, f PAGE TWG (First SertlortJ Mrs. A. E. Ward ! Buried on Tuesday County Officers iContinued fnini pane one) Funeral services were held Tue.s dfl.i afternoon ill l.ony's C 'IkijjoI Lake Junaluska, for Mi's. Man Long Ward, 82, wile 01" A. E. Ward, of Lake Junaluska. who died aller a long illness, at 7:2f a. m. Motulas at the home of her son-in-law and dautihter, Mr. and Mrs J. H Mor gan, liev. Waller H. West, siiperin fcidviit of the Waynes, die District. Melhodist Church. assisted In Kev Mr. Holihins. of I.ake .1 iin.iio-k.i officiated. ISurial wa in (ireee Hill cemetery. (iraiirlsons as follows seiwd as pallliearrrs: Dr. K lie fi'il. ni (lainesvillo. (la . Knlus M Ward, ol Sparlanhui'M. S. ' ('ooidr .1. '.. Morr.an. Washint'Jon. D. ('.. Wach Ward, ( li eenvillo. S. ('.. Ward Peacock. Chapel Mill, and Mallet! Waul, Jr.. Lake Junaluska. Mi-- Ward, ilauvlitor ol I:, v. aid Mrs. James It. anil I 'llqei aid I mi:, was a native of II, i wood roiinl'. She spent her r.irh childhood in Tennessee, where her father ua a in t' 1 1 1 Di ' I of the I i 1 1 1 ion i oiiIi : cure. She was educated at :la Ashe, ille female College. Mrs. Ward a de'.oiil )iri- l i.m was an active niomhiT o, l.im::' Chapel, named for her father a pioneer in t he w ork ol I he Mel ho dit chinch in 1 1 1 1 seel ion. .:.ie hi i life to her familv and Iter chinch. Sniviviii;: ate her Ini-Jiaiid: hoi daughters. Mrs, J. It. Morgan, ol Wavnesville. and Mr. K. K IV.i cock. of Chapel Mill, a ilajidilei in-law, Mrs. I, eon Ward, of l.in h burn. Va.; seven sons. I' I, Ward of Atlanta. H . Ward ..I Ctci n villi'. S. ('.. Kimeiie and (lenr'.e Ward, of Asheville AKin Ward of Wavnesville. ,-irWl Wallace and HaMet Ward, of I .ike .Inn.iliuka. mil' sister. Mrs Sal lie I on a Tune linson. of Kieliniond. Va.: otic sisli-r-in-law. Mrs . C l.on:',. ot l ake Junaluska. I :! t andc Iniih i n and III (.'.real hi audi Inldren. (larrett funeral home was in ehart'.c id the arrangements. Airs. Ituh Jolly has reliirned frotn a visit with her sister. Mrs. Jack Maiville. of Alexander. Va Mrs Handle, who has heeii ill is a patient at the Washington Sanitar ium and Uuspital, Takonia I'ark, Wasliintilon, 1). ('. ATTENTION BUILDERS! DUNHKlk NOW AVAlL.r.Li; The All-I'iirposp Brick Standard Sie Anv Color Fur lU'iiuty Kionimi v Duraliilil v Sold at I'lant or Delivered Hy TriK k or Hail SMOKY MOUNTAIN DUNBRIK CO. Dillshoro. . C. ' lv, a vclci an ol World W.ir II. ' n.Wi . o a .i.'-lanl ounfy I'.irm .mcul by II1-' ( oini n .: uhts in M.iv o( tln .war -'i 'if J was aNo rerlcctrd 1o . iir post a 1 I he annual roap)oi ttf -mint ir.t'cl iml; ot c(,unty oilier-. :. M. S!;;.liius. o!" Sniit lit i.-l.l. ;is sKtaul (oiinl1 farm a.;rht, who ua named to his po-' by he TV A und ilvv wiir Miprr inn Mr uni'ks, canu' licrc the iirsi of llic i-ar, shitrt after hi'. i: har::r from the ai !i. Mi-- l.'olh "arm n'ei iio ! been - : n" a , a ' in: .mini a '.enl , al -o under i he TV . who ha-- lie hi the posil ion huc' !at A n i u si . ha . a I - o heen n an p;inleil. 'Mi Helen Smillt, a Klanl eonn home I e 1 1 1 o m s 1 1 a I Kill a;'.ent who -. appol lit ed le. 1 he St ale e l en sion mt iee w il h approval of 1 he i . in id ei.Jii ie 1 ss j, )M( . -vi ! a! -o si'i r i he I l.r .. ood work lor 1 1n ( ' 1 1 1 1 1 e 1 ' ; ear. lss Man. Medford has heen appointed ei ent e serrel ar r!i -rk o: I he ' len-.ion er iee in j he t ' u n! i .ii in ..ent o I iee, I a I !ie -t.il-- v. 1 1 n appro', al ol the eoiinl r 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 1 ' it Hie - Mi v .1 !.. ( 'annon, lerk in the o I a e (if 1 he enillit Inane demon 1 1 rat a-n . venl -. a ; aKn reanpoiul ed I o siur lor 1 he net ear. Soco l;i!d Next Target Vov NVildonu'ss Hikers Wild, i n, , M.I.- i s shall trek 1 1-1 n I'.l.ak Camp Cap. where I he lainniis Ma-oiiir inail-.er is hicaled, to t he il'lil It ol Soco I'.ahl to I'lljnx the lilll' views and llllckle heil'ie. The "liillll " ill leave the he v ille terminal al " :!U Sunilav I ' H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ', dl.'e to tile hl"h,',': i ii in I ii in at W.iri I s serv iee I at ioi i I he ol her ide of I .ako .IiiiimIii ka, to Iron Dull. Cove Creek, and mlo Dellvvood, then turn off on lh" '.'.ravel ioii In IPaek Camp (l,i, Aller hikne; to Soco I'.al.l and hack, I hey -lull to lleintoo'si Can lor htm heon. A short hike in the Hat Creek section and a svvini somewhere nearhy will complele the afternoon I'rotn Asheville the round Irip will he -"a miles, and tola I hikin:1 will hi' I mm lour to si miles. State Nurses Association Odicial Here This Week Mrs. Marie I! ooll. eeciilive secretaiv of the North Carolina Stale Nurses A -social ion. spent sev eral davs here diu in;: the week. WANT ADS V WTKD Nurses' helpers al I he I lavwood count v I losjinal ppl.v to I 111' Sllpe; 1 1 1 1 1 -1 u Ii -1 1 1 1 1 . Hi I I ..'J S l.lv Mauic Chef l-hnrner 'love 111 eycel lent eond II Ion Wii'i llo :!la. I.ake Junaluska. N ' '. Alii: Hi 2r, Gallup Poll Finds Trend Towards Republican Hary ( hie of I he he.', i.lie I loii v. Hu ll pnlll:e,,l ei( ,t - ,l,i .m'! ,'- rl; I . Jll -I V. here I he e 1 1 1 i . i come - I ; o 1 1 1 Anal;.'-;. ,,f r. ieiii . . II! . (". - '1,1 p .1 I ' " .-!.,.. !,!,! t . is ' roia ..... I i ' ,.,. : :!:.' : ha.-lihoiK' ol 'lie : iluril. ; Ihe I'm, .: t III i to I . e ' i lit II,.. pa.' I 're idem 'I I mil. Ul Ihe Ci il' ii. ion : ' I ') i , ill1 , in TFIE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER DEATHS' FRIDAY. Baptist 'Continued from p.r-',e mi'' ..Hon will meet at the CI lie liu'dncs wdl speak on Colleges net ehunh. v.' ii l-'rank I :..ier- ;M1, s. 'iiii jiirs and M. A. Miu. iondiiclin ii I" "'"" uins. -t.de secretarv. will n.a,, . ., 1, i ,.. .1. II. Morgan wi sjieak on the closinij address. C :lt lli(iMsi) Horton will speak on t he Worn Missionary Union. Karl h s-i i the OrDhanaiii . I- J. I.'o.-ers , . ,. : Mis Miy Hospitals, Rrv. It I' Mc('i..ck'. . ,.; .a . H. o(i the Ministers lie! ii i ih ui i'l -i conducted in the nfl Hev. L. C, Kllmll on Teie,,, h thodisi church ance and Morals. ,i, Tiie Kev. Wavne Tliere will be a mu-iri.: inncia eel,.-,. Inule of- at 2:45 followed ir I ! add' ' . i.l vva, made in V Mr. Creor of Mdl- !!.".. , , m, (,.,.,. election of ollicers and 'in . !' I , da d al Ihe home eons business matter- wH! loe licl e, li Mvrlle afternoon meeiie" ii'on around mid- Tuesday evening ;. oniniitte. . . . , ii.. is- n .vioruan ivh.uoiis V.ilcrature. and Mr. reports and miscellaneous husines. aulude the annual meet in u t per! il il, id. lohl h. . i . I:., t e o t ' - i ' ' ,' i ! e, i i.i.!. i 'a V i lie: i o j ' 1 1 1 a I 1 1 a I ' 01 f i , 1 a i 1 1 MaimaC ,. I pi a . ' ul 1 i i" 1-e. pllhln lan pa, i in ' :. 1 ' a ', i , i a i o 1 1 1 '. o I i 1 1 1 i r vi,'.. , i , i , Villi I III I he .ele.iie on . to til' ,,!'.' lo'l I '". s.'.p . I, , . e their pari . a, .' i a. . Iiieii ver 1 1 i !'ea a :u Pa : ( d if. in. e , ; oi ' e, a ... ;,. .1111011", ihe una -.vein to f i i: ; i n l:Ml Anion,' Ihe rutin, elei : o al e i Ii, I I I I - 1 I ..e ll V I V -, .I I II I pll lit lelalls V 1 1 1 ' i . 1 1 i a.. i a.l anion:' 1 o! e.' . i n. ! i i-!! 1 1 ; i : a a r k e 1 Reports IColllinUe.l I'loin I'.l 'e Clnc beans "ell hi:; SI Ml and o I liiash II" (.' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i s:' mi hn I lellller-ol . . I ! le l',ea II ,, " ciler al I receipts, lender"! cell . black V aa"! I i lies', poles, S: all. the . i line lilnas S I ah 'ahbaae la eep.'s v is . lildil, all lb. sacks flume lie romie l v pc. innsl ly SI '.','). lie I qualil; cucumbers :l (III hll ; peipei s. hll bull nose l v i" V ,11 aia Ii. la ' ellow lv pe, he-I S i I'll. ! II, . i ' d ilv low as s:' o l lanl.c 'ahbaae. , ket , ,, er, ( la . N. C, and Va ail I ii s.H ks dome : ic roil lid I v i a '. si ii S 1 ;., poorer ipialilv, : I lUCsl .'a bean . market steads . ( la .and ( '. "n i i. round I v i ie, I (l-'s:! -al, poh S2.2f.-SH till I'olaloos. eiaikel Pr.i. Ala . and Teini llin lb .ael. cobblers, I '. S No I . unvv a ,hed. SH.IIO. William (1. Kerley Here For I.euve mi; Mi r ived bv three latlh- ,ome 0f rhs biother .)..!. n -s . u am aker, Mrs Mat'Kie ,)f ronton, lie i- -unra ! i. I M: I', ai l Cilleiipe, ,,,er. Charlie Sharp.. ..I .- ' " ' Jil, k five sisters. Mis c lee,, ..,.:. I il I i n s and Homer ls Mjyljelle Km.' and I' o' ' ' iiilou and Wiley Mildred Jones, all ol Hum , a '-".' Ion: and a mini- county. Miss Novella SI...I-.. M'1' hibh en and ureal- Asheville. and Mis Con, ne "" of Canton, twins. ) In la ... : . Clinton Sliarpe of lim ne a:e! il. lU-i.l'H . i;oVi:i:M.N Ion and John Sliarpe ol ( nil. e. funeral arrange lis t I,, ,,!, II,.-, ,-nviA (I't ', , i i '. ' der the direction of V l ( inlv . Ill, vv hii had been , , i . ,, ii home. 1 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 ' . i ni i ,ii I lie l i,i -No! I ' I .11 1 1 al II afl p. 111. e.e Mrs. Hovveinian lias m M : i in i , .mid lor many i.. and her husband have i . i n : to Wavnesville for t he I In .vi ar t hev came 1 lie Me Ml - I'm on ( ai -politer of the Bihlicai ri.'coioei. w a. i, vv ill .acseii' the main address. ''' 'I'lic Assoctational Missionary re-' he made by Cretchen the Moderaler Kepo''t by Kev C II Creell. ItoV l II-p win ,, port o;i Ihe Hrolhrhood, and . live iniiuites of imisie l.av.son , c,,,,ke v.ill deliver the clusin aed'ess W'edn. -da niornint; at 10 o'clock " in Hie Dutch Cove Kaptist church Ih v. Manuel C. Wvall will conducl . , ,, oponini, worship. Reports w ill i p.. ..'i'.en by Oay Chainlx-rs on Ihe Traiiiiny I nion. Harry I lay lies on -..aiid.iv Schools, T. K. Krwin on ; a, aie'eli-m. liev. Itoy YonntJ on " siiaan dship. Music and announce l maiits follow on the program, and e ;,.v V I.. Stephens will deliver - i ha 1 1 1 ii 1 1 dial sermon. Joe Williams is in cliarqe of the worship as the afternoon ineelin'.' ' a.l, under way al 1 :lil) p. in. Hev. : i tiler niirnell w ill report on Hie nie:!ian Bible Sociely, A. J. rsr Tin i-assified ads - H DINE AT THE CHICKEN SHAd STKAKS 9 CHICKEN IX THK Beer Served Only Wi ith Mv-alj CHICKEN SHAfj Uellwood Road I -!ie boilv was taken to Macon, ( la v. ben- I H"eial -eiv ices will be londucleil Inday al the I .lit CP ,pcl. M : , I :". , -. ana il is sun i veil by !,- , lui baii.i. and one daughter, M . lai .in Kova-i'inan, of Miami, i'l i I lata , ' I s I iinei al lioine is in ' , . ol I la ai l a 11-. einelil s. in; it wu: v ii. no Mi'. . I a v i il IV I i Dm A I KAY'S BEAUTY SHOP I'i'i'iii.-ini'lits ami Hair I . is .of Any Style All Wiit'k ( liianiiiti'cil Phono 1X1 -W ... Or Slop in Opposite Masonic Temple William C Kei :- ; .. s, -, 'nan second ela ,s !,,." I 'a- t 1 , t live dav , hit e v.nli In ,,:ni', aller vv Inch he renin 1 1 il 1 1 1 Cam I'earv. 'a Seaman Kerlev v olu n1 , . i , ,l 1 1 I he sen ice out lelooei I Itil'i. is now in ellal "e o! t he Ina an, shoe dlol) of t he ll.av V at Ills ,,,, .! t the time be entered the -., i v i he held a po -it am v. ,i ii Ihe N a hoi Shoe Shop here. Mr and Mrs I 'a e Vv I.e.- aod -on Vtnii ot '-I,, Mp,"! ! . i- - , ii. lie I -. of i iie i ie, la . b, : ..mi isl i r i n I iv, Mr .iii-t M : i.e., I.ee IN AI'I'lll t I A I l')N vVe I he members oi ; in 'aimnie,. I'lav I'l' -. w I Mi i -1 e- a a I " a : i .a ;r t licild- 1 1 1 . . V ' . , ' a a . I al ion for I Ie :r k.i" , ie a ' : a a, 0 Ilv In 11- i I J : " . 1 - eai a a; I lias made Ihe Ina la I . I . i, i ; . a.' - 1 II I ey pel iclla, 1 V i'l'. re: . a. I Ilia! C!-('llll,sl ,i in-es iie v oi ,1 o'a 1 , ai t ml short ciieil oi.r a ,e, . ' i v V .1 1 1 , v die t hi: m m.iii:i; i-i. v. i i;s sri v n es jv ere held a noon al Civ, n Hill 1 o i lock lor I ii I Ian y . ie. live ol Newborn V vv ho da-d at I US p in. Siin- a. al I 'a ,,a, ,- I okllll' Ho pil- il lollov iii . a .boil ill s. The 'A a ., a, . v 1 1 1 e l,asi niie I ,oi I ae was in i he. -a ol I he s,. ices. I 'a 1 1 bea i er weie men 1 1 icrs of t be ! local M a si 1 1 1 ie I ,odi!e. I ie i sun c eil bv his wife. Mrs. una I )oi k I )oice and a number of Ille. e a la I nephews in Ii,- i e . a i , 1 1 . u.iii has been i",k'U" la. home al llalsam since III I i ' I I I I M, 'III ( i.i i n i I 1 1 1 1 1 c i .-1 1 home was in i liaia e ol I he arramj,eiuenls. ' M S. I II I II' II AVI S WOKI.F.V ! II llela I el V 1. I". Wile - olllllleled I'hui dav al lernoon al I he lleaver il.oa Me Ill Church for Mrs. i T.illie Have Worlev. 112. wile of I,. I'. Win lev , who died at her home ! n I he I i ua i I Ion 1 1 iiv seel ion of i he ' e, ai ni v al , 'III n 111 Tllesd.iv . Itev ! l--liitii-li.il I. a-sisled by Kev. i a l ln, , ol ! a ia! '-.I. Hurial was 1 ' ll llie ' 1 , 1 1 1 Il I eliial er . Si,- -, si iie Iii-- hie band : t wo o: ne on and ell.u d Worlev I ( anton I hree ikundil ers. Mrs. ' II. M ( I, n k, and Mrs. 'iri',ie West, oil' aloe, and Me , Marvin Snyder, ,. No... ' i , I ,v. .. a 12 tirand : 1.,','r i u 'i,,l vo l eal :.:raud eliil- s. . i ne i pal I bearers were: I .' "ii ( -l.uk, .lames Clark. Troy 'A iii . .I.iliii P a I;, h'eeves Haves, a ,,i '-i i ., a. V.t;a,i"e. Ceil' 1 1 1 ne i a I inline was ill ... 1 ,l einettl v. siiAiTi: : i it v I.l! ',' Jack l i i i' erv i, i s have been held .11 be e'l .1 pe .1 r . III. of C.IU- a. dieil al 1 he ho- oilal about in sHi,,l e e, ihe result of ins1 sad -i i ! tired when hit alio i , . 1 1 n i , i hat ;i 1 1 el noon 'aa- a an . i ie on ('anion 'I ,,v n on I If Asheville , ol i'i" ,-i ii' oiliolulc. H i Icy 'ai k ". 1 ol ( 'anion was ar liv loa.n pol i. e on I he charge I- - d: av in : and released S2. .1 A Pond. i : Sharp. resided al the Meeti&ia ATTEND THE Of The Haywood Electric Membership Corporation At The Haywood County Court House 'iiesfllle, Ii C. smuui MY, HUG. 31, 2 p. VALUABLE FREE PRIZES (iiven Bv The Following IMerchants: BOYD I I K'MTI'KF, CO. Coin Ii i r Lamp WFSTKBN A no ASSOCIATE STORK I ivc l-s tension orcls ( I IM IS DHl ; STOKB V il'simile Sun (ilassrs F. .1. I.l 1,1 I S IFWFI.BY STOKE Tlirec-Sliaiiil Pearl Necklace I'AKKMAN IIAKDWAKE CO. White lai.nni I llnlllilc Cooker STOS AI.I. S r & 10c STOKE Aluminum I-'ryinn Pan JONES KADIO SERVICE Valul.ilor CnlTce Maker Tllli BOOK STOKE I stei brook Peii W A Y N ES VI I. E E I ' 1 1 A UM A C Y IVfix Stationery WAYNESVII.EE HARDWARE CO. Metal Waste ISasket KOdEKS ELECTRIC CO. Table Model Student Lamp smitifs dkr; stork Fountain I'm MASSIF'S DEIWKTMKNT STORE Pair of Ladies' Hose BELK-Hl'DSON CO. Indian Blanket THE T(Ki(iKKY Pair Nvltm Hose FIRESTONE HOME & AFTO SlFTfl Asbestos Stove Protector MASSIF FFRMTl'KK CO. Greyhound Travel Iron GARRETT FI RNTIT I!K STORE Combination Hot Ptote MARTIN ELEC TRIC CO. Pin-t'n lamp UNION CLOTHING CO. Ladies' Sweater In Addition the CorporatiDn Will Award A Main Prize - - IMPORTANT LAND SAL 4 l'.r Sparta N. C. Monday, August 19th 10:30 A, M, The John M. Check F;trm. Crazing fai'm in Allct-'hany on plateau west of r.lue Ki.lo", elevation more than .",,(100 feet, about 7 mil- s from Blue Ki.r' Parkway. I.iH-atci 7 miles southwest of Sparta, 'one mile from Sparta - North Wilkcshon. state .hi: h way with Kfiivcl road to farm, about :',ii miles from Elkin. 21 miles fn.m Xi'i'lli Wilkesboro and 21 miles from .leffi rs,,n. X. ('. Tract of 7(H) acres, more i,r less, the whole well watered by mountain springs and streams, some steep land but no gullies or erosion, the whole of the pasture lands bomo a permanent sod of perennial grasses, such as timothy, orchard ;rras, red top. native blue grass and other varieties. Suitable for all classes of livestock and the whole area supplied with pure water and is free from infectious livestock diseases of any kind. About 500 acres in permanent pasture, and about 200 acres of cut-over woodland partly reforested. The farm during an average season will graze from K.O to 17". light cattle, or a less number of heavy cattle, which fatten on grass and tire ready for summer or fall market. There are three tenant houses, well built of good material. This farm lies in the area of some of the best grazing lands in the county. It is also an ideal site for a summer colony. Unsurpassed summer climate antl beautiful mountain scenery. The World's Original Twin Auctioneers ' of Charlotte, N. C. Music By Our Live wire Band and Concert Singer. STATESVILLE, N. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST 2QTH, 5 P.. M Fifty b.'i.v. sites a part of the J. L. Holmes estate. Eoealed mi.' ii'jl" if. mi the city limits on the road leading to Turners bi:!'.'. 'Hie natural location of this property makes it ideal li.i ban homes. Fifty dollars cash to be given away. r.s a ft V: p PEMMV MONROE, N. C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21ST, 10:30 A W. L. Hornby Estate adjoining the Fairrouiu! property. Onei a .qarasje apartment, and a number of homesites. 1''' ' given away. HENDERSONVILLE, N. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND, 10:30 A. The Emma Freeman Estate, located a short distance main rnnrl lnnrUrot r'U; tjU flno nice bunCW iuuuii. Vlllllllicy AVUCI. vjov. sites. City water and water conveniences available. from ' aB1 given away. J. C. PENNY, General Manager For Further Information ' Oflices No. 909 Liberty Life Bldff. imy T l! T" S.11. T . . ' o 1 .aaies specially invited, bale to Take Place on the Grounds Rainqrbnin-