PAGE FIVE (Second Section) '30. 1947 fecqoranQ Decoration Day Picnic Lemon juice to taste Heavy cream Snak t'clatin in a quarter cup of cold water. Place three quarters, of a cup uf sugar and remaining I quarter cup of water in s;iucepan ! and stir until sugar is dissolved.' a-h and cut rhubarb in thin : slues and add. Cook uiftil rhubarb is tender Add kelatin Wash and hull strawberries. Cut in quar- tel.. Sp'-mklo with remaining qiui lei- ol a v ,ip ot sugar and .ulil In i l vulli the salt. Add : I' ii jiin e In I.r le. Strain oil "He I 'hi il "I I lie 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 and u lien ; ' ' l Ills I" jell heat until lljjll. ; 1' in p. ii I. ill glasses, altei nat- I nu: I hi- I i n i I i m l ion and the ' beaten foil 1011 and heavy cream. I PARSNIP SOUFFLE 1 1 pound parsnips Salt and pepper ' - cup cream 2 egg yolks 2 egg whites Scrub parsnips, peel it neces sary. Cook in boiling salted water for hall hour, or until tender. Mash and season to taste Add cream and ri'.e, yolks beaten until light and lenion-colored. Kohl in the slillly beaten egg whiles. Place in a buttered dish, set dish in warm water and bake for 20 minutes at The best asparagus is firm and fresh, never stringy or wilted. 8 SHOP - CAGLE'S I OK GOOD FURNITURE VALUES Wc arc dealers in nationally known brands Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Stoves, Ranges, Radios, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, Kitchen, Dinette Suites. Springs, Mattresses, Floir and Table Lamps, Paints, Floor Cover ings. WE DELIVER EASY TERMS. CAGLE FURNITURE COMPANY On the Square Clyde, N. C. V7 I I 1 , i anH stir until sauce LTTt APAM i ls Add lemon juice, anchovy b,J" ., ,.ir- r unutes longer. aerve w , i .. steamed Haddock. THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER II 1 1 ! Italian Dressing 1 clove garlic tablespoons olive oil , teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons grapefruit juice Kiw grains freshly ground pep per Cut garlic very fine and place i ,.iut-Hints in a small class tar. 4m k 1 i.i"'11 r,,-l am i"" ft i no I'1 unveil H!fi! ' Mil' i SI Ull. ,ui a . ! I'dver. Just before serving, Our Special Served Every Day le plate Lunch 35c WRICK'S CAFETERIA -a trmplinK (ray every day" Flavor Tested Teas y., -ib. OUR OWN 31c i2-lb. Pkg. NECTAR - 35c POLLOCK P FLAKES 15c WV-HITH Ml' AT L-lr JGHETTI - 2 "Z 25c - -2 17-oz. Glass 25 P JUICE 21c ESE 45 Lb. . . q No 2 cans mmr LW PRICE A & P HOFFFF 37c 2 39c 2 41c 2 1Ib 73c Bags U Bonu-.. Circle 1,b 77c Bass 1 1 w 81c uttN BEANS o ikc JERRIES nTS 1- A,, www squash:;:.. 2 u. 25c tJEFTOlT....5for23c . .... cn - shake PICNIC FARE . . . Baked By CIIAR1-OTTE ADAMS Associated Press Food Kditor Decoratiou Day is the first really official picnic day. though of course by this time the rushers-of-t he-season have picknicked frequently. In case Decoration Day should be on the chilly side this year, 1 suggest that you plan a picnic with at least one hot dish. You can make this dish at home and carry it lo the picnic if you aren't going too far away. An oven-proof glass dish will keep food hot for a remarkably long time, especially if you put the lop on il anil wrap it up well for the trip in your picnic basket. Baked Lima Beans 2 cups dried lima beans 1 quart water 1 tablespoon salt 1 i teaspoon dry mustard 4 tablespoons fat I4 cup molasses ' i cup grated cheese 1 cup tomato juice 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper C onion slices 5 green pepper strips Wash and look over lima beans, rejecting poor ones. Soak beans overnight in a quart of water. Add salt to beans anil ;ook for one hour in the same water in which they were soaked. Remove from heal, drain, and stir into beans the mus tard, fat, molasses, cheese, tomato juice and chopped green pepper. Arrange onion slices and green pepper strips on top of beans. Bake in moderate oven 1350 for about an hour in a heat-resistant glass casserole dish. With that dish you can serve sliced meat sandwiches if you want to, though they really aren't need vigorously. Veal Chops with Mushroom Glazt 4 loin veal chops Salad oil Salt 1 2 pound mushrooms 1 cup water 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon cold water 1 :! cup beef stock 1 teaspoon sugar Mushroom liquor Kitchen Bouquet Salt Cover stems and skins from mushrooms with water and cook until liquid it, reduced to one half cup. Strain. Mix cornstarch with rold water. Add beef stock and cook, stirring constantly until smooth. Gradually add sugar and mushroom liquor. Add a few drops of Kitchen Bouquet to make a good brown color. Season with salt and cook until thick and clear. Trim chops and brush on each side with salad oil. Sprinkle with salt and broil ten minutes, turning occasion ally. Spread with the glaze made No Exotic Perfume Matches then Aroma of Baking Bread By BETST NEWMAN W VHAT are tome of the most ap otizing romas in the world? Why tread baking in the oven, bacon or ham frying, coffee brewing. w li im M kooAriniv nn A pel IX m jruuuj; uinu - -c the brink of matriaiony went to see . . . : .1 jki..J -n .1 amotion His curren. gui irauu ouu those" smells and discovered that she was wielding the utensils and mix ing the ingredients that produced I them, he womo quicmy be'his'n. No exotic perfume would have the aame effect as those deli cious odors. . I neu i -- j,, ..111 "Thr.Wftv Yeast Bread and .ry to produce a delightful ' fragrance in our own kitchen. Today's Menu Fried or Boiled Ham Parsley New Potatoes ' Creamed Young Dandelion Greens v Carrot Sticks Pickles Three-Way Yeatt Bread Rhubarb Pic Coffee Creamed Young Dandelion Greens Wash greens thoroughly and pick orer; drain and put over slow heat to cook, adding no more water than Tings to the leaves; add tap. salt. 1 When tender, chop in the saucepan 'add 1 tbs. butter, a dash of pepper ,d mow salt if needed, and c. top milk or cream. B-ing to simmer ing point and serve at once. , Tkree-Way Yeast Bread , 8 cakes com- 2 tap. salt f prStedeast 6c.iftsd SUctakswam Aon u . 2 tbs. melted TU c molasses or shortening lima beans, a bit; cuke cd. A green s.ilail is a tiin .iilililinn and some liml lo limn Un hand. Some laniilles jii I tin i- In hac a swrei I!. ike Iheiu ,1 e.i'.i like I he our hrlni. and I he picnic 111 i pan A c. I ll-., II Ml ill ,1 I1r.1l resistant class one i- : iod il looks trim .nul 1u.1t Ii I.,-, .'or, tul.e In I he picnic. Graham ( 1.11 lo r I ii nir Cake Cake: ' :j cup 1 1 0 1 -1 nil 11 ' 1 cup cr.iiui I. ri il 1 lea piinll ,ihlll,l 2 e:i:s ' j cup 1:1 all. no ( 1 .1 I ' Clip Mil' ll llilMI II Ml (".I I ,11 t 1 Kri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2':. le.i.poiiii ImI.iiii: powder I 1 teaspoon -.ill 1 j cup milk Cream short ciiiik; .mil In ,,t 111 sugar gradually Heat in vanilla" Add two eggs, our it a tune, heat ing well. Stir 111 graham cracker crumbs. Add 1 1 l- cups Hour, bak ing powder and sail, silled to gether, alternately with nuik l'our batter into a well greased heat resistant glass square cake dish eight inch size, liakc in '.i'MV oven for about 40 minutes. Topping: 2 tablespoons liuiler or mai garine 1 cup brown simar 2 tablespoons Hour I egg 16 walnut meals Melt butler in saucepan. dd brown sugar. Hour and cgi:. well beaten. Mix well Conk over low direct heal about six to eight minutes, stirring constantly. He move from heat and pour over top of cake. Arrange walnut meats on topping. Return cuke lo 350 oven tor ;ihoul five to seven minutes or until lopping is linn. from mushroom stems and skins Serve on hot plallor with I he mushroopi caps, which have been broiled. Mirrounding the chops. Mirshed Potato With Mint Prepare mashed potatoes as usual. Sieve covered lluekh with fresh mini leave , chopped line. Uroilcd Duikliiii; Have your hnl hi 1 phi anil re move rib hone . and 1 -. ' I al from two dnckliir;.. ipe w ilh wet cheesecloth and spi inkle with ..-H rmrl iii-niii'i- Id. in- on a I I-. I , I greased broiler rack nrl broil lor ten 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( . . I1" 11 I'd, in 11' t n until tin. 1 . ni,:li! cm, I.. 'I and I'll der lahoitl '' inm"'' ' l.rnu. i lo plutti r ami I" n h villi mclti u butler or ni,ir:;arinc. Jellied Kl:i:h n il anil M 1 .i In 1 1 ies 2 cups vliiiba b 1 pint si raw Wei 1 'e . I 1 1 j tablespoon-, "rial in u cup cold water 1 cup Miliar Kew grains sail Crumble yon:d into liikcivarm water and stir until yeast iiss :c. iAdd molasses, salt and 3 cups Ik;;.- ;. beat wr.l. Stir in shortening; oa bran and remaining flour ami mis 'thoroughly. Turn out onto bgl tiy floured board and knead until smooth and clastic, about 2 0 min- ates. . Place in creased bowl, brush with melted shortening. The dough is now ready to be stored in the re frigerator if you wish. However, -f if ; in hp hnkeH nt. once, cover and let stand in warm place until it doubles in bulk. Punch down. Let rise IB minutes, then shape into 3 loavw and bake in a modeitely hot oven (376 F.) until done throu and beautifully brown about 40 to 60 min. Makes three smallish loaves. Or make one loaf ana store uie rui until another day. Bran Raised Muffins iv, ono-third of above broad dough into balls; place in greased muffin cups. Brusn wun meuuu H lrt stand in a warm place until double in bud;. Bake in moderately not um-u h F.) about 20 minutes. Fruit Whirls Pu nnr-tTiird nf hreni! doueli '4 sTnppnit with 'i c. honey or co-n ;ymp. and sprinkir with 1 c raisins. Or spreaa wun jam ui malade. Roll up like jelly mil, cut :n 1-in. slices. Put on creased cookie sheet or in creased muflm tin and 1 n.aitf.a ch.irteninff. Cover and let rise until double in bulk Bake in moderately r.m o n , r v 20-2S min. Makes 10 whirls 2'a For Your Protection DIXIE-HOME OFFERS YOU ONLY U. S. FEDERALLY INSPECTED MEATS. All "Quality Tender" 1. It insures your receiving only products from meats that have been duly Inspected and passed. 2. All ingredients of our Sausage must meet every Pure Food and Health Law. Sold only under Inspection Stamp. U. S. GOOD BONE & ROLLED eiiucli ftoast 59c TENDERIZED SMOKED Kingon's Reliable Reg. & Tender Lb. HAMS 59c DRESSED PAN POUND TROUT 25c DIXIIvllOMi: KVAI'OKATED MLK 3 T::i 33c 25-Ln. BAG KOSi; ROYAL FLOUR - $1.89 SI LI -RISIN(; 4-oz. I'Ivl;. Dixie Home TEA 19c GRAPEFRUIT 46-oz.Can 19c No. 2 Can 3 lor 25c I lh Pk Sliced With Syrup j l.'!-o. Pkt;. UinlM-ye PEACHES 25c BROCCOLI FROZEN SHRIMP 2 lbs. Carolina , GREEN BEANS 25c Lb. Fresh Yellow SQUASH 15c 8-lh. Mesh I5a Fla. Valencia ORANGES 43c Fresh Mountain SPINACH Meats must Bear this POUND POUND U. S. Good Porter House Lb. STEAKS 79c BOSTON BUTT Lb. Pork Roast 52c 12-oz. Can Oscar Mayer Luntlieou MEAT - - 32c 25-11). Butt White Lair. Plain FLOUR - $2.15 No. 2's Can Libhy's or Del IXIonle FRUIT COCKTAIL-39c 45c SILVER CUP - - 41c IU1IT GOLD CUP ---43c pkg. 72c ASPARAGUS SPEARS pkg. 42c -IN OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. 2 lbs. Extra Fancy Washington Winesap Apples 33c Large Bunch Fresh Spring ONIONS 10c Lb. Extra Fancy Florida TOMATOES 27c F.xtra Large Sunkist lb. 10c LEMONS doz. 27c Stamp of Inspection, SHORT RIBS OF BEEF 29c SMOKED BACON 1 lb. Can Corn Beel SQUARES 39c HASH - - 27c No. 2 Can Coin.slotk Pie Apples - 19c Southern (lold Keadv Mixed Hi. Oleomargarine 49c FROZEN PIES All Varieties 69c I I -Hi. Pku. Hluefni FILLETS 33c 3 Ears Fresh Tender White CORN , 25c 2 Large Bunches California CARROTS 15c Lge. Stalk U. S. No. 1 Golden Heart CELERY 19c Lb. Lb. i A 11 ' diajneter. ft t t III I --J- ......-1..U