THE WAYNES VILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (Second Sectt6ftT page .-ii- lore' Lniuck te m nta"u' 111 t'on- Mi 'Va! she 1 .,i;illlns.. kicf , .L.toirs in mi' IlK'tl and Ifor11'1' .ill.' in I hOIX" 1, ' ,1,11 v . 1 r ha..,s. I",u ,tv ten-ins """ I L nllP lint "n""'"'" . , ,f ..1 - l. i :il toll P ..11 nil irr from " '" , die. m " I the fiU1'" latter and "l' Axle Grease Good To The Last Drop SAN DIEGO, Calif. (AP) Henry E. Haenkle, retired Navy man, makes models of horse-drawn vehicles stagecoaches, carts, hueeies and the like so accurately that even the square-head nuts that hold the wheels on are true to scale of one inch to the foot. But what he takes special pride in is the fact that me wneeis are lubricated with oldfashioned axle 'grease, not so easy to get these days. I Mrs. O'Neal got lots of tips on the Philippines from Mrs. McNutt, who is now back in the family apartment at the Shoreham hotel. , Mrs. McNutt has been in New York a good deal of the time since ihir return from the islands sev eral weeks ago. Her husband is -,.1111-nine to private law practice, will divide his time between New York and Washington. The McNutts will keep their apartment at the Shoreham. They have also leased an apartment on Fifth avenue in New York. Louise, I heir daughter, will spend all her time in the capital, where she has a job in the Far Eastern Division of the State Department. HERE and THERE (Continued jTroni Page Two) confusion: "Graham, county seat of Ala mance, and not of Graham county. "Washington, county seat of Beaufort, and not of Washington county. "Lenoir, county seat of Caldwell and not of Lenoir county. "Beaufort, county seat of Car teret and not of Beaufort county. "Columbus, county seat of Polk and not of Columbus county. "Henderson, county seat of Vance and not of Henderson coun ty. "Jackson, county seat of North ampton and not of Jackson county. "Hertford, county seat of Per quimans and not of Hertford coun ty. "Rockingham, county seat of Richmond and not of Rockingham county. "However arere are five other county seats that bear the same names as the counties in which they are located. They are Camden. Currituck. Durham. Halifax and Wilson." TELL ONE! NOW YOU "OH. MY FRIENDS. AND AH, MY FOES" NEW DELHI. India lP The following "personal" advertisement appeared recently in the New Del hi Statesman: "Brigadier Cane leaving for the United Kingdom desires to thank his British and Indian friends for many kindnesses. He further de sires that his enemies should not indulge in wishful thinking! He is returning'" Letters To Editor HORSE SHOWS CONTEMPT FOR AUTOMOBILE GRANITE VILLE, Vt. Motor ist Stewart Mackenzie not horseshoe but it did not brine Sequoia National Park has more than 40 peaks over 13,000 feet high, including the nation's tall est, Mount Whitney, 14,495 feel. . vt :.. i..u Tl,.. il...,.,J" Anoiner riuni jvu uui i.u.i, u We Are Proud Of The New Home Of The Waynesville Art Gallery We Built This Fine Modern Building No Job Too Large None Too Small" FREE ESTIMATES J. C. NORMS CONTRACTOR Phone 608-W LL Electrical Work and Electrical Fixtures IN THE MODERN WAYNESVILLE ART GALLERY BUILDING INSTALLED BY (Continued from page 2) neon sign, George S. Kaufman was typically expected to comment somewhat as he did: "Hi-yo Platinum." One last example of the speed with which things get into print concerns Harry Kurnitz, a highly paid screen writer who wrote the best of the "Thin Man" films, but nonetheless is buried in a crypt of anonymity which is the fate of most screen writers. Harry also has a constant Mossy preference for gold knick knacks, from tie clips to pencils. This moved Harry's brother to comment that when Harry died he should be buried at Fort Knox. So when this story got into a column, was it told about Harry and his brother? Not a chance. It had to have the added fillip of a Big Name. So it came out as if Harry had quipped it about Moss Hut since Broadway is the tiny village that it is, everyone from Toot Shor's to the Twenty-one now knows that it never was said about Moss in the first place, that it was passed on to the columnist by some master at the art of apoc raphy. Call him the village apoc-niphoncy. much luck. Flung by a gallop ing home, the shoe crashed through the windshield and grazed Mackenzie's face. (Continued from page 2i Not only for the Baptist Hour but for the tine publicity sou haw given your own church program week after week on the .church page. I want to express ni own thanks and for the church. For .1 long time I have seen the need ol a sustained program of church pub licity in the local newspaper Mmc people read the church pace ol your paper than perhaps o ie alize. I wish the oilier chutc'i. would realize its value and a nl IIlih'Ivc nf the ollDOll U II 1 1 v nil are offering. With kindest personal rei:anl . 1 am gratefully yours. L. C. EL LIOI I . Pastor First Baptist Church APPRECIATES I'.DI'l OKI Al. Editor The Mountaineer Honorable .losephus IViniel, v 1. kind and thoughtful enoio-li to send me a dipping from a 1 ' em issue of "The Mount. line t Hut carried a reprint ol an i Hear At Tlio Wheel Is Not A Koad I log j RFl.Ti . Mont i.d'i It wasn't so li.ul hen .1 hi-;, black bear cliinlHcl into AM mlerson's empty auioMi'lo!.- while Anderson was , i in ; ,i,.,i nou tiom a Glacier ViM.'iul I'. ul. hidiuay. TOOTH CAUSES PLATE TROUBLE FOB PATIENT OSWEGO, Kans. (P) "Gosh, Doc, my false teeth are hurting me like thunder," a patient of Dr. F. J Faulkner said as he cra wled into the dentist's chair. Examina tion showed the patient was cut ting a wisdom tooth beneath his plate. I I,,' I i'IiO'i -' . 1 1 CIl W M il lot .ill j - . , ...... .1,.. i,..,.o. hp literal v tore his una! -i.ioi, ..I He Moor aim niui " ...... .- - "i ... I r and llien'ine iimm .- - door idtch I way ou', destroying upholstery and niiK li for 1 consicieraoie glass. II ll ,1 to . . .0 iM ; .1 FAKK THEATER Hiivii(".ville, North Carolina i M.VUM.i: S.VI'l KI Y 2 and MO SUNDAY 2 and 4 P. H NK.UT SHOWS 7 mid ! Daily SUNDAY 9:00 Only ADMISSION PRICES: ( lnMreii Under r Yours 12c Including Federal Tax A tin lis, All Seals 3jc liii'IiidinK Federal Tax I STATE PUTS 'EM IN; ROY PULES 'EM OUT DECATUR. HI. fP) Angling is easv if vou know the angles. While 3,000 cattish were being dumped into Dreamland lake, young Hoy Northland tossed in his line, caught an eight-inch fish and left before the conservation officer could say: "Get away from here, boy." FREE LUNCH MEANS A BIRD IN THE PUSS RLOOM1NGTON. Ill (!') Krec lunch of the feline variety has been served for several weeks at a rail road's plant here. When the doors of the axle shop are swung shut at the end of the day. a covey of sparrows are trapped inside. By dawn, the birds find the only exits small spaces around the rails en tering the shop. They wriggle through the opening and into the paws of waiting cats. THE EARLY BIRD TAKES THE COUNT SACRAMENTO (P) The pheasant is a persnickety bird. California airborne game war dens have found out. Taking a recent census of pheasants from low-flying planes, they discovered that it has to be done between sunrise and about 8 a. m. During that time the pheasants stand still, in the open in spite of the roar of the plane, APPLES TO REMAIN SCARCE COLUMBUS, Ohio - There will be no letup in the current apple shortages until 1957, John R. Mag ness. V. S. Department of Agri culture chief hortiruMurist. pre dicts. "Scarcity of plants." he said, "will delay any increase in the ap ple crop for ut least another decade." STAND UPT HUNTERS ACE , COUNTING ON VOU ) 12 that appeared in the No" Observer on June 3rd. I.M. 'e ing my retirement and :,eivne Commissioner of Motor ehi in North Carolina Having jusl returned lion much needed vacation I 1 I take this oppo'liiiuU to esp my personal appreciation thai saw lit to reproduce the New. Observer Editorial; and, e pc Iv do I wish to thank vou lor and - on 1 .oh' tin IWoud.iy, Tuesday. June 23-24 "High Barbee" SliiiiiiiK VAN JOHNSON and JUNK ALLISON News of tlie Day Wednesday. June 23 Beat The Band 11 and allow themselves to be counted. They just don't want to take cover in grass covered with dew. favorable comment coneei same. II was not an easy deei ion to make in leaving the m-ivki- ol Ha state, but I do have the mnei satisfaction of knowing Dial I to the State the best that I pos sessed. Again thinking you anil with all good wishes, 1 beg to remain. Sincerely yours, T. P.ODDIE WAKI). Trade winds is the name i-urn to winds which blow rei'.nl.n from tropical belts, hut the v. nnl "trade" is used in an otherwise ob solete sense of "course " iuu 1 1; am ,s I, VNlil OKI) and OKNF. KKUI'A S BAND Serial and Comedy II Thursday, Friday, June 20-27 The Razor's Edge Starring lAKONi; POWFll and (1FNF TIFRNEY News BUTTERCOOKIES OPEN A PASTRY SHOP LONG BEACH, N. Y. (P)- Fol lowing in the footsteps of four gen erations of Buttercookies, Paul and his wife, Jeanette, have opened a pastry shop in this Long Island seaside resort. Paul says his name stalled in Warsaw, Poland. His aneeslors were noted for their cookies and pastries, all siicculenlly sizzling in dairy rich butler. YOU'RE TELLING ME! By WIUIAM RITT Central Press Writer VIOLINS made of metal may I soon bf on the market accord ing to trade pap" 'I Su,t' able no doubt for the playing of TiD Pan Alley tunes 1 1 Wow long should honey moon last'tskf reader In debmtely ,1 the bnde is wit enough to forego trying to bate biscuits. 1 1 "Mosquitoes should bt mad obsolete ' say o health article While we re naming insetl candi dates for oblivion-how about the house fly? 1 An nnripnt pipyrus scroll rfveals that 4.0MC vear? ago Egvntian? i.laved fl game faint ly resembling baseball His favorite team groans Zadnk Dumkopf ie doing Just that verv thine now 1 1 A new device i said to be able to create any kind of weather lusf a. if ' already dtdn t have too much of the same 1 1 1 On retiring natives British New Oulono covet diemselves with o mud pock this must be the origin ol thol phrase, "betiuty sleep " 1 1 ! Nothing is unpopular the man at the nest desk p.-u" out. ns IhpI month s wl 1 1 '' lai hit tun- I WwQod Electric Co. j1 General Electric Appliances Sold and Serviced Pfte 45-T Hazelwood - I rVWWV 1 Will ihe of July b&hborVafa you Lots of limit's- ("''' to si(iil t hat W'linlei ! 1 trip you've plaiuii-iL I ... I ike t ire cir 1 iy 1 11 l.iltle tliini's...lil.e wiper failure duriti).r 11 Trotllilemimp lliiugs . . . Iil- a 1 headliirht. Upseliin llnnrs .. wronj? road without a r1""' i'"-'1 Why not. let your m-.-ul'v I kn p the fini in "" -'"'" ''' " ough car-check ? He km'" v I'-1 needs for hot weather perl'01 in inspect... lubricate... and put 1 1. 1 hi. 1 in. ul 1 ,t ( li i iiiiniiiK shape for that big 3-day weekend or vacation trip you're starting. JUST A WORD Of ADVICI den t wait too long. V"u can avoid the In : t -minute rush by taking ,i iiii r I-, -so Dealers now...irauj. ,11'1'e there, ird a free, accurate Esso I Mai of the inails you plan to travel. Hie c; While 1: til t 1 1 till III .-. Ill in t AND out OTHER SUGGf STION . . . have your Iv ,, Heiih-r put in fresh, long lasting Esso Muinr Oil it's unexcelled. Then fill 'er up with powerful KssoKxtra Gasoline and you'll be oil' to a lively start... a great holiday weel (-ml and remember when you're at the wheel that CAREFUL DRIVING PAYS! Our YMT.Ultoloe, Sss 1947. King Fchim ShT.., Inc.. WocW .Ightt rcr4 fe-ZO -Coffees kinda weak after. its long trip from Brazil, eh?" placed beto grea, ,oc.d pert saety ,Q your vuiq .. .1.- ATI AS Tire, backed by a bbe erS on the rood throog $, ates and Canad-! Jn o va)ue 1 -ninion, there s n !p thanAUAS! STANDARD OIL COMPANY of new jersey DEALER Leatherwood And Francis Esso Station IRVING LEATHERWOOD AMI III WALTER FRANCIS, Oiiwi rs AM) Fast, Courteous Service Phone 9172 Asheville Road Walker's Esso Station CLAYTON WALKER, Owner "Complete One-Stop Sendee" Phone 9162 Howell's Esso Service DILL HOWELI. Owner Washing Greasing Tire Bepalrtnff Main Street 1

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