I people miles of L-their Standard VltlNlfNG X JKJ ) S First St The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twicer-Week Every Tuesday and Friday UNDYEAR NT EIGHT PAGES Published Twice-a-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Entrance Of The GreaSmoky Mountains National Park Associated Press News WAYNES VI LLE, N C TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1947 $300 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties elwood Ready To, ch Improvements Banquet Is ! To Be Held j i By Hereford ! Breeders Albright Campaign Reaches Waynesville lompletes XH Bond Sale Vpares io 'ork town council now 0 available for t,le authorised in the lion in "u 10 tetails for street " al,.r and sewer ex- L (he bond sale was L.k bv William C. tncy lor the town. lre sold tlirougn me Lent commission In . i.:- A Branch HaiiHiiiK of Wilson. nf the serial type, ij less than 2.5 per specifications for im- the street have not Id but present plans Ice all paved streets he limits, with the Ition of Main street. as many of the un its is possible. e Fisher states that resurfacing approxi- sauare yards of Street is not included but will be resur- loney available holds the bond issue are Id to streets, $10,000 and $5,000 for sewer not vet been made olaces where water Les will be extended savs. but this work be done in connec kt improvements. ference ion At inaluska 1 members of the CfO fere Unions of Ariter- itd a one-week train- it the summer assem if the Southern Meth- Irom North Carolina, fcrgia and Tennessee the textile union ;e Junaluska. They ises in labor legisla- speakine. collective K labor history. je is the last in a sum- msored by the union. Judges Announced For Annual Show And Sale by County Association At a meeting Friday night in the county agent's office, the Hay wood County Hereford Breeders as sociation decided to sponsor a ban quet on Tuesday evening, Sept. 30 before the sixth annual Herelora Showand Sale, to be held October 1 on the Waynesville Township high school grounds. The committee appointed by Roy H. Haynes, president of the associ ation, to be in charge of the ban quet is Dwight Williams, David Un derwood, Wayne Corpening, and Miss Ma'ry Margaret Smith. The banquet will be held in the Hazel wood school cafeteria. Dr. J. E. Foster, head of the ani mal husbandry department, Uni versity of Maryland, will be judge of the animals entered in the show. The auctioneer will be Col. Tom McCord from Montgomery, Ala. Renrosentatives of the American Hereford association, the Southern Stockman, and personnel from North Carolina Stat college will attend the event. The show will start-at 10 a.m. on Oct. 1, and the sale it 1 o'clock that afternoon. The? Hereford association is also sponsoring the showing and sale of some of the 4-H and F.F.A. Baby beeves in the county. Tiere will be apporximately 25 of these fatted calves which will be shown at the same time as the other animals. The 4-H Club county council will serve lunch on the school grounds the day of the show ana sale. il Yi I fssx " -f Jmm t. piri A s k ' i ' - mm'"'" If : Civil Court Gives Six Bivorces On First Day Heads Club Parkway Head Scored For Not Opening Road mrTTTmrn arovf. i thP trailer which serves as field office for R. Mayne Albright. shown with his wife, which was parked in front of the Haywood county courthouse last week-end during his swing into Western Norm caronnrt Chamber Of Meets Tonight if directors of the "ommerce will meet 0, according to an yesterday by C. J. lent of the organiza- e malters to be dis- n outline of Dlans Winter Drherams nn fcts, development of I rea. and a commu feational proEram." Jer Report Dairymen Invited To Join Haywood Breeding Assn. Thp annrnximatelv 300 milk pro ducers in Haywood have been sent application blanks to join the Hay wood CooDerative Breeding asso ciation, Inc., of which Joe Palmer is temporary chairman. Designed to offer dairymen me service of registered bulls without their year-round upkeep, the as sociation expects to be in operation by January. A full time inseminator is to be available and upon notice from a dairyman would carry out tne ar tificial breeding at a $5.50 service fee. The Mounts! nppr Hv finer Bureau): prober 15 Increas I late in iartornn- jw scattered showers w wami lu- Pl decreasing cloudi siderable cooler to- kt. 16. Vaip A i . an. aim FWatures. ("ynesvUle temoera- fwd by the staff of arm): Rain Max. Min. fall 83 62 .02 82 59 84 57 86 60 Waynesville Gets A Soaking Rain An electrical and rain storm hit WotmoQuiiio ahniit three - thirty Monday afternoon for the first hard rain in some weeks. Other sections of the county have harl hard rains from time to time, but this immediate area has been extremely dry, with only .59 oi an inrh rponrrtpd at the State Test farm riurine the first 14 days of September. Pk Sale it fcent won j i j . ... u mjiu r En,mett Balentine fr aftor u - me paper e.sood "on oa-K-z, Vaults, use the r1 Mmini -voiiieer. Farms Plant Grass And Clover For Vinter Crop Purchase Orders Issued For Nearly 13,000 Pounds Grass, Clover Seed Nearly 13,000 pounds of rye grass, orchard grass ana laaino clover seed have been ordered on the government supported program hv mo than 60 Haywood county fanners, with a larger number ex nmHoH to oartlcipate as soon m tobacco and silage crops are har. vested. Total expenditures for winter cover seed amounted to $1,435.96. reports Miss Mary Sue Crocker, clerk at the AAA office, through the middle of last week. Sixty-one growers have received purchase orders for 10,250 pounds of rye grass seed to date. This means that half the quota of seed initially allotted to Haywood has been or will be seeded. Hyegrass seed has accounted for $717.50 spent by the governmen', at 7 cents per pound; and $307.50 spent by the farmers at 3 cents per pound. Ladino Clover, for which $1.00 per pound is paid by the govern ment and 50 cents by the grower, has cost the AAA $627.20 and the 20 farmers a total of $196. There have been 392 pounds of seed or dered; government support being limited to enough for five acres per applicant. Fortv-three farmers have ordered 2.188 pounds of orchard grass, pay ing 12 cents per pound 'a total ol $262.56) to the governments 15 cents per pound (totaling $J2t).Ui. Winter cover and clover crops are being encouraged by the gov ernment to help relieve the etlecis on livestock of the big losses in the Middle Western corn crop; ex pected to make feed scare and high priced. North Carolina farm ers ere bein advised to sow their seed before October 1. Merchants Will Meet 23rd; Many Matters Coming Before The Body Dave Felmet, president of the Merchants Association announced yesterday that the group would mppt Tupsriav Seut. 23, for the first of a series of fall meetings to make plans for the fall and winter program. "Among the matters to be dis mprl will be closinK hours, what holidays will be observed, and sev eral matters of vital importance to business in general," Mr. Felmet said. "Every merchant in this com munity is excepted to;b present as for the meeting, at the Chamber of Commerce office. Matters that con rern the oDeration of every retail business will be discussed," he continued. The meeting will start at 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barber, Jr., had as their guests last week end, Mrs. Barber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norman, of Griffin, Ga. Boosters Hear Radio Talk And See Bomb Film - "Operations Crossroads," a col ored movie showing the dropping of the atomic bomb on Bikini, in July 1946. was shown to the Boost ers Club here last Thursday night. Before the picture was shown, Zeno Wall. Jr.. commercial man ager of Radio Station WHCC dis cussed briefly the arrangements necessary for staging a broadcast of a football game. He explained the use of telephone lines, spotters to check players, and the duties of two announcers on the scene. The program was in charge of Clyde Fisher, who presented Ned Tucker who showed the film, which was an official pictorial recording of what happened when the atomic bomb was dropped on a fleet of ships in Bikini lagoon. The scenes of the underwater explosion of the fourth atomic bomb was also shown, and the devastation created. Frank Underwood, president, presided, and John Summerrow is secretary. William Chambers was elected treasurer to succeed Rufus Gaddis who is moving away. Lions Hear Radio Men; Change Place Of Meeting Donald Hunnicutt, chief engi neer, and George Flowers, program director and announcer tor ramu station WHCC were speakers last week at the Waynesville Lions club meeting in Patrick's uateier.-. the equipment and policies of the station and inviting the Liens to visit studio and transmission facil ities. , . This week the club will meet ai the Towne House, to be the regu lar meetng place in the future, it was announced Friday Dy one o. the officers. After the dinner and business meeting Thursday, the club will attend the open house program at the Armory as guests of the. Antitank company, 120th In fantry regiment. Mr. Hunnicutt, originally from Forest City and a radio and radar specialist with the Marine Corps in Japan, South and Central America, described the transmitting equip ment of WHCC as the best avail able and told that the station sig nal had heen heard as tar away as Dei. vor, Colorado. installation was designed to give coverage of Haywood county and adjoining areas rather than carry for long distances, ne statea. Al though it is the common opinion that the antenna is the most im portant equipment; actually .the ground system is more vital, he added. Thus the tower was placed in one of the wettest areas of the county, and several miles of wire plowed into the ground. 'Continued On Page Four) Mrs. Calvin Houghland and chil dren, who have spent the summer with the former's aunt, Mrs. Adora Rayne, left Sunday for their home in Nashville, Tenn. They were ac companied by Mr. Houghland, who spent the week-end here. Albright Tours Here In Trailer Campaign Candidate For Gov ernor Out To Find What The People I Are Thinking R. Mayne Albright, candidate for the Democratic nomination as gov ernor in 1948, brought his "get acquainted" trailer campaign to Waynesville on Friday evening and departed Saturday for a swing inj counties farther west, before re turning to Rateigh. ' An independent whose motto is "planned progress and clean poli tics," Mr. Albright remarked here that his trip is bringing "grand" response. "Hundreds of people come to the trailer and speak their ideas on roads, schools, sales tax and other issues." His preliminary campaign fol lows the formal announcement of his candidacy on June 12 when he resigned as executive director of World Federalists, organized at Chapel Hill. Mr. Albright plans to visit all 100 counties of North Caro lina to get acquainted with local po litical leaders, veterans 6rganiza I ions and the man on the street. "My main object is to find what the people are thinking," he said. While here, the .seventeenth county where he parked his mobile field headquarters, he and Mrs. Al hrifht were Bursts of the Rotarv ! club barbecue and American Le gion and auxiliary meeting on Fri day night. Saturday was spent in making further contacts. The trailer serves as a symbol of one of his platform planks, an eco nomical campaign within the pre scribed expenditure limits of the state. After the "meet the people" phase of his campaign is completed Mr. Albright plans a series of for mal addresses and rallies based on a more complete knowledge of lo cal as well as state issues. A lawyer and state employee for seven years, during which he be came director of the State Employ ment Service, his campaign started with the statement that "It is not enough that we have honest gov ernment in North Carolina. We must have honest campaigns and honest elections if we really want to broaden the base and raise the level of politics." His program of "planned prog (Continued on Page Four) No Women On Jury As September Term Convenes Here Monday Six divorces were granted Mon day morning as the civil term of Superior Court opened here with Judge Allen II. C.wyn of Heids ville presiding. The first case on the regular calendar was being tried yester day afternoon; Helen C. Mathews vs. C. M. Dicus et al. Neither of the two women on the iurv list for first week trials were among the jury selected Monday. Mrs. Bonner Ray was excused by Clerk of Court Hugh Leatherwood, and the official notice to Virginia Wilson was delivered by error to a school girl with the same name. Divorces were granted in the following actions: Bobbie Rhea vs. Thomas Rhea. Ernest P. Warren vs. Ella Wat son Warren. Elizabeth Brooks vs. Lance Brooks. Polly Austin vs. Harold Austin. Clarence Muse vs. Lucille C. Muse. Earl Prator vs. Louise Prator. Members of the trial jury (with one alternate) were: Clifton S. Ter rell, Pigeon; Garland E. Allen, Beaverdam; Taylor Rogers. Fines Creek; Hobard White, Ivy Hill; K. E. Browning, Cecil; Hugh L. Walk er, Crabtree; D. A. Howell. Waynes ville; W. R. Hyde, Beaverdam; R. A. Justice, Fines Creek; Virgil Guy Grogan, East Fork; Virgil Farnklin, Jonathan Creek; Guy M. McElroy, Crabtree; and T. B. McCracken, Beaverdam. FRANK KIRKPATRICK, Way nesville, was elected president of the Haywood County Young Dem ocratic, club at its reorganization meeting here last week. Mtn. Supply Company Is Building Store Here. $15,000 Building Is Started Behind Rogers Electric Company Here Construction began on Monday morning on a building for the Mountain Supply company in which tractors and farm equipment will be sold and repaired, behind Rog ers Electric company store on main street. Expected to cost approximately, $15,000. the building will be 40 feet wide by 60 feet deep, reports Hugh j Rogers, one of the owners. j J. C. Norris construction com pany has contracted to erect the building, the front of which will he faced in brick. The building is expected to be ready for use by November 1. ' On the main floor will be a large display room for Ford tractors and Dearborn farm implements, while in the basement a service depart ment will be maintained for all types of farm machinery. The Mountain Supply company will be operated by Hugh, Wayne and Max Rogers, in conjunc tion with their electric appliance store, opened April 1, 1946. Legion Home Here Sold; Report Is Made Friday Group Decides To Hold Future Meetings At Masonic Temple I Building Announcements was made at the American Legion post meeting jon Friday evening that the Legion Home on TV iot ' atreet haw 4jJ8ftR sold to Bryan Medford and David Underwood. Commander William Medford re ported on the s:ile at the post's reg ular meeting, held for the first time in the Masonic Temple third-floor assembly room. Proceeds from the Legion Home sale will go into the post's liuilding fund to be used as I he group decides at a later date. It was voled. for the time being, all meetings will be held in the Masonic Temple. The Legion and Auxiliary meet .jointly on the sec ond Friday night of every month Milas Fcrgicihii and Fred Y. Campbell, delegates to the national (Continued On Page Four) Mr. And Mrs. H. W. Woodward Injured In Auto Overturn Army Seeking Bodies Of New Guinea Crash Dead Miss Lorraine Martel left last week for River Forest, 111., where she entered Rosary college. Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Woodward of the AdK i Umisr here received lacerations anil bruises of a pain ful hut not serious nature as a re sult of their automobile turning on its mcIc about 4 o'clock Mon day afternoon on highway 19-23 in front of the Junaluska Metho dist church. The car was reported by a wit ness to have been headed west down the hill, the front wheel went off the pavement to the right which breaks off sharply at that spot and when the ve hicle was cut hark on the road it skid around on the wet surface, turned on its side, and bounced back upright. The two occupants were taken to the Haywood County Hospital for lirst bid treatment and re leased shortly afterwards. Supt. Weems Turns Down Suggestion To Open Wagon Road Gap Section The Park Service has turned down a suggestion made by The Mountaineer that the 5-mile sec tion of the Blue Ridge Parkway at Wagon Road Gap. be opened to the public for six weeks this fall. The suggestion was made by the editor of this newspaper, in order that the nublic could enjoy the colorful foliage in that area, and the unsurpassed scenic views irom the several look-out points along the route. The proposal carried with it the suggestion that the Parkway be opened from nine until five o'clock, and that a patrolman from some other section of the Parkway be put on duty. Sam P. Weems, superintendent of the Blue Ridge Parkway, said in part, in his reply. "We agree that the scenery from this particular section of the Park way ranks with the finest in the East, and we can appreciate the desire of the public to use it, "It is not the plan or purpose, I can assure you, of this Service to construct sections of the Parkway in vour area only to lock them against use by the public. We feel, however, that extensive use of the section in question would result in severe criticism against not only this service but also the nearby communities. "As you know, this section of the Parkway has not been paved; it necessarily receives only prevent ive maintenance; it is subjected to rock and land slides, and would De come disagreeably dusty with any appreciable travel. Cost of main tenance and operations equipment and man-power required to place and to keep this relatively short I section of th Parkway in a reason- jU!y. "iiCs Wtf' faeortiMe tfa.veJt con. dmon would, we Deuevc, De our of proportion to the use it would receive. We feel that the public would much prefer to forego the use of a section of the motor road until it is more complete, free of dust. rock and land slides and the at tendant inconveniences, and until signs and guardwalls have been constructed. We are sure that you will agree with this line of thought. "It is our understanding that numerous parties park their tais at Wagon Road Gap and walk part or all of this road. We much pre fer that they do this until we can provide the high standard road construction, maintenances, and services essential for the proper use and operation of the Blue Ridge Parkway. "We appreciate your continued interest in the Parkway and look forward to the day. as you do. when we can justify opening the Wagon Road-Beech Gap section of the Parkway to the public." The above letter was shown to C. J. Reece, president of the Waynesville Chamber of Com merce, who is familiar with that whole region, and perhaps has been over it more than any other man in Waynesville. Mr. Reece said: "I cannot sub (Continued on Page Four) Crabtree P.-T.A. Will Meet Wednesday Evening The Army Graves Registration bureau in Manila, reports a United Press dispatch, is preparing to pen etrate the inaccessible "Shangri La valley" in New Guinea to re move the bodies of seven WAC's and 14 soldiers, among them SSgt. Hilliard Norris, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Norris, of Waynesville. They have lain buried there near the rusting wreckage of an Army plane which crashed while on a pleasure outing on a sunny Sunday afternoon May 13, 1845. Forty-seven days after the crash, a WAC and two soldiers were res cued when a C-47 snatched a glider into the air before the eyes of puzzled natives; one of the most dramatic stories of the war. The valley lies amid towering mountains where natives are so primitive they carry stone axes. Officials admit that the rescue may take a year and will require the toil of 20 soldiers and scores of hired natives before Sgt. Norris and his 20 companions will be brought back to civilization and buried with ceremonies beftting soldiers of World War II. The September meeting of the Crabtree-Iron Duff P.-T. A. will be held Wednesday evening, Septem ber 17 at 7 o'clock. Rev. Cecil L. Heckard, pastor of Junaluska Meth odist church will be the speaker of the evening. A membership drive in the form of a contest is to be conducted throughout the year and those present Wednesday evening will be chosen by L. O. Ferguson or Mrs. Louie Noland. All interested patrons of the school are urged to attend the meeting. At the first meeting of the Crabtree-Iron Duff P.-T. A. the follow ing committees were named: Mem bership. Mrs. L. O. Ferguson, Glenn Noland. Mrs. lioy Medford; hospi tality, Mrs. Sam Noland, Mrs. Jen nings McCrary. Jarvis Caldwell; program, Marshall Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Hugh Noland, Mrs. H. R. Caldwell. Miss Lura Mae Green Mrs. L. C. Brvson: publicity. Mrs O. L. Yates. B. F. Nesbitt, Mrs. James Kirkpatrick; grounds and buildings, Jesse Haney, L. O. Fer guson, Mrs. Frank Medford; music and art, Mrs. Evelyn Sutton, Mrs Fred Noland Mrs. Marshall Kirk Patrick: first aid, L. C. Bryson, Mr Shibor. Mrs. Justice- hygiene. Mrs. fl C. Palmer. Mrs. Glenn Noland. Mrs. Owen Corwin; magazines, Miss Lura Mae Greene, Mrs. Weav er Chambers, Mrs, Kate Noland; tuonunuea on rage rouri Mr. And Mrs. Rung Return From Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rung arrived Sunday from Redondo Beach, Cal.. where they have been for several months with their daughter, Mrs. J. F. McCann and Mr. McCann. They are residing at the former Henry home on the Dellwood road. Mr. and Mrs. Rung formerly op erated the Green Tree tea room here and have announced that they are considering reopening at an early date. I Highway Record For 1947 In Haywood (To Date) Injured - 42 Killed - - 6 . (This Information Compiled From Records, of State High way Patrol) .