FRIDAY, JANUARY 3j j J fc&GE FOUR (Second SeciioaT THE WAXNUSmLK MOUNTAINEER A Year's News In Brief - The Day B y Day S 'I r-i "I j ! ! I n IS si. 'It V Jan. J.-r-President, Truman calls ; " for strika-control legislation. ' 1 elld in wake of 18i., ,.ent per nour Jan. 7. U. S. soldiers in both ' increase granted by V. S. Steel , hemispheres carry, on '"We want Corp. to go home" demonstrations. Fh 18 nrPiM in-! RED OFFICERS ORDER U.S. SHIP FROM DAIREN Jan. ML -United Nations avem bly meets in London with Paul eluding four Americans, Cardinals in Rome. made : Henri Spaak of Belgium elected i Feb. 23.-U. Gen. Tomovuki Ya its first president. ! mashita. Japanese conqueror of Jan. 12 President Truman inter-; Singapol.e. hangt.d as war tl ,mi. venes to win week postponement i na of nationwide steel strike. w ' , . , . i c r-T- a e-i i March 5. Former Prime Minister 'an. .... ss aim Ar lj fjailliug- j Churchill at Kulton. Mo., accuses Russia of planning expansion be hind the "iron curtain" and urges I virtual I ance. -Britih military alli- house workers strike; 200,000 elec trical workers also in walkout. Jan. 21. Virtually all steel mills closed as CIO steel workers walk out. Jan. 24. Army announces Signal March 1?. Russian armed forces Corps scientists made radar con-1 reported moving from Soviet iron tact with the moon. j 1'er of Tehran. Iran ' Jan. 25. John L. Lewis takes ; March 13. CIO Auto Workers set United Mine Workers back to AFL j tie strike with General Motors. Jan. 26. U. S. seizes 11 strike- 'Truman withdraws nomination of hound packing companies. Iran . Pauley as undersecretary of the! delegates to UN Security Council j Navy. j charge Soviet interference in i March 15. Prime Minister Attlee ! Iran's affairs. announces India can have indc Jan. 27. Packing house workers pendenee if she wants it. agree to return. ! March 24. Moscow announces Rus- Jan. 301' V Security Council agrees to Russian request that U S S.R and Iran settle their dis pute directly. sian troops withdrew from Iran. 1 March 27. Russia's I Y delegate j Andrei Gromykn refuses to attend Security Council discussion of , Feb. 4. British Foreign Secretary j Iranian question Ernest Bevin denies Russian j March 28. I S State Department cliarses that Britain endangers announces plan for international peace with troops in Greece. i -atomic de elopinenl authority ." Feb. 6. President Truman calls on April 1. liitiiminous coal miners nation to conserve wheat to avert ' stop work with expiration of con- "mass starvation abroad." I tract with eoal industry. 1 Feb. 9. Stalin announces new ! Anril 3. l.t Gen Masaharu Horn-1 Five-Year Plan for Russia. j ma. commander held responsible Feb. 13. Secretary of. the Interior for Bataan deatli march. eeited Harold I.. Ickes resigns in row with as war criminal President Truman over latters April 15. Iran withdraws corn nomination of Edwin W. Pauley plaint against Russia before U. N. as undersecretary of Navy. Security Council. Feb. 14. I .Y assembly in Lon- April 17. House of Represents don approves Westchester-Fairfield , tives area of New York and Connnecticut ; trol hill. f Sis'ri csW"w 1 ,Jf,v., --s j) A -.-w ' -s," t s,'t i 1 J Ht:nchuria-'A no -zjG- J A"7 4 tvnimM, ma V rc? wry S jfr -janomai -y I v CMifa sia .. LtJ J i s AFTiR caceivlng a "verbal ultima tum" from Russian military officials KtDairea, Manchuria (indicated on snap), a UJS. Navy LCI. of the typ shown at left, pulled out of the port Having spent more than an allotted 48 hours, the ship was given 30 minutes In which to leave or take the possible consequences which might be incurred. (International) isters adjourn Paris meeting. July 13. Congress approves $3, 7511.0(10.000 loan to Britain. Draja Mihailnvic j of American airliner in Newfound ; land. ' Oct. 11. Archbishop Aloysius ; Stepinatz sentenced to 16-year j prison term in" Yugoslavia on c'ol ; laboration charge. , Oct. 14. Meat price controls end. time high. July 17. Gen leaue. o. me i.uua. resistance i parjs poace a(tvisory conference against the .Nazi conquerors of j etus Yugoslavia, executed on charges he j ()ct; 1 5. CardinaLs win World Se collaborated with enemy. j July 20.Aongressional committee I 0, ,,. 7frm:inn r.n(,rina nm. weakened price con-:'""-10 oa.nes mima.y men ior mjts suk.idCi 10 other Nuernberg 1 J i I I I ill I I1U1UOI lliadMt I UUl as site of new world peace capital. Feb. 15. Canada announces leak age of atomic energy information to members of a foreign mission in Ottawa Feb. 1C. Steel strike approaches c S TONIGHT ... ' Relieve Miscrissof (is? Cold assJeseers -vs When you rub sooth-W-A ing, warming VapoRub on her cold-irritated throat, chest and back at bed time, it starts to work: in stantly .Then, while she sleeps, VapoRub's special relief -giving action keeps on working for hours. Often by morning most misery of. itfjc the cold is epne. VJ2J m (. 4nKii.A April 29. Allies indict Hideki Tojo for war crimes. May 4. Criminals fail in jail breaking attempt at Alcatraz prison. May 21. Governent seizes soft coal mines; Secretary of Interior Republican minority charges Presi dent F. I) Roosevelt with derelic tion. July 25. Congress and President approve revised OPA bill. Second atomic test bomb explodes at Bikini. Krug authorized to negotiate with July 29. Advisory peace confer- J union chief John L. Lewis j May 22. Country hit by nation jwide railroad strike, i Mat 25 .Rail strike ends as train- men and engineers bow to govern ntent wage increase proposals. I May 29. Soft coal strike ends. June 11. President vetoes Case I labor-control bill. June 14. Bernard M. Baruch pre sents U. S. proposals to U. N. Atomic Energy Commission. June 15. Big Four foreign min isters meet in Paris. June 24. Fred M. Vinson sworn in as Chief Justice of the United ' States. June 29. Truman vetoes OPA ex tension bill, demands Congress adopt stricter controls. July 1. OPA expires. First of two atomic test bombs explodes at Bikini. July 4. Independence assumed by Philippines. July 12. Big Four foreign minis- war crimes defendants hanged. U. S beef and lamb prices at new record highs. Cotton prices slump. Oct. 21. TWA planes grounded as pilots strike. Oct. 23. U. N. Assembly meets at New York. Oct. 26. Sea strike settled on east coast. Nov. 4. Big Four foreign minis- encc meets in Paris. Aug. 2. Seventy - ninth Congress ters meet in New York. adjourns. Drs. Seaver and Lockard OPTOMETRISTS Of Asheville WILL RE IN WAYXESVILLK FRIDAY EACH WEEK Masonic Buildins . . . Hours 9:00 to 5:00 Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted H. M. Seaver, O. 1). John ( . Lockard, O. D. nly once a year HALF PRICE SALE m i - ' J TUSSY Aug. 9. U. S. transport plane forced down by Yugoslav fighter pilots. Aug. 19. Five Americans die when U. S. transport plane is shot down by Yugoslav fighters. U. S. note rejects Russian proposals for con trol of Dardanelles. Aug. 20. Price controls on meat ordered restored. Aug. 89. Security council votes U. N. membership for Afghanistan, Sweden and Iceland. Sept. 1. Greeks vote to restore King George to throne. Sept. 3. Stock market tumbles. Sept. 5. All U. S. ports tied up as sailors strike. Sept. 12. Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace asasils "get tough with Russia" policy at New York political rally. Sept. 18. Twenty-six die, 18 hurt, as Belgian airlines plane crashes in Newfoundland. Sept. 20. President Truman drops Henry Wallace from Cabinet in conflict on foreign policy views. Sea strike ends on east coast. j Sept. 21. Sea strike ends on west 1 coast. Sept. 22. W. Averell Harriman oumeu .-ecreiary oi commerce. I if t nr . r l Sept. 30. Nuernberg court acquits! HOUSeWlle V,antg Police German military staff of war crimes, convicts other groups. Oct. 1. Nineteen individual war crimes defendants convicted, three acquitted at Nuernberg. Twelve sentenced to hang, one in absentia. j Marine officers tie up U. S. ports in strike. Truculent Turtle, U. S. j Navy patrol bomber, sets 11 236- mile flight record from Perth'Au ; stralia. to Columbus, Ohio. j Oct. 3. Thirty-nine die in crash nuisance. Nov, 5. Republicans win major victory in elections. Nov. 9. U. S. price controls except on rent, rice, and sugar abandoned Nov. 11. U. S. orders return of Danube ships. Nov. 15. TWA an4 pilots sign agreement. Lewis cancels coal contract with U. S. Nov. 18. Lewis and United Mine Workers enjoined in coal contract rase. Nov. 21. Work- stops in U. S. coal mines. Lewis cited for contempt. Nov. 23. Ship strike ends on west coast. Dec, 2. U. S., Britain agree to merge their zones in Germany, Dec. 4. Wilson Wyatt quits as housing expediter. Mine anion fined $3,500,000, Lewis $10,000 on contempt charge. Dec. 7. Lewis ends coal strike. Scores die in Atlanta hotel fire. Dec. 12. Thirty-seven, die in New York tenement collapse. Dec. 14. United Nations Assembly accepts site in New York offered by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and votes arms curb. Dec. 16 United Nations Assembly adjourns. Aid Against Woodpecker SANTA FE, N. M, (AP) A pesky woodpecker has posed a problem here that may bomerang on him in the end. ' His noisy pecking has disturbed the slumbers of Mrs. George H. Wisehart, who appealed to the state game department and city police for "protection against this "WSANOMAnKf LOTION MClBv Ci..iMinil INSTWUW 0. CO10 AND WSBftfSUSOAS KIMMT10M tASE hi , o M Wind & Weather Lotion Use this silken lotion once and you'll never be without it! It solves so many Uauty needs. H'-lps prevent chapping, helps protect sensitive skin, soothes complexion dryness, softens and smooths skin from head to heels. Even double as a make-up base. Get yours today while this annual sale is on! $1 SIZE NOW ONLY SO4 $1 SIZE NOW $1 Mandr family carton of ix $1.00 botrlot, $1.00 all pricoi plui las SMITH'S CUT-RATE DRUG STORE WEU 'S A SKOAL YOVJ? AfP-' GALL 205 Vaynesville Laundry it : : (Incorporated) i' J. W. KILLIAN, Owner WE CALL AND DELIVER CAMP B17TNER DECLARED SlKPLl S WASHINGTON The war de partment today announced Camp Butner, Durham, will he declared surplus to its needs as of .luuuary 31, 1947, and the installation will be certified to War Assets adminis tration for disposal. Built in 1940-41, at a cost of $41,000,000 the North Carolina camp was one of the largest in fantry training centers in tin country. The 12,865,518 Negroes in the United States at last census fur nished 45.8 of the domestic ser vice. 26 per cent of saw-mill and planing mills works. 24.2 of tobac co factory workers. 20.2 per cent of hotel and lodging place workers. El Alto airport at La Paz. Iio livia, is 14.000 feet above sea level. Dear Louisa:- 1 am a mother and have two daughters who have just finished school. One is planning to be come a teacher and the other , vislies to go in training as a nurse. We had hoped that they would both become teachers and toward that end we have saved enough money to pay for their college education. We think that the hospital training will tie too hard for our youijer daughter but noth ing we can say has any effect on her. Do you think we should just tell her that she cannot go in train ing or v, hat do ou advise'.' Mother Md. Answer: I think you would he very un wise to tell your (laughter that -lie cannot go in training. If that is what she lias always wanted to do that is possibly where she will he happiest and make I lie biggest success. , However, it docs seem a shame 'lor her to gie up the chance of a coljege education when so many girls are lunging for the oppor tunity to go to school. College will I mean a great deal to her, no mat i (or what kind of a trade or pro , Cession she chooses to follow and a girl who goes in training, hav ing such an educational back ground, will be able to go further in her profession than one who lacks it. i Perhaps you and your daughter , will he happier if she will agree to linish college before she goes I in training. There are many j studies she can elect w hile there i which will make her training ; period much easier later on. But when she does complete her college work, you must be perfect ly willing for her to go on with the career she desires. LOUISA. Dear Louisa:- Don't you think that, women are awful gossips and catty about each other? I am a woman but some times I am ashamed of it. G. G. C Ark. Answer: The woman who is always ac. eusing other women of being catty is usually a little cat her self. But she is a sly little cat and how she does like the admir ation of the other sex when she sounds off about the shortcomings of her own sex! I don't think that gossiping is confined to either sex. I think it is strictly a trait of the individual. In fact, while - women may be more given to trivial gossip, it is my opinion that men are much quicker to suspect innocent wom en of bad behavior than other wo men are. But it really makes me sick to see the way some of the fair sex smirk around with the air of "see how different I am from all other women." Ami then they can probably tell you the low-down on everyone in town, but of course, they will just he telling you and no one else so it's not really gossip. How did they hear it .' They must be psychic. LOUISA. Siam Welcomed Into U. N. Fold LAKE SUCCESS. N. Y Siam became the 55th member of the United Nations at 5:09 p.m. EST) Dee. 16 when Prince Wan Waitha yakon, former Siamese delegate to the League of Nations Assembly, signed articles of adherence to the U. N. charter for his Government. Ivan Kerno. Assistant Secretary General of the U. N. in charge of leeal affairs, remesented the U. N. at the brief ceremony. He welcom ed Siam to the United Nations and received the Prince's, assur ances that his country would co operate fully with the U. N. American Families Flown To Europe For Christmas WASHINGTON , v Army s program for sih. ,! uy reunions, w turope lai,aw aepenueius oi servu,. Jt., overseas in tne tirst uv, ation. The wives and cluldu.n J no vn to f.urope aboard ln. ciai pianes unuer arran wiin uic iiu.v, i in- ment saio touay. in, inuiitrnr'jli'it if -i 1 1 l .., iiiuuh111'""' 1 . t. U 1 in hrst Class acconinu, aooara service vessels H to reach Europe by CiniMmj, Hoover Urges U. S.$i C1 1 . . . T.1.. .1 j t kurJiu: i ui ti to tjre(4 NEW YORK - lAI'- Kll,, President Herbert lim,.,., ,JN' ed last night that the 1 ini,.,' Government i-onlrilmii Mr foods to supplement aid planned by voluntary n-iu-ij cies. The proposal was mad,. $ , ner in honor ol Cohm.,!:!,,, : daris, Greek Prime MinMi-r. (, hi. Hi., lot if. (',,,. ( : ,. tee and eight other d , , k zatipns. INCOME m Let the same people du J work this year as las! we win oe located in sam otiice we nad last yr;n find 1 Feb. to 15 March. we win naniiie worn prior ti Feb. 1st by appointmeii' Write us at Sylva, N. r, J call 9106, Sylva, and set yoi own time. THE CLOSMAN CO, 114 Main St. LISTING JANUARY LIST YOUR PROPERTY GIVE IN YOUR POLL IN Listing Begins January 1st All property owners and taxpayers in Haywood County are re quired to return to the list takers for taxation for the year 1947 all the Real Estate, Personal Property, etc., which each shall own on the first day of January. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 are required to list their polls during the same time. All persons who own property and fail to list it and nil who are liable for poll tax and fail to give themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. TOWNSHIP Iyy Hill Mrs. Jack Campbell Jonathan Creek Fred Allison Cataloochee J. Mack Caldwell Fines Creek Frances Rogers Crabtree ..... C. T. Noland Pigeon ... Gay Burnett White Oak LISTERS Waynesville J. S. Black! East Fork , Ken Burnell ! Iron Duff J; Manson Medford Cecil Jerry Francis Beaverdam C. E; Williami WYde r R. FrancK WaltWright rnonezoa , Boyd AveflW 7 4 J. .j.