THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (Second Section) Blandy jctions ' iiuiric BARUCH'S PROBLEMS GROW SMALLER MMHMMMfrWNWtCMmMnSWVMWKS'- .. BfcW'wy siJv-- yvm1mim I - ix vt A 5 W : . I, I Ion: li'.l' ,lM -,,.r:i I'miii ,u:-.ih: Hi- :i, .,ir!-l""" st'.l1: FROM MIGHTY ATOM PROBLEMS to problems of tiny mites is all in the pin k-bench-stride of Bernard Baruch, U. S. delegate to the U. N. Atomic commission. Here, taking time off from his international duties, the "elder statesman" solves the baby-sitting problem fur Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Van Ess, New York, as Ice attends Virginia, their 4 month eid daughter having a happy time in Central Park. (Intcrmiticmul) Have You A Job For A Veteran? Here's One .ilollilc lUr.-'ii 1,1 l ;:! t ii It t iuii el ; rjilji;i"l iv i" I, be uiim'iI to st Km that bull. Ii'-"'1'' ;!! lie f ; the- liN .il'im t! pic-lied , 'I !', Ilui tlie vilc- ul Fditors Note: Ir. r.n effort to plac e all returning veterans in po. silions suitable to their qualifiea- j lions and skills, many of which were developed during the war I through special training The Mountaineer, in cooperation with I the local He-employment oflice, is Kivinu this space to set forth the talents of some veteran each issue who is seeking employment. Any employer who might have a place the veteran may fill is asked to contact Die Employment office. lnlantr man, ; h mine I'rag ol i I j siralk Age 28. Male, ethical ion. Has While. Hth grade served two years in the I S Arm: wounded in lell lc mailt-, in i . , ; : 1 1 i.i 1 able to ctinl mile in toi iner occupa tion. Intel i -led in an i pc work which doc- not require eees-ie standing or walking Could do truck driving. To Kniphiv er. oil arc inter ested in hiring 1 1 1 i - veteran or know where he max ecuiv employment contact 1' S lanplov nienl Serviee Ollice. a Mi" ille Telephone 417 Holding hands is either a ease of loe or si 1 1 -del iii-sii & Colonels Jgj Mis. Colonel's devoted to sable, .Ami indulges a fondness for pearls; She has servants to wait on her table, ... And she frolics with dukes and with cails. But Judy buys hats in the basement, And watches her pennies with care; She strolls through the town in a neat hand-me-down, And balances budgets on air. ':' fojncijl or age groups n"'-ru;ll meet in this life- : '""f iy a blue-blooded bimhn. And one is a wapp-earner'c ,;f a sharp eye for bargains, Ipa.n far ll.p ,,l,n1 ,..u . uncj iu ice "th h,iy the same grade of service 'uiiig electricity. ' 1! no grim social thesis. rit::e Slaves and Have-nnrc Jnerc-lv nninti, mil tl,,i. l n i. i- ui uuia uaies, T1-. A ,.1 . ' " U'lUDt, I cousins in kilowatts. OPA Records Must Be Kept One Year By All Businesses HA1.E1GH Manufacturer s wholesalers and retailers, and all o'hei persons required under price control regulations to have kept records musi preserve them until Jui 1. 1947. the office of price ad ministi .it ion announced The action, supplementary order Ui7. cllective as of June 'M. 194ti. was taken in order to enable OVA to cans on the powers and duties directed to it under the executive order S745 signed by President , Truman on June 311 . 194(1 ; The executive order authorized OI'A to continue all the I unci imi -powers and duties vested in it bv the emergency price control act of 194J. as amended, and Hie stabilization act of 1942. as amend ed, which did not terminate hv c pnation of those acts of June !U). : 1II4C I I OI'A pointed out that section 1 II' of the emergency price con trol act of 1942. as amended pro ideil that all regulations, orders , pric e schedules and i ciiuii cincnt shall be treated as remaining in lone tor the purpose of siis I taming anv proper suit, action or prosecution with respect to ol , lenses coinmittced or rights or liabilities incurred on or helm c June Hit. 194(i j Todav s action assures OI'A that ! all records, books, accounts, in voices, sales lists, sales slips, or ders, vouchers, contracts, receipts. , bills ot lading, correspondence ; memoranda or other papers rc I quired to ho kept under price con trol, will he preserved in keeping with the continuation of its en forcement duties for violations eoiiimitteecl before Jun HO. 194ti. TRANSACTIONS IN Real Estate licuveidum Township II G I'rcsslcv. el ux to William II Donaldson el ux. K 11 i ulni. m. et ux to 11 J Wright, et ux Weaver A Cook, it ux to 1. ester l'ov, lei . et ux l.esi i Fouler, et ux to Weaver A Cook Fast Fork Township C. I'less, et uv et al to ,le...iette Cogbiiin Helms Iron Dull township Medlord Hureess. et ux to Law son Mc F.h o v I ,on Mc -Kirov et n to Med lord Ihirgess. Ivy Hill Township March l.inei. Jr. et ux to 1. 1. Caldwell Fh.ahelh Carver, et vn to Sam Polls ! W .ivm sv ille I ciwusliip ! Josephine Jones Studdaid. et vu I to I 'ii 1 1 ui- Foi cl Slacklioiise W 1 C. oleics, el UX to Paul Mills l Icon e CJlleell to J I'. Clltsli.ivv , el h iri'inia Nelson Suns, el v ir to .1 1'ievost .1 A I'revost, et ux to F. M Mc.Nish. el al IMPORTANT nOTICE CLEAN YOUR FURNACE FLUE SMOjCEPIPE and ALL HEATING DUCTS AND REGISTERS Holland Giant Vacuum Cleaners -t , . (N Iuss or Dirt in House . . . All Work Done from Hasemnet) Most Residences $12.50 We Will Honin donning Furnaces in ('anion and Waynesville About July 29th Name . . ... SI reel Address (itv , I'liune No. For Your Reservation Please Fill Above ami Mail to HOLLAND FURNACE CO. C. A. COST AN. Mgr. Holland Furnaces Are Immediately Available from Stock at Reasonable Prices. Asheville. . ('. Use The Classified Advertisements Capital Letters iConlinued from Page 21 prise move to recess the Senate Senate leaders were off the floor al the time. Iloey could think of only one way to brintf I hem in a point of no quorum. lloll calls can be forced by Sena tors on the floor, but none spoke up Few knew the presidini; of ficer c ould force one. 1IOKY 1)11). lie ordered the roll called. Ma jority Leader Barkley returned just in time to block the recess. Iloev's zest for getting things done shows best in his committee work. Kver since Hilbo left hastily for Mississippi. Hoey has been acting chairman of the Semite District Committee. In a few weeks he has almost cleared a cluttered calendar, given District bills a shove I hey haven't had since the chairmanship of Arthur Clapper ha. M flow: ; r cottage tliere is only one grade of electric service rs. Colonel may use more electricity than Judy, Jatt-hour for kilowatt-hnnr. it's the same oower ready. e and ch'eap thanks to your friends and neighbors in company. ii. 'joy "HE ELECTOir rT Sunday afternoon, 4:30, DST, CBS Network. POVVEn & LIGHT COMPANY j (;kn'4'i.kmans gentleman - Word spread out that Mississippi's Theodore (The Man) Bilbo had sped hack from his primary campaign to kill the bill, and intended to talk all night. Before Bilbo could gel the Hour. Wisconsin's Bob I .al'olletle asked unanimous con senl lo end debate. While Bilbo still gaped. Hoey cracked I he amendment through In looks and background. Ifocv is a Southern gentleman from loc In crown. His flowing white mane drapes over the back ol Ins wing ed collar. He wouldn't feel dress eel without a red rose or carnation in his buttonhole. In 111) vears he hasn I gone without a houlomiieic lie whams the Senators oil their feel in such a friendly fashion thai t hey still refuse to believe that lies a smoothie with his gavel. When they rise to appeal from (piickic rulings, lloey's innocent charm al ways disarms them. Ml NICll'AI, PRIOItlTY It was lloev who took the Senate initiative in extending District rent controls through 1!I47. Sometimes he turns down a hurry call to preside in the Senate, to go back to work on District matters. Leaders wauled Hoey to wield the gavel during the Senate OI'A debate. He declined. He had an important District meeting. While Senators talked on endlessly about OI'A. Hoey managed committee approval of the District's child-cure center bill. Newsmen have delved into lloey's background for a clue to his speed with the gavel. They were surprised to find he hadn't much experience with Robert's rules. As a young man. in hi early ZDs, he served in the .. t . Legislature In 1919 he finished an unexpired term in the national House Save for four years as Governor U937-41), his adult life has been spent in the practice of law. "I think I picked up the knack while serving as Governor;" said Hoey. "I presided over the univer sity trustees and a lot of Governor's committees. I soon learned you could get lost in talk. When enouhg. had been said, I simply put the question." THAT FATAL LULL That's about Hoey's formula in the Senate. 'In the hair, you can. shorten up or spread out the Senate's business. The businesslike way is to keep things moving keep them click ing. Once there is a lull well I put the question." One of these days the greatest deliberative body in the world and we do mean deliberative is going to have a showdown with Hoey. We hope it won't happen soon. rm CALL! FOB 945 rm AXES The Law Requires That We ADVERTISE and SELL All Property On Which 1945 Taxes Have Not Been Paid. ' The Names Of All Delinquent Taxpayers Will Be Published. ST IN AUGU And Sold on 1st Monday In September No Extension Of Time Will Be Given Notice is also given that we will garnishee and levy on all person al property on which taxes are due J. E. FERGUSON Tax Collector and Tax Supervisor of Haywood County USE THE CLASSIFIED ADS