" PAGE EIGHT (Second Section)" THE TVAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER FRAy,J Capital Letters (Continued From Page Two) Waynesville ..." . . . Your capital had its twenty second safe robbery in eight months last week . . . Fred Fletch er Bell Bread fairy talesman and son of A. J. Fletcher and nepnew of Col A. L. Fletcher, was one seven elected to Raleigh Council last week . . This column has never thought W. P. llorton would run for Governor, but still thinks he would make a good one. NOW YOU TELL ONE! SPIGLER-PALMER BECOMES A HABIT HAGERSTOWN, Md. i AP) It's f all in the family. Frank T. Spigler City and Albert Palmer agreed today. Five Palmer sons nave marriea five Spigler daughters In the last 14 years. This was the wedding record: Elizabeth Spigler and Donald ' ' ; Palmer in 1934. 1 Estella Spigler and Bernard AFTER SEVENTY Although : palmer in 1938. Dr. Carl V. Reynolds is well past , Luia May Spigler. Estella's twin, that three-scorc-and-ten, his reap-; and Paul Palmer, 1938. pointment as slate health off icer Norine Spigler and Harry Palm will be no surprise to anybody. A : er, 1942. native of AshcviUe and a kin of j Kathleen Spigler and Albert Robert fi. 'Hope Diamond and Friendship! Reynolds, Carl V has been head of the North Carolina Department of Health since 1934. coming here from Aslieville. where he was city health officer. He lives at the Sir Walter with his semi-invalid wife and trips along Fayetteville street. Raleigh's main drag, like a filly ... a big cigar in his mouth. His older sis ter, who lived with him, died a few weeks ago, and he has had family worries which would have crushed a smaller man but you would never guess it in his work. Dr. Reynolds says the way to have good health after 70 is to take f;ood care of yourself before 40. Palmer. Jr . 1947. The Spiglers have two unmar ride daughtres, but all the Palm er brothers have already married their sisters. HERE and THERE ! (Continued From Page Two) other. We think of Um in connec tion with the post office as we do some of the other old timers. They make us feel at home. kee Reading club conducted by the Haywood county library in 194S among suggestions for reading clubs to stimulate reading among young people. The account also has with it a picture of Miss Margaret Johnston, county librarian hearing Lane Prevost make a report on a book she had read in the club. If the idea, which of course has spe cial significance in local color here The Wilson Library Bulletin, an as successfully earned out as outstandinj national library publi- Miss Johnston and Mrs Atkins did cation, c, ries in the current issue 1" ln Waynesville area we Know sponsors in inner Knwm will be grateful for the suggestion. an interfiling story of the Chero- We read an account recently of a marriage counsel service, which to proving to meet the seeds of many young couples, who are confused In their new relation ship, and need help In solving their problems. Snch a counsel most he a fine antidote for the divorce courts. We were amused at the followini story told in con nection with a point made in the article, which stated that Socrates may have been the first marriage counselor on record. As proof the siory was told of a young man who onee came to him and asked whether or not he should get married and this was the answer, "by jill means get married, and If you get a good wife, yon will be happy, and if you get a scold like my Xanthippe, why they you will become a philosopher" which Illustrates as much as his famoHs writings .that Socrates was .truly a great philosopher. Want Ads Get Immediate Results IT 1 (Continued from Page Two) 4 M,0r Car Co 1 creases ranging reffrve rent mi der cars , Ten thousand J load cargoes i vi it ,v castle," the woman observes. . Thfre is a shortage of wooden shoes, too, though not all Holland-! each year ers wear wooden shoes. The short- aoA tc hoeaiisn thA nartifMilar IrinH tnn. ... - -- i..aue as used -A of wnnd from which the shoes are u..,k f. , "A 1VJ1 luej ISAVE SAFELY ON PRESCRIPTIONS AT SMITH'S CAT IS NOT GREEN ABOLT GREEN LIGHTS BALTIMORE (AP) A tortoise-shell colored alley cat. tak ing none of its nine lives for granted, gave some St astonished pedestrians a lesson on how to keep healthy. The crowd stared when the cat waited on the north corner of a downtown intersection nntil the traffic light turned green, THE CASK OF THE FAITHFUL , WIFE Working under Churchman Walter P. Anderson, former chief of police of Winston-Salem and Charlotte, the state bureau of in vestigation ijels into a little of ev erything these days despite the long and frequent church travels of its boss. Within recent months, it has studied politics in Stokes county, for instance, milk prices in Durham and Raleigh, and a West ern North Carolina minister's wife. This preacher, who was away from home right much saving souls, didn't trust his good-looking wife too much, and finally came to the flat conclusion that she was unfaithful. She said she wasn't, but he had more faith in almost everything else, obviously, than in her. Upshot of the whole thing was that she agreed to a lie de tector test If it proved she was truthful, everything would be all right between them once again. Otherwise, of course, he would just have to do his missionary work closer home, and, this faHing. a divorce. He brought her to his fellow churchman, Anderson. His special detector operator was somewhere down east on an in vestigation. Well, nothing to do but call him. This, fellow was somewhat surprised to put it mildly upon his return to Raleigh to find he merely had to give a test to a minister's wife, who had committed no crime. He Look her into the room, locked the door, for it requires around 8 minutes to get the per son in the right frame of mind for the test. After about 40 minutes the minister began to be impatient. What could they be doing in there? As time went on, he became worse but they wouldn't let him in, for to do so would spoil all that was transpiring in that inner sanc tum. Finally the little minister now thoroughly vexed got in : touch with Attorney R. N. Simms. Jr., who called the SBI and asked j them what in thunder was going on up there. The investigators or maybe it was Anderson himself explained as best they could. Simms understood which is more than can be said for his scripture quoting client. The tests pro ceeded. Finally, the door was opened. The minister rushed in. The re sults showed the wife had been telling the truth, the ease was closed, and the preacher can con tinue with his work. then marched over to the north west corner. Once more waiting until the light changed, tabby stepped off the curb just as a car approached and retreated to the sidewalk to see if the auto would stop. It did, and the cat strode across to the northwest corner. "If human beings crossed as that cat did. there wouldn't be any fatalities from jaywalking," a policeman commented. JAIL HELPS SOLVE HOUSE SHORTAGE HAGERSTOWN, Md. (AP) War veteran Harry Schaeffer, his wife an two young children were lodged in the nearby Chambers burg. Pa., jail the only "home" they were able to find. Schaeffer lost his job in Hagers town because he was unable to find a place to live here after his eviction from a tourist cabin. In desperation, he turned to the Rev. T. B. Johnson of Chambersburg, who procured the emergency shelter at the city jail. The Schaeffers expect another child within a few weeks. J " : : 1 .fry i 1 MAYBE HE SELLS GASOLINE TO POLICE ROCKLAND, III (AP) A telephoned tip that a prowler had been seen in a filling station sent four squad cars whlxdttg throogk the night. The police automo- OFF THE CUFF Charles C. Enscore 'of Greensboro, now in jail in Tennessee, claims to have made $50,000 within the past year cashing worthless checks . . . The North Carolina Good Health Asso riation is said to be looking for a man to succeed Harry B. Caldwell as executive secretary . . . the av erage salary of state-paid North Carolina teachers next year, not including city supplements, will be biles reached the scene. Seven officers, weapons ready. Closed in on their quarry who tamed out to be the owner of the place. $2,025 ... for nine months' work And a nine-months-old Guernsey bull calf sold for $15,000 at a cat tle sale held near Durham last week. Each day about 5,000 long-dis tance trucks enter New York City, Spring Is Here ... Soon the housewives will be saying: "What shall we serve for Sunday dinner?" WE SUGGEST Lemon Cheese Cake, or any layer cake that is a favorite with your family. 'i Pearce's Bakery V "Let Us Bake For You" Phone 343 SQUIBB ASPIRIN 69c UNIMEX YAGER'S 39c 50c Slxo - $1.00 Astringent LAVORIS - 25c Little-Liver Pills CARTER'S - $1.00 Antacid Powder BISODOL - 1 "RUBBING 17c Isopropyi Fall Pint Mercurochrome Medicine Chest full 15c 1 Vege table Coxnpo Si und 83c For National Advertised Aid Supplies Shop At Smith's Drug Stores. You're Always Welcome SPECIAL SAVINGS 7QC IOC mm w 7QC awe lac jlvnc 7RC Q7G ZlC&e rue . AW r lMeirtuolate .10c ..20c Vz OZ Vo. YEAST TABLETS 79c 91.00 Sixe 20 Mule Team BORIC ACID POWDER 4-oz. Size 7c $1.25 Tonic s. s s. 25c B. C. or STANBACK - - - Large Deodorant ARRID - 75c Size ALOPHEN PILLS - - $1.25 Liniment ABSORBINE JR. - - 75c Antacid Powder ACIDINE $1.20 Dr. Caldwell's SYRUP OF PEPSIN 60c Headache Liquid CAPUDINE 30c Soap or Ointmnt CUTICURA 75c Kidney Pills DOAN'S $1.00 Plate Powder FASTEETH - - - - $1.25 Headache Tablets ANACIN 50c Tooth Paste f IODENT - - - 60c Hair Tonic JERIS 60c Disinfectant LYSOL 50c Shave Cream MOLLE 35c Rat Killer K.R.O. $1.20 Laxative SAL HEPATICA Knowing WHY Means Knowing HOW Your physician's specifications are followed to the Nth degree of ac curacy when you bring his pre scription to us because our phar mactsta add the Know-Why of pharmaceutical knowledge to the practical Know-How acquired ln years of prescription compounding experience. These are the excel lent reasons that invite you to bring- your prescriptions to us for the truly professional dispensing service that safeguards your well- being. Cool off Feet with an Ice-Mint sjt i r,ai4Jfc.uj i 49c 6Y 79c for 99 49c Tr at 39e 7C New with MsSer-te -use , . i . ... ' v 79 PLATW CURLERS livmh i liWiniiuu deluxe Kit 2 ftiguSarKtt. IMrtOrlar w Reftll, ocurleff . .!'. Ail them phu lax fMSUBd (EC imUBEB - .:! 6 for 19c wxj mi i mam Not Just HANDY Bi? CHAN - SAM - NIAl - Q Uic I lAVltVTYRO-thri.ci HANDI-TAPE For Nicks, Scrapit Bruistt, Blisters lu of 3 BAND AID 36-in. 12 Regular Size COTTON 1-Ounce 4-Ounce . . 1-Pound ADHESIVE TAB 5 Yds. x W-in. 5 Yds. x 1-in. 5 Yds. x 2-in STERILE GAl'ZE 2 x 2-in. (25's) 3 x 3-in. (12's) 3 x 3-in. (25's) BANDAGE 1- in. x 10 Yds. 2- in. x 10 Yds 3- in. x 10 Yds. . Trade Mark Rer, Patent Off. j 49c p I r t 1 I FIRST AID KIT I 1 Mkssssssssrr 111 a M TlStx- IndoM proper i uk 1- - W.4au Bo confcxtablo yom'USx'O rdly know It's '" FWST AID KIT No. 16 A com poet ood H for quick ond if ment of mux "fl bo without one- Price $1 lc Sh 25c She DeodorC VLl 2 for 26e P1 CIGARETTES Popular Brands Pack....:..U : 14c Carton $1.35 "2 SAVE SAFELY ON PRESCRIPTIONS AT SMinrsr KODAK5 FINIStn Any Size Boll 6 or 8 Expose 1 . .