AY) DECEMBER 31.1945 THE VVAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Diary of Events, Big And Little, That 1PAGE ONE (Second Section) lttied- JAjVlltAPv- . ,ri.' made New Year whoopee, then settled down to v ' .1' jnoH.ciirp nparp nf nvlnns hniice.c now famiii. tor a vt'al 1 ucau ..- - lI" ..u:., rlitTorent than a chickpn in pvnru nnt n.it . ihnn uorp strikps and strikp rnmnrs Lwere iw'c, Truman went on me muiu iu uwn-uiu congressmen wno j. lip behind his own reconversion program. De Gaulle rranre s picsiui.iii, - ", ... :....!,. In rinllac tho RnnohnsH f1Vc KR .,; tours- . ... . ... , ,, L offered in serve in a hkc capacity ior me vice presictentless F i ,.lmfoH Ick prices Hiroluio disavowed aiviniiy, nua,nne uegnan, o, was stolen rhiraco lilllie an1 slain' Alabama Rose Bowled-over Southern - ..... IT- 1 ,..,! A A 1- l and Lord liaw naw was uangcu. vn niuij rauar Deam '1" ' n. 1 ..I : i I. .. . fi i . . . . hold room. me ui&ijuie unwceii oenerai motors ana IjO United Auto Workers and the tieup of midwest trucks lagged Packmgnouse men waiiteu out uui waiKeu DacK wnen grabbed the plants. Most electrical appliance factories Irjlvzed. Anti-striKe dius croppeu up in congress, u was !wner tug-of-war; unions demanded raises, management said juld jack up prices, the government forbade price boosts. ra told a puzzled GI that he couldn't bring home the four " r....n. T-i ti . r mi- jehad wed on a aouiii rauui: isie. 1 m ue-quariers oi a million ctfrs struck stilling an America 5 uiasi lurnaees, ana in lon- sHddliug I lined Nations Assemoiy naa, along witn its growing headaches: Iran claimed riussia was ouiiying ncr, rtussia ie- dut the llritish retreat irom ureecc. nygve uic was made Lretarv geiiri ai. itk Yanks in Manila and Europe met in protest against slow , i ixi;:,.;.;-,. c- d:ik u: 1 liatlOM. 0000(1 Cliciuis. lyiiaaiaDiiJi a .r-n. unuu fcui "is sccoiiu her filibustering against me no-Dias jod Dili, men threatened lo death a proposed loan to Britain. Harry Hopkins died, Ger- liist free elections in id years, and an Oregon woman got ySJt) moiiilily pension. Her lather was a private in the War bH'ar III it it comes, propnesieo Admiral iximirz, tne u. r. jrsi Int. China had a short peace, and New York had a new ODwycr. John L. Lewis sliepherded his United Miners the AI-'L. and Myrna Lioy married, liroadway s Doom Durst; Hot wartime dollars was receding. Made 1946 News By CARLE HODGE, AP Newsfeatures Writer rm m " 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii limn i Tim i i - mi M0',.n,.,,.iliiiil,mi ,ni n, ...Vi- . . ... f ''.ij'iii 'IUiCii.''tiiiiifiiiihL.;ii:.)i.v:t I-M"..v: T-Mii:.iiii ' "''" - s'v vt- THE ATOMIC BOMB threw its shadow over many of the headlines of 1910. Two tests at Bikini lagoon, one above and one below water, showed what bombs could do to seapower; the freakish mushroom produced by the underwater explo sion was to become a symbol of atomic energy's awesome power. A sense of the bomb and its future seemed lo be present every meeting of the "Bifj Four" foreign ministers, the General Assembly of the U.N. and its Security Council. Plans were debated for international atomic controls; but in its second year this War Baby was as terrifying lo the world as in its first. mii'j iiir-"" mi ra of the bolder the Mexican League was passing out pesos U. S. hasrhallers. North of the border the Canadian Mounties men: 11 accused of peddling atom secrets to Russia. Shirts irec Ihe KD.R. dime was minted, Hungary became a republic. ping plane crash killed 21 and a Manhattan department store iadv-lo -assemble houses over the counter. Deanna Durbin had a Rockland county, N. Y., bus drivers struck for a three-cents- F raise, settled for two cents. Washington let wages and prices la bit and nicked Chester Bowles to watchdog them. Book of :h: The Kgg and I." Conversation of the month: the Russians A lug strike shut down New York for a day, lock, stock and The steel strike ended. were riots in Bombay and in Rome a consistory of 32 new The House okayed the Case anti-strike bill. Tempers made home and abroad. In London. Russia's Molotov and Britain's appcci accusations, banged fists on tables, then agreed, smiled, hnds. In Washington Harold Ickrs attacked oilman Ed Pauley, ed for Under Secretary of Navy. Truman defended Pauley. "fled, niilfcd. finally auit as interior secretary. Pauley decided want the Navy job anyway. Americans nibbled wheat-thrifty 'tad, nibbled acain. concluded it wasn't so bad after all. lawyer and a he-lawyer met in combat in a Bronx court, settled. "id wed. 1'i anco wanted in U. N. No. senor. said U. N. Japanese 'amashita got the rope; Mickey Rooney got a Bronze Star for Mine troops. Britain nationalized the musty, trusty Bank of i and Clare Luce henamp a Catholic. Rii?ht in the scarev of a honor movie in New York the ceiling plaster caved down. Sam called Argentina's Pcron a Nazi-lover; Peron had last He Won the Prnsirlpiit inl plpptinn tnviMo, Texas, produced a flying auto, and Asbury Park, N. J., cted from its privately-owned city hall. Headline: MILLION ICANS OUT ON STRIKE. Sonja Heine won a divorce. Each sighed Harry Truman, was "just a little more hectic" than the AgRjJL. sins r ""fltk ffipGfKL J MAN of the Month; the local butcher Bronx Zoo fooled April Foolers by changing its phone number for the day. But John L. Lewis wasn't kidding; at a minute past midnight he yelled strike and 350,000 soft coal miners helped open the fishing season. Hyde Park became a National Monument. T here Has little wheat in Europe, few chocolate Easter bunnies in America. China had a famine, Detroit a transsit strike and the Pacific a tidal wave. Chief Justice Harlan Stone died. The House cut the heart from the price control bill, and the Big Four foreign ministers met to thrash treaties for the Axis' coat-tail countries. Princess Elizabeth was 'Ml I'oxas was elected president of the Philippines, and Greer Carson was swept to sea by a wave, hauled to safety and Page 1 by a sardine fisherman. U. N. wanted to hear more about Iran and Knssia ami had a committee sleuth Spain, by remote control. Any meat'.' Arc you joking, lady? Boston rerode Paul Reveres ride and did Paul one boiler: Ihe new lights in the Old North Church were eloftric. The League of Nations, age 20. died and the Explosion Flyer piled up near Chicago, killing 42. Mussolini's body was stolen. To jo tried suicide, but lived. -i.if Jl3 f CHILL came in like a lion. 'S tiC-lin UT3G Vlokl1 tor. His roar at Fulton, Mo., for an awav as Moscow, which echoed r monger:'' Sneak for yourself. Winston, said Attlee. Four )l married the same day in Detroit. London vowed independ Irdia, and Greenwich, Conn., had an election to decide that lu'd find a home somewhere else, please. sa a thief tip-toed through a grocery store skylight right into vat and had to be rescued by the cops. The U. N. Security fnovt-cl into a girls' school gym in the Bronx, but not to play Japan got a new constitution and a new best-seller, Mac bgraphy. Iran, still seeing Red, showed up at the Security and Croymko took a walk. Advertisement: THE PRODUCT N EXPERTS LIKED BEST, 2 to 1 ASPIRIN. ("from an survey of the U. N. first aid station). Canada put the finger 'anient member for atom spying in his spare time, and India's 'bulous Aga Khan poured himself onto a sturdy scale to get a his followers: his weight (243 pounds) in diamonds. Newest Jf Petrillo's musicians union: an actress who fingered eight 1 P'aiio in a Chicago play. Gloria Vanderbilt Stokowski cut lan,a's allowance, Stalin surprised nobody by getting himself ;sL "employed: 3,000,0,00. Ray Milland and Joan Crawford nn." pleaded black-bearded Dr. Petiot, accused by Paris s of killing 27, "not 27, 63." The Russian bloc and the oloc were as far apart as bodka and beer, but the nations' uewed their pledge for peace. Familiar faces in new places: as U.N.R.R.A. boss, Hoover as famine advisor. Prices kept 1 General Motors strike struck out and through trains started joast to coast. The Navy sold some land in Connecticut, 1 't hadn't included a hole on the land in the deal solemnly 'e for $1. AS ARABS stoned Hrilish troop-, a foy-blind plane lumbered into the Bank of Manhattan tower and Krankie Sinatra got $41,000 for a week's swoon-crooning in Chicago. Spring scene: (lowers and nylon lines. Booth Tarkinglon died Assault won the Kentucky Derby. Rightward went France, voting down a leflist-pet constitution, and an Alcatra revolt mcked The Hock but the Marines gol the .situation u,.,.,,i i. ,..mn :ie:iin" M.nlir said Tinman, pausing to seize the railroad and-coal mines. Headline- lU'SSIANS MOVE RUSSIA SAYS The railroad strike -wept west junction at the tea hour. Local Standard Time FUOM IRAN nth Ihe sun, hitting each Two days later Truman forced settlement. A confused Jersey jaekrabbit onH mil a fa in Puliler prize play strike stopped: II"' wmnah; John iron-ruling. Che lioslo akia men. dunked w hi n I heir beardless Sea Scouts. Air. more Jewish immiKianl Too many, cried the Ar; In Paris tin What they couldn't settle ed a yelping dog into a bush State of (he Union." The coal I. The I'. S accused Romania of voted Fed and Ihe red-faced Coast Guards boat sunk oil San Diego, were saved by :lo-Amenean Commission proposal: 100.000 - for Palestine. Not enough, cried the Jews, bs, calling a general walk-out. houued-down Inroijm ministers put oil until tomorrow Iml.iv reluctantly sliullled Home. .r.i.. aou THE O.P.A. died at 12. But the dirges were drowned oul bv the big Blast at Bikini, the world's fourth atom bomb vs. a Meet of anchored i warships. The lest bomb exploded above water. Sunk: live target ships and a Philadelphia professor's forecast that it'd start a chain reaction, blowing the world from 0ikosh inlo next week. Unleashed, rents and prices bolted up. Evictions spread: a hardened Chicago eviction baliff got a heart-breaking assignment: booting himself out. Birthdays: George Bernard Shaw, 90, Henry Ford, KM, Tito had Mihailovic shot, and Jewish terrorists blasted Jerusalem's King David Hold. Sidney llillnian died. In the piney woods near Monroe, Ga., four Negroes were ambushed, lynched; in Bolivia a revolt eradicated Dictator Villancel, upset his regime. Song: "Doin' What Comes Naturally." Ncwsphoto: Hep. Andrew May at Ihe Garrson's party, a lady's arms about his legislative neck. May was too ill (o talk, unquote. Congress clamped ceilings back on rents and some prices but not meal or dairy products. William lleirens confessed the Degnan slaying, and 21 nations massed glumly in Paris for the European peace conference. Bikini's underwater bomb downed nine vessels but left most adoal. Picking jurors lo try K. Ii. Wheeler's murderer, a Durham. N. C, court picked out the name nf a dead man, Ihe same late K. B. Wheeler. Inflation note: South Orange, N. J , boosted traffic fines, $r (o $7. Howard Hughes, already sulloring Irom censoritis, was hurt in a plane craekup. In Sweet Springs, Mo., Harvey House and Herb Lotz launched a real estate business. House and Lot.. I . : ' ' A f J f f C.I.O. headed Sou up the safest stale "Forever Amber" h for lite summer, (o organize, sun. A suivey uiineu Iowa: another showed thai more people were reading than the Bible. over Fanco Spain and in Dade county, district attorney, and lost. June tune: went up a cent. Britain rationed it. (Tncaco- old l.abalie notei umn vi it- lAmfl mistress safely out. And in fire in the Canfield Hotel killed 15. THE U. N quibbled again Fla.. Frank (). Spain ran lor Tim f:nxv." Bread, scarce. Flames swung floor by floor up were dead: a seeing eye dog led Dubuque. Iowa, within a week. Hot.. H 1'mherto out ot a jo .u- i,. , Mehmia'.' Vin-on became chief justice . ,. li.ttHW- lu!l Thieves broke oui inc tax.- , . ,. lot machine-. ,iu quaris oi mmv. . i-...,.,,,-, ....n-tai . Bidault as I-ranee 1 1 .-." , , , ,., , Marshal Anlone-eu (langieo. hkc a s"' kin" was lound sliol. isernara oaiucn MORE Americans were vacationing (ban ever before. Congress gave itself a raise and wen! home, A Dallas duck bit a postman; when the mailman returned with a skeptical reporter the duck bit him again. Good news: Terminal pay for enlisted men "God is not married," explained fat Father Divine, marrying "in name only'' a 21-year-old Canadian girl. H G. Wells died U. S. employed: 00 million, a record. A polio wave, worst since 191 (i, crept IHrougll central and soiunern states. U. N. got a bargain: a moving man moved it from the Bronx to Lake Success for just $1, bis gill lo peacekeeping. Over the world (he .peace was restless. Tito's planes, guns .sputtering, pushed down (wo U. S. transports in Yugoslavia. Five crewmen were killed, the survivors held until Washington angrily sped an ultimatum to free them. Moslems and Hindus rioted over Indian independence and Calcutta's narrow streets were choked with 3,000 dead. In troubled Palestine 18 Jewish men. four women were life-imprisoned for bombing the Haifa rail station. Tel Aviv was eurfewed. Back in Athens, Tenn., the local political machine refused to be budged by ballots, was over thrown with rifle tire by rebelling vets. Eleanor Roosevelt dozed al (he wheel, gol two black eyes when her car hit two others. Strikers snarled Great Lakes shipping. Meat, plentiful at a price, vanished when ceilings were shoved back on. Truman set-up a civilian Atomic Control Commission, then went swimming in Bermuda. In St. Louis something went wrong: the Weather Bureau s picnic was rained oul. I and stole two s In: Snyder as Mni Romania' Nazifn-d i (mm a rope, and Si.im IJUpp ' ' " Tr,rf-d- Ihe U. S would to an International Authority. Honeymooning. Col Puranl interrupted by discovery ormin irwels in Germany j r:i- fnt raises. Curious anu v r- brothers, and gasped i-.,n,nc rlinoed O.P.A- S nnihine. kayoed it ib Whodunit: What happened to all Truman marked into the Clinton, lenn., jail time-being presi- iunk its A-bomb-, turn it- atom miuw-uuw u.u. But Russia vetoed tne ioea. anrl bis WAC captain bride were rudely that they'd lined Sl.30U.Utiu worm oi nesc The draft was stretched until March, '47, congressmen Heard aooui me umi" Back to Paris went the foreign ministers. n -i :.!,! ; A, ' i c- u-nrcn than wings iruman uenueu u Louis vetoed Billy Conn. SEPTEMafiS- sun J'05- nrM!&Mp& cities: Secretary of Commerce Wallace talked in New York against Byrnes' get-tough foreign policy in Paris, got-fired in Washington. Averell Harrimau replaced him. In Denver, a lady lajghed so hard at Bob Hope's photograph that she 'wallowed a chicken bone. There was more plane talk in Council Bluffs, Iowa; a man complained to the cops that planes were zooming so low over his house that their slip streams kept stripping off his bedcovers. Talked-about movie of the month: "Notorious." Seamen's strikes deadened all U. S. seaports, and Joe Louis deadened Mauriello. Helicopters plucked up survivors of a Belgian airliner which fell in Newfoundland's wilderness, killing 26. More strikes: New York truck drivers, Pittsburgh power workers, Albert farmers, Hollywood movie laborers and teachers in Norwalk, Conn. Searchers scoured lonely Tibet for downed U. S. fliers, believed enslaved by savage tribes men. Not guilty was Nuernberg's verdict for Germany's High Command and General Stair, as groups. Yugoslavs and Italians scrapped in Trieste, Zionists raided railroads and police stations in Palestine and in Newark the Whirlaway Market's horsemeat business boomed. A California State Polytechnic prof, showing students how to crank a tractor without breaking an arm, broke his arm. OVEK most ol the East it was toast-warm. St. Louis' Cardinals played-off Brooklyn anil eked out a World 'Series triumph oer the Red Sox. The Truculent Turtle nonstopped from Australia to Ohio, 11,230' reewd mile-, and a Long Island girl fell dead at her wedding. A man in Milwaukee. I iivd of a stomach ache thai lasted three years, finally had il N raved and lound he had swallowed a fork. In a chill, misty morn al Nuernberg. Goermg gulped syauide. so on Hibbeiitiop led the march ol 10 Nazis to the wooden gallows. A new. sea strike, by ships' olliccrs, kept ports closed. Gen. St dwell died. "The Iceman Cometh" canioth lo Broadway. Alaska voted for statehood Oil were ripped meal controls and as meal prices hit new record high- bu; er slnkes spread like autumn leaves. Some bloke stole the Uiieh"-- nf Windsor's jewel-. In Boise, Idaho, a stranger asked to sec a gun in a pawn shop, then asked to see shells, then robbed the shop. Did Ku-.-ia have an atom bomb'.' No. said Stalin. TWA pilots si ruck The foreign ministers moved lo make tin Danube free lor all, put oil' final treaty settlements and bade adieu to Paris. Yugoslavia, charging collaboration, sentenced Archbishop Stepinae to prison, (be Vatican promptly excommunicated the court. The Pacusan Dreamboat bridged Ihe roof of Ihe world, Hawaii to Fgypi. and 3!) perished when an American Overseas Airliner lopped into a Newfoundland hill. A caplured V2 rocketed up 102 miles about New Mexico. Quote: 'I just get tired of them,'' sighed a Cbaltanooga woman, divorcing her sixth. AIIMY 0. N'otie Dame 0. "Had Enough.'" campaigned Republican-', and were swept into congressional control. The Big Four met in Manhattan. Chiang issued a cease-fire order but fire didn't tease. We'll put islands we look from Japan under U. N. trusteeship if we cun run I hem. Brynes said. Truman went to Florida to vacation ami Artie Shaw and Kathleen Winsor went to Mexico to wed. Jimmy Walker died. John L. Lewis' in-again out-again soft coal miners wont out again. Transportation and power were .stunted as America ran oul of coal, furnace by furnace. Communists lopped France's elect lon- "Polilical banditry,'' Ihe Ukraine called the slick-up shooting of i I its delegates in New York. Just plain New York banditry, the cops called it. New members Sweden, Iceland, Afghanistan made it it United Nations, Atlantic City circled, by a w hopping majority, a Jusl ice-of-t be I'e.u ' candidate who had hern tlead a week, and 45!) New Yorkers voted for a man who wasn't running. His name was on the ballot by mistake. Headline: SOAP SCARCE. In Colorado planes dropped food lo bliz.ard-boiiiid ranchers; in Massachusetts a plane hurled dry ice into a cloud, turning it into a snow storm. A San Francisco judge freed three shoplifters, I hen discovered they'd lifted, in court, two pail's of nylons Ilis Honor, bad bought for Ihe Mrs. Meal prices -lowly settled An Alaskan hobbled on crutches into a Fairbanks bar and. alter a couple of snorts, ran out without then'. Ski planes saved IJ Americans stranded on a Swiss glacier after their Army plane fell Resigned; Paul Poller. () P A. chief. In London, the World Trade Charier was signed. Hollwood police seized 079 oil mov ie picket lines, the Supreme Court paid Oregon Indians for land (hat palefaces grabbed from then' ancestors and Betty Hulton became a mother. Argentina passed a peacetime draft, and workmen sawed -even feet oil ,i .Miami Beach (ullage that extended onto another's lot. 0 S'CjEj'S- 'Rttr'Sw ; JOY to for dog-. ; south anil stocking-! u $3.r00.000 . judge- rule, German cci Santa lb w oi Id. -telling Meman In a New York -tore oflerod the liver collar, only $lo: By i d . t ame Mexico s president I'nc perfect Yiue gilt expedition im-ed le Sam waelcd a I Irom the United Miners and John L. Lewi-: fine- of nd $;o.tHM. for unheeding an order not to strike. A truer, i! oi.l He anti-Petnllo bill. U. S and Britain merged thor nomii zone- and lirvin was booed at the Polo Ground- go' a cool welcome in Newark: he had to take health r,i:r- bobbed. Not so. Slreel shivered. and promise not to ki crippling coal strike Out: Wil-on Uy all. in deadlock. Molotov and Judy Garland si destroyed a jeep-nil shopping -! the fine for RUMORS had Margaret Truman getting her nose Ihe White House said. Slocks nosedived and Wall Colleges overflowed, and all Nuernberg's war criminals swore innocence! except Hans Frank, who'd gotten religion. Only .survivor in a Nevada plane crash was a two-year-old boy. Heircns. Suzanne Degnan's slayer; got life. Paris conferees argued control of Trieste and the Danube j labored at a snail's. pace toward border settlements. Headline: MORE I SQUATTERS SEIZE EMPTY LONDON HOUSES. In Greece, exiled i King George won his old job back. ' Tito bowed, scraped and apologized for forcing down Yank planes, j but Jersey City longshoremen still wouldnt load Iito-bound cargoes. u,rl,-i Hullnn rfivnrrpri I arv I. rant, and t lie uionne quims cooeu i . i . i c.r, 'n;ih i.nrl a cr.ro iiwinfh. Talo nf three! of -the Liltle Bi U L a lit " tJt-i " uiuiiiv. , - ' - ' ' - - - - kiddies. After 1" days, Lewis ended the cconunv. In. O. Max Gardner, ambassador to Lundoi . hou-ing expediter. The Indian conferer.ee qui' igi-eed to abandon the veto on arms control ntin-. :nrl a new film contract. A Palestine landmit-' -mil of Tommies, and American- went on a record iee. In D.illa-. a man telephoned the city court clerK. ;..-kcu fighting. "Okay," he said. "I'm going out and whip a .guy." There was (iglitmg in Iran. A Senate committee investigating fellow Sen. Bilbo went to Mississippi lo look into The Man's campaign. Fire killed 11!) in Atlanta's WinecolT Hotel. Byrnes asked a reduction in European occupation troop-, and the foreign ministers put control of Trieste under the Secinitv Council A 44-year-old California woman had her nul a ti.Vycai-old South Dakota man. wounoeo in tne n.nur Horn, finally gol his Purple Heart. 22nd child. mr ti JJl.y. t i ' 1 I; i i; It Ii: I li.

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