SEPTEMBER 1M947 Cogdill Wsln THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE THREE (First SeetkmJ ion School L-ABV'-RS CON- rsCHOOL SyuAu- pKEN. Germany - of Mr. " IOOK r. Untlv in the of 'he I'. S. Con- ,i Sont'iuien, "r.- dieted Iras not Zuted men s course it .... ,11, iv second olcn the course- i-' J-made hy any en- W course. Let raung is also L an honor rating. L of the Constabu- .he honor gradu- f j:..i....,ic from .hp general Ration address. Pri- 15 other enusicu nted their dipio- jer General C. V. under of the Muit- the characteristics fcr, ueneiai ju- the same qualities Wen school stresses the occupation sui-self-discipline and a Regular Army gned tu the 14th iquadron in Darm- rmy DROPPED iL'P1 The Rev. secretary of the Lake Ministerial Jd there would be no in Warsaw High . He could find no teach. BIRTHS Thirteen babies were born at the Haywood County hospital during the period from September 11 through the 17th. according to the records of the institution. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bradley, of Waynesville, a daughter, Septem ber 11. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Palmer, route a daughter, September 12. Mr. and Mrs. Lake Junaluska, 12. Sheldon Shelton, a son, September Mr. and Mrs. Will Parton, Lake Junaluska, a daughter, September 12. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garrett, of Waynesville, a son, September 12. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stamey, route 3, Candler, a daughter, September 12. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Plemmons, Hazelwood, a daughter, September 13. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woody, route 1, a son, September 14. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Small, Cove Creek, a son, September 14 Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, Can ton, route 1, a daughter, Septem ber 15. Mr. and Mrs. James Clubb, Haz elwood, a daughter, September 15. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cable, Hazel- wood, a daughter, September 15. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Davis, Can ton, a daughter, September 17. Cecil News By MRS. J. EDGAR BCRNETTE HEARING OF UNION CHIEF OPENS Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Allison, of j Asheville, were the overniglif guests of Mr. and Mis. George Al len, last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blaylock, of Goldsboro, N C, arrived last Friday at the home of Mrs. Elsie Blaylock. spending the week-end, and returning home on Monday. They are on their honeymoon, be ing married the previous Sunday. . Frederick Warren was the over night guest mi Saturday of Wal lace Pressley Lawrence Rogers returned home from the Haywood County Hospi tal last Saturday after a stay of several days following the removal of an injured eye. An announcement has been made of the marriage of Dillard Ray Grooms, at Gastonia, N. C, on last Saturday. The couple are spending the week at Gatlinburg, and expect to arrive at the home of Mrs. Lockie Grooms on Friday for a few days. Miss Sarah Reece was the dinner guest on Sunday of Miss Mary Bur nette and family. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Williams, of Hazelwood, were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, on Sunday. Miss Grace Erwin was the dinner guest on Sunday of Miss Martha Mauney. Mrs. Elsie Blaylock, and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Blaylock were the dinner guests on Sunday of their sisters and aunts, Miss Alma Cham bers and Mrs. Harlin Burnette. v 1 i IT J,W,WIIIUU!UHIJ ... , C 1 3 Joe Jack Wells Named Eagle Scout On Tuesday 4 NATIONAL ORGANIZER far the Transport Workers Union, John Santo (second from right) Is shown at ha appeared to face Justice Depart ment charges at a hearing In U. S. Immigration Headquarters, New York City. Santo, declared to be an undesirable alien allegedly associated with un-American movements, faces possible deportation. Appearing with him at the hearing was Mike Quill (second from left), president of the Transport Workers. At left Is Arthur Phelan, presiding Inspector, and, at right, Harry Sachen, Santo's lawyer. (International) the guest of Miss Emma Sue Hus key and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Trqy Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. Harmon Erwin, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sorrells motored to lleintooga View for a picnic dinner on Sunday. Mrs. Tulin Rogers and family, of Hazelwood, were the house guests on Sunday and Monday, of Mr. and Mrs. Garlin Warren. Visitors on Sunday at the Coy Pressley's were: Mr. and Mrs. Shir- Miss Barbara Jean Burnette was ley Pressley, Mr. and Mrs. Junior HUDSON COMPANY BIG ANNUAL ft ALL WOOL sfminsler fze Assorted Satin Bound Colors ial$7.95 ECE-E-DOWN Virgin Wool finding-Size 72x90 f-Yel low Green Rose Blue ial$S).50 I - ;80 Double Bed Size er Cent Wool JHKETS Iripes-Checks Pal $2.98 CHATHAM Full Size Lambsdovn 100 " Virgin Wool Assorted Colors Satin Binding Special $2,5 72 by 84 Heavy Cotton INDIAN Patterns Special $2.98 72 by 84 SHEET BLANKETS Assorted Colors Special 97c Use Our Convenient Lay -Away Plan Ask Us About This 50 Wool-50 Cotton LEAKSVILLE Assorted Colors Satin Binding Special $4.50 SAVE ON BLANKETS AT 'Belk-Hudson COMPANY "Home Of Belter Values" Pressley and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Pressley, and Louis Press ley, of Glenville, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pressley and family, of Canton, and Mr. and Mrs. Kay Pressley and daughter Clent;i. ol Clyde. The Inman reunion was held on Sunday at the Susan Inman Mem orial Methodist Church, near Lake Logan. Among those atlendine, from out of Haywood County were: Mrs. Anne Taylor, of the slate of Washington, Mr. D. B. Franklin, of Haw River, N. C, Andrew Fraziei and family, of New Jersey; Mrs. Margaret Smith, of Virginia; Messrs. Harold and Robert Allison and family, of Old Fort; Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Allison, Sr., and fam ily, of Andrews, Shirley Pressley and family, of Glenville; Mrs Laura Gordon, of Asheville; Mr. Nelson Franklin, and son-in-law, of Sylva; Jaek Hyatt and family of Candler; Mrs. Nellie Frady, of Candler; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bird, of Florida; Misses Elizabeth and Ruth Allen, of Florida; Rev. Han nah J. Powell, of Maine; and Carl Francis and family, of Tennessee. A large number of relatives and friends residing in Haywood Coun ty were also present, with around 350 attending the services through out the day. A basket picnic lunch was spread on the tables ut noun r During the prearhing hour, fol lowing the B.T.U. service al the Riverside Church last Sunday eve ning, the pastor, Rev. Gay Chain bers used as the subject; Bible Characters: "Eve, Mother of All Humanity", delivering a most in teresting and instructive message. Mrs. Nell Moody has been on the sick list for the past several days with an eye infection. t The Inman's Chapel Sunday School cancelled their morninc services on Sunday in order in he at the Inman Reunion and Home Coming Day. Mr. D. B. Franklin, of Haw Riv er, N. C, only living brother of the late Susan Inman, was the guest nl his niece, Mrs. Jerry Francis and family, for several days this week, leaving for his home on Tuesday. Mrs. Anne Taylor, of Washing ton, who has been visiting friends and relatives here for the past two months, left on Tuesday, for her home in Arlington, and was accom panied by her sister, Mrs. Bessie Francis. Mrs. Francis plans to spend several weeks in the west vi;;- .loe Jack Wells of Bethel Troop 112 was promoted to the rank of Eagle Scout at the Pigeon River District Court of Honor Tuesday evening al the Bethel Methodirt I'huich. Bethel Troon 12 wa1 awarded the Ui-tnct Chairman's Tiophv for the month of Septem ber District Committeeman- Charles Osborne made the Eagle Scout presentation to Joe Jack Wells, I who is the sun of Mr. aud Mrs. j Guy I-:. Wells of lieltiel. Route 1, I U awie-A die Joe Jack is sixteen ami iii the cleciith grade at Beth el 1 1 1 1 I Sihool. He joined the Beth el Troop in 1 94H, has held several positions of leadership in the troop, and ha- aho been very active in church youth work and in the lo cal F.F.A. Chapter. Field Executive Robert Garner i inducted the following as Tender jloot Scouts: William Ernest Cullum i of Tuiop Waynesville, Oliver ! Kent of Troop 11, Crahtree, and i Donald I' C.ihe. Donald J. Fisher and Bruce Sinatlieis, all of Troop Hi, Canton, District Committeeman M. H. Howie-; promoted David Jones of Troop II, Ci.ihtiee, Clifton Terrell ol Bethel 1 1 nop I:!, and Craig U hiliinie ot I ion)) I. Canton to the Second CI.e i ,inL . Spencer Kent ol Tioop 11, Cnili tiee and .liminy Burgess nd I'hai le-; K M. minus, both of Bethel Tioop 1', ui-ie presented First Class awards by Commissioner Louis E. I late; M K Snialheis awarded the fol low ill); Mei it Badges to Jimmy I'atton of Troop 1. Canton, Cook ing. Camping. Civics, Swimming, and Life Saving; Barry l'ate of Canton Troop I Athletics, Person al Health. Home Repairs and First Aid; 'Tommy Gibson of Troop 2, Waynesville. Life Saving; Billy Sullon of Troop Hi, Canton. Swim ming; Joe Hell Medlin of Troop 16, Canton. Swimming: David Deas of 'Troop 1. Canton. Life Saving; Louis Gates, Jr., of 'Troop 1. Canton, Life Saving: Jerry Alexander of Troop 1, Canton. Athletics, Safety, Civics and Public Health; 'il. K. Terrell, Jr., of 'Troop 12, Bethel, Bird Study and I'athfinding; William E. Main ous of 'Troop 12. Bethel. Civics, Life Saving, and Camping; John M. Rig- don, Jr., of Bethel Troop 12, Leath ercraft; J. Davis Whiftisides of Bethel Troop 12, Surveying; Phil Sherrill of Bethel Troop 12, Camp ing; Benton McCrary of Crabtree Troop 11, Carpentry, Dairying, Corn Raising, Agriculture, and Beef Production; and Guy Smith of Troop 18, Canton, Carpentry. J. B. Patton promoted Aldie E. Cook, Jr., and H. K. Terrell, Jr., both of Bethel Troop 12 to the rank of Life Scout. Field Executive Robert Garner conducted a training course for Scouters on Troop Program Plan ning preceding the Court of Honor. The Pigeon River District Commit tee met following the Court. yVill Scarecrow Owls Scare Starlings? PATERSON, N. J. (JP) The starlings which annually visit the city hall are in for some metallic companions. Mayor William P. Furey expects to erect some aluminum images of owls, arch enemies of starlings, in an effort to discourage the unwel come birds. County Attorneys Honor Memory Of R.L. Phillips The Haywood County Bar Asso- -ciatlon made a permanent court record of a resolution in honor of the late R. L. Phillips, Robblns- vllle attorney and member of the W. N. C. Bar Association, who died September 14. The resolution, signed by chair- 1 man U rover a. uavis, staiea m part that "this section has lost not only one of ita most outstanding lawyers, but an outstanding states man and citizen, and that because of the ideals and principles for which he stood, and his abounding faith and confidence in his profes sion, and in the abiding principles of democracy, he has enthroned and enshrined himself in our hearts and memory forever; that his ideals and principles stand as a shining beacon of faith and hope to law yers and justice-loving people of every creed and color." The tulip was first known grow wild in Persian fields. to BABIES CARED FOB, TOO ALLIANCE, O (UP) Mount Union College not only Is taking care of veterans, but of their bab ies as well. Every Wednesday, row upon row of baby buggies are lined up at the college health center. There the sons and daughters of veteran-students are given a week ly check-up by a qualified pediatrician. iting relatives. Itev. Hannah J. Powell, of Friendly House, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs Clarence Stephenson and family, this week. Misses Uulh and Elizabeth Allen were the guests of Mrs. Robert Mc- Kimiey at Clyde- on Tuesday. 'The Woman's Missionary Soci ety of the Riverside Church met on W ednesday evening, in a down stairs classroom, for the program in tin' topic- "American Indians". I he president Mrs. Jim Metcnlf presided. ;t t An invitation is being given by I he officers ol the Youth Fellow "liip, of Inman's Chapel, to all who are interested in good clean recre ation to come to the Youth meet ings on Friday evenings, in the recreation hall near Friendly Douse. The olliceis say, in part, "'There is a great need for nice places to go to entertain ourselves. Scone", this need, we are trying to supply our community with it. Kveiyone is always welcome to come and join us." Overnight guests of Mrs. Mar vin I'less, of Cruso, on Wednesday, were the Misses Elizabeth and Uulh Allen, of Florida. -t The Rev. O. V,. Bryant, of Ashe ville. will preach at the Inman's Chapel Church, this coming Sun day mourning at the 11 o'clock service. Slack's WOMEN'S HALF-SIZE DRESSES Run your hand over' the fabric. It's sheer wool by DEER-, JNG-MILLIKEN. See the gracious styling. Examine the excellence of detaiL You Ml know you'vg dicufycrcd fra at these modest price t rmrfeetly bUricd tkirt fullj sim in m youthful hmtt 29.95 $td-drtt AiM futlnm f lmfr .ni,.I'm nW tall Ti'mi 22.95 i i ! A ' ' Foremost in Fashia