PAGE SIX (First Section) THE WAYNESVILLE 'MOTTNTAItfEER Fines Creek Sextets By JocktSords COMEBACKER -s 1 SPEARHEADING Tonigl SPORTS Clycle9 Meet ' Tourney Foes r - j - r I IIv K!) SPEARS SPRING the cak'!i(l;ii-. bear nut 1 In warm u a; 1 1 thai acconip:; usikiIIv lii'n'. other Mich about time l'i .-':.! ' season 1" si..: work laid .r' in'ailable i.:'i J:h h with us, a week from Saturday on iniiy afternoons we've had recently u:j1i the most noticeable thing that in yours truly is that lazy feeling' t'e-". some people apparently have ! and Oo Something. And they or -oil', or Softball, or baseball, and we are wondering Although it isn't be near enough the and get t he i'rame g around to sign up need patching, etc. :Ut ,s. What is softball es seem to t lie league i be limkih III)! rms i iii;! i ( i N. ('. Stale Ir.s! CI1CC all-lllil! I n ,r(l to IS ill !':: Invitntion tomm star forward V;! will visit i :i " V : Son I h ( am! Ohio, u ere h oik l Hob Neiiley ,'iik! I the smaller j !. n Western ( ': r .. 1 ' i::: of I; ille. !ntl. under wav a' k : o'clock this al!. !it !he (lousier Hot-Shots who make up the cfl .-ill ( 1 1 1 i i i ( made the Southern Confer iii i l team after Slate downed Carolina lot. ils and earned a hid to the National New York. . . Hob I'axton, Carolina's '.iiokjiic. Wash, (who incidentally die this week-end) and Al Adams, e!-." center from Fuirport Harbor, d,e al'-star team, with Dick Dickey, Kulkavek of the Wolf pack. . . In in mil slower) collegiate circles. If HtClilKSTrtnsEMON rtt li oe Te &iant a 6 iii e coir u Tut Pf nimant iadoc.14 CATCHER COOPZK, COOPtra i5 ' i 'Ta. u. amO hats (i.QKTHANOFCI rtti iv4SfliBN r athek row. mo. aino oncs fOBMEO A rtROTHCU f AT1 f R " while with the caros OF The NEW YORK 6lANT, PUl? CHASED FOR $ 175:000, WAS ONE OF THE LEAGUE'S BIG "FLOPS" WVT SEASON" WHEN HE CiOT IN-QHCf Q7 GAME5 AND BATTED A BOUiaMT FROM THE CARDINALS, COOPf-R. CAM6" OUT OF TMCSeRVlCS GOT INJUR 'E.S SCOWED HIM. pa i red ti c N ,s (it.. CI,! 'I' SIX pro hasehai'l i clese, Bessen.i' unan nuunco 1. and Fislv'i-.' all kin:!. .,!' I. chase .tee sim a; ))' .I e I'lTIIC toimiaiiirn' lilnu to u hi off with Canterbury college IC caye tourney which is The two teams play at '. ed the Western Carolina semi Shelby. Kind's Mountain, Val n that for the time being is the Haywood County Hunting ek went on record as opposing l o'imiittee was named to pur is section, with Gurlcv Robin- Dayton Dnnean In Four - Slate Tonrney Meets 1 Tonight M. c: , Tn.t 111- r ill I'i; 1 ti! I ie linaK. duriiiLi lookittL fe touriitir, coiul Sail and as a't TIIOSF I. i!c fa erite in the Cold Medal ffirls I ( iidin but surely has a tough row to ' !i i '-, i;)i)lnnsiii). If they defeat Cullowhee ' ' as extiected, then they play Old ' iv 1 " : m.) before entering the quarter- : will be their only tiff-the-scbedule day ' ..le week, unless they are upset. . . We are :': ,'; the same finals program that the boys ' ! re;! three Haywood teams on the I ti- Ik Hethel. Canton and Waynesville; ''".I m.'C"'-. Iobhins ille. Nazi Plot Susnect lenee )oint' twice over the si nsked 1he-e ain't I'd h; , t": e l ad several years hunting exper '!;e wnv Old Jim felt about his ancient -1 ---- - r 1 out hunting bird, the dog pointed Each time the old hunter went , . . 'I ,...:i.i.. 1 c 1 'nu ini iuiv.iiy tiiiu iueu into 1 !' ";1V' no quail rise either time, and "Wal." said Old Jim, "I knew - ':!!! bushes. But the dog's nose S'ill lie's mighty sensitive . . . and F t X ?t ( I :h:i II 1 ? - - , ill li fiSigS;S?:. Ac ;., Iii vA ;,,;';.r' H :l4Cx i !:,;:!,. Locals Nosed Out By Knka In Gold Mcial Meet At Canton Friday,. Night I is duped to be I he hardest Hie Kiiur-SliiU's basketball '. . w inch started yesterday : Aslievillc City Auditorium. -' on the list for Cioach John onneil's Dayton Jtubber com- quinlet when thpy tangle with Mills Dynamos of iii!le. S. C. 1 no cape teams get toKethcr ( lock touicht for the feature mi 111 the Class A men's divi I Hie tournament. At 9 p.m. .aid Drayton Mills of Spar- ; will lake I lie floor. Waynesville Six Meets Rosman At 6 P. M. Wed. Top-Seeded Bethel Girls Engaged Cullowhee In Monday Night Program Three of the Haywood countx sextets took on their first foes in the W.N.C. Cold Medal Haskelball tournament for hi(h school Kil ls in the o ten in's round last niaht. at I the Canton hi(?h school gymnasium, j Clyde and Tines Creek meet their I lirsl opposition tonieht. and the Waynesville six competes with ! Hosman in the 6 o'clock tilt Wed j nesday. Quariei -linals of the tournament. I which has 19 entries, will begin i Thursday the semi-linals I'rida.N 1 : night, and the championship and j consolation game will be played ; Saturday. Prizes and other feat ' urcs of the tournament are hei'i": ! given similarly to those awarded I in the recent Gold Medal hoys 1 meet, Clyde meets liobbinsvillc in the fust game tonight, al C o'clock, and an hour later Fines Creek and lied iOak will take the floor The third ; game will be between the winner I of last night's Canton-Klat Hock ! till vs. Hendersonville, at 8 o'clock, after which the ('anion and llen ' dersonville boys teams will play an ; exhibition game. 1 Monday the schedule Ijrought ! into action Crabtree and Mills lliv ; er, top seeded Bethel and Cullow I hee. and Canton and Flat Hock. Bethel and Robbinsvillc are I'av- . 1 orites in the upper bracket, with Mills Kiver expected to he one of the strongest entries as well. Waynesville. Canton and Kdnc- 1 ville are bringing the strongest 1 'records to the lower bracket, but jcompetition in both divisions will be spirited and upsets likcl al any point during the play. U.S.Murders Last Year Averaged 36 Every Day WASHINGTON 1 A PI Murde PAUK THEATER m vrii 1: s NICII I ;ii : (I llldreil lull- W '.i 11 -s iHe. North Carolina I '-! v -J. and :!:.'!() SUNDAY 2 and 4 P. 7 11, .1 !l n.iily srXD.W ,S:.10 Only !M!ssH) HMCF.S: ! !:! Ve:,rj, 12c Including Federal Tax Se:its ::.",( ncludin-; Federal Tax Ml M! W ! I I si) V. MARCH 10-11 'Margie In Technicolor le Si ;irrini; nine t "r; till mid Allen Yoim; News of the Day VI DM SDAV. MAUCII 12 West" In Color Starring Fddie Dean and Al Lnrtip Serial and Short THURSDAY - FRIDAY, MARCH 13 - 14 Love Laughs At Andy Hardy HITIIR'S missing deputy, Martin Bormann (above), was believed an important figure in the under ground Nazi organization uncov ered by U. S. and J'.ritish officials in the IlPiford. fJermmy area I'e portedly ar med u ith a secret bar Icriftto'.'.ical wciirion. p'otlers v.eie said to he )!;t:m ng nnotlicr Hdler lype Pcich. (httrrvaiinnal) Bethel Quint Will Try For Class E Championship Bethel's Blue Demon boys bas ket quint will meet Richlicld of Stanley county in the North Car olina Class I? semi-finals nn the l.cnoir-lthinc college court at Hickory, Wednesday night at X o'clock, according to a trlreram received by Coach W. I'. White sides yesterday. The winner of the western district game will play the victor of a samilar play on" in the eastern part of the state for the North Carolina championship, probably at Hal cih. Richlicld. which is located south of Chariot:?, near Albe marle, went undefi ited in Stan ley county compei!: ii this year and should Eive Wells and his males some trotddr. Rethel, however, holds the WA ''. Gold Medal and dis1-s .ornament championshir uie best high school ' in this part of the slate . .0 learn will leave for '. iy Wednesday afternoon and Coach Whitesides promises that they will give a good account of themselves. l'hirl-ltto teams in all 11 I lie Four-Stales meet, with i" classilicalions: Class A and! nen. .ind Class A women. I ! ' is inn Rubber company's quint ' worked their way into the semi-J ! I'm ills at the Champion "Y" Gold 1 Medal cage tournament, but fell! 1 before Hie attack of Enka Friday J r !:'! 1 1 ulii'ii C.udger nnd Rhea led) I a second-half onslough that elimi-' j n.iled l)a ton :":! to 40. on an average o last year as niaio . S. reached an all Owen Hits 34 Points Twice Tn UY" Games first encounter, against Ecusta, tournament scor- poinls while the In Hay ton's Thursday night Ho d ( hven set a inn mark ol 34 rubber-makers loaded the hoop for a tit-'.o iclory featured by a final ; 'i l ied scoring spurt. O ', en was held to 13 points by l lie adept Rayonites, mid Boone teually Rood for that number htm 'cld -could .sink only four. The Mien-; Knka squad had two 17 poini men in George. Price and Cud' ei. while Rhea added 14 more. V.'ie n Enka went to the finals, however, they went down before I ho Hendersonville All-Stars in a nip and luck thriller that ended 4i ::7 Citv Electric then handed Ha inn another defeat. 62-48. in the co'isol.dion play-off, although Owen repca'ed bis 34 point performance, lleacon Mills defeated Cherokee. "I In 2!. in the Class B finals. was commitled arc en-: 36 times a day- crime in the U time high. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover re ported that there was a major crime every 81.7 seconds and thai murder, manslaughter, rape or murderious assault was commitled every 5.7 minutes. In all. Hoover said, there were 1.685,203 major crimes committed in this country last year, an in crease of 119.662, or 7 6 per cent, over 1945. And this did not take into account such crimes as em bezzlement, fraud, arson, rcceivinj' stolen property and carrying con cealed weapons. The fastest passenger train run in the United States is a (rain be tween Kenosha. Wis., nnd Wauke gan, III., an an average speed of 85.4 miles an hour, start to stop. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE CREDITORS TO II Starring Mickey Ronncy artd Ronita Granville Fox News and Short The word "corn" originally re ferred to all grain, especially to commonest grain crop in any lo cality, but in the United Stales it refers particularly to maize or Inlian corn. FOOT ITCH . HOW TO STOP IT. IN ONE HOUR, If nnt fOMPl.rm.V- f'en"l. w r.V hack. slt nny .Irucci.l fnr tlii, ',STnoV(i fiinrirm. TK Of. U.,,1. . ;u .' ' . lor.l.l ncrm,.....""" ""- kill! MOUK t'rmn fn.fir. ToiUv m) ' SMITH DTOQ S I'os. City Eleclric 1' -I. liot'ers i3fii I-' W. Stamey R i (' M. Rogers 181 fi Dotson C li Hogers ifii (62) Dayton (48) Boone i4i Griffin Owen (34i G. Rogers 4) Carvalho (21 Subs: City Electric R. Stamey 2, I'less. Dayton Troutman, E. Rog- Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of M. L. Hoglen. deceased, late of the county of Hay wood, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned at his office in Way nesville, N. C, on or before the 1 lib day of March. 1948, or this nolico will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immedate payment of the same. This the 11th day of March. 1017 T. L. GREEN. ! Administrator of M. L. Moglen. Deceased. 1610 Mch. 11-18-25 Apr. 1-8-15 I'os Dayton (61) F Boone 12 F K. Rogers (4) C Owen (34) G G Rogers (4i G Carvalho (5) Subs: Dayton Gardner 2, Trout- man, Case, Griffin. Ecusta Mc- Kinnish. Drake 6. Holt, G. Gar land. Ecusta (50) Head f8 H. Garland (9) M. Taylor (15) O. Taylor (4) Dockins (4) IV V w C G G i Enka (53) Dayton (40) Price (17) Boone (4) Rhea (I4i E. Rogers (5) Gudger (17) Owen (13) Clontk (I) Carvalho (1) Bryant (3) G. Rogers (3) Subs: Enka Watts 1, Fowler. Dayton Troutman 2, Gardner, Cae, Griffin 12. The tropical Hercules moth, which has been found as large as 14 inches across its wing tips, has transparent windows in each of Its four wings, so clesr thst print can be read easily through them. Noah TbiMSE&LL. PEAf? AIOAH " CAN "THEY KEEP FOOTBALL CLEAN &Y USAle- TME SCRUB TEAM T MPS ART MAW -SAVANNA , ILL, DEAR AlOAM 1 F A CPOW COCLAIT FLY VOULt A HAWK ' ' PAI?CW WA'V? MISS FLOREAkce HAPPEX AMSOiMIA, CONN , . . V Cats Enjoy OceanSwiin 1 , .:iw&4'k&AMWi Fro HAWAIIAN St'RF RIDERS, Solomon and Duncan, purr for brine. Al Wwsfcatures IK).'ULU To rid their pets, Solomon and Duncan, of fleas, Mr. and Mrs. James F. Morgan. Jr.. carried them "J0 feet out into the Pacific and f (freed them 1o swim ashore. The cats spluttered and vou led. since like most felines they don't like water. The fleas per sisied -and so (lid the week-end salt water duckings. In time Solo mon and Duncan became adicts. They grew to love the roar of. the sin I . I he sting of salt spray in their faces, the taste of brine. Khala he.-uh loungers no longer stare when the two test the water -and plunge in lor a little swim. Game, Fish Law Fines Increase Is Wanted Rill Presented To Legislature Last Week Which Would Nearly Double Penalties RALEIGH (AP) -Sponsored by the outgoing Division of Game and Inland Fisheries, a bill offered last week in the House of the Legisla ture is aimed at better preserva tion of game and fish resources by nearly doubling the lines and pen allies for the more serious game and fish violations. Taking into consideration that numerous small courts throughout the state have been giving game and fish law violators insignificant lines, or no fines at all. officials of Hie Division of Game and Inland Fisheries beliexe that the proposed increased lines will reduce viola t ions. The division, which is to be re placed by I he Wildlif e Resources I commission on July 1 if the House J does the eKpected by concurring in Senate amendments to a bill set I ting up the commission, also is sponsoring two other bills tossed into the House hopper. One measure would permit the hunting of game with bow and ar row, a practice not now permitted by law, and would ban the use of automatic arms such as machine guns, submachine guns, and foreign-made arms of a similar na ture for hunting in this State. The second would permit persons to hold dead game in freezer lock ers during a closed season on hunt ing. The present law forbids' the holding of game any longer than 10 davs after the close of an open season. Night hunting for deer would carry a maximum fine of $300; sell ing game birds, a maximum of $250; and hunting or trapping out (Continued On Page Eight) WCTC Letters To 8 Haywooj 1947 Schedule "Wh Point In Asheville Six former Players were the recent football Western C;ma Young presented Jj' ' fill UMlk, ... -. "Mil ' U () the group awardtg J The Cat;l me nus oecn slate whicl imount mj announce I'lM'tlS U'illJ on September 21) J inv.uiies lour tilts neio- -an at iiiBlu. uoiii last year is in cJ replaces Uiwassoc naywnou county W icvciveu inoir ccrtiSc lumoau Banquet m stance, Harry .laynes U juck Allison. Stan Heir1 er Yotint ol Waynes gan and I' red HardinJ Short talks were J time by II. T. Huntel Western Carolina: CM chairman of Athletic: uoach Young: Coach Donald, director of phu tion: Jim Gudger, kJ ball coach: and Caplil; nell of the football J Winter grid drills i ed toda.v. when the spr.i begins, lo prepare k schedule, which isis hept. 20 -llii;hPiiii ville. Sept. 27-('arsun.H Cullowhee Oct. 4 -Tii.sctilum it Oct. 1 1 C'.ilawba it SI Oct. 18-Milligaiii Oct, 25 - Lenoir M lowhee. Nov. I - -Ahiliama 3m sonvillc. Nov. !l - A)palatni)ii Nov. 15 Fast Canli at CuIIow lie Nov. 21 or 22-Bd ry at Ctillowheo 9 m in w jMtmw NO nmr ICE To Our Many Customers HI, C41 llU.fJJ UiKiv-v Flooding Machine is again in opt' o After locating the needed parts to wait for a specialist from the feci come to Waynesville and make the adjustment that would enable us the hoods' to-our bottled milk. For Your Ilealih's Sake . Always Demand The Best In Dairy Eroducits Pet Dairy llucts M a I iPhone 10 Waynes V

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