MARCH 28, 1946 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (First Section? 1 Weds in Tucapau Marriage Announced Weds in Clayton 'J t McKee I To Club Mrs. E. Burnette Given Shower By Joint Hostesses Mrs. B. R. Hundley and Mrs. James Medford were joint hos tesses on Tuesday evening of a miscellaneous shower honoring i -ub"'l! ih',. "t.u I that , J jUniS 1 ' '' '.hr U'.itnl States . ;aW:3i ,'. 1(111K.S. with ' , o'tlier in I Timi .: . wkmm M I I'll. u Im'H Jllll it uorkmK out I ,,,,11,111 and , in. ril "I' tl' lias come, the world dam as one ulilimi-. JT I Ami' ') " atiu' I'm- hi control mii-l have ,u,r. uc must mi' laws wo i e a world Mill' 111 , hrlnM' ,! I' -lie H'I! Ml) the At- Ihe alomic mi is t irmly ai of what tinl out. as lor a united SIU' Mir 1 stressed the ami Hie kinship h X ill vv tiicll imist Ihe world from hraleillx defrnd Ihal she felt the represented MRS. CLARENCE 11ARTFOHO HLACKWELL, whose marriage to Mr. Blackwell, of Tucapau, S. C, is the former Miss Reba Lucindcr Sut ton, daughter of Mrs. Bert Hensley and the lates James Sutton of Dillsboro. Mr. Blackwell holds a position with the Startcx Mills, of Tucapau, and the couple will make their home in Tucapau. The wed ding was solemnized on March 14 in the parsonage of Tucapau. Civic League To Hold Special Meeting On Wednesday, April 3rd The Waynrsville Civic League will hold a special meeting next Wednesday evening at the home of the president, Mrs. Rufus I.. Allen. All members are urged to he present at the meeting. Inulueed by who was in am for the her talk. Mi's Cornelia miaii of music, pre Kreile'iik Marx, who Amrnran compositions O Dry Those Tears." )i'l Hiree; "Memory. Can: anil "Lullaby," N! WHO SUFFER RY MISERY OF FLASHES liini'linnal "middle-age iilinr In women causes jet Jmm lint flushes, ner- irrn .1 iMlily - - try 1am Pmkli.iin's Vegetable to ri-lirvr Mich symptoms. Cuiivi.iinid is one of the i nu'dirmi'.s for this pur- fa siaiicl .stomachic tonicl by Cyril Scott. She was acconi paned by Mrs. Nixon. During the business session it was decided to offer two prizes this year in the annual reading contest to be held for the girls of the high school on April 25. An nouncement was made that Mrs. M. G. Stanley had been appointed by the high school to aid the club chairman of education in the con test. Mrs. Frank Ferguson, chairman of the Tuberculosis Christmas Seals reported that the total amount of the sales had reached $010.35. She also told of work being done with the money with the health department. A social hour followed adjourn ment with Mrs. Grover Davis, Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Frank Ferguson as hostesses. Yankee military occupants of Japan have taught the Nips to keep fish in irrigated rice paddies, rais ing two crops where one once grew. tan Qnd suddenly its' 7enniiic ;verY 9M's favorite! Wear it buttoned up ... or sud- I0" y pusl1 Ke beeves elbow high open the necVr-and JOU've struct x. , .. -tl - nore in a carerree mooai na 91 '' "de in BIG only . . . for that casual lookl 0U " 've 'he $oth touch of this glowing fabric. Lu- ?he TOGGERY Mrs. Eldon Burnette who, before her recent marriag was Miss Blanche Cody. The affair was given at the Hundley residence on Welch street. The bridal motif was used in the appointments and arrangements of white flowers added a decorative note to the rooms. Mrs. Burnette was the recipient of many lovely and useful gifts. The guest list included: Miss Freida Tcague, Miss Ruth Furness, Mrs. Virginia Patterson, Miss Rufina Bright, Miss ICdna Bright, Miss Eleanor Rush. Miss Elaine Rush, Miss Lois Morgan, Miss Betty Joyce Morgan, Mis Lucy Ashe, Miss Jane Ferguson, Miss Geraldine Parris, Miss Norman Cabe, Miss Emily Pressley, Mrs. Lura Kerley, Miss Willie Mae Cope and Miss Susie David. Haywood Chapter UDC To Meet With Mrs. Jimmie Boyd The Haywood Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy will hold their regular April meeting on Friday afternoon, the ftth, with the president, Mrs. Jim mie Boyd. Mrs. C. F. Kirkpatrick will have the paper for the afternoon and her subject will be on the North Carolina Officers in the Confeder ate Army. Members are asked to assemble at 3:30 o'clock the hour of meet ing from now on through the clos ing month of the current year. Mr. and Mrs. Sprinkles Give Party for Daughter On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Sprinkles of East Waynesville, were hosts of a party in honor of their one-year-old daughter, Sandra. A feature of the affair was the cutting of the birth day cake. Those present were: Pauline and Phylis Underwood, Joe David and Barbara Fisk, Ralph, Jr., and Joe David Ford. Donnie and Michael Lealherwood, Joe Wayne Sutton. Georgie Ledford and Jimmie Duckett. Also attending the afafir were Mrs. George Sisk, Mrs. James Everette Underwood, Irving Leath erwood, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sutton, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ford. Methodist Circles Will Meet Tuesday The circles of the Woman's So ciety of Christian Service of the First Methodist church will meet on Tuesday, April 2nd, as follows: Circle number one with Mrs. E. B. McClure at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Circle number two with Mrs. Paul W. Townsend at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Circle number three with Mrs. Jack Way at 3:00 o'clock in the aft ernoon. Circle number four with Mrs J. C. Crouser at 7:30 o'clock in the evening. Circle number five with Mrs. Herbert Brarcn at 7:30 in the evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, of Hazelwood. spent Sunday visiting friends in Hendersonville. Mrs. Keith Cooper of Greens boro, is spending some time in Hazelwood with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Greer. She was joined last week by her husband who spent a few days here. XmX, -eMm MRS. ELDON BURNETTE, who before her marriage on March 3, at the home of the Rev. Howard Hall, pastor of the Bethel Baptist church. The bridegroom, a dis charged veteran is employed al the Ainerii 111 Enka Corporation. The couple are making their home for the present at Canton, Route 2. Mrs. Thad Chalin Will Be Hostess Of April UDC Meet The llawood Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confed eracy will bold (heir regular monthly iiiecliiu; on Friday, the Tilli, with Mrs. Thad Chalin at her home in the I'aimcu section, with Mrs. Jiiiiiuie lio.wl, president, pie siding. Mrs. W. A lhalt will have the paper of the alternoon. Her sub ject will lie "Outstanding North Carolina OH'uers of the Confeder ate Army 111 the War Between the Stales." All members hie urged to at tend the meeting'. Library Notes MARGARET JOHNSTON County Librarian Gardening "In my garden 1 spend my days. In my library I spend my nights. My interests are divided between my geraniums anil my books." Alexander Smith. Among the books of special in terest that may be borrowed from the Haywood County Library on the subject of Food are: "Vegeta ble Gardening in Color," Foley: "Food Garden." Blair; "Home Veg etable Gardening," Nissley; "How lo Grow Vegetables and Berries." Kriiiin; "Fruits for the Home Gar den." Hedriek; "Southern Vegeta ble Crops." Ware. Among the bonks which those who love flowers will find interest and informal ion now on the shelves of the county library (when they are mi are: "Annual Flowers." ,1 e n k i u s; "Perennials Preferred," Wilson: "Enjoy Your House Plants." Jen kins; "House .and Garden's Book of Gardening, "Wrighl; "How lo Know Spring Flowers." Cut belt; "Book of Garden Flowers," McKcnny; "Wild Flowers," House. Home Clubs To Study The Care Of Machines The Haywood County Home Demonstration clubs will studv "Care of Sewing Machine" during the month of April. The schedule of meetings for the first two weeks of the month has been announced as follows by the home agents. Miss Mary Margaret Smith and Miss Helen Smith: Beaverdam club at 2:00 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, April 2nd. willi Mrs. Mark Swaim; Allen's Creek club with Mrs. C. L. Allen on Wednesday. April 3rd, at 2:00 o'clock; Dell wood club with Mrs. Lee Evans on Thursday afternoon. April 4Ui, at 2:00 o'clock; Jonathan club witn Mrs. tail Messer on Friday afternoon, April 5th, at 2:00 o'clock. Morning Star club with Mrs. Ed Harkins, on Monday, April 8lh. at 2:00 o'clock; Maple Grove club with Mrs. Joe Liner on Tuesday, April 9th, at 2:00 o'clock; Fines Creek club with Mrs. F. L. SalTord at 10:30 Thursday morning, April Uth; Iron-Duff club with Mrs. I. L. Williamson, on Friday afternoon April 12th. at 2:00 o'clock; RatclilT Cove club with Mrs. Woody Jones on Monday afternoon, April 15th, at 2:00 o'clock. s N I S sX s ( s " c fis vJ 1 LIU. . . :! Eastern Star To Install Officers Thursday, April 4 The Waynesville Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star will bold their annual installation of officers on next Thursday overling at 7:30 o'clock in the Masonic Hall over Hie First National Bank. Following the installation ceremony, the Worthy Matron will iuml a lnii meeting. ST. JOHN'S HIGH SCHOOLERS VISIT IS1I.I MOKE EST ATI'. On Tuesday, March 2(i, the stu dents of St. John's High School spent the day al the Biltniore House and Gardens, Bill more. The students were accompanied by Rev. Hugh P. Kennedy, Sister Cortlea and Sister Alcuin. Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Wililamson attended a wedding of their nephew in Columbia on Monday night. They returned home Tues day. Mrs. Claude Shipley left during the week-end for an extended visit lo friends and relatives in John son City. She was accompanied b her son, Joe Shipley, who returned Sunday night, Miss Louise Martin, student al the Woman's College of Ihe Uni versity of North Carolina, arrived last night to spend the spring vaca tions here with her mother, Mrs. O. R. Martin. Miss Jane Stentz, of Shelby, will arrive tomorrow to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. I'. Swift and her sister-in-law, Mrs. David Stentz. Miss Stent, former ly resided in Waynesville and lias many friends in this area. Miss Martha Mae and Miss Jane Wychc, daughters of Mrs. Troy Wyche. who are attending the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina, arrived on Wednesday to spend the spring vacations here with their niol her. Miss Martha Mae Wyche is .1 mem her of the junior class and her sisler a member of the freshman class. Miss Rosemary Herman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Herman arrived last night from Greensboro and will spend the spring vaealions, after which she will resume her work at the Woman's College. Our Suggestion Right Now Is To KEEP 13? TOUCH WITH US We know the uncertainty that maintains now is discouraging to builders, and you may feel a hesitancy in continuing to call us about materials re ceived. But we want you to keep in touch with us regularly with the assurance that we are interested and want to assist you in every way possible. Only by keeping in touch with us can wc uupply you with your share as deliveries are received. Builders Supply Co o HARRY LEE LINER, JR., Mgr. Phone 157 Water Street i MRS. JAMES LF.WIS MORROW, who before her marriage in Clay ton, Ga., on Wednesday, February 1!7. was Miss F.unice Kliabelh Hose, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hose, of Waynesville. Route 1!. Mr. Morrow , a veteran of World War II. served in the Ktiropcan Hiealer for 111 months. Mrs. .1. M. Queen Honors Mother On 112nd Birthday Mi s John M. Cviiccu v a . busies-, of .1 luncheon on S.ilurd.v al hi r home in observance ol I In' .''.'lid birllid iy aniiiv ersjrv ol hoi mother. Mrs. Man 0:1 1). Shook, of Ashev ille. I he luncheon table was cenli-i ol Willi an arrangement of llovveis ill lo Mrs. Shook from one of her granddaughters who resides in ( '.'lifiirnia. Mrs. Shook, who is the widow ol the late Mr. Shook of West Ashe- illf. spends several months each car wilh her daughter and son 111 law here ami has made many friends during her visils. She was the recipient of many gills and messages from her family and friends on the occasion of her b'nl Inlay anniversary. Those united lo Ihe luncheon were: Mrs. John K. Boone. Mrs. Herbert West, Mrs. I!. II. Black well. Mrs. Will Shollon. Mrs, T. N. Massie. Mrs. Felix Alley. Mrs, .1 Howell Way, and two daughters of Mrs Shook, Mrs. Roy Brown and Mrs. Fred Brown, of Ashev ille. Miss Ida Lou Gibson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gibson, who is a student at Montreal Junior College, spent Ihe week-end hiue w ith her parents. Miss Gibson had as her guests, Miss Belly . 1 1 k i 1 1 . , Miss Mozelle Atkins, and Miss Florence Buokner, all of Marion and classmates. j : y I necked . . . fits you lo a "T"! Thc fill T7 TT A darling of Ihe year it I j II V, dances ... it sings! You'll I " . fiis you lo a "T"l The darling of Ihe year it dances ... it sings! You'll love the bullons marching up ihe back the winged sleeves and the swing ing pleated skirt. For day time fo date-time . . . it's strictly upper class! Sizes 9 lo 15. The TOGGERY W. Hl';il MASS IK, Owner wHTl t ' h W W Tb; - Ml- 1 fslf 11 Modem lining loom Suit For Modern Living - 9 Pieces 2 Styles in Beautiful Walnut - Priced Reasonably nnonncing i Hew Deparimenl Paints In Our New Department W e Carry Complete Line Of Weatherills Atlas Ready-Mixed Paints OUTSIDK AND INSIDE PAINTS VARNISHES STAINS V-t Pints Pints Quarts and Gallons Guaranteed Complete Satisfaction Massie Furniture Company P 1 0: 'ft W. HUGH MASSIE, Owner