' HAT SO, 194T THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Ctitrttt r Wrrrnnnnie Jf on. Sr. e. jyBTilford C. rl.o Bay W. ttoKateHen- tl to Kay M. L e. w 10 Jatk I"1, h M. Sisk. Lux Martha A. CTlowoslilP il to J. Clayton tetaltoCarli'i'O- I I . Honor Students PAGE ONE Second Section! V) . V el al In Jlompson, bfry. et u 10 D" ' Uet ux to mo - ii. .. C u el ux to Lve et ux l l)".vl1' Lj, ,t ux In llufjn Ln, ei ux to (' W. in Ann Tlioinp-on. lug and I.ojm Aswi- T Ward. 'Inibloc l hipton. Tiwnhlp et ux Delia Trull in el ux Willi War- pi Toirnship Ray Shelly. Ml, et ux Mat tie H. Shcllon. el ux, Tonnship Penland to Louise his, et ux lo L. E. VALKDICTORIAN Jackie Sue Mcsscr, (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Lick Mcsscr, who made the high est average on her class, iind is outstanding. She is a member of Hie Beta club, dramatic reporter tin- the high school paper; served a assistant business manager of The Mountaineer", High school annual; member of Future Home Makers Club, and active in drama-ties. SALUTATORIAN Elsie Jane Green, daughter of Mrs. M. (' Green and the late Mr. Green, who made the second highest average among the seniors. She was co-circulation manager of the annual, member of the liela club, home economics reporter for the high school paper, and a member of the Future Home Makers tlu), also active in dramatics. Mormons To Relive 1846 Historic Trek CHICAGO Commemoratinfi the centennial of the history-making exodus of Mormon pioneers to the west, a group of their descendants will start from Nauvoo, III., this summer and follow the route of the early Mormons to their haven in Salt Lake City. Utah. The party setting out July 15 from Nauvoo, last temple city of the Mormons before they founded Salt Lake City, will be composed of 143 men, three women and two boys, representing the first com pany to make the triD under Brie- ham Young. The Mormon evodus from Illinois began February 4, 1846. The 1947 group will travel in 72 automobiles with covered-wagon I tops, representing the number of; j wagons in Young's company. They '. will dress in pioneer clothes, camp-1 ing out, frontier style, at night I DAR Good Citizenship Winners mmmmmm j in I III 1 !! 1 1 mil I IWIIHnl Illli II II I III" BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs Jarvis McDonald, of Waynesville R. F. I) No 1. an nounce the birth of a daughter on May 23. Mr. and Mrs. John Caglc. ot Waynesville. announce the birth of a son on May 2.r). Mr. and Mrs I' .1 l'nntt. oi Canton, K.F.I). No 2. announce the birth of a daughter on May 25. Mr. and Mrs. George McAnnisch. of Canton, announce the birth of a daughter on Max 25. Selected To Attend Girls State :Crwk Township et als lo Haynes Mjttie Messer. role Township Beeves lo Mont- tt ux Margaret P. Sr.. et ux to Edgar Kin. fie, et ux to Clyde I ux Irene J. Nor- loody, et ux Eleanor N, et ux to Mollie nnk Warlick. H ux, Bertha Da Cildwell. ' el ux MarL'arilc (8. Atkins. TO to Margaret L. NtC. F, Muse, et r""" """""" ; CAR BACKLOG STILL BIG WASHINGTON (API The Na tional Automobile Dealers associa tion reported that dealers havc more new car orders on hand than lever twice as many as they can fill this year. Cancellations since January 1 have been -negligible. ' j an association statement said. Il I based its study on a nation-wide iMiivey of orders since July 31. Ht4;, hen production resumed. The Good Citizenship awards pre sented by (he Dorcas Bell Love Chapter, Daughters of the Ameri can Revolution have been won by. Nancy Jones, daughter of Mis. Woodson Jones, who was m let ted as the winner ot the Good Cilien ship medal, for the girl in the sen ior class who has outstanding iiah lie.ilions for leadership and scholas tic rating. Nancy was assi,lanl manager of the school annual, is JEAN ANNE BRADLEY, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bradley, member of the senior class who has been selected to represent the local post of the American Legion and Auxiliary at the annual Girls State conducted by the slate Le gion organization to be held in Greensboro. She was the winner oi the reading contest sponsored by the Woman's club; vice president of the Beta club, cheering section of the football season; business manager of the annual. ! ux Helen Muse. j F. L. Jones, et ux Lillian Jones I to Truman W. Lackey, et ux Cath j erinc Lackey. ' James Simpson, to Preston Lcw- j is. et ux Orphn Lewis. I David F Underwood to Joseph . Casabella et ux. Carolyn R. Causey to Gertrude Y. Ayer. NORMA JEAN UURGIN. daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Burgin; who is a member of the Junior class has also been selected lo at tend Ihe Girls State. Miss Burgin is one of the outstanding girls in her class. In 1.045 Ihe U. S. postoffice han dled 14,277.000 "dead" letters which could not be delivered be cause of improper addresses. DAR Pilgrim Winner me u. a poslollice makes wide spread use of X-ray machines to deled goods, the mailing of which is forbidden. m SPRING Im(Iv Ltain. 19 tnvels.' 14K natural fen' fiiiva case DtucK ruru. n'." E I. LILIUS Jeweler pSSi : Haywood County fjB Cooperative, Inc. MBramIe Livery Stable) HasA Crop Fertilizers , TriPeSper.phosphate n!act Hugh L. Ratclif f THERESA ALLEY was the win ner of Ihe 1947 Pilgrim Sctfapbook contest in the high schoo1! spon sored each year by the Dorcas Bell Love Chanter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and won second place in Ihe state contest. She has made an outstanding record having to her credit many awards including first place in Ihe State Good Health declamation con test, winning a $."00 scholarship: second place in Ihe Stale Eire Pre vention essay contest; a rating in the district and stale music fcslival contests. She is president of Ihe Beta club, served as assistant ad vertising manager of the annual; is a member of the high school band; a majorette during the football season; and accompanist for the high school orchestra. Byers To Attend Warm Springs Foundation Anniversary, June 25 W. G. Byers of Waynesville will attend the 20th anniversary of the founding of the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation by Franklin D. Roosevelt, on Wednesday, June 25 at the Little White House, where the late president died. Mr. Byers will represent the 12th congressional district, whose vote he cast in the 1944 Electorial College. A special ceremony will be held to unveil a plaque given by Ihe Electorial College to the na tional shrine. President 'Iranian has been in vited to be the principal speaker, and distinguished guests will in clude many notables in public life. At times as many as 125,000 Moslems have visited Mecca in a year, secret. irv ot Hie Uel.i chili ,nil ,i member ot Ihe I'lilure Home M,ik ers club. William Evans Richeson. son of Mrs. I. M Richeson and the Lite Mr. Richeson was chosen as the outstanding boy in the senior class and will receive a similar award He is assistant circulation manager of Ihe annual; member of the Beta club; science report, high school paper, member of High school Oc tette, high school orchestra His brother Jack Richeson, who later served wild Ihe II. S. Marines in I lie P.icilie wilh Ihe rank ot Kirsl I.I was also Ihe winner oi this award in l!H0 Mr. and Mis. Ted Arlington of Waynesville. announce the birth of a daughter on May 2.Y Mr and Mrs. Kale Huffman of Canton, H.K.I) No 3. announce the buih ( ;, daugnti r on May 2ti. Mr and Mi Alono I inney. of Lake Junaluska, announce the birth ol a daughter on May 2(i. Mr. and Mrs Oilincr Cagle of lla.elwood. announce the birth of a son on Max 27 ' KarniniL! as Ihe larj-esl indus try in Britain in lll.ji) Hailrnads- use about 1!." per cent of the bituminous coal produced in the United Stale TelegrapE, Radio Exams To Be Given On June 14 Examinations will be given Sat urday, June 14 (or all classes of telephone, telegraph and amateur radio operator licenses in room 341 , New Post Office building. Knox ville, it is announced by W. J. Johnson, F. C. C. engineer in charge. All persons living within a radius of 150 miles of Knoxville who xxould like to take such an examin ation are urged to be at the speci fied place by 8:30 a.m. on June 14. The harbor of Sydney, Australi i extends 13 miles inland and has a bhore line 1BU miles long. Sydney, Australia, claims that its Royal Exchange is the largest wool selling center in the world. DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE Mountain Homes Summer Camps Farms Acreage Summer Rentals Jim Kilpatrick E. L. WITHERS & CO. Main Street Phone 100 BELK - HUDSON'S END O' THE MONTH VALUE Bigger Bargains Than Ever Belk - Hudson's Prices Are Always Low We have Ihem! f BelfcHlldsOIl SpeCial LADIES' MEN'S LOW BACK r DAHTIPC Children's playsuits, sweaters, sun suits, JTliU 1 luiJ OVERALLS shirts, jackets, and caps. ah Elastic waist . Tearose All Sizes 2.S HALF PRICE 3Scpair Good Quality Boys' ONE LOT OF Co"d "a,itv n,u- children Fast c.or OVERALLS REMNANTS CHAMBMY DRESSES .'JO Inches Wide aRQ Values to $3.95 5C yard 39c Mow $a Quality Chambray another Belk-Hudam Special ClflRTQ Children's coveralls, shirts, play f cs? a""" soils, wash suils, sun suits. Q7 GINGHAM 9ra jackets and sweaters. ml U C JC VALUES TO $3.95 v u , One Lot Ladies' sh((r( sl.cvl. GOOD GRADE MEN'S CUflDTC SANDALS and Full-Fashioned SHORTS play shoes sPor! Sh,ris Mvion Hose With Popular Gripper Front Values to $4.98 Yellow Tan Blue Brown AljlUH AAUdW 5S)c 2-9:8 up l.m up !48-a.95 YOU ALWAYS SAVE AT Belk-H udson G 'Home of Better Values'