UeiUj" THE WAYNESYILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE TFIrt StctionJ ueil Gives Weds In Clayton Iti a,,dr 1 k: 1 r t M r ! In 111 ' ' IT II Mil"' ' of V-il:-,ii:M li: ,, mini., uiiiitiei ul Mi Antiques ; CUI'I"'.!"1". ('"''" ian sala-. l'lck.-. lirrur Ki.uni"-. iIkiiu' all) nu;j StiTi-l uiiullc. V MRS CHARLES RIClIARn 1IAYNES, who before her marriage 10 sgl. Hayncs on June 1. in Clay t,.K C:i was the former Miss Margaret Kirkpatriek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kirkpatriek of Waynesvillc. Hugh Compton, who has been a .student at State College, has arrived to spend the summer months with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I'. Compton. Miss Bobbie Seales who has hern residing in Norfolk, Va., for the past several months, spent last week in Haaelwood witli her moth er, Mrs. Maude Scates, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Iienfield and daughter. Barbara, of I.enoir, spent the week-end in Hazelwood with I lie hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert McElroy. Doll' Marie Kicnast, granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. I.ilius left during the week for Jacksonville, l'la., after .spending the winter here, where she attended St. John's School. Arrived . . . 400 PAIRS Of klon Hose i those who hold register limbers from 926 to 1140 and from 1 to 200 wr ive-ist ration book on Number 1140, and :k hack again giving the second pair to 6.'i:Tnl earlv. The hrst 200 who registered their second pair awaiting them. Prominent Author And Minister Will Speak On Sunday (Continued From Page One) before accepting his present posi tion. In addition to his pastorate at Charlotte, Dr. Jordan served as pastor at Black Mountain, Chestnut Street, Ashcville; College Place. Greensboro; Dilworth, Charlotte Wesley Memorial, High Point, and Centenary, Winston-Salem. A native of Kinston, North Caro lina, Dr. Jordan graduated from Trinity College in 1917. He holds thp B. D. degree from Emorv, A. M. from Yale and D. D. from Duke. i In 1937 he was one of seven dele gates of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, to the World Con ference on Faith and Order in Edinburgh, Scotland. In the same year he also attended the World Conference on Life and Work at Oxford, England, as associate dele gate. Dr. Jordan has written a number of books including "What Is Yours'.''' "The Intolerance of Chris tianity," "Intimate Interests ol Youth," "Courage That Propels," "We Face Calvary and Life," "Ad ventures in Radiant Living," "Why the Cross," and "Look At The Stars'." In addition, he has contributed lo "After Pentecost What''" "These Prophetic Voices," and "The Spirit ual Diary." He has been contribut ing editor to "Through the Bible' and has also written for Christian Century, Christian Century Pulpit Church Literature, Church Man agement, Christian Advocate, Up per Room, and Evangelism in the Sunday School. Under the direction of the Rev. Hoover Rupert of the Youth De partment of the Methodist Board of Education, Nashville, Tenn., a Youth Caravan Training Center is in session here with more than 100 young people from nine south ern states attending. Other events of the third week of the Lake Junaluska season in clude addresses by the Rev. Fletch er Nelson, First Methodist Church, Morganton: the Rev. Grady Hardin, Black Mountain; and Dean P. E. Lindley, High Point Colelge, High Point. To Wed On Saturday, June 22nd fee sw I v r Vi"' 'tfl 1 Leopard-Moody Trial Scheduled For Next Week The condition of Henry Leopard, who was alleged to have been shot by Everett Moody last Sunday eve ning, as the former was entering the Moody home after he had been denied entrance by the owner, is reported to be improving. It was reported at the time of the shooting that Leopard had jumped on Thurman Moody, father of Everett Moody, and the latter had demanded that Leopard leave him alone. Leopard is said to have started into the house of Moody, daring him to fire at him, when the latter shot at him. Moody came into the sheriff's of fice and gave himself up after Leopard was taken to the hospital for treatment. He made bond for $1,500. The ease is scheduled to be tried sometime next week in magistrate's court, pending the condition of Leopard. Safe MISS RUBY FRANCES BROWN, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Colvin Brown, whose engagement to Bernard Otlway Burton, of Asheboro, has been announced by her parents. Miss Brown and Mr. Burton will be married here in the First Baptist church on Saturday. June 212. Miss Brown, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, where she majored in journalism, has held a position with the Oreensboro Daily News following her graduation from the University a lew months ago. Mr. Burton, a practicing attorney of Asheboro, is a graduate of the Schools of Commerce and Law of the University of North Carolina. Polio Ruling Not To Affect Campers (Continued From Page One) Most of the camps have sulli cient time before their opening dales for their respective campers to lake advantage of two weeks Stage Group To Play Here (Continued From Page One) by the Chamber of Commerce in the interest of belter summer en tertainment. An advisory commit tee in charge of public relations is composed of the following: Mrs. Jonathan Woody. Mrs. John Tay lor, and Mrs T Lenoir (iwyn, Mrs Chas. E. Ray, Mrs Ben Colkitt. Mrs V F. Swill. Mrs. Jimmy Boyd. Mrs R. K. Campbell. L. K Sims. Paul Davis. James 1, Kirk patriek. C. N. Allen. Paul McF.lroy. William Mcdford and James W Reed. Jr. A meeting of the advisory hoard has been called tonight at H p. in at the ollice of the Chamber of Commerce by Paul McElroy, chair man, at which time all members ;.ie expected to be present. Auction Of entire stock of machinery, tools, supplies, along with stock of merch andise of the . . . WOOD ARTS CO. Saturday, June 15, at 3:00 Waynesvillc, N. C. Your Price Will Bo Our Price. Sale Rain or Shine. Hit) Hardwood turned doll lie types . . . Flowered Moll l'ei Moll Chairs. Stools. Settees artistically designed and well Is Several hundred other I .Mattresses. TOT Chairs, and Other Toys ... All made, to lie sold in lots to ide V5 been nut ' " lister mimbc u 1 1 10 ami I TO l'l'P IX kc,'l them iven ''kj tor Vrtti H"ve Only ,i00 Pairg And Are 0ny LeUing le5t APl'!y on the Registered List. e TOGGERY w- HUGH MASSIE ISH'T IT WONDERFUL HAVING A MAN IN THE HOUSE AGAIN FOR DAD SHAVING SETS RAINCOATS SPORT COATS TIES BELTS SUSPENDERS ) Qjtn)ooto, ) Wnncvillf. Cton. Brfvnrdn.t. M niaindcr of this year. quarantine and be eligible to at tend the camp when it opens. In the ease ol Camp .lunaluska where the students come from around 2H stales, there will be Or. I. O. Schaub, director if the tune enough for all those who j stale College Extension Service, come train polio intcclcd areas to j says thai there is no prospect of be quarantined for the designated 1 enough food to meet either world two weeks, it was le.u ned from ! demand or need during the re- Mlss McCoy who gives June !! the opening day of camp l)i . Uc.wmUK stale health ollieer. has explained that persons wishing In lake advantage of this provision j would have to make arrangements personally with the camp or school which they propose to attend. The health ollieer said he deem ed i! "wise to advise that I'lorida children under Mi not be allowed to eiuiie to North Carolina in order lo avoid possible exposure not only to children who are residents of this stale but those who may have come to North Carolina from .sec tions thai are free from infection." New licKiilalions The regulation adopted by the slate board yesterday said: , Children under Mi years of aL!e friini any area within, or out side ul Noi l 1 1 Carolina that is de railed by the Ninth Carolina slate health nllieer to he a poliomyelitis epidemic area, or all area where spread of that infection is impend inu. in lh' opinion ol the North Carolina slale health ollieer. shall be required to undergo a 14-day period ol qii.ii ant ine in an area .'egi-egalcd Irom hotels, tourist , summer gathering Athletes Fool Itch HOW TO STOP IT Make .r-Minule Test THATING fungicide FULL U -(let TE-OI, at any drug store. Ap plv this POWERFUL PENETRAT ING fungicide FULL STRENGTH. Reaches MORE germs to KILL the it eh. Get NEW foot comfort or your ilic back. wholesalers ami retailers. de.- 1 lust ess several 1 ;igied ; 1 rays kinds. I linished TKAYS . -jjhiss Tarty tray: l'.cd trays, H-glasa SeivitiR trays of Some 1111 NT CLOTH . . . Dress Patterns of 1 yards or more; Cotton Prints, Shirtinjr, tjiiilt scraps, Apron cuts. Also, a Style No. tU) heavy duty overlapping MKKHOW KLKCTKIC SKW'INC MAC1IINK . . . Many small items of interest to the local ladies and children will be sold for any price they are hid. Small MACHINKUY, such as Drill Press, Table Saws. Sanding Disks, Screw Presses, Wood Clue Clamps, Spray Outfit, KLKCTKIC MOTORS, V-Pullcys, Small Klectric Driven Motor Machines, Heavy Duty Plow Torches, Electric Switch P.oxes, and all appliances . . . 50 or more Cross of Screws, Nails, Paint, Varnish, Lacquer, Stain, both Liquid and Minerals, Clue, both Hot and Cold types, Turnings, some $50.00 to if 100.00 worth of Hardwood dowels (Factory Type) Lumber, Tables, Pouches, etc. Small Tools and Gadgets. FREE CASH PRIZES MKDFOKI) LKATIIEItWOOl), Auctioneer ( ainps, Minimei schools camps or other public plat e ' 2. Summer camps, summer m boo!-., or oilier public eslablish iim nl shall be pel mil led lo admit i lesnleuls from such an epidemic aiea without observing a quaran tine pi nod provided Ihal admis sions In such establishments are eonlined lo residents lioin Ihe ( pi- ' deniic an a; and lurther provided that such establishments remain under quarantine for a period lo include two weeks alter the last resident from such an area has ' arrived. i '".'i. The above prohibition shall not apply to out -ol -si ate residents having private homes in North : Carolina provided tli.it any such ! child under Mi years of age of such resident shall undergo a 14-day period of quaran! ine on their pi onuses alter leav ing the epidemic area.'' 1 Reynolds Statement Dr. Reynolds said in a statement made after the hoard acted said: "II is d' emed wise lo advise that I'lorida children under Mi mil be allowed lo come lo North Carolina in order to avoid possible exposure ' not. only of children who are resi dents of this slate but those who I may have come into North Carolina j from sections that are free from in fection. I 'Should children from Florida I be allowed to come to North Caro I lina, arrangements should be made . in advance for their quarantine in ; order that serious complications be I avoided." The regulations adopted recently said Ihal the Slate Roard of Health j had been informed by the Florida ; Board of Health that so far this 1 y ear 108 cases of infantile paralysis : have been reported in Florida and : that G9 of these cases have been : reported within the past 30 days. In addition. Ihe regulation said, j the board of health has received reports from Texas that "there ex ists in Bexar county of that state a large number of cases of infantile paralysis.'' Because bf these reports, the North Carolina Board said that in its opinion "a dangerous condi tion exists in the state of Florida and in Bexar county, Texas, with I the disease still on the increase in ' those areas." He'll appreciate more a Gift irom r The TOGGERY Hugh Massie, Owner Phone 21 Main St. If tiny