I rid SIX (Second Section! THE WAYNES VTLUE MOUNT ATNEES It fit i Iff ff Marilyn Borrowed Tennis Court; Won Husband And Role In Movies (din i AP Ncwsfeaturrs By MARK BARRON NEW YORK Marlvii X;i-h 'ikt to tell how she no! uil K"' ' l'' "' Ing role in the movies Ijut .il ... o a husband merely Ix'i.iu wanted to borrow ;i leniu-- Miss Nash, a honey-face ll.ii.l.-. i Charles Chaplin's leading u..m, an in his new film "Monsieur Vn doux." and she is quietly n-Minu in New York at the moment he cause she is. in her own word- ex pecting." "My film career M.irti d ulmlK unintentionally. ' she said I .i a pre-niedical student in tl" I m versify of Arizona at Tue-en ..ml I had done some amateur hi tin : v i'h student groups there "They always cave mr nidi role? bfeause I was sn t.dl. .mil later when I cav a ir.idin; tor Mr. Chaplin I did th' role nt King lar which I had idaviil in school." Miss Nash went to i:-.ii-,hmI ..i, her vacation from ol!'K'' "My friend kne u tli. so we went over Hun their tennis court mil said. "I met Mr lu O'Neill, daughter of Eugene O'Neill1 and ed roe for the role in Verdouy' That's when I i part of KinK I. ear tor Mr lin. "Mrs. Chaplin sent me to .1 dramatic teacher. Nina Moise who was a friend of Oona's moth er. With her I studied voice ud diction for two years before Allen's Creek News Mrs. I A. 1'rrry .lei iv Snyder funeral I tio 1' .iiii nilmn the funeral of I'M Sir di 1 ol t lie Marines in I 1 "it wen- Mrs. Clarie Hombree : !"l M 1 i.' Mr and Mrs Kd Buch- ai .'.'i. Mr and Mrs Fred Lewis Mi and Mrs Hoy MeC'iire. Mrs. ('..ithi'i McCliiie. I. cilia Pt'inehart, M, and Mr- H.iv Melt. Violla Nor m. in Mi Will Norman. The de ce.i id i' .1 the uiandson of Mrs. Satin Mi N.di ol Aliens Creek. I'.il.!.' II .'H 1 1 1 I., hi! , l.i Si li"id at Hoeky 1 1 hui ( h lias been I he teachers are ''an Mi 1 rial Woods. Hi ni'iia Norman 'it lli'iiper. Snugs lh. runci rg.it ion. A ,;i' en r 1 iday night I.I : n:i hit Wednesday 'urn "i d to spend a Mother. Kltner. GET EARLY START ON FATHER'S DAY 4 sOs. 3W mmnt rini'i 'Mo ad Mi. C'hap- '' Hoot . h u 1 II .11 I'.iliii d at Miens Creek held all last I a lor. Mrs. Mr ; laiwe Al- Mi 1 Mi li.ii'. di II 1 dreen. Mrs. Del- ( iM , ,11 Mi . fleue Cray. I i"l I 'liocr. Mr. Luther id Mi ol.le WvaM. Mrs. R ii 11. Ii' ' 'I 1mm. is Krwin and I do . in 1 1 . w it Ii music by I'.u no 1 and .lover Caldwell. NOT WANTING THEIR FATHER to wait until "Father's Day," June 15, to receive his gifts, Barbara Gold and her brother, Joe, ot Dorchester, Mass., go into the act of bringing their dad his slipper and some cigars. Proud father's feet are shown in foreground. (International) ITCH Don't Suffer Another Minute An jou t'jrmenttU with if him: ! . (rworuMs, rasJrti, rough hdii-f- 1. !et' ftwt. eruption. r tdl it' fni fc- r, rtrnullt cjum-1 j-km tritit.' i -- rfliff and good result iw M t" MK.ST. lVelopt.l for l U i: now offfrttl to the flk Iwk tt t- jrri!lw, fitiM'i'tic. C"nldir.- !.n for habits or children. A rum- tonft t . V ICTO R Y "t I N T M E 1 t firs and Tube. SoM in U.w Smith-!; Unift Store. i lint k. I Suh-I, .III t I hr p.'istor. i 1 1 church w,c i l.V Mndd for the . held on Stevens. &: ;A1 I - o I ?! 1 I Floating Mines Appear Off Sweden Last Week STOCKHOLM. Sweden A new type of floating mine has Appeared in the Baltic and is believed to be responsible for the loss of four Swedish fishing smacks so far. The new mines, chained together in doz ens, must have been recently plant ed experimentally by some power having access to this inland sea, Swedish naval authorities believe. They recall last year's equally mys terious bu7-l.ombs over Sweden. Swedish naval patrols have been unable to bring in a specimen of the mine, which explodes with a light thud resembling a rifle re port. One mystery of the "oranges'' is that as presently rigged they are' loo small to dam age anything but mosquito craft. Dr. Winston Says ' Women Ignoring Their Full Responsibilities Wl NS'H IN-SA I KM iTi l)r Kl len Winston, state i onimissioner of public welfare, says North Caro lina women have not assumed their full responsibilities as citizens, they are prone to lei their husbands do their political thinking. She told the women's group ac tion council here last night women could bo "good public housekeepers." CUSTOMER NOT ALWAYS RIGHT GOSHEN, Ind. LaVerne Frye complained to police that a local bartender refused to sell him any thing "because he thinks lm lilUIlk barte nder folic, Brussels Festival 1 1 I the picture slartffi." Tin . 1. Mi- Nash's first picture, but -In- I- iiiinning to Hollywood for luiihir Mm roles when her I bale. 1. burn ller husband Is I'lnlip Yoi'lan. author of the stage hit. Ann 1 l.ueaMa " She met him 011 Chaplin'.- tennis court. He lived I next door anil also had come over to Inn 1 ou I In- com Is, HAYWOOD FLOOR SURFACING CO. RUBBER, PLASTIC AND ASPHALT TILL Owned and Operated by B. K. IIUNDLLY Phones 23 and 34!)-YV Box 134 Ex WAC's Can Enter jFilm Story Of FDR Army .ransport service wm fie shown A l ormer members of the Women's Army Corps who desire to reeidist for sea duty on ships carrying de pendents of military personnel to and from the Kuropeau Theater will be taken in the army, stated 1st Lt. Thomas H. Suydan of the Asheville recruiting sub-station. During the month of May there were 540 young men from North and South Carolina who joined the regular army. Due to the large number who have graduated lrom high school, June is expected to be a peak month. pastor for the past year, was elect ed to serve again. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rhinehart. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guy. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Arrington and Mrs. Dale Ralh bone spent Sunday, June 15, with Mrs. Earle Sutton on Crabtrce. The tomato belongs to a species of plant which also claims the potato, egg-plant and tobacco. Weaving was one of the earliest. If not the earliest, crafts prac ticed by primitive mankind. """W"MHllll)i.li H ninmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmtmm ' ' '.V f 'ij , ' ' x... yXt ? HOLLYWOOD A motion pic- i ture depicting the life of Franklin j Delano Roosevelt will be given its I American premiere at the Globe i Theater in New York on Septem ber 1. "The Story of Roosevelt'' bad its private world premiere in llrus sels Tuesday night before officials "i ioe woria mm lesiivai competi tion, who reportedly were worried about political repercussions. The picture was approved for festival competition and will be given an official world premiere in Brussels June 27. Following the New York show ing, film trade circles said, the picture will be offered to theaters throughout the world for general commercial release. The movie, made up from news' reel clips, depicts the life of Mr. Roosevelt from his appointment as Assistant Secretary of the Navy until his death in April. 1945. It emphasizes the social legislation instigated by Mr. Roosevelt under the New Deal, including banking laws, old age insurance, social se curity and housing. R. Grady Rankin To Head Educational Body RALEIGH UP) . ..ww. V I (I - dy Rankin of Gastonia was elected unanimously as permanent chair man of the 18-member state edu cation commission, newly appoint ed group which will .study all as pects of public school education ana report its findings to the 1949 legislature. Senator Rankin, unopposed, waj elected on recommendation of Gov ernor Cherry, who told the com mission after it was sworn in by Associate Justice E. B. Denny that Hi task was one of the most im portant in the state. NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION In the Superior Court Before the Clerk North Carolina Haywood Count" Ollie Collins. Katharine Cooper and husband, Claude Cooper; Virginia Hyde and husband, Ralph Hyde; and Nell Collins and Linda Collins, Minors their General Guardian, Collins. by Ollie Poor Lighting spoils film.. Treat your eyes as well as you would a camera! X our eryes see in much the sam way that a camera sees, but there's one big difference: When the lighting ii wrong, the camera quits! Not so with your eyes. They try their best, no matter how much you abuse them and that might not be so good for you! Still it's no trouble at all to avoid risks and brighten the lives of all your loved ones . . . You can secure reliable advice from us about the right kind of equipment to give good eye-comfort lighting in your homes. Just ask. REMEMBER: Light is cheap sight is PRICELESSl Joe Collins and wife, Mary Collins The defendants. Jop ("Villinc nH jMary Collins, will take notice that cm action enimea as anove has been commenced in the Superior Court of Haywood County. North Carolina, to sell for partition the lands of the etatc of Herbert Col lins, deceased, located In Clyde Township, in Haywood County, and said defendantx will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, at the court house In Waynesvllle within ten days after the 28th day of June, )47, and answer or demur U the Petition of the plaintiffs, and tbey will take notice that if they fail to do w, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief oVuianried in the petition. ThU the 281 h day rf May, t'Jil. D1XIK CAMPBELL, Aurt. Cbrrfc Kil-rir Court. No. I39 June JMO-17-24 (CAROLINA POWER C IIOHT COMPANY) NOT1CK Of AWJCATION FOE PAHAH.f. North Carolina. Haywood County. The undersigned, Jam Kiritc, is applying to the Governor of North Carolina for parole. All person objecting to same will forward their protest to the parole commissioner Immediately. This the 12tb day of June 1947. JAMES KING. IMSJune 17-24. SALT Of THE EARTH FAI LS FROM THE SKY HELENA. Mont tl'i -The Mon tana fish (ind Kaine department again is "salt bombitiK" elk herds In several mountainous areas. The department is .satisfied that dropping of salt blocks from air planes into l be almost inaccessible high country serves to keep the herds in higher altitudes through the summer months, saving the lower range for winter feeding when heavy snows force the ani mals down. Jl'ST l. CASE ALBANY. N. Y. -' AIM .-Detectives guarded ihe rcnl control of fice after a report that a man with a shotgun bad arrived there after closing time Monday. When be returned yesterday, minus (be gun, he explained that he wanted to find out what he could do if his new landlord tried to evict linn from his farm. The gun' That was in case he sighted woodchucks on the way Vif 'JU,)I int,,v:....l I ' "".Ki dcatm maw NEW FOUR-rOINT DRIVER COMFORTi 1. Tb cab that "brolh." 2, Drivw't oom portmwit h wider and dpr more lo room. 3. Wldar, deapsr, mora comfortobl att or fully adjmtabl. 4. largr windshield and windows give 22 better visibility. FIEXI-MOUNTED CAB-rub-ber-cuihloned agalnil road shocks, torsion and vibration. Stronger, sturdier FRAMES. LONGER WHEEIBASES. INCREASED IOAD SPACE in pick-ups and panels. VALVE-IN-HEAD TRUCK EN GINES worid'i most economi cal for their size. HYDRAULIC TRUCK BRAKES with exclusive design for greater brakedlning contact assure quick, safe stops. Me weeusve CAB TNAfhm greatest contribution to drivJ comfort and safety in truck histor CAA U1. ... . ,. 1. n4- I L' . , CJCC 11113 U Ut& 11 UUI 91IUYTIU1MI1; nee HHliiy s n?U with the cab that "breathes that "inhales" frt "exhales" used air keeps glass clear and free frof c i. ! i ..r I .i .. . . . ... oee in is line ui uuKJMie-ui'.wgii irui KS, witll net! load space, longer-than-ever wheelbases and: improvements destined to make Chevrolet even a pret erred by truck buyers. f.nmn.iTi.i,i,i,,J CHOOSE CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR TRANSPORTATION WATKINS CHEVROLET C Phone 75 3 To The Automobile Owner! Of Waynesville and Vicinity There has been enacted by the General Assembly of North Caroli fective July 1, 1947, House Bill No. 63 known as the "MOTOR VE1 P R rrrpw i -r--.. oirr.ii ana nfcbFUIN bIBILIT Y ACT. THIS ACT PROVIDES: I2J After involvement in an automobile accident causing bodily injurs- cr death of any person or damage to.property in excess of $50.00, such damige must be satisfied within 60 days after judgment has been renderid h-.- a rurt of competent jurisdiction. (2) The Commissioner of Motor Vehicles of the State of North 0"i'.'M receiving proper evidence that a person has failed to )!-:' within the prescribed period shall suspend the person's dnvt i ': registration plates. 2) J" effect the law provides further such person's driver's lictn.-t "-1 '-ti tration plates will not be reinstated until such judgment i? further that such person furnish the State of N. C. proof of tmHial re sponsibility. IA Prnnf r.f fi.in;j :U;1:i.. a. ,.f I i -d.ilitV iP.SUr- 1f vi uuaiH.idi l Cbpi'llbiuilll IlltailS llie ISKlIlg UUl oi a ance Policy or posting bond or cash or securities for ($11,000) a i' 1 , i m oy tne law. i .j iirescriDtu ,i,,ifjareNi ,.,. Cif all el , -.ible W ,,f r.rrurm NOTE: To all persons carrying automobile insurance policies with the undersigned agent, swh v STANDARD TOLICIES and therefore comply with the law mentioned above and with having such a law or one similar. The following Agent is in a position to provide the needed insurance for careful m.-l " Unless you can satisfy a judgment up to $11,000 we urge that you consider the dcsiral"'' ua,BC uibuiance ior tne protection of your driving rights. Call Bill Barber or R. N. Johnson at 331 who will gladly furnish Pre Wuotation for tjiese very important Coverages: Carolina Insurance & Realtj H. L. Liner 49 Main Street By The Library Phone 331 R.N.J Writing .... Fire, Automobile, Hospital and Accident, Workmen's Compensation ami All Liability Insurance Dividends lleturned To Our Policy Holders Year After Year . "' " ' ' - - H f I

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