THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER JAY. SEPTE k THE MOUNTAINEER ' Published By THE" WAYNESVILLE PRINTING CO. Mala Street- Phone 70 Waynesville, North Carolina The County Seat of Hayweod Comity W. CURTIS RUSS- Flag Program Editor Wt Curtis Rues and Marion T. Bridges, Publishers PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY One Tear Six Months One Year. Six Months- HAYWOOD COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA $3.00 1.75 $4)00 ... $2.25 OUTSIDE NORTH CAROLINA One Year $ .50 Six Months 2.50 Entered at the post offii-e at WavnesviUe. V C. as Set-ond CUss Mail Matter, as proriM unilrt Hi Ait ol Mjnli 2, 1 S7.1, November ID. 1014. Obitwry notlcei, resolutions of respevt, ot one and a half ecuts per wort card of thank, and all not of entertainment for profit, will be chirjred for at the rat MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is entitled eirlusi'vely to the use for re publication of all the looal news printed in this newspaper, a ell ae all AP news dispatches. NATIONAL EDITORIAL. ASSOCIATION in if r rrctuh VTena CeeqtoaTIk. 554MciAnfJ TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1947 Filling A Big Need Three classes of trade school training for veterans of World War II are now in opera tion for Haywood county; carrying out stud ies and practical work on facilities at the Waynesville Township High School. Twenty veterans are enrolled in each of three build ing trade classes, carpentry, electricity and masonry. There is a large waiting list of students wishing to enroll in the courses, and present plans are to add another class in a different phase of electrical training during October. The school is new, having begun here on July 1, and the credit for getting it organ ised largely belongs to Jack Messer, superin tendent of public schools. To superintendent Messer it was a job in addition to his regular c'iities, for which he receives no additional pay, which he entered into upon request of the Veterans Administration primarily on believing that the school would becomejan aset to the county. Perhaps it is too soon to call the Ifrade s.hool successful. Its' beginning, howfcver, points to this end. There is a definite heed mw for skilled building trades workersm this area, as anyone who has wanted to gqt a small or large construction job done wil verify. The veteran students are getting a banned training for their trade, with a mix ture of fundamental and theories from text books and practical work in construction and i t pairs. They are building their own school house now near the high school bus shed. The school is one of many sponsored by the Veterans Administration under the GI Bill, established on a two-year basis. When the time for training veterans passes the need fur such a school may not disappear. This is something we hope our county officials will lok into as a means of training high school graduates in future years. f tk "the- pjapent we offer our congratula tions to Superintendent Messer and the in structors of the veterans trade school for their constructive program and to the Veterans Administration for making possible such training. A Noble Battle There is almost as much to do over getting women's dresses down a little below the knees as there was a quarter-century ago to get them above the ankles. But there is sounder reason for the present complaint than for the charge of immodesty that precip itated the first battle. Then it was necessary only to cut a few inches off the bottom and run a new hem. Now to be in the mode women must buy new wardrobes. Few dresses bought even in the early spring of 1947 had the four or five inch turn up for the turndown needed to drop skirts to the new length. And the percentage of American women who can afford entire new outfits is small indeed, our economics being what they are. It is encouraging, therefore, to find women, singly and in groups, stubbornly fighting this latest ukase of the fashion-setters. (Wil mington Morning Star). The other fellow's prices should be low ered, but our owji increases are legitimate. These meat prices are going to make vege tarians of people. Merchants of Waynesville and Hazelwood will be interested in one of the subjects dis cussed at the recent meeting of the Ameri can Legion post. This was the decision to offtr the Legion's services on patriotic holi days and other special occasions to take care of the display of flags on streets. Some of the reasons advanced as to why an organization of this type could take care of the flag display better than individual mer chants are sound. Notice does not get to some people as to what days flags are to be exhibited, resulting in an incomplete display. Flags are sometimes left out overnight, or in the rain. The merchants as a whole, we be lieve, would like to do the right thing many already do but at the extra trouble of two visits to their businesses during the holiday. We believe the businessmen will be glad to have the services of the Legion offered in this respect, and that an agreement will be reached with little difficulty. Ike's" peak or busti MIRROR-OF YOUR MIND An Influential Election The fourth election on the establishment of ABC stores in heretofore "dry" territory will be held November 4 when Asheville voters march to the polls and make the decision for their city. Several months ago Rowan county turned down ABC stores, and last week voters in Hickory voted by a narrow margin against the stores. The close vote in Hickory has been challenged by the advocates of the stores and hearings are scheduled for today. Charlotte recently voted to have ABC stores, and the doors will open shortly for a large number of stores there. The score is now 2 to 1 in favor of the dry forces, and the election in Asheville will be watched with keen interest by both sides. It is too early to make a prediction as to trie outcome of the Asheville election, but from the already aroused interest, there will be a big vote cast, with both sides working every minute to win. The election is just for vot ers in the city of Asheville. The result of the Asheville election will have tremendous influence here in Haywood. If Asheville votes for the stores, then it will not be too long before sentiment here will suggest "get ABC stores in Haywood and keep the profits at home." Should Asheville vote dry, the tendency would certainly dis courage a vote on ADC stores in Haywood for a long time to come. The influence ol the Asheville election will be far-reaching, and as far as Haywood is concerned, influential either way it goes. of LAO.... cases f , "sip, of ' ,10n- Ther(T J emotin the rZJ lhe Rambling 'Round Bits Of Human Interest News Picked Up By Members Of The Mountaineer Staff Too Much Sarcasm The state advertising department is cer tainly putting North Carolina into printer's ink all over the country. The newspapers aud magazines are carrying more North Car olina stories than ever before. Of special interest to those of us here in the shadows of the Great Smokies is the story now being featured of the hog rifle shooting match held at Cataloochee Ranch during the summer. The story will be featured in news papers ln New York, Detroit, Atlanta, as well as by syndicates and sporting magazines. The response has been gratifying to Bill Sharpe "f the department, who handled the feature' Only last week Holiday magazine devoted some .100 pictures in color and 10,000 words describing North Carolina as a "Variety Va cationland." ' Among other magazines to carry Tar Heel stones include the New York News with a page of pictures on a Cherokee Indian ball tfame, the Highway Traveler, Pathfinder and Country Gentleman. All this adds up in putting North Carolina m the eyes of the traveling world, as well as potential new businesses for the state. There is one sad note about some of this pubhcity-too often, as in the case of Holi day magazine, we feel the photographer could have gotten pictures portraying more typi cal Western North Carolina than were car ried. There was just a little tinge of sarcasm in the captions of most of the pictures. The northern publications seem to delight in playing up the extreme rather than the rule here in this area. Of course the reaction is always siains, tn be against the publication, because travelers coming here expecting to find the primitive moaes of life soon learn such is an extreme case. We like and appreciate national publicity. as long as tnose Dandling it stay in the middle of the road and don't veer too far to the left In the case of Holiday, the picture editor went off the road entirely. Swish! ! ! The fall breeze that blew in on Thursday certainly made the men's straw hat exit a notice able occasion. Of course, the fair sex have had their autumn cha ptax on display since mid-August. Hut that is milady's privilege. The We-Are-Wondering - Club: If the scribe for that Miami paper who recentlywas a visitor to our town, wouldn't gladly swap the tragedy that is Miami's for the peace and safety of Waynesville. In rambling round we hear many things, some of them of a more or less exciting nature. And we often wonder what would hap pen if we hastened to the nearest "listening post" and passed the news along. A long time ago a very sage old lady gave us this valuable suggestion: when you hear gossip or scandal that would cause a com-! motion, decide you won't tell it to anybody until TOMORROW. You'll be utterly surprised how small it has grown after a night's sleep, and in many instances by that time it has been proven erroneous. We watched a young mother persuading her tiny daughter to remain in the car while the shop ping was attended to. It was hard to convince the very young lady that a crowded shopping center wa a most uncomfortable place to while away the time, and when the mother finally left the car, there was- quite a bit of wailing going on inside the vehicle. One by one we tell our regular summer visitors good bye for the winter, hoping that we will be here to greet them when they return next year. This interchange of (Continued on Page Three) jgj!t Is writing the story of your Irfo a sign of egotism? Answer: It's undoubtedlyag ot interest in yourself and belief that others will find your experi ences entertaining or instructive. But like many so-called "selfish feelings, egotism does harm only when it is so childish as to lead you to ignore reality) or injure others. One man, for example, might waste his children's inner itance in having his life-story printed, although neither they nor anybody else would read it, while another might produce a volume which would be the rich est legacy they could 4iave. a thouoh u" B ""H which tK... . don cet, hi; tu,. " Should adolescents b ashamed of poor complexions? Answert I suppose to some ex tent they cannot help it, since this is the- age at which the desire to "loot well" is perhaps strongest. But there is one idea that intensi fies the sense of shame in many 0prrifMi'lfMl, XI Itetan Sridinu. foe.) one and h. tat Were f.oj . in Lonrtn .. " "ria War fl. babies had doubl, "'se cared t,n gaincrt ,..-l. TonltifU.i.:,., presence is as oecta,, VOICE OF THE PEOPLE Would you like to see the veto right eliminated in United Na tions proceedings?. TEACHER SHORTAGE WORST THIS FALL IN RURAL SCHOOLS . By JANE EADS WASHINGTON America's school teachers are going back to their classrooms better satisfied this year, but the shortage of quali fied teachers still continues. Teachers salaries have bpen in creased to more than $2,200 an nually, and a number of states have set them at a minimum of $2,400. In addition, a nation-wide cam paign is being waged to raise the qualifications of teachers. Accompanying these trends is the fact that enrollments for teacher training are expected to in crease to 2.500,000 for all higher education branches, as compared wlh4ast-Vartwolhnehp of 1, 080,396. But Dr. Benjamin W. Krazier, U. S. Office cif Education, says that despite these improvements, the teacher shortage which increased annually during the war is continu ing. This is indicated by the num ber of teachers who could not meet regular certification requirements. Dr. Frazier says that some 109, 582 emergency permits were issued last fall to sub-standard teachers and that one in every eight teach ers held these emergency creden tials. Dr. Frazier declares the teacher R. N. Johnson: "I would like to see a great deal of the veto power eliminated, except the right to veto a proposal to go to war. The big nations should have that right. But in organization matters of UN the veto must be eliminated or it will never be effective." Robert Clement: "I think the big powers should all be together in order for United Nations to work, and should keep their veto right." J. B. Ivey: "I'd like to see that change made. I get tired of see ing Russia veto everything that is attempted." Bob Goldsworthy: "Yes, I would. In view of the fact that Russia has been the only country to use the veto to any extent. They're taking too much an advantage of a good thing." George Bischoff: "From what I know of the United Nations I think it would be best to have the veto eliminated; or become used'to seeing everything slopped that the organization tries to do." Capital Lettef By THOMPSON GREENWOOD AFTER DUE CONSIDERATION j Winston-Salen, . W. P. Hnrton of Pittshnrn,.... .... man ui me siaie .uemocrauc exec-: "uunn o,0u0,000 to bj utive committee, has decided "aft-! fr0iTI tlle Yadkin rlwj er due consideration," of course ' ',he funny thing u Ubx that he will not be a candidate for governor next year. Well, really, very few people have thought that he would make 1 ho t race, so his announcement came as i no great surprise. -ity is looking into n, 01 iryng to estiblah u.v going wet alranciid is expected to tiJ mi- niu Dasts. Anyway, it's Also this corner would not i 'f rs before Winston-d be surprised if nobody else an- i ilble to farr-v out nounces for this office and if Treas urer Johnson should win in the first primary. It's beginning to look more that way all the time. project of pipings uie uisiam YadKmrivt WETTER Raleigh hears that Winston-Salem wouldn't mind be ing wetter, both as regards water and alcohol. Although this sum mer has not been as arid as some others of recent years City is about to go dry. lation is being urged to conserve cities, like the people water. Industries are expected to lawfully bad at just puff close down for one day each week. i Continued on Fife PUTTING ITOFM of smaller cities in North Carolina shod study of their wilg facilities. No locality attract additional imtej pie water is not mid Winston-Salem, (tr the Twin known for years Qui Its popu- have adequate water flfil shortage this fall is greatest in rural schools. Salaries there, he says, average only about half those in city schools. They average also only about half those paid teachers in (Continued on Page Three) Looking Back Over The Years 5 YEARS AGO Dr. Thomas Stringfield will ad dress the Haywood Medical Soci ety tonight at the nurse's home. His subject will be "My Impres sion of England at War". Dr. Stringfield has just returned after spending a year as a physician in a hospital near London. Richard Bradley left Sunday for Davidson College to resume his studies. Miss Frances Alley Patton. Chicago where she will spend the Theatre has been completed and is next month visiting This year Bill Milner as a junior at the University of S. C, is ex pected to stay In the sportlight of big-time football. Down at Chapel Hill, Jimmy Stringfield, a six foot er, will make many a hole for the runner at his place at tackle in the line. 10 YEARS AGO H a vwnnH rni intv will rnnir daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwain in Western North Carolina in the Patton of Route 1, left Sunday for production of burley tobacco ac Nashv.I e where she will enter cording to Charles B. McCrary of General Hospital for Training. Fines Creek ' Mrs. Cornelia Nixon has gone to1 The large neon sign at the Park one of the largest signs of its kind in Western North Caroline. A blanket salary increase of 10 percent for all public school teach ers was authorized by the North Carolina school commission in Ra leigh recently. Teachers with A grade certificates and no experi ence will receive $96.00 a month. The eleventh annual meeting of the western district of the North Carolina Federation of Music clubs, will be held here on Satur day, the 25th. Mrs. Robert Stret cher, president of the Waynesville club, will give the address of wel come. Slay of Exit Petkov, Agrari They'll Do It Every Time ninn v. I Odw Wonder what Tom Dewey thinks of Sen ator Taft's straight-from-the-shoulder orator ical maunderings on hw western tour, when all he (Dewey) said was oil the record. By Jimmy Hatlo &0SS-0 USUALLY IS ABOUT AS TALKATIVE AS A FROST-BITTEN CLAM. GRUNTS HE SPEAKS IM- AvfiVW'N. CLAM. GRUNTS ffSOAMAI ' . t But, Wow HOW HE LETS OUT WHEN HE DICTATES A . LETTER.- Than to MRSKATH. A. HORMAHj SAVANPtH, OA. AND UH- IA4 My-UH- PEREGRINATIONS- UH I-ER.- NOTE THE ER VERISIMILITUDE AMD UM-AMBIDEXTROUSNESS OF VOJR TAUTOLOG ICAL PERORATION- NEVERTHELESS, AMD UNIRRESARDLESS I w I U. Si, Britain May Yet SavJ Life of Bulgarian Special to Central Press W7ASH1NGTON Despite the curt Russian rtjecto American efforts to save the life of Bulgarian poll! Nikola Petkov, there still remains a good chance that til will brim? about a mitieatlon of his death sentence. Petkoy, leader of the Bulgarian agrarian party, witfl was outlawed for its oDDOSition to the Communlst-ui! eroun In th narliament. has a several months stay Of while his appeal is being considered under Bulgarian H The General Assemoiy oi uic wi meets nct month, in ample time to sure to bear aeainst Bulgaria to keep carrying out the death sentence aW In the meantime, it can be expW United States and Britain will malntti ting pressure on the Bulgarian gov cause of its action. I Russia was able to block direct W ..Hon in the case only becaw quirement of unanimity of the threes 'in dealing with the situation in wm the Allied Control commissi. ' Certainly, pending clanficauon .u o,,iaari5in eovernmeni tim,in wvmnmic sanctions by ub ' 1 b ; . , , eveJi, powers, in tne evem. o. i i i ho fxnected in nun, lung-uiire htjji ioaw v - -i diplomatic fields. t , . -. I a the resifMtil) cratic Nation! Chairman Robert Hannegan J there-. faint- chance that Hannegan wiU reiu ot Hit- physician ana quit. HanwP Highly-placed Democratic sources say tnai , . .. r . nha rman lines DuiMieaaea enougn wj iy . .. m Also, they cllm that the chances are even gre wiu remain as posuiuuici there's ns 3 However, the party spokesman said that J Preatduit Truman couia perouov - physicians fail. Agriculture it H.nnun rMinu. Secretary of Agr.u. 1. o vt i.o.ri him. but there are WMtJ is former Rep. Joseph Casey (D.). "s;Gn0 , politliH is Rhode Island' Senator j. icgistaiun along m TnJ There are-those who are "i""" tne party LJ Nlkbla Petkov the eWf vaunr finel Sullivan, who has been running - , oh.nce, chairmanship. , cuivaji. but sof n .vvniin HiruK In Tfonne?an s sdsi" Most- source doubt the selection - gulll, j ay the Democrats "could do m ; eiS 0ri nis iii-wi"- by. the White House aftr the Greek aid program . A newr t in against Lt. Gen, John u. n- " h ,eadjng 4C . 1 v, . .mrnar from lie , umnvi) una wvufui i w " Th magazine, lathed out t. agiW1' under. Lee', command that charges le" .have been "Communist Inspired. due hard- thtpa-oo- 01. whil he himsflf lived in ( I Army, to investigating the charges d 0 .launnameo, ana ataa uiv - rharges ( S)N,ore(.lHn .Hine 0""' VrfO" I NUtlng,to(Jlctmenr of comni rfjf pubUc.Jrom

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