THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER q o h mmmmm : J 1 i Tad TES ffnus Pt "rd- 01, cents per ,um thaw 30c. r ... l., miiiiitkiiru frill c , . jp;,fd schedule bars'- Lmfnts should be violin. Miaiely. "lr -" L be rt-Pslle one iniurrrci Uemknts are ASCK. ( as.ii nm Lrt by mail. l.ul'j.rf. j,v More puuu- Julff to br i" alll Linsnt a want ad, ;ou. BREAKS INTO POUND TO GET HIS DOG BACK WILDWOOD, N. J. Julius K Maurer, 23, of Philadelphia, plead ed guilty of stealing Ins own dog. He admitted he broke into the city dog pound here and cui i it tl off his St. Bernard. The judge fined him $2 r0 ami warned him to obtain a li ,-nse and Uvsh for the animal. ARE YOU THK MAN ONE of the strongest and most ably managed life insurance eom-j panies in North Carolina has an; unusual contract to offer a sober. ! reliable man in Waynesville and surrounding territory. Lit'e-lonK : renewals. No debit to collect Applicant must give age, depend ents and names of three refer- j ences. Replies held strictly c on fidential. Address "Opportun ity," Box 511, Waynesville, N. C Aug. 29, Sept. 2-r.-! TS Iljywoou DfM to Farmers WlHe liuati. 11. .,--7 A kger. plione -1 -" CITIZEN (script whs appre Xnisley, phone Lit Catholics . . . Church really ihould know the Writf fur fiee in- ox 3D."), niievnie, July 29-C)ct. .i LADIES' HOSE 3 PAIRS FOR $1.00 By Prepaid Parcel Post Choice of semi-sheer, seamless rayon, or full seam service weight cotton. Newest shades, slight irregulars. State sue & kind. SOUTHERN SALES COMPANY P. 0. Box 2029 Deut. BSS KNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE OLD HOME TOWN By STANLEY MUTT AND JEFF By Bud Fisher I Y'-AAn- F7- "lI C SO 'eoOND TH' BLOCK) I N I I ' -v "TT f Jhwk5?" SCSfS THERE'S OEFFyTseeDAND jr-X- ? , 0E-FF. WHAT & f ?JB W . 1 REGLAR FELLERS " ByCcneByrnc Y nS&StEfir 17,1 .TnEEO A EKTER. MAN ""rA F CVER.V Trf CLOB r"i WHAT BUSINESS V,V -Oi I ) X- O YJ I 1 bUTTH'6uyiARELAT.ven) &7 A WHILE -WATCH W WHERE-'D TH' .ik T AtSrV 7lVt; - Y'S ) I Of MINE. -I HADDA GIVE. Sft I TH' WORK WHILt . MZ-r.- 7 CUSTOMER -. -g?-., S - ,1 ( (C S ' HIM A JOB .V 0 P)K ,M BWSVP V CONt FROt' A THtlK RELATIVES J - V - j Yfck. V ---tch in TTV-j c-f CUSTOMERS ON THE' THIRti I?UM AROUNt THE BLOCK ' lsl WrS r P!l1 JaS" Mr, TtSVI TH? FI(?E CAU&HT UP WITH THUF FIREMEN oNlf LKfcy U i JjZlw MY VVV" 40?, sAlSrTi 3U1.000 persons ami an area of 11,- "tJTU A ' 1 17'jf) square miles. ' . CARD OF THANKS f We wish to express our apprecia tion to our friends and neighbors for kindnesses shown during the Illness and death of our father and husband, C. M. Whitner. Mrs. Charles Whitner and family Aug. 29-Sept. 5 FOR SALE Concrete blocks. Sec or call Mrs. II. B. Milnei, Belle Meade, Route 1, Waynesville telephone 443. Aug. 29-Sept 2 TRANSACTIONS IN Ileal Estate h SELLING? lithe, confidential sell a business in Carolina consult tiess Brukcrs, suite ackson Huilding, Iphonc Jlflfi. tf km I'cittauc Light U00 X 100 feet, out $160(1 Ot). The L. tf KTF.N0CKAPHER large cslahlished hn. Full-time em- modern environ- able lo lake dic- traininp, cxperi- f cx)cctc(l in first b to "Bookkeeper" lainecr. All letters tf 120 Kalkm Jud ktric water heat- 'price Phone 2714 Rand CothiKcs. tf ITRY HAMS for irs Ca-li (ii'ocerv. i-trcit. Canton. tf Mum house land Mock, has just , located on Bal s fiuin Waynes- llun Shook 18 2(i-2!) Sept 1-5 kkboaiil. :t v 4 ft Sept. 2 WANTED Dogwood logs. For prices and specifications write Virion Elliott, Box 412. Waynes ville. Aug. 29-Sept 2 APPLES Hand picked, tree run $2.00; selected drops and culls $1.50 per bulk bushel, liollim: Hall orchard. tf FOR SALE The Clyde Methodist church building and lot. Call at Cagle Furniture store, Clyde, for further information. tf Waynesville Township A Sinalhers and wife to Hur- shal Stevens and wife. i II I. Liner. Si and wife to lloin- j er 11. Boone and wife. Sila, Nichols and wife to .lack ' Nichols and w 'fe. Charles t niU ruood and wife to ' Hem Dave and II. 1- Liner, Sr. Charles I ikIci wood and wife to it) I. M, 1 Chiii'les t.'nderwood and wife I Charles II. (lore and wife. I Ella Uoohcy Reed and husband i to V. C. Noitis anil wife. I Wilfred It. Mchall'ey and wife to I Eraslus II. Crawford. I K ' Cut man and wife to llol- land lesser and wife. i C. M Whitner and wife to Mary McClure. Holland Messer and wife to R. V Put man. THE FLOP FAMILY By SWA I Zrrc -TUS-T a. Ortr T, H'M-lc4 TrAfT CMt. cOll&rVC TO Tr? H1 WtAAi FOR SALE Warm Morning heat er; used only one winter; m good condition. Telephone 233-H after 5 o'clock. Aug. 29-Sept 2 FOB -SALE OnHtwo-picaKjivig room suite and occasional chairs. Pat's Upholstery Shop, Aliens Creek. Phone 157-M. Aug 29-Sept. 2 AVON PRODUCTS, INC., needs representatives in Waynesville, Hazelwood, Canton, Bryson City. Splendid opportunity to earn in spare time. Write Mrs. Sarah Sorrel 1, 28 Broad St., Ashevillc Aug. 29-Sept. 2-5-9 imi R l-inrl fun Younger ii quKkiv nnt nil- I In n: -.1 OMiluilarkeM black. WW (l((r!, n wratutie i dtpeiwl f1 lli used as CannoT aiftpct Usting -dtiet S acuiiit, u in One "rd ciluf s,,,.i air 60ci rt,,.,,.,. K.or I TEST BOTTLE te'l'ilr, IlitMlCKv' '""! k Drug Store HOUSE WANTED Would like to rent 5 or 6-room house. Prefer it lo be in city limit or Waynes ville or Hazelwood. Write "House Wanted," Box 511, Waynesville. Aug. 29, Sept. 1 FOR SALE Llewellyn seller male, well trained; two years old. Price reasonable. T. Hunter Worsham, Jr., Eagles Nest Road Aug. 20-29-Sepl 1 FOR RENT One unfurnished 8 room house; one unfurnished C room house; both at Lake Juna luska. Junaluska Supply Co. Aug. 29-Sept. 2-5 I FOR SALE Frigidaire in excel lent condition. Reasonable. Phone 316-W, Si'l"- " FOR SALE Barley and country hams. Inquire at Hickman's Store, Rt. 2, Canton. Sept. 2 It pays to use Want Ads. Try p UK WAY KNOLL American Plan Fall Rates Now in Effect n 6:00 to 8:30 p. m. ly 1:30 to 3:00 p. m. Fr Reservation Tplonhnnp 91 66 r Ivy Hill Township Viola M. Campbell et al to Nan nie C. Plolt. Viola M. Campbell et C. Brank. Frank Seter. and wife Caldwell ami wife. W. 11. Otto and wife Caldwell and wife. ,1. I!. Plolt and wife, .1. A. Trout man and wife. ii,.heii Uov Ci'cen and W. II. Otto and wife. Charles I'. Owen and wife Mrs. Lou Palmer. Charles F. Owens and wife Mi-. Alva Jo Carver. l ines Creek Township .1 I.. Justice and wife lo C Ducket! and wife. Clyde Township ii..i-.-'i.iilnri'. Inc.. to Snvder. ' Clay ?on McllalTey and wife i John II. Williamson and wife. i ,.u is M Sniat hers and wil Ilueli Ledfonl and wife. Ceorge (ilance and wife lo Hob- I ert L McKinney aim vvne. Jonathan ( reek Township Earle Messer and wile to Marion Creen and wife. NOTICE ti.,vi,n. oualified as Administra trix of the dale of D. H. Turpin late a resident of Haywood County North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said . -late to file the same with A. T Ward. Attorney, Waynesville Mountaineer Building, Waynesville, North Carolina, on or before the 22nd (lav of August. 1948, or this notice will be pleaded in bar there of. All persons indebted said elate please make immediate set I lenient . Thi- August 22, 1947. FLORA T. WEBB , Administratrix 1 058-Aug. 20. Sept. 2-9-16-23-30 fZZ "1 1 -F(000 UA7 r mini vv nwi-v vwv w i to k. ' k 1- ,C . .! K i IVMyT ; i ' WM fW Wlfl 7- I . yVH n" I -7 Regular $3.25 Solid Copper 7 J il to Leuna 1 r-WlAjrirVZ mr-i w TrnwiPT n ll llll A SIIVJIIIIY I to Ross SPECIAL $298 mmv. and auto sitfliks et al to ' wif , l0 MYRTLE "RIGliTARO UND HOME Cy DUDLEY "SHEK m I " I lTMEf?E'SMV CLASS SWEATER HESp i'1AA?oMl1lripMFr OTOP 10 AND Tt-IOSE STPlPES ON THE: r- CLASS QUEEN ANT xy m roTAlMLV'IWENT SLEEVE APE TWE TMPEE P I M COUNTING ON A THAKE 1 HAVE TO iSffJ -Q45 VAPSrrv.' ? SSI Z WJimZ Mm .a WW dZtt. HENRY ' " 'Z- (,aui (, AN)KRS0) rzSn II 1 1 ( .m.Tfsfs.J 1 1 II K I I 'N&. RUT I've nncoAncn 1 PUTUIiE WITH A .JEFFERSON STANDARD PR0MES$V SPECIAL PLAN (4 I PROMESSVZ Ssk i A I I A WISE MOVE. THAT PLAN OFFERS YOU FINANCIAL SECURITY BECAUSE ITS BA5ED ON SYSTEMATIC SAVINGS WITH A GUARANTEED PROFIT- IT'S FULLY PAID UP IN 20 YEARS. S. E. CONNATSER sJE 2 W ATNESVILLE SPECIAL RL PRESENT ATIVE EVERY FORWARD LOOKING YOUNG MAN SHOULD SEE THE 1EFFERS0N GURTIS DRUG STORE HOME OWNED- -WALGREEN AGENCY Every prescription we compound Is double checked to make sure that it conforms ex- nrilv with wha t the doctor ordered. Out, drugs are of the highest quality. Prescription Service "Ask Your Doctor" Because we maintain highest standards ol purity and potency, you can always have , complete confidence in our prescriptions. Let us compound your medicines. DONALD DUCK BY WALT DISNEY 7czn ! II II I ifttM STANDARD AGENT I TODAY FOR COMPLETE PETALS I I