I THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE ONE tSicona SeeWonT rLady Makes Record - - DArenns Bureau I y. Missing - P" iM.inannercd, h 'it. SLiis. As Is1- ,nu Miss- !Z Bureau I b,.PD noi fc is,am , or j mis" poisons 1 ". hat they have. r. mass, t,ll ewe y . r Mi'tz handled Luiries P'u- Cd located 681 CrMeU o sum- i. .1,1. .it her Uorm a"" ,ul""" long time Md si""1' " L( in (.od-and F" .. ii. .i in'iuil1 ban " ' ( uf i. whose bureau cov- ..i ( . as states. ai' . .. i i ; . . ArmV lots bureaus in mj. U cities ami i" Lot units. Twu-Lhirci Ir es tonic r ,-.ti' in- ft! i"1" " L) States-Hlut'tlv iiom about sailor,. V Norwegian seaman a. when Norw ay wj frorld War II' over the U and through two Land finally located I camp m Nva fcniM. th, reason most pro- L bring 'mlssinf' is hair to write letters litl their own affairs." war the Salvation Ltived many women's find service men of ;ies who loved 'em and he bureau has located Lotharios. Most are most say "no." The not tell where they Urge nur.licr of iast Fashing ideation m 1 Le 1-Stop Service ENO fool Station MAJOR METZ . . . "They hate to write letters . . ." year's Inquiries came from Ger- 0BJO O) 8UIA".U SUBIBJI PUB SUIHII anybody with whom they had I lie slightest acquaintance in tins conn try in order to beg boxes of food Most people said "no" to thai too. Major Metz reports that general ly people follow the same system when they seek to disappear and she uses the same sleuth method;, and sources repeatedly to find them telephone books, postal guides, neighbors, neighborhood shops, schools, unions, etc. "But if I think that putting the people who are being seal ril ed for in touch with those who are searchins for them won't bring happiness, I just don't do it," Major Metz concluded. 'Tor Instance, a man who had he en a foundling and is now a pros perous merchant with a wife and several children tried to find his mother. We learned he was il legitimate. We never told him. "Another time a young woman who was happily married tried to Hnd her mother. When we did locate the mother, she was a pros titute. Of course, we did not tell the girl we found her. "And then liiero was the man whose wife tried to find him alter he received a small inheritance He refused flatly to return to her 'She walked out on me,' he said. 'Left me cold five years ago -even took the frying pan.' We just lelt that man alone." Cecil News By MRS. J. EDGAR BURNETTE Miss Aileen Massie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Massie. is recup erating from the measles. Mr. Birth and Mrs. Vauahn Rogers an nounce ihe birth of a daughter at me naywooa county Hospital on Mondaf, June 9. LOCAL (,0V ,S BILtlOHS Howard S. Medford had his ton sils removed recently. Mrs. W. F. Hipps returned home on June 13 from the hospital, w here she underwent an operation. Funeral for Valerie Revis Funeral services were conducted at the Burnett Sidine elinreh nn Sat in day morning, June 14, for Miss Valerie Revis. 16, with burial in the Sunburst cemetery. The sympathy of the community is ex tended to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. I'elbeit Revis and relatives Mrs Maxine Sorrells and young on were the dinner guests the past Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J Howard Reeee and family. i i i r ( " .. Figures m round number J 'II " Source The Tar Foundation ) J vt" II I . LOCAL COV ( 3 liWUWtff STATC COVJt iBiufossi s j An cov r& -s-LVjVi lApS-rJ 3i BILLIONS f K X JU ' t An AP Nwftolure 1 'jl Disappointed Lover Cheers Brides With Big Endowment i Mr. and Mrs. James Fowler of West Asheville were the guests Sunday ol Mr and Mrs. James Met calf and family, and were visitors il the morning service at Riverside ehui eh. II. D. Club The Cecil Home Demonstration club will meet Wednesday with Mrs Alonzo Warren, in place of at the Friendly House with Mrs. Ros alie A West, who has moved to Ho: ton. Mass. Mr and Mrs Ned Moody and on. Hoy, were the dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. Edgar Jiurnctte and family. After dinner the party motored to Pisgah. SHADY CHARACTER PHILADELPHIA (A') A horse pulling a mail wagon on a north bound one-way street refused to go any way but southbound the re sult was a traffic jam and a cur ious crowd but nobody knew the cause until a farmer in the crowd stepped out and observed that the tun was hill ins the street. "Ttiat,Hfh commented. , , t Waynevilla Motor Court and Dining Room (Opposite Eait Waynesville School) Serving Hours BREAKFAST 7 TO 9 (Except Mondays) LUNCHEON 1 TO 2 DINNER 6 TO 9 'Sundays 12 to 3:30) Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Patterson fl Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jennings and sons, Garry and Jimmy, of Waynes ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Crisp, of Canton, soent the past week-end at the Clontz camp on MeClures C reek. Mrs. W. C. Clontz and Winton Clontz of Canton mo lored to Beech Gap in the after noon. Bobby Sloan Edits 30th Div. Paper; Tells Of Meeting The first issue of "30th Division News." official publication of the 30th Infantry Division association, was sent here from Nashville, Tenn., last week by its editor. Hob by Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs Hugh Sloan of Waynesville. Featured in the News was Ihe announcement of the association', first national convention to lie held in Nashville, Augc t 8-29-30, which Bobby remarked would be of interest to members of the Na tional Guard from 1917 to the pres ent newlv organized local company. Plans for the convention, to which several thousand veteran, who served with Old Hickory are expected to attend, will be centered around making it a real reunion of old friend.-, and comrades. A fish fry and grand ball and jamboree will be highlights of the entertain ment, and Governor Jim Alcord, of Tennesse, is announced as one of the speakers. Men who have served with Ihe division may contact its association through V C). Box 2!tt, Nashville Motion Picture Of Roosevelt To Be Shown In September Wray Allen liurncflc was the cues! on Sunday of Harold Messer both hoys having the same birthday and age. Harold Messer suffered a broken left wrist the past week in a fall from a cherry tree and has it in a cast. Chattanooga Law Has The Weight To Throw Around AP New'sfeatures CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. Chat tanooga claims it has the biggest law enforcement leadership in Hie counti y Wiicn poce commissioner Hoy Hyatt and polite chief Ed Kick ctls start tlii.wing their weight around against law violator., the mminaU ionic up again . I .'til pounds. liwki.lt. is almost six teet. live niche tall and weigh., "tt!) pounds. Hyatt ia exactly .six teet. live and weighs 271!. Hickett.-, wears a -Me 13 shoe, Hyatt an 11 1 . Hot li pre- for a half sue larger. llyall. lormer cow puncher. : mokes 1.1 to 21) cigar:, a day. Rickells. an e.c-ioal miner, yields to no one when calim; repulalions are at slake. He once knocked olT a roast beet nlale two big T-bone steaks with all the trimmings and a pan of rue HOLLYWOOD A motion pic ture depicting the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt will be given ils American premiere at the Globe theater in New York on September 1, it was learned recently. "The Story of Roosevelt" had its private world premiere in Brussels Tuesday night before officials of the world film festival competition who reportedly were worried about ..... Dolitical repercussions The pic- Mr. and Mrs Howard '" iurc was approved for fesl ival com and family and Miss Hazel Medford 1 .... unA ,:,, .... fliven an fli pudding topped with eight to 10 dips of ice cream. Icebreaker Gives San Dicijo A Chill SAN DIEGO. Calif. 'AP' The sight of an icebreaker ship barging into San Diego bay- and in mid summer at that - was enough to .-lull II.,- heart of the chamber of commerce. But the Navy explain ed that the r,3()0-lon USS ISurlon Island, first lull-fledged icebreaker assigned to the Pacific fleet, was only in port for a non-business visit between cruises to the Antarctic with the Byrd expedition and to Alaska waters later this year. motored to. MoyntJ'bjah,4n SuaJ day Alonzo Warren and sons, Wayne, Charles, and Frederick returned home last Sunday from a week's trip to Shelter Neck and the coast. Misses Frankie Woody and Mar garet Burke were visitors of Miss Winifred Burnette on Sunday. Mrs Vincent Steelman and chil dren of Happy Valley were visitors Ihe tat week of her sister, Mrs. Willis Warren and family. The Willis Warrens are remodeling their home. A birthday supper was held on Sunday evening, June 15, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Erwin, given in honor of sons, Trov. Harmon and Paul. Guests included in addition to the family. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Erwin and Mr and Mrs. Herman Erwin of Crab- tree. Mr and Mrs. Harmon Erwm were dinner guests Sunday of Mr and Mrs Ellis F. Burnette and lamnj petition and will be given, aji offi cial world premiere in Brussels on June 27. Following the New York showing film trade circles said Hie picture will be offered to theaters through out the world for general commer cial release. The movie, made up from news reel clips, depicts the life of Mr Roosevelt from his appointment a Assistant Secretary of the Navy un til bis death in April, 194.1. II em phasizes the social legislation insti gated by Mr Roosevelt under Ihe New Deal, including banking laws, old age insurance, social security and housing. His Family Took His Hints Seriously SOUTH BEND, Ind. (Pi Leon ard O McGowan id Mishawaka hinted he would like a dug as a Father's Day gift His seven sons took th" hint, and today MeGowan's wish fulfilled-seven times Each bon visited the South Bend dog pound and selected the dog he believed the father would like best Then in a group they presented Hie seven dogs to the elder Mi Gnu an The father and sons, all w ai vol I erans. are employees of the Mndr baker corporation here McGnwau said he was a little perplexed about the whole thing, but indicated be would keep one and return the olbers McGowan a'fo has three daugh ters. He's hoping their gifN aren't from the dug pound State Dept. Counsellor Estimates Aid To Europe WASHINGTON (Pi Benjamin V Cohen. State Department coun sellor, estimated today that Europe SII.OOO.OOO.OOO to .v..- OOO.OOO.OOO for rehabilitation in the next three or four years Cohen's estimate was given in an address before Ihe Junior Chamber of Commerce convention id Long Beach. Calif He said that "those who have been studying Europe's rudimentary rehabilitation needV believe I I'M the continent and Brit ain may require $,1,000,000,000 or $0,000,(10(1.000 annually for another three or four years. BVI'ON ROUGE, La A French bachelor who du d more than a cen tury ago still is paying for new babies in West Baton Rouge parish today. .1 ul it-ii I'nwhas. frustrated in love in Ills native France, lelt a curious will when be died at HO. In it he bequeathed $3(1.000 to the parish, "Ihe interest of which sum shall he employed to endow the girls of Ihe parish who m.u happen to act married.'' A lot of theiii happen to get mar ried evei v year Povdi i .. legend sa s. loved a pom gul II wi. bis romantic down!. ,11. I" i ,ni e 1 renrh custom ruled again -! his lnairying a girl ho . i too pool to provide a mar- i iag- d'.l I'mdi i ii'ined the French navy. When Ic i e n hed New Orleans, 1 .(.nic - r ,i . I dei . he was flat broke, i KhI he eiaprd up enough cash to ,el hi'" ell up i- .1 house-to-house peddh i of on eellaneou '. goods. I. ci be hciai'T one of Louisi ana's i ii he t ,uid most influential men He owned six plantations ;nnl ic than 1.000 slaves. But he i:r el ta.a I led lin ii ; fin .h hi ides bene litlel lluaiili the 1'oed'ai fund. nbi Ii i. ."iiiiini ipieil by a special iiiMini inn h, iili d in- the sheriff. I ,k h a i In 1 1, tor approximately- $'.o 'I In- rlnw iir . h ue amounted to as nun h a. $'aio. depending on the number of bi ide w ho qualify each The transaction " iypicuj French. The money goes to tne husband, and the wife cannot ae- mand the money for her rt-'onai use. But she generauy a"w how it is to be spent. Girls of the parish look forward to getting Poydraa dowries. One waited 10 years to get married, hoping to cash In on a light year and get a larger sum. She finally got $500. Partially Disabled Have Unfit June 30 to Reioin Army At Former Grade FORT BRAGG Partially dis abled combat wounded veterans of World War II have until June 30 lo apply for reenlistment in the regular Army and retain the grade which they held at the time of dis charge. Previously the deadline was set at March 31. This extension was decided upon in order to make an Army career available to disabled veterans who did not learn of the original order authorizing their enlistment until too late to meet the March 31 date. The new ruling applies to all former enlisted pien wounded dur ing World War II who submit ap plications for a three-year enlist ment. I I It pays to use Want Ads. From where I sit ... Ay Joe Marsh, When Ed's Crops Failed It is estimated that about 300 million people throughout Ihe world have malaria in some years. Three yearn aeo Kd Smith's lurk went bud. His crop failed, anil it wasn't long before Ed's home and furnishing were up for auction. Half the town turned out,, and Ed must have thought his neigh bors were u bunch of hungry vul tures -Inlying up all his precious possessions for u song. When it wan over, and the auc tioneer had left. Sam Abernathy turns to Hie crowd and says: "All right, folks, let's take time out for a glass of beer, and then put this stuff back where it belongs!" Two hours later, Ed was in pos pession of his home and furnish ings; and the folks who'd paid for them were sitting around Ed's Are enjoying a neighborly glass of beer to show their friendship and their confidence In Ed. Today, Ed's back on his feet an other constructiTe member of the community. And frem where I sit, we've all been well repaid a good investment in a good maa. OI0.17 UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION, Nortti CsnflM CoHH iuila 60o-CUf iruuranso Bunaing, nwMi i-. w-.. . In the svinbolism of heraldry, I The art of felting, or pressing Li. ... ic n,n .nlnr i.f nielv hair inlo fabric, is believed lo 1 and sincerity. 1 older than the art t weaving mm Riverside B. T. V. Te genera! assembly program at the Riverside B, t- U- n the evening of June 15 was given by the Storv Hour and Junior groups The leader for the former group is Miss Jenny Mae Chambers, and for Mark refreshed . . . have a Coke I I I I I tn tftt III I iJsiAM U I 1 L IWUi m r I . ai ... m M UNftn ....... . I "'UITT Of THI COCA-COLA COMrAWT l PU Bottling COMPANY of Asheville, N. Circus Horse Act Hit When Tails Are Clipped BERLIN fTi - Thi'tv horst.-' tail: and 30 horse- th Barlay cr cus has both but t'e lads are not attached to the horses, which need them for the sake of beauty in their equine art and for praet-eal purposes, since it's coming on to be summer---and 0'' time. The tails were shorn nn ni.-ht reepiitlv bv tbievmg stable guard, who intended to sell the i., i.. (,. iiritinlsterer- and br'Joh makers. The knave was caught be fore he could carry out his das tardly purpose, but one can't -ev tails on horses "It is somewhat sensational, but also a sad equine act we present, said the circus manager, "thirty tail-less horses, including a cute Shetland pony and a fine Arabian thoroughbred " FIRE LOSSKS INCREASE mk.w YORK tA't The National Board of Fire Underwriters recent lv estimated fire losses in the U. S in Mav at $56,545. a seasonal de crease of 1R.8 per cent from $68. 029.000 during April. The board added that May losses were LIX per cent above $46,0'J4,O(i'i in May 1946. the Juniors is Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sorrells. nihio vprs.es and songs were giv en bv the Story Hour group; Psalm 23 by Rhoda Metcalf: and the verse Talking With God" by Virgil ces ser. The Junior group program was Tk. r.cr. Shepherd. " with scrip ture verses by five children; Psalm 23, by Barbara Jean Burnette: a Psalm of Praise, by Wilson Cham bers: First Parable ol tne iosi Sheep, by Emma Sue Huskey: sec ond Parable of the Lost Sheep, by Novella Singleton, and three songs with Sarah Recce at the piano. The Riverside Youth Choir sang special songs the Spring Hill church on last Tuesday evening, with Mrs. Edgar Burnette singing the sold, "Just a Closer Walk With Thee." When ycu need new parts for your Ford, here's one way to make s'jre y'll fit right, work right and last longer. Make sure they're genuine Ford parti. And the place to get them "hnrk home" at your Ford dealer s. Here, you'll get parts just like the ones that came new in your Ford, and you'll save money on this 4-way Ford service- Ford-trainsd Mechanics Genuine Ford Ports Ford-approved Methods Special Ford Equipment Immediate Service Easy Term? DAVIS - LINER MOTOR SALES CO. Day Phone 52 Night Phone 550-M SALES - - - SERVICE East v7-3rnesTill6

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