TtlE WAYNMVUXE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THKEE fRfrf SatfXs? ; 1947 tea r will oe liivers'O' ! Shooting Match (Continued From Page One) One) rra' rr. ! . , ...... .nH DallVl"c ! shoOt ai larSM Hum w Jfaiui peni 1,1 standing vi uu j(ua un uumu a log. Powder ana caps will be fur nished, and plenty of lead for bul lets is on hand. Officials for the event are Jona- June Bride j Opera with vis- Expt'i'i- .ht ill llie a.n where raieu Idle Ken- i i are 1 WOMEN PV U5 N1CB COMPUMtMTJ, 'WE remembbr the many LITTLE TMIMSS YOU KNEW ABOUT AND 5USSESTED WkSN WE BUILT. TWET SAVED US MONEY THEN , AND IRRITATION now ire expecting this week 2 carloads of wer (4 to 24 inches) Pipe Mrs. David Mills, the former Miss Dorothy Colledge, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Colledge of 18 Mar cellus street, Asheville, whose mar riage to David Mills, of Sylva, took place on June 22 in Clayton, Ga. Mrs. Mills attended the Waynes ville high school where she was a member of the band and later graduated from the Weaverville school. Mr. and Mrs. Mills arc making their home in Wayuesville. Trade School (Continued from Pugt. One) trade. One of the first jobs the school undertook was the construction of a scorekeeper and public address booth on the WTHS baseball field, shown in the accompanying pic ture. The Wayncsville-llazelwood Softball league wanted the build ing erected, but finances were not at a high enough ebb to pay a reg ular construction price foivit. Mr. McClure offered to furnish work- i Continued from Page One) Theater in Oda, Ohio for two years Teh romantic plot of "The Pi rates" centers around Frederick who when a young boy had been mistakenly apprenticed to a band of pirates, and his attempts to es cape the band. Other than Ruth, who had joined the pirates as maid-of-all-work, he had seen but few women, and consented to take her as his wife, when Major-General Stanley and his beautiful wards happen upon the scene. Leading roles in the light opera are sung by Frank Lowe of David son college, as the Major-General ; Herman Lineberger of Salisbury, the Pirate Chief; Howard Jarrattof New York, as Frederick; Mary Hel en Zum Brunnen of Salisbury and formerly with the San Francisco Opera company, as Ruth; Sylvia Rose of Charlotte, Dorothy Curry of Ft. Pierce, Frances Chesson of Elizabeth City, Eleanor Whiting of Hartsville, S. C, Mr. Danford, and Middy Raynal of Statesville. Three choruses appear on the scene, of the Generals' wards, a chorus of pirate, and one of police men. Tickets for Monday evening's performance may be secured from music students at WTHS or at the Chamber of Commerce office. than Woody, master of ceremonies, and five judges, R. L. Prevost, Sher iff R. V. Welch, Hlair Ross, Glenn Palmer, and Charles M. Moody. .Spectators will see the mutch free. A string band and series of buck dances have been planned for side light entertainment, and a refresh ment stand will be operated throughout the day. 1 i . j ... . -. . . hort trip or long, it's always pleasure to travel with City Club Shoes, in the Best Dressed Circle! Built especially to cushion every step, retain top-notch flexibility, stay smart looking. Come in... it's a pleasure to fit fOu right with City Club Shoes! Muteute Siotu jtt ((en, t M's Shoe Dept. ers free, and the veterans went into the job with enthusiasm. Now practically finished, the boolh is as sturdy and well-built as if done by professionals, and at omy a cost ot materials used to the softball league. In addition to this building, the veteran carpenters made tables for the lunchroom at the Bethel school, aim recently nave Deen working on the cannery and shop buildings at Lrabtree. Thus the veteran training results in getting several useful items built for the public as well as training young people In a trade they may follow the re mainder of their lives. The courses are set up to be operating here at least two years. Only 20 veterans may enroll in each class. Since the courses here began, the maximum number joined and many more have applied for similar work. Jack Messer, superintendent of schools, hopes to organize a course in electricity in September, al though getting a capable instruc tor has thus far held back his plans for this. Plumbing is another field in which the school may branch later on. During the winter months the emphasis will shift from practical work to construction theory; blue print reading, sketching plans, stu dy of materials and allied subjects. Theatre Troupe To Give 'Lombardi, Ltd.' Tonight Starting tonight the "Theatre In The Sky" will present the Broad way comedy success "Lombardi, Ltd." with Dave Chamberlain, guest art- J 1st, play ing the lead In g role of Tito Lom bardi. ori g i n a 1 1 y played by s c r e e n star Leo Cori'lllo in the first New York produc tion. The play will be repeat e d on Wed nes. day and T h ursday and the curtain rises at 8:30 P. M. Formerly on the professional stage Mr. Chamberlain is now busi ness executive of a large Florida concern but keeps his hand in at acting with the Tampa Little The atre. He is one of the charter mem. bers of the group and has guided the policies until it has become one of the largest community theatres in the South. He has played the role of Lombardi more than forty times. Appearing in the play with Mr. Chamberlain will be Ella Beth Hurst, Grace Shiner, Electra Bal lou, Jean Argyle, Jean Ann Brad ley, Bobbye Burnham, Faye Rollins, Polly Clark, Fredric Gadette, Da vid Cromwell, Donald E. Vogt and George Kenyon. An elaborate stage setting depict- ing the Lombardi Studio on Fifth Avenue has been designed by Elma Ilene who also planned U of the special gowns to be worn through the play. The en tire production is under the direc tion of Maurice Geoffrey, founder of the "Theatre In The Sky." DEATHS Under certain conditions is as strong as iron. glass Albert (Red) Wood) Funeral services were held last Tuesday in Elizabeth Chapel Meth odist Church at Ratcliff Cove for Albert (Red) Wood, who died Sun day at his home following a long illness. The services were conducted by Rev. J. E. Houser, pastor of the church, and Rev. Paul Townsend, pastor of Waynesville Methodist Church. Interment was in a ceme tery near Otto, in Macon County. Mr. Wood was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Wood, of Frank lin. He had made his home in Waynesville, where he had oper ated a taxi, for the past live years. He is survived by his wife, the former Miss Carrie Mae Galloway, a daughter, Linda Carol; and son, Freddie; three brothers, L. H. and R. A. Wood, of Waynesville, and C. A. Wood, of Gastonia; and three sisters, Mrs. W. P. Atkins, of Oak Ridge, Tenn., Mrs. Ted Howell, of Cherryville, and Mrs. T. C. Mash burn, of Bryson City. Joseph Aaron Cunningham Joseph Aaron Cunningham, 63, well-known farmer of the Aliens Creek section of Haywood county. died about 8:45 a.m. Sunday at his home following a short illness. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Mary Jane Cunningham; a daugh ter, Mrs. Swann Hendricks, of Waynesville, R. F. D. No. 1; two sons, Scott and Dee Cunningham, both of Waynesville, R. F. D. No. 1 a brother, Wid Cunningham, of Waynesville. R. F. D. No. 1; five grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Funeral services were held in Aliens Creek Baptist church, of which Mr. Cunningham was a mem ber, Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. Thomas Erwin and the Rev. C. L. Allen officiated. Interment was in Buchanan ceme tery. Garrett funeral homo was in charge of arrangements. 6a FOOT ANTISEPTIC Consult DR. R. KING HARPE Optometrist Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted For Appointment Telephone 2483 125 Main Canton, N. C. ' f;f w ;$U-f4' ' " jtt . , ' ' . 4 pf -f '" , Models from $149.50 Up You Can Nov; Enjoy The Latest and Finest ill! -Steel Kitchen! Imagine the world's finest all-steel kitchen priced so low that for most installations the cost is actually no more than for old-fashioned wooden kitchens. You get 60 advanced, last-word features 20 more than in any other equipment. .including new beauty, wonderful quality, thrilling conven ience advantages. JDon't order any equipment until you investigate the sensational new facts. For immediate delivery. FURNITURE CO. Phone M Main Street Belk-Hudson's (rOaairDcQredls of Im Palmes Come Dim TOLDOT For iargaomis WATCH FOR MORE VALUES THIS WEEKEND PRICES SLASHED ON SUMMER GOODS .Bell Mm COMPANY "HOME OF BETTER VALUES"