PAGE SIX (SeconfrSectionT 1" THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER ' 'it 4 j i r 1 '1 T. t re v "X " i'.l, i i i r1 : ; ' . -J " 't 1 "I1 ,1 it i 1 Hi I" I '5 i t ,yjt 'j , ' 1. ggl The Wacky Side of News In 1946 rVntlniuwt r f Rt lfl I Hrlvup ft-on uD Ills rhnnt "kh In Continued from Page Two) horror of musical comedy and then disappeared. Jf scouted among his office lists of musical players once again and found the name of Betty Kean. Betty is a pert, pretty, agile comic of considerable talent, and Herman took one look at her, noted the dancing ability, the adept man ner in which she tossed around her lines, the in-tune-fashion she sang the hit song, "South America, Take It Away," and signed her practic ally as she danced and warbled The contract in his kick. Herman sat back satisfied thai he was finite a handy fellow. It was not until Betty Kean had finished rehearsals, had been ad judged a fitting tollouup for lietl Garrett that Herman Levin decid ed to put her in the road troupe which was goin on the prowl. But he still needed a leading lad to follow Betty into the New York company. Again Herman pei stied his talent lists. Suddenly he again did a double-lake as he glanced through the pages. There uas the identical face he remembered from the musical comedy flop of main months be fore. It was the same face, only more so. In fact, it was not Bett Kean at all. The name under the photograph was Jane Kean. He read the biography under the picture. He gasped He scratched his noggin. He frowned Then he started to smile. And off he went to find .lane. By ( AIM.!: MOIKil AP New slcatuit's Writer Listen, kiddie: Of the wacky . and you liall hear ;irt-. in .1 cl'. war It was a year when frantically cha.-ed a blocks, then iliseo know wh i ln- v , and neither mil ! When a C Iik :i H.istor. 101 CI III, '. dll'l! ' him o torlley moi trolie line the track Win n gra h hi 1 1 !m n;eai (oniii. sinaeki d i i who .hi. . li IN wed !oi l',H die them so del the a tlnei' -hoppi ;i at a l'n took tin I ! WW nth M i: y.y. enh Kl BKl 'WW charged iihlii pnse the I. no Wis., .-iieiik.e stead in ! he ih his parent- ,i the light- , who " Sir:,:,,: i up in hi i1 Hi- - i iiiutu'r win iNBwrrriJ ' - . I -Vr 1 f I A.OMETWIKUS?" HE'S SO P llf THAT? v I rSTW GENTLE HE'D Y I $f WHAT YOU ) f V-A-iiT I 4'to2 I PAT OFF YOUR tun I VVA THIKJK ! riSTTK WlllRSA W hand; ASfWS l c . ' .7, m i i i w i arjwv vJ3i&. . driver kept1 up his chant "step to duck that haU bitten him the duck bit him again. IN SEPTEMBER a prisoner liked Detroit's jaif,so well that he refused to leave, am.1 the good old Army still was goit' strong. It sent an Englewood, tfj. J., veteran a letter saying sorry it couldn't bring over his English vVir bride. It already had brought her over. PA Kit THEATR Waynesville, North i- MATINEE SATURDAY 2 ad 9. " Lna VTr.MT nniI7C . uu"ulf 2 and , ' "U " a,,y SUNDAY 8:.tnll nn " rtuwiisiON PRICES: OCTOBER Angry orchestra leader had mechanical drummer, drummer invented a because his invented a a Chicago mechanical Children Under 12 Years 12c ImlacT- p a Adults, AH Seat, 5e Inciting r' T Li baton-waver ... In some war sur plus goods he bought, a man in East Weymouth, Mass., found Q4 bars of soap on which was stamp ed: "Save soap to win the wa" 1 signed ) "Abraham Lincoln." Two escaped New Jersey prisoners, thumbing on a high-way, happily crawled into a sedan which shop ped. They hadn't noticed it was full of prison guards. MONDAY-TUESDAY DECKMBP.U :, Guys From Milwaukee" urn Two Starring DENNIS MORGAN u.,d JOAN .i:S.k News of the Day Short ETTYPASS!(.4 I,, r 1 JUIN6S 10 A PRETTY PASS '-ashed. i. APRIL Culpeper. Va.. made 1 news- a right-handed i heck 'nk loi left-handed cheek writ- He discovered that Jane Kean really is Betty Kean s sister He also discovered his mistake, which wasn't a lasting mistake at all but a double blessing from his heaven ly, if slightly tilted, memory. Jane had been the comedienne in the musical which gasped briefly and collapsed. She was, fortunate ly, available right away. She signed forthwith, started rehearsals to step into Betty Garrett's role Jan. fit h . IN MAKCI! iial to join ;h because her role lhal she nla eiu and a cup 01 c mento. Calif., tu The cotfee was choked. His la and cut his lip from his chair into the corner il' I,;, ill !' .e 1 :i-n-pit;,i -e I ,h t li -lipped t i;n. i ,'ii he fell ifi- heaii humped ot I he table and e - The city of Pueblo. Colo., had to put up new bars on the a, pee.ple kepi petting the lions 1 -ti iiester County, N. Y.. hail no lions, only make-believe apes. A pi.iiikmg writer distributed letters offering trained apes as servants and fou nil a ready market. -1 IN MAY something stuck at the Tre.isuiA Dept. It owed a Dunkirk, N. Y.. sailor a tax refund of $22, instead sent him a cheek for $555, 555.5.1 ... A Marshall. Minn., judge fined himself for overtime parking, and in St. Joseph, Mo., only 1 1 out of !)H cars passed a safety test. One was a 1925 Model T. But flivvers weren't the only turners-about: a Jersey jackrabbit chased a dog into a bush, kicked the hejebbers out of hint and chas ed him out again. Jl'NK'S crook - of - the - month stole three signs in Spokane, Wash.; the signs said "John Scott for sheriff." A Wilmington .Del., window cleaner was pinched for looking into windows after work ing hours, and a Hopeville. Ga.. landlord tried to get rid of his ten ants by ripping the roof off the house. IN Jl'I.Y a l.os Angeles bus the rear of the bus. please'' but no body budged. So the driver got out and went home ... A plane, char tered by a helpless husband, swooped low over an Oregon cot taeg and a note addressed to his wife -tumbled down tied to a rock. Il said "please come home. I'm out of clean sox." ACGl'ST The MP that Ft. Sheridan sent to Geneva, 111., to pick up an A WO I- private went AWOL too. and from a Glendale, Calif , oll'ice somebody stole a book. "The Art of Stealing Liter ary Material." When a Dallas postman took a reporter to see a IN NOVEMBER A stranger struggled on crutches into a I'air- anks, Alaska, bar, had two drinks, an out minus crutches. In San Francisco a thief ciuicklv aban doned a stolen ear when he dis covered it was a hearse, complete with corpse. An 11-year old in Vancouver, Wash., in bed with a broken leg, broke the other one squirming around. DECEMBER A Detroit drunk was fined for stumbling into an undertaker's parlor, going to sleep in a casket ... A Washington wife asked a divorce because her hus band wouldn't let her play hill billy records; a Des Moines wife asked likewise because her hus band, suffering from chronic lazi ness, hadn't been out of bed in seven years. And now comes '47. WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1 Under Nevada Skies11 Starring ROY ROGERS and "GABBY" HAYl s Short, Comedy and Serial il THURSDAY-FRIDAY JANUARY 2 :: Never Say Goodbye" Starring ERROL FLYNN and ELEANOR PARKER Fox News Medford Enters 14th Year As Active Justice of Peace k V. C. Medford is now beginnins 'his 18th year as Justice of Peace in Waynesville Mr. Medford has been an active magistrate for the past 13 years, and had been appointed to that of fice four years previously. During the 13 years he has heard 2.843 cases, civil and criminal, and performed a large number of marriages. STORY W ' '46 UN SIGN LANGUAGE 1: When children cry, are upset and irri table, with a coated tongue, they may need a laxative TRIENA the chil dren's own loxative effective, thonlu o senna easy to take because if flavored with prune u.ce. TRY TRIENA. Caution: use only as directed. 30c, large size, 50c. 1 I Quickly Relieves Distress of $neezy,Sfuffy tap a " A little Va-tro-nol tin I each nostril promptly i relieves sniffly, stuffy distress of head colds makes breathing easier. Alt Blips prevent many colds from developing If used in time. Try it! You'll like it I Follow directions la package. VICKS VA-TRO riOi J 1 1 bkl4 i ruhirS 1 i -SmMfm raffles OMSTRim -JJ&l j : W!Ws - tmnrxMan mssssss imniin- n im i : 1 liHFffiZ$SA VfltQl : Vote f V' F f iisssr M a.,x m 7M r 1 iir- -f ' r " VW :::' ill. I I lli 1 hllr TWH mm u w-t . Mk.. i Wits sfrw i ' Lmrl r ii i . . . . i 1. The monuments we supply are as enduring as time itself: . . . modeled by craftsmen from the finest granite and marble. A wide range of prices and designs. Write Us We Call SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY , 1 AND SAVE! MODERN MEMORIALS HtBdereoitville, N. C JtiS Kdnura St. Phone 835-J C A, Men-ell J. H. Men-ell I'M YOUN&. BUT I'VE PREPARED FOR THE FUTURE WITH A JEFFERSON STANDARD PROGRESSIVE SPECIAL PLAN v I Mr. y.-'TSr nnrs nrfr it ir- -w I T ' a. I cnrriMi ni ah i 1 A WISE MOVE. THAT PLAN OFFERS YOU FINANCIAL SECURITY BECAUSE IT'S BASED ON SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS WITH A GUARANTEED PROFIT. IT'S FULLY PAID UP IN 2Q YEARS. A legacy of $5000 which Ben- : jamin Franklin left to Boston upon his death in 1790 grew to $431, 756.18 by 1890. S. E. CONNATSER SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE ROUTE 2 W AYNESVILLK EVERY FORWARD LOOKING YOONG MAN SHOULD SEE THE JEFFERSON STANDARD AGENT TODAY FOR CKTLETi CETA1S Don't Neglect Them I Nature designed the kidney to d a f&arveloufl job. Their task is to keep tli flawing blood stream free of an rxrern of toxic impurities. The act of living lift ittelf is constantly producing waste matter the kidneys must remove from the blood if good heath is to endure. When the kidneys fait to function as Nature intended, there is retention of waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puftiness under the eyes feel tired, nervous, all worn out. Frequent, scanty or burning pasaagrs are sometimes further evidence of kid ney or bladder disturbance. The recognized and proper treatment h a diuretic medicine t". help the kidneya Krid of excess poisonous body waste. I Doan's PilU. They have bad more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. Insist on Dona's. Sold at all druft stores. My, how she's grown! mmtm Tl was Sally JL 'J-l. I 1... ... 1 "Jt This is the snow-suit that fitted Sally so well only two years ago, a little snug last winter, but still wearable. Now it's outgrown needs a new outfit fast ! A lot businesses are in the same spot as Sally. Their facilities are outgrown too. During the tight war years, they nursed old equip ment along, patiently waiting for new materials and machines. Ami all the time they, too, kept on growing. But a lot of things they've h-en needing sfi7 aren't available. That's why 60 many businesses our own ineluded 1'' :,"' straining at the seams, waiting for the new outfits n u' Thin is a friendly apology to those folks who've askel to 1' to oiu crowded lines. Though we haven't gotten around to )" e haven't forgotten you. We appreciate your patience, and want yon i" know that -as soon as materials become available -we'll he happy bring cheap, dependable electric service to you, too. Lisitu u ih New Electric Hour-fA. IIOUH OF CHARM. Sdyi, '.M I' M - S1-LBS' (car on ma powrn c tioiiT comp?J 5