,'-'k;'!.tf.iWV-.j.S fiDAY, DECEMBER 31. 1M6 THE WAYXESVILLE MOUNTAINEER "PAGE SEVEN (Second Section? V nnr UUU I -i.f.. i.i, i.,i,il(,'.fcjAto...1,.jW-i,i..v.;i I Snnn i ii iv ii ii i vs--v'jl varv- yrrvvix ?vix' yjii y irxx nJ hNT AD ATES half cents per word. ie type 2'i cents per i.niniMHini charge sue. FOR SALE Famous Round Oak WOOJ and coal ranges. Also Dixie wood and coal ranges. Cagle Furniture Co., Clyde, N. C. , Nov. 18-tf I :n ho nnhtUhed w' l( dcsirea srumu"; run o.n.iio . .l.i.-.i i-harttP. I FOB SALE We carry most all types of wood and coal heaters. A warm house is essential for good health. Cagle Furniture Co. Clyde, N. C. Nov. 18-tf Lirtvcitisenients should be Ltd immediately, muuu- L not lie responsiuie ADVI UIISIiMKNTS ARE ijl ) am r... .,uan must mm orders sent Dy man. L, must lie i office before la. in. n day ueiore puou- ..... ... I. in ivanl nil htl. . . ..1 .. ....... I :A rclciihiiin' 137. l j ,! :)., years." r-lCKUp, p, ',, lurnilnre for sale. if,-, (,,"r,iic I'i.sti Hatchery. tr hlONi MI'.NTS see riaywood Liii-ni Co , next to Farmers pmr, mi Asheville Koacl. H. Inscl. iii:iii:ijt, pnone zu-m tf kAl.K 2 new store buildings Bmlli'V' Store in Hazel- ;:iii)D Terms can be ar id. The I.. N. Davis Co. u New 19 inch height radiator, 16 section. 429 Love Lane or call 281-W. Dec. 17-tf , FOR SALE Oak heater wood Orders taken for immediate de- ' livery. Call 41 or see Jack Shoe- ! nan. Deefl 20-24-31 " i 11 . . . I 2: PJE:i-AS :.Jv ...f IT' 'VWL ... GREAT NEWSPICTURES of 1946 sis mm ii FARM FOR RENT -flood (i-ioom house with lights, on new hih way, 4 miles fi-om Wayncsville. Would like to have able bodied man to work on farm, would pre fer family with 2 or 3 children to do work in vegetable garden Farm close to good school and church. Write "Farm For Rent," " Box 511, Wayncsville. Dec. 20-24-31 FOR SALE One circulating heat er: four small stoves. Have in stalled gas heat and do not need these stoves. W. D. Smith, l().r)( Haywood St., Phone 41(i Dec. 31 -Jan 3 Ifaiin in rent or sell. Would Irr part in vegetable gar- I mile from Wayncsville, fa : from llazelwoou. Un iu(- iSirni';s itoau. nee jonn n. hue. I)ec.24-31-Jan 3 BALK Trailer; factory-built liinl;, : size 4' (j" x 7'. Good Kr.isonable. See O. C. Ie. Uiiiiii- 2. Wayncsville, or Iti' 47.'. Dec. 31-Jan. 3 Illl) I u- return of wardrobe into wrong ear Christmas at Kay's store. Please re in Melk-lludson's for re I Dec 31 psox uho left small card- Id (liesi ui' drawers in my I December 24tb will -come to Sky I.i ii(f Studio and give de- Ipiiiin. I hey may have same price of this ad. E. M. FED Veterinary hospital as- pt manual labor. Phone I U'. n,,f. SI .Tun t FOR SALE New oil heater, lieab 3 to 4" rooms. Call 398-M. Dec 31 FOR RENT Rooms. 1 large dou ble front room, and one smallei one. Stoker heal. DaVista. 21(; North Main Street. Dec. 31 -Jan 3 TRUCKING Anywhere any kind any time. Call 472, or con tact O. C. James, Route 2 Waynesville. Dec. 31 Jan 3-7-1C FOR SALE 4 string Hass Kiddle Good condition. 'Reasonable price, See Aaron Hyatt or write Box 124. Hazel wood. Dec. 31 LOST Six-weeks old pig, black female; in the Ninevah section If seen or found, please noti fy Wilma McCracken Cordon Ninevah section, Wayncsville. Dec. 31 Jan 3 LOST Lemon and white male and female dogs. White and tan white with half ring neck. Be lieve to be in the vicinity ol Dellwood or Comble Creek. Rp--ward. Johnson Mitchell on col lar of both. Write to Johnson Mitchell, Wayncsville, N. C. It 1 B-76. Dec. 31 Jan M FOR SALE Garage equipment Grace Lumber Mills. Can he seen Dec. 30th through Jan. 3rd at Cove Springs. Dec. 31 1$ si. V y W - "4 s GUNPLAY DURING b-' JkUliliibiMii1 1 business as usual W A FILM STRIKE f ittfflSaSSfi I DESPITE A HOLLY- ik,mMr W IN HOLLYWOOD g It?MrlTtl7yin"fK' I WOOD SLAYING t tW"W r 1 i til I ' P .- . . . mHJf f: t:r & - "'BRri K 8 1 I '-- 3 :- weir- ; r '-v v r s IV . .'H' Jgromyko WALKS I I l kit :v 5?r!t: 1 out on the u. n I "77r Official British reports speak of Egypt as being in the Middle East. The U.S State Department refers to it as being in the Near Eajt. rJfl w f r .. .. -v ---V . - ' 1 M IH1I I 1 THE PRESIDENT LEARNS THE RAIL STRIKE IS ENDED NOTICF. OF PUBLICATION In Thr Superior Court Haywood County, North Carolina I CLYDE KEENER -vs-- I.OIS H. KEENER The defendant alxive named will take notice thai an action has been commenced in the Superior Court ;if Haywood County entitled a above for an absolute di- orce from the defendant on the grounds of two years separation under the sta tute; Hie defendant will further lake nolice thai she is required to j he and appear before the Clerk of 'the Superior Coini of Has wood County within twenty -seven davs alter the lirsl day of January. 1947, mil answer 01 ileimir to the com plaint tiled In i em or 1 1 lief will lie demanded as piaed lor in the c 1 1 1 1 1 1 I a 1 1 1 1 . This the !Hh day of December, cKirntrm: i ci.auk Asst. Clerk Superior Court. l."i(2-l)ec HI 17-24 31 n( i ici: oi i:xi ( t tkix Having (pialil'ied as executrix of I the estate of Alexander H. Otwell, late of Palm Hi-aeh County . State of l-'loi id.i, lint owning properly in Haywood County, North Carolina, i this is to not its all persons hav ing claims against the estate o( said deceased to exhihi' them to the undersigned al the office of I Millar and Medforil on or before the 2!Mh day of November, 1947, or this IK. lice will lie pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment This the fllh day of November, l!4(. Fannie Otwell Hall. ExecutriiC Estate of Alexander II. Otwell 1589- Nov lib Dee. 3 HI-1 7-24 :!l y J overnight it li U dut -i nd MV9 A jf 0ly blitrkhcatli I ho- , ' (lowed a- BlJchhodt, Td Went Fart it ia trti, ' i mJm. ilraa. nif.lui. -.1 Uuuaal caUUaf KLLERCX th-i it-a pimpkm err ainauni! t 't i.d wbaA taT anil t.la. k -I" j rlffcPP rwt, nm.iKtU.il' i-.i.-.r KiMTS h4 IDE THE TWIH-CITY BUS SAFE DEPENDABLE - -- ECONOMICAL FOH SALE 1!)37 Foiii-iI -.vlan Chevrolet. Phone 743-M. Dec. 3 1 -Jan. 3 KOI! SALE - Biblcv Te-laments. hooks, pictures ai.d wall plaques The Gospel Ho..k lb Over ( 'haniher of Connnerce 1 1 NOTKT. In The .Supciiiir Court R.N. The Norourn Hospital of Asheville, having moved to win, fh loctlon- is 'eady to open the East Wing n r J 2?Mt mote equipment but lacks Registered ZJt Yoi!r hvine conditions will be ideal, remun-9,mi?PcexcJe"elnt- " available please wire or write iP ' of Nurses, Norburn Hosnital. Ashe v"ie, North Carolina. Haywood County. North Carolina GENKI.I.I-: HNNL'I i'VII VS. i;oi!Ki:T ii pa i i The delendaig IJobeii II. Palo will take notice .u '" 111 titled as above b.i been com inenei (1 in the mi.m-i m i ( oni I to ohla.n a nor ab 111,111 "'" (IcIciuI.-iiiI on As lv ' years ((... rtit I I ii i . 1 1 I will kr ""' " thai he is !( -;ii.i' e, ''.' r ,,i I lie oil ice of I ' - I b i i, 1 ' Hie Supe riol Court .. Ha -d .-,1 Hie Court ii - io '-Vav nc-A ill. Noilh Caroli- ' ' M'u n after Jaiui.-ii . . ' ' "v"''! "'. demur to I " ; ; isil " 11,1 action or II, e :"M" to the Col.. iei ' ' r iiei de i, Kind, (I in .r.l i om,;- aint , Tins Dee. ' l!l1l- TKANSACTIONS IN Real Estate I'.eavcrd.im i ov nsliip l.'av inoiid W Miller el u In W ay ne Sm.ilbei s. el al. Tnis. of I be Morning Star Methodist ( bin eb ( 'anion I . ( Mear aii l I leslei Ideal in Tro and iiobobe ( iaddy ' (Ceil limiisliip C W Vi i ..!.!. i-' I- -e ri i,l I.i ' be C IVi i bl I l ile I llsbil (;ielin I'liieher. Wayncsville Township Kula Lee Keller to Emerson V. Mashhurn. el n. Cudger lAans. el ux to Devvev I, I 'imp, r. el ux Way lie ( 'aldwell. el ux to I lee .1 Ku kpalriek, el ux ( barles I 'nderwood, el ux to II M. Medford, el ux President's Physician Opines Aboi'l Vitnmins CLEX'Kl.AND l l'i I'lesuh nl 'I'runian's pliyaivi.in, Hi ig. ' Jen Wallace M. (Jr 'run. reporlcd re ceiilly excess -. ,1 am nr in.is be harmful He told the first post-war meet ing uf the American College of re lust out medical ad. ire, is deplorable n tr urliiH werr (OUI14 thru iU' claim lliy i no Iohhi et bj.t d o4 huiv Willi Ih-li . Ir-r o.n.l i- Vt W II ,.,.i,is.(ioii l- n ' row get raw aioiir Ixt A. .u. Klwana udu, Smith's 'nt lt.il. Orvt Store .i r t i; i, i. Charles ITiilerwood. el ux In Surgeons. "I Hunk we an . s. I'liiir. el ux. beginning lo b'-.l out that Vila Chailes ITiilerwood el nx to mills mav ctu.nly he h.'iimliil I, ( y .,. Us l(l the lel'deni-V fin pi (Hill (h.-ubs I'.ie.e. el ux. Tlielma to lake I liein in, ' e ei i.il,' -..ill, I1, In III!. ii d Page T u Sill ah Mae I'.ige. Nol.ind , h Hooper el UX. lo Chill b"- L. Chillies I'are. el ir 'I bi b,.- i;, , i 1 1 us I'a -e to .1 II r.e e I ( ol I ,s. el Ii ll ene .1 Nor- I, Ilia I a e Kell.u lul l aie na , i I.i I) .1 .,l.lhd ( I U s. lol, l el US .In ' u Hi. ! In I : Last ! o: U i ev u Ii i . , : 1 III I I e I ! I I II- I , I I hies ( T ick l ow nship ., I; : , ill lei, , I li- li 1. .04 -Dee. 1 "'''"'''a'awWIaiipyBaBMBME " WE SOLICIT YOUR INQUIRIES FOR ..Til El! Wool' i pi nor 1 1 1 1 1 ' 4-2i I ( ii; s ..I t: l'i loubel Seb ( I -.,,!( i, e Su i id.iy School I .ewiits '!T. (Jo-ge! I!,m k lleom ,. ( iliMllbel ill ( ,'llilllel ce t I ;l I.I.IK il'.l! W lb' lx ( Ji iiding ai d e. awdiiiu ( 'all -179-.I or ''.el j . .tie!) .Hi l.'av Stephens. I I, lilUK li.r i n i' irii i;,t u ui Ic'idm" In v Iktt 'ill ii di I s nl l.'- c;i i i i!i I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ; p ' I while wile haired ton i'ir ('m W'nolh. ) . Sli.pveil If i 1 1 hdinc ill II,tcI v. ., ' j Siilnnlav dihitiiiio, i leccnthi-r Lasl l('xirlol .'.ecu III Alililil'll IIo.kI sect phi. Will .-iii.'.wci' tn name uf "Fain." 'cry IVjcmiIIv. -..-pcscTallv Willi childicn. Call nr wiilc. Iv. M. Iii.'iani, Skvl.tnd Studios. Wayncvyi I Ii :.7. Huivif 4.'li-V. SI ud i, i :i J Mil T exaco Service Siation ( ihiiTcoiis and Efficient Service. See I Is For Firestone Tires Expert Lubrication Texaco Gas, Oils and Accessories Prompt and Reliable Road Service Flats Fixed III I S UINTIIKIZF VOI R ('Alt NOW! OiilLIE'S PLME Opposite I'et Dairy OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY l'lu.iic !IISI ( liailie and Claude Woodanl. owners I IIKNHY ma CARL C. ANDERSON onsiruciion Industrial And Logging Equipment Distributors For Nationally Known Manufaclurcrs '"ernational Crawler Tractors, Industrial Wheel Type Trn.-l.n-s. iN.Iustrinl i"(l Marine Engines, Jaeger Compressors, Mixers, Pumps and Paving Kqtiip "lpnt . . . Heil Scrapers, Cable-Dozers, etc., Euclid Haulin.u i:iuipnient . . . Northwest Shovels, Cranes, Draglines, Galion Graders. Koll.rs '"niP '""lies, Bucyrus-Eri Bu.llgra.ders, Scrapers, Cedar Rapids Asphalt Hants and Crushers, t Rogers Low Bed Trailers, FWD Trucks. Kl.trin Sweepers, Huse-Getters, Disg Chain Saws, Lowther C-Saws. Sawmills, Cairo ' firing Winches, American Preformed Cable. We also handle many other lines, of popular eqtii"i,'nl is well as an adequate atock. of parts.. and supplies and prepared to" take careof any rebuilding or repaii" .i"1' "" might have Large or Small.. !orih; EaroiUna Equipmeni Co. T" ...J LZJ " . j i 1 Ann. J liX &yj, Y &U, I I I tSMMBMla1 U-ZO'HS I I CVJiJ 1 I I p. i r- 1 ..' I b r- DONALD Dl'CK RAlTlfn 311 IHlbboro St. ""ne 883S CHARLOTTE Two Miles Sooth Rt. 21 Phone 4-4661 ASHEVILLE Sweeten Creek Road Phone 789 5 'no. tht ONE s not nr. ;cCI - &nnt-r - - . . V LITTLE. I IM i J S Xr- -sJ K 17 I CI I T . IV f I I iuu r i NOW Tt-tOSE" sEE.W TO PiCH ) . M I BY WALT DISNE1 J1 1 I -ebis7y H . i A ' i 1 I JVV-'- ' j. n- i r : ill .7 1 1 t. fy' kv '0' i .v U t !! fi St mi ii ii iiiiiiiii Mimr