FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 PAGE FOUR (Second Sciiioi THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUND (Che (golden (Test Jesus Interviewed by Nicodemus ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON At The By AlW J. Buowkor Churche t HAZEI.VVOOD I'RLSIiY IT l!l CHCIK II Rev. S. H. C rocket t. I'.. The pastor will pi i ' ' Illuming worship limn wi ' jeet: Eighl. -liu m- .i! Now. S ti n ( I ;i m-IkhiI If ti i .i in I . Summei tow . Sup! Praver iiutI-iiik W i lin 1 ' P. M. 'II 10 OtllK p Ui'li - Sunday ti.tdl 1' M .x Mi 1 . . r CHURCH OK ( HKI Services are held h1. ; : n ville Chti' c h of Chi i-t . . . day at HI j in m 1!.. ! building. 1H M.'i i: -n i ' A e named Nicodemus, a ruler of the J visited Jesus, saying to Him, l: l! i we know that Thou art a teach t i ...n-.e from Cod; for no man can do li.u.- m.racles that Thou doest, except i I-,, i Iw eirh him " Jesus told Nicodemus that except a man be born again he cannot see the king dom of God. and as Nicodemus did not understand, Jesus went to some pains to explain that one must be born again spiritually. After this Jesus and His disciples went into the land of Judaea; and Jesus bap tized. John the Baptist - was also near there and he also was baptizing, for John was not yet cast into prison, but was preaching. Some of John's disciples questioned him about Jesus and His baptism of many. John answered that he had never said he was the Christ, but that he was sent before Him. MEMORY VERSE P,salm 135.3. J( A I .1 NK A Mil MOM- I ( III K( II Cecil 1. Hec k. in! I ' ' Church Si hinij v t I . : . ' with Mr. li II hi:, ;. Superintendent im: i ' ' opening service ! ' The pa.stor i i: . eleven o chirk mi.'.. . subject . "Disci !ii l.e ' I of Winch II I- l..d. will be lead b. M, ( - : . Ill Hie pro 1 .:!!! ..! .: hour of worship. Mr Albeit .1 h c.. , deliver the vcr..mi . twelve TI. i ee M. - Addresses bem-I In .. tile month ul .l.i:;u.-: ' and March Mr Kdw in T. 1 1 . M charge of the j ;.. . ship at 7 UO p. in Rev. John W M, Junaluska ar.d c " ! i c . : his retirement t i ., if the Western North C 1 fereliee, will pi e.i (. .,J; e ening on t tie -ii'iirr' i ir L se". Sunday ever, in . : finis at T .'iii p ni HRST BAPTIST (Til K II I. C Ki! lot i l'at.;: Sunday School at '' -i " :. Phillips, Supenn!ei,,,t :;t V, bert Maye. Asm.i k.'. Si.. ent. The aenei a! . ..;: . Sunday, January !';!: :- n-liip idemus." at 1 1 o'clock. ,i -object Will MR. JAMES KIRKPATKICK HEADS JUNALUSKA M. E. ADULT FELLOWSHIP meets at b':3(l The Adult Fellowship met Tuos- dnection of Mr. day evening at Junuluska Mctho- (I Miss Hatsie dist Church. Mrs. Curtis Sc-ay had Ti aming Train, charee of the prom-am and pre sented Patrolman O. R. liobert vho sjoke to the group. The following officers of the Adult Fellowship were elected: President. Mr. James Kirkpalrick: Vice-President. Mrs. () I.. Yates: Secretary. Mr liussell Fultz: Trea surer. Mrs Carroll McCracken. ,e too much' j 7 : The pas this subject1 1 .- u riuediate C!. a: ' Chase Hall, ii. ite K. A.'s meet The Everyday Counselor -My HEV. HERBERT SFAUGIi, D. D. Why don't ou print more let-j liness, materialism, the grind of s from your correspondence in everyday living, gradually discolor lAeiyday Counselor, and dis- Library Notes '.- meet with !ier home. service and ilnesday night 1 1: in', ite you to wor iii i he above services. IDE ( III RCII imbers. Pastor meets at 10:0(1 leadership of 1 aiII bring the mes on o clock worship 'ets at 7 00 under the .! Kdgar Burnette and ot leaders The young i .,.,' charge of general ti ', u e and prayer meet i i at 7.K0 Wednesday Martin. Vesper Service at (i:30 with mu sic by the Young People's Choir under the direction of Charles Isley. Everyone is urged' to attend this service conducted by the Youth Fellowship. The Methodist Hour The speaker for the Methodist Hour. Sunday morning, January 19, at 8:30, will be Dr. Umphey Lee, President of the Southern Metho dist 1'niversity with the subject. "The Community of the Confid ent". This program will be broad cast from WWNC. Asheville: W'SPA Spartanburg; and WNOX. Knox ville. in addition to many other stations throughout the country. The monument'. i,f as enduring a 'n:. modeled by craft -:ne fini'st granite ai.,1 v ide range oi n: , , signs. Write I s - - - SEE i-i:im; hill c iu rch i ' 'i.hiiIm i s. Pastor , hool -neets at 9:45 un- , a;l. rhip of Wood row .ii :im el at i:30 under ii ,,i liobert Clarke and leaders. The pastor .-it 7:30 ;'!!,-ar:il and Bible study i Tuesday evening at CHRISTIAN SCIENCE The church rooms are located on the second floor of the Masonic Temple Services are conducted each Sunday morning at 11 o'clock The Lesson-Sermon for next Sun day will be "Lite'' and the Golden Text will be taken from 1 John 5:11. "This is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in his Son." ters The cuss them . ' Tins question is raised by readers. The answer is that i people who write about personal and spiritual problems don't want t h e in printed j e v e n i f theii identity is with held. This I havi learned through the hard way o! e x p e r lence in writing this col umn over a pen od of years. 1 do discuss tile prob lems raised nvi letters which come to this desk, but out of regard for those who write. 1 withhold their letters. Channing Pollock, celebrated nutfior and playwright, wrote an article some years ago called, "The Earth's Slow Stain". He drew a vivid word picture of how earth- I or the soul of man, leaving it dingy and drab. The remedy he offered as the only sure one, was that we learn to refresh our spirits in con stant communion with our Lord. Just as the fine dust which is in the air all about us creeps into the best kept house and settles on the furniture, if the housekeeper is not active with the dust cloth, so the fine dust of materialism settles on our souls, dulls their luster, and if not removed, forms a hard crust. That hard crust is usually broken up by some personal problem, dif ficulty, calamity, which breaks through earthly things, and plows often down deep into our very hearts. You remember what Cap tain Eddie Rickenbacker wrote about attachment to material things when you are faced with the pres ervation of life itself. What about being faced with the truth of eter nity? Men and women in such extrem- MARGARET JOHNSTON County Librarian (all S BEFORE VOi P.l'l AM) sVI.: MODERN j MEMORIALS Ilendersonv ille. N. ( . 842 Kanuga St. Phone X".., I E. A. Merrell J. II. Mern II I METHODIST CHL RCII I' ail Tow risend. Pastor ;:, h School opens with wor- tics m each department "' o i luck. Classes begin at! i II Howies. Superintend-' GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH In The Mountains Rev. Robt. G. Tatum. Rector Second Sunday after Epiphany. Church School at 9:30 a.m. Morning Prayer and sermon at 11:00 a.m. Jesus Interviewed by Nicodemus HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ST. MARY'S CHAPEL Micadale Evensong and sermon at 3 p.m Morning Worship at k Sermon by the pas li the Senior Choir un :i ''ioii of Mrs. Fred OUNG OTHER Relieve dls- tr. ".r.of baby's cold while he sleeps. i u j o;i Vicks VapoKub at oed- t-;ciothcs, : ..' .'! ,t' trim; . : M . T: ' ll! v VAPOftUI VICKS V VAPOftUI We Have A HARD To Our Furniture 0 f :w Of The ferns In epl. KITCHEN CABINETS INNER SPRING MATTRESS BOX SPRINGS HEATING STOVES HALF SIZE MAPLE BEDS 11:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 7:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M 8:00 A.M. 8:00 A.M. 8.00 A.M. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHLRCII ; i Schedule of Masses j Waynesville Every Sunday Bryson City l 1st Sunday ; Canton 5th Sunday ; Cherokee 3rd Sunday i Cullowhee - I 1st Wednesday Fontana Village i 1st Saturday Franklin 2nd Sunday Highlands 4th Saturday Murphy 5th Saturday Sylva 4th Sunday 8:00 A.M I j i WRITING PAPERS SHOES - WORK CLOTHES - MEN'S HATS - LEATHER COATS c. ii hum & co. Phone 48 , Hozelwood or a bridge prize . . . pint 'prize nk.yoi Sift . . Mationen it l"v Pi"oprit. And when you elect Months Writing Piper, you have wide choice of distinc. avtjMckaget practkalTy any price you prefer to pay. They wty aftncthety packaged for tmy JpKht oca.) THE BOOK STORE By NEWMAN CAMPBELL (The International Uniform Leason on the above topic for Jan. 19 us John 3, the Memory Verse being Psalm 135:3, "Praise ye Jehovah; for Jehovah is good.' THERE WAS a man of the i narisees. named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto Him, Rabbi, we know that Thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that Thou doest, except God be with Him." This man Nicodemus, who be longed to the powerful Sanhedrin, ruling- body of the Jews, came to Jesus at nifrht because he knew of the Master and the miracles He performed, and had come to believe that He had come direct from God. He came at night, why we do not know. Possibly be cause he thought he could have a quiet, undisturbed tauc with Jesus, and also quite as possibly because he did not want his friends and associates to know that he sought this interview because he was not satisfied with the views he had been taught and had heretofore believed, but sought more spir itual guidance. He addressed Jesus as "Rabbi," a term of respect, meaning great or master. It shows what an Im pression this Man of Galilee had made upon him. Must Be Bom Again "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except one be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." Nicodemus was astonished at this language. How could a grown man be born again ? Could he en ter his mother's womb and be born again as if he was an in fant? Jesus explained that it was a spiritual birth. If he accepted the faith that Jesus taught he surely would have a re-birth, be a new man, not in his body, but In his mind, his spirit,, his whole outlook on this life and the life to come. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh," Jesus told him, "and that which is born of the spirit Li spirit. "Marvel not that I said unto lhe, Y-e must be born again. "The wind bloweth where It listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither It Roeth; so Is every one that Is born of the spirit." When Nicodemus answered, "How can these things be?" Jesus' answer was, "Art thou a master of Israel, and knowest not these things? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen; and ye receive not our wit ness. "If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?" Jesus then referred Nicodemus to the Old Testament story of Moses lifting up the serpent in the wilderness, that those bitten by serpents should be healed. "Even so must the Son of man be lifted up." "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. "For God sent not His Son Into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved." Jesus Goes to Judea After these things Jesus and His disciples went to Judea and tarried there, and Jesus baptized many. We are not told If Nico demus believed and accepted Jesus' gospel, or anything more about him. Near Judea John the Baptist also was baptizing, for John was not yet cast into prison. Now some of John's disciples came to him and told him that "he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou bearest witness, be hold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to Him." This was the crucial test for John. His disciples evidently were jealous that this man Jesus was baptizing more men than John. John answered them, "A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven. Ye yourselves bear me witness, that I said, I am not the Christ, but that I am sent before Him." Further John said, "He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth Is earthly, and jpeaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all." ."The Father loveth the Son. and hath given all things Into His hand. He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life; and he that believeth not on the Son shall not see life." Thus did John shew What man. ner of man he was, and testified to his faith in the Master. Library Buildings In N. C. Library buildings have become overcrowded and outmoded during recent years when few public buildings were erected. The small er towns as well as the large cities are hopefully waiting for more ade quate quarters, for an attractive, well planned, centrally located lib rary building is an asset to a com munity. Scotland County citizens, realis ing the importance of a well plan ned and inviting library building as a living memorial to those men and women who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II. have raised $50,000 for a library build ing. The Burton Craige family of Winston-Salem have given $75,000 and the home place in Salisbury to the Rowan Public Library for a memorial to Mr. Craige. Miss Elizabeth Davis of Farm ville has given money for a public library. Her sisters and brothers ities usually reach out for God. Their hearts are sore; their spirits bleeding; their feelings are very sensitive. They shrink from hav ing their troubles held up for pub lic view. At times such as this they need the refreshing observation written by David as an old man, near the end of the road, with much worry and trouble behind him, "Be Still. And Know That I Am God '. So much of this can be avoided if we keep our hearts and lives clean by constant communion with our Lord. ihey that feared the Lord, spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened and heard it It came to pass while they com muned together and reasoned, Je sus Himself drew near and went with them." The Lord is near us. If we accept His companionship daily, our hearts and minds can be kept pure and free from the earth's slow stain. Distributed by King fwtur gyndkaU, lac. LATEST RECORDS FREDDY MARTIN You're The Cause Of It All I Love An Old Fashioned Song STAMPS QUARTET If We Never Met Arain God Put A Rainbow In The Sky GEORGE AULD Time On My Hands Let's Jump INK SPOTS I Get The Blues When It Rains Cither It's Love Or It Isn't KING COLE TRIO Oh, But I Do You Cafl It Madness THE MODERNAIRES How Do Ton Do The Mission Of A Rose IONES RADIO SERVICE Radios, Record Players and Guaranteed Repair Work , WayBearHIa, N. C 77 j U 'jiff llWlfl tw. '- ; Nicodemus' visit to Jesus. "Pfoisa ye Jehovoh; for Jehovah is good. "-Psalm 1 35; have given the lot, on whicli the library will be erected. Mr. and Mrs. George of New York City will erect a library and community center at, Swan Quar ter in Hyde County. Mrs. James Boyd will build a wing on the Southern Pines Li brary as a memorial to James Boyd. One of the newest buildings is at Moyock in Currituck County where a community building and county library headquarters was built and opened within the year. A log building, which has been one of the historical landmarks, has been enlarged and remodeled for a Catawba County library at Newton. At Leaksville, in Rockingham County, an addition to the present building will be a memorial to the veterans. Though the bond issue in Char lotte and Mecklenburg County for a new central library and library branches failed to carry in the spring election, a new building can not be far distant. Several localities will develop plans for new buildings when building materials can be secured. New designs, new materials and new ideas will change the concep tion of library buildings, from RF.V. JOHN W. MOORE PHfiACII AT .11 .I.ISI METHODIST UHTUH Hev. John V. .Muoit. Methodist minister whu ing some time at his hou Junaluska will preacli Junaluska Methodist ChJ day evening at 7:ti) p. Moore will preach mi tfaJ "Ours To Be". Prior to nient, Rev. Moore v,is seven years of Central Church, Moorosville. X. BIRTH ANNOINCEI Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. F. D. No. 4. Snolioraii announce the birth of a Mary Ruth. The baby's grandmother is Mrs Adams, of Johnson Cil Both the parents are furl dents of Waynesville. the austere Greek tempi early century to friendl; viting air-conditioned with books well display fortable chairs and ftaf and an atmosphere of ti good reading. Outdoor rooms for use in spring may be part of the plan For Greater Driving' Pleasure Have Your Car Lubricated Regularly At '"" " imm nm.iti You're Tops In The Kitchen . . . vC lc ujps in me launary: we woi"i'"i think of telling 'you how to bake a cake, but 4 "-"5 j"" w ienu us your laundry ior v,vu'"'1 ociviuc: v-au loaay: CALL 205 waynesville Laundry (Incorporated) J. W. KILLIAN, Owner WE CALL AND DELIVER Phone 205 Boyd Al

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