I i LmarchMW b.West Special n Canton .. superin- H'r b in,. District HuS has called M'-' 11 .... niffht tO lllle mirpose rnw IU'. the If .... mpra 11 the d" routers. same U ' ..ftoi-nnnll L, ,11 1IU' I1 ... iwnssions ualpli Taylor , ( liunl. oi Slv. T()W,H-Md ;1S SL'hCd" part the program ;,,,., ttill nut be able (, h, ,,ivcnl at the .... , c.iiitoii are: t.mi i . aw lav leaders, chair- llHrh sdiool supenn- U pn-Mdciits oi ;ijttlod lOtllllN. Miracle Drug nd To Sur-enicillin THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE (First SectionJ. 1 i.- ttrni ) .At1 r.um..T-.' r . . i.iiu.io i t,u i i I 111 Kei im-m ""& eh,-.-, many inieciou m ini il In) and the sui- L, n i qi'i-iit ly removes r ,.i'tr.l Ileum-. ulm developed tic said ii had proved lil in iivaliiu'iit oi suen fcfiTlioiis as lions, cai- ics. and ulcers that it t eompli'tcly replaced in their hands. . . I. u Ilaiuv woi'Ks wuii sueu v reported, that the Iriscd both patient and Peu'lopcd alter nearly lot research, it has prov- isainst at least 30 or- tistant to penicillin. asent was named baci nor of .Margaret Tracy, ent treatment in a New sal fur a compound trac k's found in the badly-in- ind of her lc(! was sub- diiiarv culture mediums to produce a wide spec- iitibaderial activity. It ki nd that the subsequent to proved effect ivc when Ito the center of boils iclcs. life Seeks Slogan prtising Use eonlesl is being eon Patrick's Caleteria els lu he open for busi- about April 1. All pcr- tivited to submit sugges- siogan that can be used prtisiiiK of the firm. En- fl be sent by mail to the Ivliioh will give them tn A $10 first prize, and c two next best sugges- f'e a aided. Engagement Announced 'j'- '-".,..''V; v . MISS MARY LELA Townsend Noland, whose of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newton Tate announced later. NOLAND. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James engagement to Joseph Newton Tate, Jr., son of llaeluood. has reeontlv hppn by her parents. The wedding date is to be announced "ANY Ni;VV PRING BATS Tiviiin Daily t Tin; SHOP 1 1 N "ART. Owner street 1 imirili Women Asking For Jury Service RALEIGH Charlotte and Meck lenburg county women ask the op portunity to fulfill their responsi bility for jury service, Mrs. Dess M Gurganus, legislative chairman oi the. North "Carolina Federation of Business and Professional Women's clubs, told a Senate committee in a hearing today on a proposal to repeal the 1946 amendment allow ing women of the state to serve on juries. While no Mecklenburg women at tended the hearing, Mrs. Gurganus displayed telegrams from them. She introduced members of a 25-wo-man delegation which told the com mittee, in effect, that women chose last November to accept jury serv ice as a duty of democratic citizen ship and they see no need now for men of the Legislature to choose otherwise. One of the speakers was a wo man from Ohio who told of wo men's serving on juries in her state. Pvt. R. E. Wright Now On Routine Flight To South America Private Robert H. Wright, of the Army A'r Corps, son of Mr. aiul Mrs. Hugh Wright of Waynesville. has been transferred from I he Air Base at Greenville, S. C , to Ran dolph Field, Texas. Pvt. Wright enlisted in tin on August 8, 1942 and spi n and one-half years overseas the 099 tank destroyer battalion, part of the famous Ghost Division of the 9th Infantry Division. He is entitled to wear 7 battle stars from the African and Kuro pean theater and was honorably discharged on August 8, 1945 from the service. In December. 194(i, he recnlisted in the Army Air Corps , miles and is now on routine flight toj South America. Prior to his entei -1 ing the armed forces Pvt. .Wright was a student at the Waynesville Township high school. Noland-Tate i Engagement ;Is Announced ! Mr ;iinl Mrs. .lames Townsend j Noland have announced the- en-jgageiiu-ni of their daughter, Miss ! Mary L.ela Noland to Joseph New ton Tate. Jr.. son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newton Tate, of Hazel j wood. I The In ule-elect is a graduate of llhe Waynesville Township high i school. She attended Lenoir Rhyne college, the Woman's College of the i University of North Carolina, and High Point' College. At present i she holds a position with the First I National Hank of Waynesville. ! Mr. Tate is a graduate of the Waynesville Township high school and also attended Western Caro lina Teachers College. He is a I veteran of World War II, and serv ed with the 81 h U. S. Air Forces, land was in the European theater in j active combat for a number of months. i No announcement of the date of I the marriage has been madcftoT'ttn's ! tune. j Search Being Made For Two Missing Flyers MIAMI, I'la i API Coast and civilian planes searched the waters near the Florida keys Thursday for two young women missing in a rented plane. Dacita, Puerto Uiean band lead er, and her secretary, Alice Caglc, of New Orleans, had been missing since early yesterday afternoon irmy . when they took off in a Piper Cub two Idaho for a fishing trip In I he keys, with The plane had only a (wo-hom supply ol gasoline. Coast guard officials said a "most (xl( iisi(. search" by al least 10 service and civilian planes was in progress. Columbus reported that in 1498 some Haitian cornfields were 18 long. Bobby Soxers On Parade Show Style And Talent In Models Exhibited "The Bobby Soxers On Parade" under which title the annual Fash ion show and the Cotton Dress con test sponsored jointly each Spring by the Home Economics depart ment of the Waynesville Township high school and the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was sfc sented on Tuesday morning in the high school auditorium showing around 175 dresses made by high school students. The "Bobby Soxers" were intro duced by Jean Ann Bradley, who wore a smart outfit of electric blue velvet. The girls in their self made dresses of every color and mate rial passed in review in front of girls of the periods 18(i0's, 1874 s and ItlHU's in frames, wearing dresses of the years they repre sented. On one side of the stage was Theresa Alley in a gown of yellow with ruffles and hat of the 1880 s. while Nina MeClurc in white tulle was a belle of the 18G0's. In the center frame were Jackie Sue Messer and Nancy Jones in even ing gowns of the 1874 s. who held conversations over the Bobby Sox ers as they passed in parade, often with surprised and shocked expres sions as to the brevity of the skirts as compared to the dresses they wore. Nancy Jones, member of the senior class won the first cash prize olTored by the DAK and Elsie Green, the second prize, both being presented from the chapter by Mrs. James H. Howell. Jr. Miss Jones wore a shirlmaker biege ehambray, and Miss Green wore a grey cotton dress with red acces sories. Both brought applause with their entries. The girls made tljeir entrance to the accompaniment of recordings appropriate to the occasion from an electric player operated bv Tom Ray. The show was directed by Mrs. Herbert L. Buchanan, under whose supervision all the 175 dresses from the home economics depart ment were made. Among the girls taking part in the show and wearing dresses they had made themselves were: Stella Bradley, Louise Bryson, Fay Buch anan, Mary Nell Bryson. Mildred Bridges, Betty Caldwell, Peggy Camp, Margaret Cody, Mary Craw ford, Barbara Curtis, Betty Davis, Esther Davis, Hester Davis, John ny Ruth Davis, Kathryn Hill, Bon nie Hogue, Fred Jayncs, Nina Mc Clure. Willie Mae McCracken. Robena Mehaffey, Mary Lou Messer, Jac quelin Moody, Rose Lee McClure, Flora Hyatt, Mary Frazier, Rowena Gyor.Mty.o.Crant, AJJen Hart, Ruby Haskett, Catherine James, Mildred James, Inez Kirk patrick, Janette Leopard,' Pearl Lewis, Patsy Hill, Nellie Muse, Ruth Rathbone, Dorothy Mash burn, Ruth Mehaffey, Mary Sue Moody, Betty Jean Norris, Sue Owen, Geneva Palmer. Bobby June Parris .Mary Alice Rathbone, Edna Rockman1, Madellc Robinson, Louise Russell, Opal Lee Setzer, Ruth Shelton, Bonnie Smathcrs, Doris Sutton, Mary Fran cis Sorrells, May Wyatt. Bettv Sue Berry, Doris Bolin, Norma Jane Burgin, Hilda Caglc, Dot Calhoun, fcdna Curtis. Betty Dietz, Jessie Dotson, Pearl Gaddy, Catherine Grant, Edith Green, Ilotlv Hale, Evelyn Hannah, Frances Hendricks Hazel llolilngsworlh. Maris IIood- Virginia llosaflook, June Hund ley. Mary Dorcas Howell, Kalheryn Hyatt, Geneva Jaynes, Charlinc Ad- kins, Cumi Baldwin, Jewel Brack ets Mary Brcndle. Ruth Bridges. Alice Marie Burgin, Kathleen Cal houn, Lois Carver. Elaine Francis. Married In Clayton Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McKin ley Anderson, of Allen's Creek, whose marViago took place in Clay ton, Ga.. on Saturday, February 22nd. The In He was before her marriage. Miss Bertha Hendrix of the Allen's Creek section, where the couple will reside. Canton Y's Men Club Shown Naval Movies At Meet Representatives or the navy re cruifing headquarters of Asheville were guests of the Canton Y's Men's club at their, regular dinner meeting Tuesday evening at the YMCA. Chief Petty Officer T. P. Mc Lean discussed the naval reserve program with particular emphasis on (he unit being established in Asheville. The nominating committee, com posed of G. G. Hill, chairman, T. R. Barnes and Ralph Evans, sub mitted nominations for the elec tion of officers which is to be held at the next meeting. Those nomin ated for president are G. Nat Fort ney, Howard Sellars, Charles Haw kins, and J. Boyd Smathers; for Secretary Tate Harlow and Hall Wit worth; for Treaurer Howard Moffit, Hazel Ramsey, and Phil Kinken; and for directors W. Lee McElrath, J. R. Sechrest, George Arthur, Sr., and Guy Roberts. G. G. Hill. T. R. Barnes, Ralph Evans and W. Phalli Lawrence will con tinue to serve as members of the board of directors. R. L. Coin, Chief Electrician's Mate Here On 30-Day Leave R. L. Coin, Jr.. CEM, U. S. Navy son of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. L. Coin is spending a 30-day leave here with his parents. He has recently com pleled a course in a gyro compas school in New York city. Upon completion of his leave here he will report for duty at the Brooklyn Navy Yards. Janet Abel, Theresa Alley. Jean Ann Bradley, Betty Brown, Anna Joan Davis, Elsie Jane Green. Bet ty Sheehan. Phyllis Smathers Pauline Smith. Vehna Stanley, Dell Wilson, Pauline Wvalt, .liianlla Scruggs, Belly Siillon. Vivian Wat kins. Hilda Wilson Edna McC'all, Nancy Jane Medl'ord Catherine Moody, Phyllis Morrow Doris Nickels, Phyllis Noland. Eliz abeth Patton, Leoah Pruitt, Dot Hendree, Virginia Hyatt, Nancy Jones, Jackie Sue Messer, Peggy Ingle, Katie Lee Palmer, Ruth Phillips, and Lois Ann Tittle. Large Selection Popular Books K In O ur ENDING IBRARY A, S AN'KXTIIA LARGE STOCK W NEW BOOKS ON SALE. THE 00K STORE llrect JC-GALUSHA Waynesville First Aid for the Budget A:fP 1 f ; iff Si ( V ' l ' f If M nS-J J ShiS U h if i.i L i rrwri i .&2iffmmr rin SI IT FROSTING . . . Sleek little PEASANT NOTE . . . Gay em- SWEETHEART MOTIF . . . Senti- blouse in while and pastel crepe, broidery trims this new blouse mental embroidery on a washable with jewelry neckline and lattice with drawstring neckline and puff crepe blouse. All designed by yoke. sleeves. Vicki Lynn. By DOROTHY ROE Associated Press Fashion Editor What with the high cost of liv ing and what with this and what with thai, it's a wice girl who can be well-dressed on a working girl's salary. With careful thought and much comparison of values, it can be done, however. The system which works most successfully is to in vest in a good suit at thte begin ning of the season, and lay in a supply of smart but inexpensive blouses. The suit should be as uncluttered ' - .v. ' i and ungadgety as possible, of good material, preferably dark, with classic, simple lines and no trim mings. With this as a working basis, a girl can wear it to the office with a tailored blouse, add a piece or two of splashy costume jewelry and a dressy blouse for a cocktail or dinner date, and be dressed for come-what-may. Of course, the problem of find ing a blouse that doesn't bust the and well-bred is no small task in ing gown, if you don't watch your step. There are a few manufacturers, however, who have set out to pro vide smart, wearable, well-constructed blouses of good material for the girl-on-a-budget. and who are succeeding uncommonly well. Believe it or not, it still is pos sible to buy a good-looking, well tailored blouse for less than S3 and it will wear just as well as the little mnrfpl that rnstc 1Q 7i A budget and still looks well-made Uew o the better selections from the low-priced blouse roundup are pictured herewith nice to wear Mrs. McCracken Attends Health Group Meeting Mrs. Alma McCracken, district supervisor of public health nuros attended a meeting during the week in Raleigh o: tiie Executive committee of the Aorih Carolina Public Health Association. Mrs .McCracken is an ex officio member of the group by virtue of her chairmanship of the Public Health Nurses division of the state association and also because of appointment to the committee. CAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY WIIMIE QUALITY AND PRICE MEET ' On The Square - - - Clyde, S. C. We are dealers in guaranteed brands . . . Refrigerators, Washing Machines. Radios, Freezer Chests, Stoves, Ranges, Oil Burners, Bed Room, Living Room, and Dinette Suites. Flour Coverings. WE DELIVER Listen to KING CROSBY on 1M1ILCO time every Wednesday 10 P. M. ABC Network Use The Classified Advertisements Massie's Department Store ( i; j r V'- C HsM m iwk K. ",'' x f .,kf..5i:-.K-?v miv: i k' ?i$ 1 :. " l ' 'j Imp " ' 1 u . V'; - -wr.f ?r $ Lt , .,- l , J W& :yz."k)'y . ; i I1 ' , 1 ' i'vV.f fJv f' " ' ' i ' - ' J 1 ," - ') fe c i'-'wtHvS-. ' " :" " . - y - --f ' i ' v , ? I K......-V.. r - .- f ..Wyii.HfifLA n - 4 flf'ri ... j 1 1 1 I i fK Tops You Off in Fine Fashion For Spring Take your pick of these two Leeds beauties . . . twin-styled, the one cropped short to flirt prettily with your new and longer skirts . . . the other lull-length lor complete coverage. Which ever you choose, you'll lind it a coal of many moods . . . ready to do the town in style or journey count ry ward at the change of a hat. You'll love the easy swagger of the broad-shouldered, square-cut silhouette . . . and the glowing colors, str aight from Spring's own palette, will send your spirits soaring. . heaven all 100''' Take your pick too of these three line fabrics soft Duvdown, sleek Covert and silky (iahardine . virgin wools loomed for Leeds alone by the AMERICAN WOOLLN CO. All versions fully rayon satin lined by Frank Ix and Sons. Sizes 10 to 18. $39-95 to $49.95 OURS EXCLUSIVELY! Massie's Dept. Store C. .1. REECE, Ow ner these days when you can pay as much for a blouse as for an even and easy to buy. t

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