in Febru ary in warm waters around South port and Wilmington, progressing steadily westward with lop season around Alarch, April and May. Channel bass usually begin run ning in April and May at Oregon Inlet, passing the point at Cape Hatteras, and though the regular season on fhese copper colored warriors is almost a month away, some good catches have been re ported by early fishermen. Meanwhile from Hayesville comes reports of excellent fishing on Lake Chatuge for the past three weeks. Similar reports from Iliwas see, Santeetlah, Nantahala and Fontana Lakes give indications that all the TVA impoundments, which incidentlly are open to year round fishing, are supporting good catches. In the eastern inland waters they're shoving off for Lake Phelps. East Lake and Frying Pan and Waccamaw. Covering the Counties . . . Lake by lake and stream by stream the fish and game protectors surveyed the situation during the past week and had the following to say: In Mountain Reeions . . . Robert L. Reid of Swain county said: Per haps we should have waited anoth er year to open Fontana Lake. Most of the fish caught are too small to keep. J. M. Chandler of Madison county: They're catching a few catfish on the French Broad river but ho bass. J. W; Ellis of Mitchell: Fishing has been good de spite high water. Arthur Park of Polk: We expect excellent trout fishing in Polk and Rutherford this season; we've been stocking streams with the best legal-sized fish that we have had in five years. Charles W. Ormand of Rutherford: It looks like Lake Lure is going to be over run with fishermen espe cially during closed season at Lake Adger. Both appear to be support ing good bass fishing for this time of year. FSA Fund Will Not Be Cut By Congress Washington The House has re fused to cut $1,000,000 from the appropriation! for administrative expenses for the Farm Security Administration after a plea by Rep. Harold D. Cooley on behalf of the low-income farmers served by FSA. The attempt to knock $1,000. 000 from FSA's budget, proposed in an amendment by Rep. H. Carl Anderson (R-Minn.) was opposed by Cooley on grounds that the farmers who borrow from FSA are unable to get credit elsewhere. Cooley said he favor balancing the federal budeU.but feels that FSA is "a poor place, to start." Cooley commended the adminis tration of FSA' b Frank Hancock, who retired last fall to retarn to his home in Oxford, N. C. Industrial production dips to lowest level since 1941. Jonathan Creek Fish Story Still Making Sporting Headlines Several weeks ag The Moun taineer published an ac.ount of Wayne Owens skididng off the icy highway into Jonathans Creek. When the car wsa pulled out of the creek a 23'2 inch brown trout was ruughl in the broken headlight. The story was carried in papers throughout the state, and in many sporting magazines. The latest use of the story is being made by United IVcss in a general fishing article concerning various activities of the sport. The United Press writer added some to the story, but anywayv here is the way UP sent it over the wires: "In case you're impaired for some immediate action, take one tip anil leave your car at home. "The way Wayne Owen tells il, the fish are snapping at every thing and anything these days. "Owen should know. Recently his car skidded off the highway into Jonathan creek near Waynes ville. Hp wasn't injured. But when he retrieved bis car he also re trieved a 23' inch brown trout, firmly ensnared on the broken headlight. "That's one method of catching em but Owen's problem now is. will the OPA swallow it when he tries to buy a new car?" Prince Albert SMOKING TOBACCO 15c Tin 10c 25c Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE 2 for 29c Certified 5 Gr. ASPIRIN TABLETS 100's 12c COLD CAPSULES "Kurt-Kole-Kaps" Comp. Treatment fiOe Siie Pepsodent TOOTH PASTE 39c Fresh Flashlight Batteries 7c each 3 for 20c All Metal Workman's LUNCH KIT Complete with VACUUM BOTTLE $1.20 Size L YSOL Full Pint 89c A Complete Line ot Vaccines & Vet. Med icines for Your Lows, liCalTes, Horses, and Stock I 50C Nine Men Are Reclassified This Week Only nine reclassifications were nude during this wcrk by the local draft hoard with 'lie fjllowin three men placed In class 1-A: .lames Wilson McF.lroy, David l!ay Cagle and Wade Harold (iiiy. Placed in class 1-tC w as Theodore Merrell Varner. Placed in class 4 F were T I.. Moore, Handy Wilson Kirkpalriik, and Fletcher Tiantliam. Colli Mined in class '.'.-. was Charles F. Hyatt. Placed ill class 4-A were: Albeit William Arlington and William Lee Allen. Shirt tiou lo industry experts piodue- rise soon. or COLD BIS.COM rORTS The Walgreen Curtis Drug Store THK IIOMK-OWNKD COMMUNITY N in It I Phono f.l.'l I Wonderful Assortment of BEAUTIFUL EASTER CARDS 5c - 10c - 15c - 25c - 50c 750 BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 100's 59c BAYER'S ASPIRIN, 24's 19c $1. ABSORBING JR. $1.25 PERUNA TONIC Full Pint MILK MAGNESIA 19c $:;.oo sss TONIC 5)C IPANA TOOTH 50c VITALIS HAIR (il)r SAL HEPATICA $1.25 S. M. A. MILK 75r DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 42c $1.00 C ARDUI ANACIN TABLETS, 50's 49c $1.25 ANACIN TABLETS, 100's $4.78 '7"Wa B COMPLEX CAPS. 2-100's $2.39 $4.78 "g-In-All" VITAMINS 2-100's $2.39 $1.00 BISODOL POWDER 79c 60c ALKA - SELTZER 49c 125 Ft. Cut-Rite WAX PAPER . .....16c DR. W. KERMIT CHAPMAN DENTIST OFFICE IN BOYD BUILDING PHONE WAYNESVILLE. N. C. SPECIAL Regular 39c Overseas Mailing Boxes Now Only 14c BELKHUDS0N COMPANY "Home of Better Values" Agency Store mum store Dav Phone 32 69c 69c $1.67 PASTE 39c TONIC 39c 49c 94c 89c 83c 363 K 4 KM LEADING BRANDS CIGARETTES Carton of 200 $1.25 ACIDINE POWDER CASCARA PILLS (IIINKI.E) Genuine ANACIN TABLETS !5c Size 13c $1.00 Size PINKHAMS VEG. COMP. 83c Beautiful All-Metal Flashlights With Batteries 89c to $1.49 Genuine Nylon Ladies' Hair Brushes Our Assortment the In Waynesville Best Just Received Dorothy Gray Large Shipment COSMETICS Visit Our Cosmetic Counter Today ELECTRIC HEATING PADS Real Quality Each , Underwriter Guaranteed f.4 - Y D STOMACH I 44c I 100's Size c- . , t : i i V 4 t i f i, met