11 r PAGE FOUR (Second Section) THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER FRIDAY GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUND AT THE CHURCHES BETHEL AND SPRING HILL BAPTIST ClifRCMES J. Howard Hall, pastor. Bethel Sunday school, with I. A. McLain, supcriiUfiK-dnt , meets ;it 10 o'clock. At the 11 o'clock wor ship period the paster will have as his subject "The Blcfsi-d Hope.'' Our Training Crion, . h .'olm W. Sloan director will -meet at 7:30 o'clock. Classes tor all from the Story Hour i.irou: !i Hie A.'uiil Union. Yeu are invited to atli'ini this fine hour and take pirl w'o. us. On Wednesday nit;I.t at 8:110 we shall meet fur choir practice and the study of Clod'.- vyon, from chapter (j in the Kevi latk'ti. Spring Hill Sunday school, with George Hcnson, sma .' ..n. 'ulent , meets at S) : r 0 o'clock. We are plad to note the increase in atiendance and interest. Let's make it 200 for noNt Sunday. Our Training t nion. with Robert Clark, director, will meet also at I 7 .10 o'clock The Intermediate-, I will cjvc the a ;emhly priiyiam Sunday nielli. The pastor will have as Ins subject "The Order of the I'lan of Christ's Coning.'' Come and brine a fricrd. On Thursday nielit at 8.00 w rhall have for our study the sixth chapter of the Kev c -I. it 'on. We are finding Ibis ureal book of Cod's Word a wonderful studv. Brine, your Bible ami join lis in this itudy. JI N AM'SK A Ml TIIODIST ( lll'KCli Cecil I., lleckard, pastor. Church school will open at P 4f a. in. with Mr. Hessie Terrell, the general supci intentlent . roiid.ictiin; the opening worship -er ieo. The pastor v ill pr- .i: !, .1 11 e:i o'clock. The music at his service will be arranged by "M' Charles Klopp. The young people v.i'l meet at 7:lr with Miss Kmily .ie( 'i'a( ken leading (he youth in their wnr.sh.ip The Weslcyan SiTvii-e C.i'1,1 w'll leect Fridav evening. June '.'., at the home of M. s. John Hei". es Roy Scout Court of Honor will meet at the church Monday eve ning, the IMth. at 7:110. MAPLE GROVE BAPTIST CIll'RCH Stamcy Cove Road Rev. George Ingle, p;..-tor. Sunday selmol meets al 10 00 o'clock, with Ralph Chas. Rogers, .superintendent, in charge. The pastor will preach at 11:00 o'clock and at Sunny Point at 7:30 o'clock. Thursday at 7:.!0 the R. A.'s will meet, with Jarre- M.-",ils in charge. The C. A.'s will meet at the home of Mrs. T. K. Shook Tlniisday at 7:30 o'ciok. CRABTPEE METHODIST C HARCE Mrs. C. O. Nt pastor. Services at Fiucher'-. Chape) Sunday morning will be in keep:'ig with Fathers Day. Caocb school at 10 o'clock. V J. McCary. siiT intendei.t. Afternoon services at Davis Chapel at 2:30 o'cl...-k. M. Y. F. at Eir.tln-r's C hnp.-l at 7:30 o'clock. The Vacation Church school be Ran al Davis Chapr! Wednesday, June 12. Miss Marion Watkins o!' Albemarle, is as-is:,iig the pastor and local helpers jr. this school. The Vacation school lu-;:; . al Mi Zion the same day at 2 30 o'clock in the afternoon. HAZEIAVO.ll) PRESBV I'FKIAN CHI KCil Rpv S R. Croci.ett. Pastor The pastor vv,!i i:ea.ii .Siin.iav rnoining on the -iiieet. "H" Walk ed in the Way o: His Father" There will be no preaching ser vice at night. Sunday School , 0 4."). Law son Summer row . Superintendent Pioneers meet a! 7.00 i. m Sunday. Prayer meeting Wednesday al 8:00 p rn. Drs. SEAVER and LOCKARD OPTOMETRISTS Will Open Offices Friday, June 21st First Floor . . . Masonic Building Eyes Examined - - - Glasses-Fitted Contact Lenses Fitted FRIDAY EACH WEEK 0:00 TO 5:00 H. M. SEAVER, O. D. GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH ltcv. Kob!. Ci. Tatum, rector. Holy Communion at 8:00 a. in. Church school at !).:) a. m. Holy conn.-vmion and sermon at 11 Oil a. in. Young People's service and cru saders al ti'TiO p. m. in ly cemvuiniou - St. Harnabas' Day, Monday at 8 110 a. m. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The cimrch rooms are located on the second floor of the Masonic n .i:ple Services are held each Su.-day morning at II o'clock. The subject for next Sunday will be 'aid the Preserver of Man" and the Cold, n Text will he taken from I'-alms 40:11, ' Withhold not thy tender mercies from me, O Lord; let liiy lining kindness and thy truth continually preserve me." FIRST ML I IIOIIIS I CIll'RCH liev. Paul Townsciid. Pastor Church se-.iool opens with wor ship s,iees ;,l 10.00 o'clock Cia-scs begin al 10 15 with M. 11 i'.tei lev .iperintetidenl '-.miilav minimi', worship ser vices .a I I no a. m l t bis ser v,ee Father s i.iy will be observed, with the sermon by Ihe pastor. Mrs i; ( ' I rene 1 1 . i -. been nam ed director ol the Youth Work ill (he church and also as church -ec . e ' ,11 v I he p.i- lol (eels ( bat : Me ( on; regal am is lol l u mile in 111111111: Mrs Irene and is asking I ha! she be given cooperation for I lie yi mm; people s work. A rich ,U'd vaiiod proeram has been plan ned for the groiii. The Methodist Youth Fellowship v ill meet al 7-ini p in. A special -i-rv ee will he con ilucled al H 00 o elock Sunday even in:', with Joe Fnierson Hose as so-loi-l and there will be a special int bom sung by a men's chorus. The publk is cordially united to attend The Vacation llible School begins on Monday . June 171b. I i R.s I' BAi'TIST ( lll'RC H I.. C Elliott. Pastor Sunday School al !):4a. Earl Messei . superintendent; Hen Phil lies, associate superintendent. The :,.-i. era! h s.-on topic for June Hi is "Siiai iug Jesus' Kingdom Pur- . .OS' - . Morning worship at 11 o'clock The pastor s sermon subject will be "( oid s ( ail To Fathers." Training I'moii meets at 7:00 o'i lock audor the general direc tion of Mi.-s 'latsie Freeman and ;:, mile! t lialenline. WE NEED VOL'. Vacation liible School Com-i.H-neemeni al I! o'clock. Mid-week worship service Wed nesday nii'h1 at (3 o'clock. We cordially invite you to wor ship with us al these services, lie sine iO go to church somewhere every Sunday. C I.YD1. AII.TIIDOIST C.ML'RCH CI;, ile O .Newell, minister. The Sunday school meets at 10 "' lock, Mr. Ciady Rogers, super-i:-iend- nf. Preaching every Sunday al 11:00 a. m. an,! K.00 p. m. The M. Y. I', meets at 7.00 p. m. each Sunday. The Sunday school meets at 9:45 at Louisa Chapel, Mr. Levi Mor gan, .superintendent. I'hi' M. Y. F. meets at 6:45 p. m. each Sunday. Preaching each second Sunday a' M a. m. and fourth Sunday at IM'O p. m. Nel Sunday is Father's Day and the pastor plans to preach at 11 o clock al Clyde church using as hi. tonic "Fat hers Ohallcnerd." All the fathers and adult men of our 'inn cii and Sunday school are urged to attend both the Sundav i school and preaching services, and I I! KING HIS FAMILY WITH HIM. Ill a father is the "head of the I house" he should show it in relig ious matters at home and in nuhlic ; word.! p. On this day that we seek 1 to honor our fathers let every 'father set an honorable example. The older group of M. Y. F. is expelled to be organized at 7:00 JOHN C. LOCKARD, O D. Learning About m I "When ye pray, use not vain repetition .as the heathen do." sanl Jesus, "after 11ns manner therefore may ye "Our Fa ther which ail in heaven, hallovved be .Thy naiuu " The Everyday KLV. IIUKHKKT "Men don't as otlcn die of dis ease, a-, of internal oiubu -I ion." ipiotcd a reader lo me the oilier dav. I don't know bis authority, but his though! is good. We were speaking of the death of a mutual friend w ho had rcccnlly succumbed lo a heart attack in (he prime of life. While v e don'l exaellv know what he met nl by "internal com bustion," we can make a good guess - the wear and tear of worry , anx iety, fear and anger. The world seems lo have become one great grab bag from which every one seems to be trying fever ishly lo seize for himself, all that he can. Selfish ness looms large, while faith ami trust d vv i 11 d 1 e away. Jesus came into a quarreling, sel fish and suspic ious world. He came with a new message of love and understanding. He offered His life in one great demonstration of the love of God. He made the perfect sacrifice for the penalty of sin. He opened the gates of God's love, mercy and eternal power to all who would enter in. There have men seemed to been catch t imcs a new when vision Vacation Bible School Starts At Long's Chapel A Vacation Bible school will be conducted al Long's Chapel Metho dist church. Lake Junaluska, slarl ing on Monday, the 17lh, accord ing (o those in charge. The classes will stall al H45 and continue through li :i(). Those who will leach the school, according to deparl inenl s will be: beginners, Mrs. John Reeves, Mrs. David Leatherwood, and Miss Helen Dolson. Primary department, Mrs. Cecil Heckard, Mrs, James Kirkpalrick, and Miss Peggy McCracken: Junior department. Mrs. Marshall Kirk palrick. Miss Hetty June Mc Cracken, and Mrs. Flora Ballen gcr; Intermediates, Kev. Cecil Heckard. Bishop (ji-ihhin To Conduct Scrvicfs At Grace Church The Right Reverend Uobci I F. Gribbin, of Ashevillo, bishop of Western North Carolina Episcopal churches will visil Grace Episcopal church here on Sunday lo deliver the morning sermon and to cele brate the Holy Communion. June lfilh is Trinity Sunday and is one of the major festivals of Ihe church year. P. m. The evening worship and sermon will be at 8:00 o'clock. The public is cordially invilcd to attend all our services and par ticipate in them, ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC (TICRCH Schedule of Masses Waynesvillc Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Bryson City Every Sunday . 8:00 A.M. Canton 5th Sunday . 8:00 A.M. Cherokee 3rd Sunday 8:00 A.M. Fontana Village Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Franklin Every Sunday 8:00 A.M. Highlands Every Sunday 11:00 A.M. Murphy First Sunday 8:00 A.M. Sylva Fourth Sunday 8:00 A.M. All gossips understand Russia's suspicions. She thinks America and England have been "secretly married. the Kingdom . JllUjTRATlMNDAY Setting a child m the midst of His dis ciples who disputed as to who should be greatest, Jesus said, "He that is the least among you all, the same shall be great." Counselor ,y SI'AlMiH. I). D. ol die love of God. The Age of Ihe llehu inalion Ihe sixteenth cen tury was notable for lhat when men everywhere' acquired a new consciousness of Clod and His Word, licligion and the llible were Ihe subjects of every-dav talk. It I was an age of progress in the world. These are Ihe days in which many arc praying for a new vision of love in a world torn with war, hale and strife; when legions of hell seem lo be unleashed in all their fury. How can nations he at peace, w hen people are not at peace them- selves'.' nervous w orry , lerrific. I hoiisam What I'he wear and tear on the system caused by fear, inxiety, and suspicion is It is driving countless Is into premature graves, a need to again listen to the on words of the Psalmist, "Wait (he Lord, and He shall strengthen thine heart . . . He that dwellrlh in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty . . . God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Blessed is he who can sav. "The Lord of Hosts is with us." Kdilor's Note: The third print ing of Dr. Spaugh's new book, "The Pathway to Contentment" is now off the press, and orders can he filled. Address it to THE EVERY DAY COUNSELOR, P. O. Box 4145, Charlotte, N. C. Enclose $1. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Bonner Rabh, of Way nesv ille, Route 1, announce the birlh of a daughter on June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Henry norland, of Candler, Route 1. announce the birth of a son on June 8. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Justice, of Waynesvillc, Route 2, announce the birth of a son on June 8. Mr. and Mrs. Dencile Cagle, of llaelvvood, announce the birth of a daughter on June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Gossetl, of Way nesville, announce the birth of a son on June !). Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Biirnelte, ol ( anion, announce the birth of a daughter on June 10. "Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill Haynes. ol Clyde, announce the birth of a son on June 10. Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of Hazolwood, announce the birth of a son on June 1 1. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Czarneekie, of Canton, announce the birth of son on June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kirkpalrick, of Fines Creek, announce the birth of a son on June 11. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gough, of Waynesvillc, announce the birth of a son on June 12. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Francis, of Waynesvillc, Route 1, announce the birth of a son on June 12. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wyatt, of Waynesvillc, Route 2, announce the birth of a son on June 12. Bombs Found in England On Site of U. S. Plaque SOUTHAMPTON, England Two bombs have been discovered here under a gravel path near the Pil grim Fathers' Memorial on the ex act spot where last October, the Mayor of Southampton and a num ber of United States officers stood when a bronze plaque was un veiled to the memory of American fighting men who passed through Southampton Port during World War II. A man told J I Inn. but Jesi and Imi . Is hav hath ii--t v. In .Lurd (The (Soldett (Tcxl feu vk Ssrf Jesus and the child. , "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,o in heaven so on earth."-Matt. 6:10. Learning About the Kingdom 'HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Hy NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Lesson on the above topic for June 16 is Matt. 6:!l-13, Luke 0:18 27, 46-48, 07-62; 11:1-4, 12:1-12; 17:20, 21. the Memory Verse being Matt. 6:10, "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth.") "IT CAM FJ to pass that as He was praying in a certain place, when lie ceased, one of His dis ciples said iinto Him, Lord, teach 113 to pray, as John also taught his disciples." Jesus answered them. "When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth. " "Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive every one that is indebted to us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil." Jesus' prayer is a very simple one, isn't it? We ask that God. our Father's , name be hallowed here 011 earth. That means, if we are sincere in our petition, that we will not blaspheme or take God's name in vain, but will truly ex alt it. We ask for daily bread, not lux uries, only bread that we may live. Comforts that we receive in life are not to be despised, nor even luxuries, but we ask but for what is necessary Then we ask that our sins be forgiven us as we forgive others their sins against us. If we do not freely forgive those y.-ho sin against us, how can we ask that our sins be forgiven? And by for giveness is meant not only lip service saying we forgive, but really overlooking the offense and admitting the offender to the for mer friendship, or, if not that, at least holding no grudge against him. We expect others to forget our transgressions completely, but only can we demand that if we also forget theirs. Finds Them Arguing Jesus had emphasized in His teaching and training of His dis ciples that a life cf service was what He expected of them. "If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." Even so. He found them arguing among them selves as to who would be great est In the kingdom cf heaven It seems impossible that these men who lived with the Lord, saw His self-sacrifice and heard His teaching-, could stoop to so low an Distributed by King Feature Syndlcste. tne. Use The Classified .SjfflffgJ. . esus that he would follow is said. "Foxes have holes nests, but the Son of Man ,.. to lay His head." Our had no home. argument. "And Jesus, perceiving the reasoning of their heart, took a child, and set him by Him, and said unto them, Whosoever shall receive this child in My name re ceiveth Me: for he that is least among you all, the same shall be great." Luke doesn't tell us what the disciples' reaction to this rebuke was, for John changed the subject, according to Luke. The little child, the most helpless and least ego tistical of beings, was used as an illustration of the humility and lack of self-seeking that Jesus ex pected of His friends and the bearers of His gospel. "And it came to pass, that, as they went their way, a certain man said unto Him, Lord, I will follow Thee whithersoever Thou goest. And Jesus said unto him. Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the Son of Man hath not where to lav His head." Jesus had no home. In the In tervals of His travels when He needed rest, there was no where He could go. Nazareth had cast Him out; He had left Capernaum; the Samaritans' refused to re ceive Him. He wanted this man to realize, not Christ's poverty, but the wandering life of self-denial he wculd be forced to lead if he fol lowed the Master. A man Jesus commanded to "Follow Me." said he first must go and bury his father This really meant that his father was old and he did not feel he could leave him until his death. But Jesus told him that his work was to go and preach the gospel, and nothing should come before that duty. Another said, "Lord I will fol low Thee; but let me first go bid them farewell, which are at home in my house," and received the same answer. "No man having put his hand to the plough, and look ing back, .is fit for the kingdom of God." Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God was to come on earth, He answered, "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, be hold, the kingdom of God is with in you." . Those who are attune with the teachings of Jesus, have the king dom of God in themselves, or "amongst them," as the revised version says. So we pray, as Jesus taught us. "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so on earth," and try to so live that we help its coming. I Advertisements ' When the Pharisees demanded to know when the Kingdom of God would com. Jesus answered. "The Kingdom of God within you." MEMORY VERSE Matt. 6 10 Senator Trustee Of Unique School WASHINGTON Senator Elbert I). Thomas (D.-Utah), has been tion named a trustee of the Romford School to be opened next Septem ber at Washington, Conn. An unique feature of the school will be an opportunity to live with 15 of the nation's leaders each year. Fifteen men, Sen. Thomas among them, have accepted invita tions to spend two weeks each as residents there. "There is an inspiration to be gained from contacts wdth import ant people," Senator Thomas told a reporter. "This school therefore will serve a certain purpose, though, after all, there is nothing like the public school." DINE AT THE CHICKEN m O STEAKS ( O CHICKEN IN THE RO BEER SERVED ONLY WITH MEALS CHICKEN SHI Dellwood Road Limited Number S of Full Paid Stock 0 3 InterestP (This is the Current 0 See Our Secretary Details HAYWOOD H0 Building and W ASSOCIATE, Phon 17 Methodist onauct V Bible SchJ A , ('"IUllll 1, rluin 1, mem 1a I im im 1 Tl.c ,. Mumij. and c,,,. The II 3u , the ,1:;:, gllllllT. 1'art mi (lay s( ., to allrn, Bulgarian Go suppresses S()Kl.wTht ""'"I lm ,u,, "''I Puny ,1 ,w month- mi th was "- -!,,,, IK3IIM 'h i-. 11 !. y.nm Lemon Juice ft Rheumatic Pi 1. . mrir-fr.'ivr ... ' , J"- i.n' s , " Comp.-ur. J, a . II u.:l. . luirc ,. t - .. ' and rv. 1- , . Uhr.-r ..I;! ... .... ' . U-lb :, 4, 1 , n,tL. - .-...j If ' r- I, and ,1 v ; n '' 'J I.-; lv 1 .1 lute r. '., Compou-.J 11 1., Smith's Cut M

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