i THE SPORTS PAGE OF THE WAYNES viLLE MOUNTAINEER TUESDAY, march is, 1947 NVITATION TOURNEY WILL OPEN TODi ENKA ci; V. t 11. i: SPEARHEADING With SPORTS i:v i:d si'KAUs ti;au. Vlilr 1 : i ! 1 1 111: Wl )lll t'l a Imi'd j' 1 1 1 i first-n hi iul uj))ni !!ic Mountaineers 11 u i i. his week '.vi'h ihc iwnts fur Wavnes- ick swim.' shift timii'h'. ami thf tin is pl.iv ! m liick t mori w af ti'i'ii' ion. Oniv teams iuic been united to play, winch should i ion close. Ha'U'o((l L'nuntv teams ha'e y '"iiriiaii'.eiits so far tins Year, ami we'd oon'i show up as well at Knka. si'lUNd loothall framing will begin hero the week I;in !i 1 ." 1 1 1 . a ( hi (liim to present l)l;ins of ( oa li c.il h i h . lie is undecided about reviving baseball, since i.eu :iiii;jmenl would be needed for the team, and lln' one hasn't in the past drawn lari;e enough ci'ovmK to -iHKMiit itself. Too. the number of schools to play : 'j.ioe: i- limited, and those sudden rains that crop up fhiiiii'; she season postpone much of the schedule, t'ei son;, I ' w c d like to see a school team organized, and public would take an one forth. ,1 heliev c 1 ii : i ( I i ( iii!. II oach knew the he would brin 7 Haywood High School Teams Enter Enka Meet Iiethel Boys And (Jiris Will Defend Championship In 1 Tri-County Play By WILSON AYKRS Seven Haywood ouunly high school basketball teams, four girls and three boys aggregations, have been selected to compete in the second annual American Enka Cor poral ion Invitational tournament to be held at I lie Enka gym starting Tuesday. (oils and boys teams of Bethel and 'a nesville high schools, girls teams of Canton and Fines Creek aid the boys team of Clyde high school have accepted invitations to part icipale Sixteen girls and sixteen boys heavy favorites after edging past teams from Buncombe, Haywood ' Hobbinsville the prev ious night, and Henderson counties will vie I and t'ai lene West's 17-poinl per tor honors. Selection of teams was formanee highlighted the play as lueed on records compiled during Ihey recaptured the tournament ihc season. championship, taken by Fines Opening round games will get Creek last year when Ihey didn't uiulera Tuesday afternoon at enter. Canton put up a stout de J o dock and will continue Tues- cense, but lacked the shooting ac l:i iiigl'.t. Wednesday afternoon '"raey of the winners. . nil nighe Quarter-tinal contest The final period was decisive in will occupy, Thursday with semi- the Way nesville-Ilobbinsville lilt. Bethel Girls Cop Go Id Medal Ti Robbinsville Wins Third Place Over Waynesville Canton Falls Before Bethel 38 to 2. In Championship Game Saturday The Bethel girls annexed the W.N.C Gold Medal basketball title Saturday night by defeating Canton :i!t to 23 in the champion ship game, and Itobbinsville earn ed third place by downing Way nes ville 30 to 111 in the consolation game. Bethel entered the finals as Gold Medal Tourney Champs night and final.' Industrial l.ci.aie eiul o e expenses ami di.,w I: la. I a . o of iheii amount ah' team m the circuit. It wouidn t il team netting as many plaviii'.; usc'U to turn nut to root jla.e - v. ;n - which they usually pnulueed. It's a ii.iP I" take charge of somethim:, hut for we'd like to see the boys Ljet so.,ie i;nnd ! while of h i o h school we. as of Co ( lll. k', -I ( ST TK took care of their lirst foe. St. John's ik!-a with a til-o. verdict, and meet the Ken- a. Islind University winner Wednesday ni"ht liiiiN on Friday Sal ii: ,ia night l..i-t year- lournament. which was a I'ltii day affair with twelve girls and hoys teams entered, was won by I lie girls and boys teams of Bethel high school. Over three thousand fans turned out from the initial meet and I his year, tem poral siands to accomodate several hundred spectators will bolster the gym's sealing capacity of nine hun dred Tournament referees will be Charlie Muiulay of Canton, Jack Alexander of Ecusta. and Marion Mi Donald of Western Carolina Teachers College. Wilson Ayers will be ollicial scorer and Harry l'i ice and (i rover Fowler official i ii IT in the N. r. ;:.! Invitational tourney. Kentucky, as you pi oh :! i . La,'.,, is tavored to carry oil the title. . . Svlva hi;;h. representing the W. N. C. district was beaten 42-2S u lien the. met Mount Airy in the state Class A. semifinal- ci'iimiations. . . A rumor from Orlando. Fla.. has it th.i! ( ii ii lie .Justice visiting his brothers there this week in:.-' he aikei! into accepting pro football offers instead of pi iin; h:s three y ears of eligibility at Carolina and tak ing a chance of being injured and losing bis chance for Ihc hi4 money. CAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY Will 111 ,i I hi OIAI.IIY AM) IMtKT MEET Siiuare ... Clyde. . C. I i t. ii in r,!(. :; '.'.iiaranli cd brands . . . 1U f i i ;ei at oi s. (lime. Hadios. Freeer Chests. Stoves. Bun ( i's Bed li'oom 1 ,iv in" Itooni. ,'iimI ! :o..r ( 'ova rings. ur ni i.ivri: ( ItOStlV on Pllll.t O lime every Wednesday 111 T. M. ARC Network 24 HOUR SERVICE All Work Guaranteed We Call and Deliver FIVE POINTS CLEANERS Ilazelw ood F3TI Texaco Service Station Courteous and Efficient Service. See Us For - Firestone Tires Expert Lubrication Texaco Gas, Oils and Acces sories Prompt and Reliable Road Service Flats Fixed u:t us winterize your car now: raieiiE's PLAGE Opposite Pet Dairy OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY Phone 9184 Charlie and Claude Woodanl, owners favored teams in the girls divis ions are Bethel. Canton. Candler and Mills River, and in the boys dr.i-Kin. Bethel. Waynesville, Oak-l.-y. Black Mountain and Hender sor.ville. j I'rcsentation of awards will be made following the finals game on Sal in day night. Trophies will go to the winning teams, runners-up, leains outstanding in sportsmanship and miniature basketballs will be awarded members of the four top , teams. Trophies w ill be given high ' scorers in both divisions for a single game and for the entire tournament. All-Tournament teams in both divisions will be chosen by ballot of the coaches and offi cials. j Tuesday Schedule of Games ' 2 pin Mills River vs. West i Buncombe i girls . :i p.m. Hendersonville vs. Bilt niore i boys i . 4 p.m.--Valley Springs vs. Can ton igirlsi. 5 p.m. Valley Springs vs. 1 f inula i boys i. 7 p. in - Leicester vs. Sand Hill i girls '. 8 p nr Asheville vs. Clyde : i boys . '. pin fines Creek vs. Candler 'girls i . : : . Kl p. m. Black Mountain vs. Way nesville i boys i. ! Wednesday Schedule of Games 2 p m Waynesville vs. Flat ( 'reck i girls i . :i ).m. Bethel vs. Leicester i boy s i. 4 p.m. Oakley vs. Flat Rock i girlsi. i fi p ni. Mills River vs. Oakley ; ' boys i. 7 p.m. Hendersonville vs. Barn ardsville i girls . H p.m. Flat Rock vs. Candler i boys i . 9 p.m. Black Mountain vs. ' Bethel ( girlsi. ( 10 p. m. Ktowah vs. Sand Hill bovs i . Waynesville led 14-K1 at the half, and trailed only one point, 18-17. at the end of the third quarter Robbinsville stretched this to' a 30 18 decision before the game end ,ed. with Laura Davis accounted for 1 8 points. Robbinsville gave Bethel's six their worst scare of the lourna ment in Friday night's semi-finals. Bethel led Hi-fi at the halfway mark, but the Graham county girls unwrapped a scoring attack, led by Davis and Walker, that put them even with the Blue Demons. The crowd followed some of the most exciting moments of the tourna ment as the lead see-sawed from one team to the other, and Carlene West sank a long lield goal (luring the final minute to make the final score 29 to 27 in favor of Bethel. Canton and Waynesville then took the floor to scrap for the other finals berth. The Black Beared es hooked in a couple of field goals in the opening minutes, after which the game settled down to a defensive stage yvith the shooting of both teams under par and free shots accounting for most of the points Canton led by two points .he lirst quarter, but the score was tied 11-up at the half and 13-13 when the final period began. The home team worked into a three-point lead as the final minutes of play ticked by, and Phillips bit a field goal to close the gap to 10-18 just before the whistle sounded to end the game. Hendrix earned high point honors with 8. although the guards of both teams were the most valuable players on the floor. In Thursday night's program Robbinsville outpointed Fines Creek, last year's tourney cham pions. 41 to 25. with Davis sinking 24 points for the winners. Bethel edged past Mills River 44 to 2!). Waynesville trimmed Edneyville 23 to 11, and Canton defeated Sylvn 23 to 18. FINALS I ! jj ti)r shiw" . -v vtr t ; i?j ksii: ' .. W,y t-", AivTi try -; 1 1 tiy i trirrf 's-m K Hew E qnipmeu! Up For '47 Hasel' New unilurms and equii)ment for the l!::e!'voo(l baseball team were set s. cue xl flu goals of the Boosters Club at its nieeling last vvc"k aller a short talk on that subject by Inline UiM-hofT. busi- i ne.-s maiKiger ot tile leani K. L. Prevost accepted the job of rais ing money for the equipment, with a goal of S40il. Last year Ihc Hazel wood team rdiiine:! lo the field after being disbanded dm in'.', the war. and set the pace in Saturday afternoon W VC. Industrial League play to v. in I he loo'i X hiiant. A meeting of league officials is expected to be called within a short lime to work out preliminary de 1 ; 1 1 1 of llic iiiiiinci' play. Mr. Bis eliolV sav s he sees no reason why Haelvvotnl will no be as strong a ih as !..:a year, vit h most -if not of liie I'Md icaiii looked for k for dole. Cra'v Play " Lunch lo he h; i'l Let ye in May Indii.sli I ice it; r. a i I figl 1 il loon rl( (I in April l( acue play began leains were in the Champion Y. Enka. - (I grain the (' coin I , the s, Tea elude and a assui' are n the . i The Sail raih i.. f'lllle. Kcllsl; (Ire. '. The Bethel high school girls defeated Canton in the finals of the W.N.C. Cold Medal tournament Saturday night for another basketball championship. Coaches Cay Chambers and W. P. Whilcsidcs stand behind the girls, with .the team captain. Carlene West, another star forward, Agnes Pills, standing j in front of Mr. Wbilesides. Since ' school was closed yesterday other players could not be positively identified Photo by Ingram of I ngi am's St ml io All-Tournament FIRST TEAM West. Bethel L. Davis, Robbinsville Whiteside. Mills River Ensley. Waynesville Robinson. Canton (). Davis, Robbinsville SECOND TEAM Hendrix. Canton Pitts. Bethel McCracken, Way nesville Cook. Bethel Allison. Mills River Griffin. Canton m:h schedcle foii V . OFFICE IN ASHEVILLE The Veterans Administration sub-regional office in Asheville, which formerly war: open six days a week now is operating on the I ' nr ; " a.m. .to 5 p.m.. Monday through l-i .day. it is rr. -ounced by il. A. fickeii. r- , manager. A - ectric typewriter sets '"" (.mire line and prints it in i- operation after the operator has had time to correct it. i Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulslon relieve nromDtlv bei cause it goes right to the seat of the i trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature , to Roothe and heal raw, tender, in i flamed bronchial mucous mem I branes. Tell your druggist to sell you i a bottle of Creomulslon with the un- derstanding you must like the way it quicmy aiiays me cougn or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chast Cold, Bronchitis Pos. Bethel (?,X) P West 1 17 1 F Pills 1 1 1 1 F Clark H(l G Baumgarner G Cook G Lanning Subs: Canton- Canton Taylor i ) GritTin . Hendrix lb' Robinson Reno B. Tathani Woodruff, Ingle il. Ilaynie. Hardin. Carver. N. Tafbain. Pos. Rob'ville (30) Way'ville (l!)l F Walker i7i Scates ill F Hooper (5i Phillips (8 F L.Davis 1 18i McCracken 1 1 0i G McMonigle Knsley G O. Davis MehafTey G Stewart j Noland . Subs: Robbinsville Hughes. Waynesville Sheehan. SEMI-FINALS Pos. Canton ( 10) F Taylor ifii F Griffin ih F Hendrix 8 1 G Robinson G Reno G G. Talham Subs: Canton Waynesville (18) Scates 1 4' Phillips i7 McCracken (7 MehafTey Ensley Noland Woodruff. Ingle 4. Pos. Bethel (4J) F West 1 1ft i F I'i('si21i V Clark iBi G Bumgarner G Cook G Lanning Mills River (291 Baldwin i K Allison Wbilesides d!)i Whitaker Pleninions ! Galvean Subs: Bethel Ti ant ham. farm er; Mills Hiver Orr 1. Corpening Pos. Way'ville (2.1) F Scales 1 12i F Phillips 1 1 1 F McCracken i Kb G MehafTey CI ICnsley G Noland Subs: Way nesv ilh neyville: D. Whilcsi Edneyville (II) Freeman '5i Maxwell Barnwell (i II. Whitesides 1 1 unt singer Drake -Francis: F..I- I'os. Canton (2.1) F Tay lor Ci F Griffin do F Hendricks :)i (i Robinson G Reno G B. Tat ham Subs: Canton - lug Woodruff, Carver. N va. A. Bryson. Dillaid Sylva (18) Buchanan 2i Kstcs dii Ward i It) i Potcat Bess Bryson c 2. I lay hie. Talham; Svl- N. Tathani. Waynesville: Francis. Pos Bethel (29) F West 1I61 F Pitts 181 F Clark 151 G Lanning G Bumgarner G Cook Robbinsville (27) Walker dOi Hooper L, Davis il9i McMonigle O. Davis Stewart SubH: Bethel Trantham. Farm er. Mease: Robbinsville: Warrick. QUARTER FINALS Pos. Itob'ville (41) Fines Creek (25) F Walker (12) Woody i12i F Hooper (4i Rathbone F L. Davis i24i McCrary (5) G McMonigle " Davis G O. Davis Walker G Stewart Jenkin Sub: Ronninsville. Haynlc: Fines Creek CaldweU 8, Price. Sentimental Reasons. Guilty. Ella Fitzfferald Why Should It Happen To TJs I Want To Thank You Folks Frank Sinatra Roses In The Rain. You Are There. Frankie Carle Hoodie Addle. It's Lovin' Time. The Modern.iires Woodchoppers Ball. With Someone New. Woody Herman The Girl That I Marry. Easy To Love. Dick Ilaymcs Open The Door Richard. It's Easy To Love. Louis Jordan Managua-Nicaragua. What More Can I Ask For? Guy Lombardo JONES RADIO SERVICE Radios, Record Players and Guaranteed Repair Work Waynetiville, N. C. I Smf) a Rovq of service, V "V r Of cheap electric -power c5 - Head ( at your finfjer-tip f To lUjhtvn every hour! -L:kiJkhdM5I:r .--- i l LT5vr ( ; ; I Vli- ""' ' . f Mother's in the kitchen, dreaming up a meal. C-y: the laundry, busy washing clothes. Dad plugs in hi- 1 whisks off his whiskers. Lights shine, the radio pb and Sister skims the cleaner across the bedroom vu;i. This is a house with dozens of servants depeml.'' electric servants - ready day and night to make woi 1 life more comfortable. This is living the modern v electric wayf Yet how little it costs! Grandma can spin tho fl- ' heaping tubs of wash -for only a penny! A few ir,-v.' get Mother through her meal and Father through lii u Sister can clean that rug and five others like it before 1 worth of electricity is used up. Dollar values for penny prices -that's the story 1' ;! electric switch in your home. That's our song of sen !-v Listen ia th Mew Ttor-..;.. tr.. . r . . . ... '.J., '('1 s,( rund i I Hi !!M, i'l II1. & i