XttSDAY, MARCH 30, 1W THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PACE FIVE anton lub Has Meeting ., n,-nuins- n'nm:. , ; .,v af- n School Mr,. V,. tbsemi' ' ireiu"" fcliuii " "Interior In Miss , smith Mid protect cpurb ',;;"v atio" Airs i.iuiuci Lid lam i' Iiit-. Mrs. Mrs. M. S. earut'ii, Mrs. :, ml 1 ii i-ti i -1 i J il fiit-nt. Mr .Mr Arli'tha (thins Hurress. Point relieve to ,t .illll .-pending i.' I . . . .ll lll'IIIC. '""'I- fcsl (lunitf hoc V1M1 let 1 1- J'';'" bailer, ui iji'i . ii ruissiiidie. L rrltiini'd .0 JtaltiCli. .ill' ' speiul- h,ilul.i'. "ith Ins fnd .Mr. t ; It ii u . tOiO DISCOM TOUTS iiif Per Bottle r i 'HI I Monday. I Starrinc Robert Massie Is Host Of Birthday Party Robert Massie entertained a group of friends at a party Friday evening in celebration ot his til leenth birthday anniversary. He was assisted by tus parents, Mr and Mrs. Uuy massie, and Mr. and Mrs. C J. Keece. Spring Mowers were used in dec oration and party appointments were in pink and blue. Various games were played during the eve ning after wnicn an ice course was served. Favors were baskets of candies. Guests present were Miss Lane Prevost, Miss Laura Woody, Miss Sally blovall, Miss Nancy rrancis, Miss Elizabeth Watkins, Miss Eliz abeth Ann Parkman, Miss Linda Sloan, Charles Alley, Jeff Heece, Jimmy Swift, Carl ivlundy, and Stanford Massie. Music Club To eet Friday With Mrs. Love The March meeting of the Waynesville Music Club, which was postponed from last Friday, will be held next Friday evening, April 2, at the home of Mrs. Hugh Love, at 8 o'clock. Co-hostesses wil be Mrs. Cornelia Nixon and Miss Margaret Stringfield. Mrs. George Bischoff will be in charge of the program of American Music. 1111 II II II Its, tiesday and Wednesday, March 30, 31 Pi i T" i it" ii s oiewan - nosanna nusseil in Time For Comedy" Thursday, April 1 ? Crabbe - Al (Fuzzy) St. John -in ror On Horseback" Friday and Saturday, April 2, 3 DOl'IiLE FEATURE h McCoy - Frances Grant tn The Traitor Also Rita Hayworth in i 'Louisiana Gal" SUNDAY COMING SOON j will il RK THEATER Waynrsville. North Carolina SATfRDAv 2 and 3:30 SUNDAY 2 and 4 P. M. SH,"VS 7 and 9 Daily SUNDAY 8:30 Only -ntk , ,'rs lic including Federal T .; including f ederal Tax Tuesday, March 29-30 .Sleep My Love" L Starring i Ol ItKRT oiifl DniirDT PTiRrliikrncl unu nuucni LUiuiiunu dnesday. March 31 Glamour Girl Starring fr- KhTP. anil IIIS norurcTDA Thursday, April 1 Hst Of The Red Men ll (In Technicolor) Vi : " ana tVELYN ANKERS Friday. April 2 din T- TT tn i- i XilU JJOUUil P'GLETON and ARTHUR LAKE Home Sewing Boom Sweeps niimn- iiMlt ii iwimiiwMiiiiii i ihiilgawiiiWItiinwMiiiwiiiiii ifmSMji MODEL SEAMSTRESS . . . Marie Denham, successful New York model, lays out pattern lor a new dress. Today's busy young woman, whether she keeps house or spends her days in an oHicc. does a much more professional job of liome- sewing man her much trumpeted grandmother. That's the consensus of experts. drawn from a recent survey which shows that more women are doing more home-sewing today, and do ing it better, than at any time since the first ready-made dresses appeared on the U. S. market. The sewing boom isn't confined to any class or age group. Career girls are just as interested as housewives, and teen-agers often turn out garments as smoothly fin ished as those of their mothers. One coiici e evidence of the growing interest in home dress mftking is found in the results of thf National Sewing Contest now in progress, sponsored each spring by the 'National Needlecraft Bu reau. Fort.V-Jive major U. S. cities are now represented in the con test, in which thousands of coats, suits, dresses and children's clothes are entered in local contests. The Woman's College Alumnae To Meet In Asheville All Western North Carolina alumnae of Woman's College of file University of North Carolina are invited to attend the spring lunch eon meeting to he held by (lie Hun combe County chapter on Satur day. April it, al I o'clock, at the Battery Park Hotel Tickets are on sale at Main bridge Jewelry Store in Asheville and reservations may he made only through their purchase. Alumnae from this area, who ex pect to attend the meeling are asked to ennlart Mrs M G. Stamey, local chairman, not later than tonight. Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Chapman had as their guest last week end the latter's brother. J. L. Little. Jr.. of Stalesville. CRAP.TKKF. SOCIETY TO MEET The Crablree Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet on Thursday afternoon. April 1. at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Jennings McCraiy. Fred Love of Baleigh, spent the re as the guest of his Hugh A. Love. week end he not her. Mrs THE FAIL DOESNT HURT AS MUCH AS THE BILLS! The L. N. Davis Co. ACCIDENT POLICY EASES THE PAIN See The L. N. Davis Co. Phone 77 FITTING SCENE . . . Pretty Marie carefully fits dress on thermoplastic model of her figure, for best result. 400-odd local winners arc then for warded to New York for final judging, and c i t4 1 1 1 national prizes are awarded at an elaborate fash ion show held at the Waldorf-Astoria. A jury of top American Cushion editors, designers and stylists make the final decisions on the competing garments, and each year express amazement al the profes sional skill and designing talent of the contestants. Further proof of the sewing boom is the tail that sales of pat terns, yard goods and notions are breaking all previous records, the demand for electric sewing ma chines is far ahead of the supply in most cities and attendance at local sewing centers is setting a new high. Department stores and sewing centers report that attendance at dressmaking classes is not limited to beginners. Many women who have been sewing after a fashion all their lives are enrolling to lean special techniques of tailor ing and finishing. In one city, Library Notes By MAKCARET JOHNSTON C ounty Librarian TEACHEKS OU PARENTS Need some pictures for scrap books or posters or your Bulletin Board'.' If .von do ask al the library for we have an abundance of hook jackets and a number of old copies of the National Geographic Maga zine, w hich have been given to I he library. TAKES OF A I) YEXTl'KE Listen to "Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Samuel L. ' 'icmens (Mark Twain on March HOih al ri V. M. ovr CHS. During I he follow ing weeks on Tuesday .mi can hear "Mister Conley" In ('. K. Van Loon. "Behind the liangcs" by Stephen Mender. Twelfth Nn'.hi ' by Win. Shakespeare, and the "Hoad to Wirnbleton" In Alice Marble. The library would like copies of "Black Stallion' to buy by Far- ley and "Jalna" by De La Roche. A scarf was left at the Library the day of the Woman's Club tea. Please see if it is your s. 18 From Haywood Were Patients At Baptist Hospital Patient visits of Haywood coun ty citizens to the Outpatient De partment of the North Carolina Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem totaled 18 tor the year 1947. accord ing to the annual report released by Dr. C. Nash Hcrndon. director. Dr. Ilerndon's report showed a total of 2fi.6!ll patient visits made to the department during the year. The figures refer to service pati ents only. Nominal fees are char ed with Hie difference between the total cost and amount that the pa tient can pay being defrayed by the annual Mother's Day offering from the Baptist churches of the state Yearly totals issued at the same time by Reid Holmes, administra tor, showed a total of 228 patient days spent by residents of Hay wood in the hospital during 1947. This included both service and pri vate patients. The total number of patient days reported for the hos pital for the year was 88,618. i 3 The Country FINISHED PRODUCT . . Biscuit - toned shantung dress with "new look" has t;old belt and buttons. Tulsa. Okla., special classes for inrn have proved a success, at tcndi'd by university students in terested in making their own shuts and jackets. Instructors re port that the men are smart drafts men, too. Forces behind the home-sewing trend are several. First, of course, is l he increasing cost of ready made garments. Second is the fact that so many women took up home-sewing during the war, and have continued because they found they enjoyed it. Whatever the rea son, indications are that home sewing is here to stay, as women learn that they can do first-class dressmaking and turn out thrifty garments that have an expensive, custom-made look. , Typical of the new attitude is that of Marie Denham, top-flight : New York model, who says: 't "Yes. I know how to sew. 1 't make all ipy o'wn dresses and many of my suits, In my work I need j a great many more clothes than I ; could afford to buy ready-made. A nil I like to sew." County Teachers To Meet At Clyde School The Haywood County Classroom Teachers of the North Carolina Fibieational A-sociafion will inept loiiiurrow night af the Clyde High School, at 7:11(1 o'clock. Guest speaker for the meeting will be Miss Hosalie Andrews from M.C.K A headquarters in Halcjgh. Mrs. Claude Hogers. president will preside. Husiness during the evening will include the election ol officers for t lie coining year. All teachers of the count v are in vited lo attend the meeting. Mrs. Queen Is Hostess For W. CCS. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service oC the Maple Grove churc h met last week at the home of Mrs Sam Queen with Mrs. Kd ward Glavich presiding. The program was presented by Mrs. Maggie Justice, Mrs. James Noland. Mrs. J. I. Winchester, Mrs. Queen and Rev. and Mrs. J. K. B. Hiruser. Mrs. Queen served a salad course during the social hour which followed the business ses sion. RUBBING IT IN YONKKRS, N. Y. HJPl A thief who broke into the apartment of Clarence Bleakley not only stole treasury bond coupons and a fam ily heirloom but ate breakfast and left the dishes in the sink for Bleakley to wash. 3 rati LZLLU Don't Neglect Them! Nature dunned the kidneys to do mrvelou job. Their tak i to keep thj flowing blood trem free ol o exeew of toxic impurities. The ct of lmni Htrlj i corutantly producing waste natter the Indoeya must remove from the blood if nood heath is to endure. When the kidneys ail to function as Nature intended, there is retention of waste that may cause body-wide dis tress. One may suffer nantins bscksrhe, persistent headache, attacks ol diaxwm. setting up nifhts, swelling, pumneas under the eyes feel tired, nervous, all worn out. Frequent, scanty or burntnf parages are someone further evidence of kid ney or blsdder disturbsnce. The reencniaed and proper treatment is a diuretic medicine to help the kidneys rA nf .inn noisonous body waste. Use Donii'i 'ills- Tbey hsve had more than forty years of public approval. Are endorsed the country over. Insist on rXniiTt. Sold at all drug stores. PERSONALS Mrs. H. P. Halladay left Friday for her home in Birmingham, Mich., after a visit to her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Colvin Hrown. former residents of Waynesville. who are now residing in Winston Salem, spent the week end here. G. C. Plott, who is still a patient at Mission Hospital, Asheville, and Mrs. Plott had as guests last week end their children from out-of-town. They included, Heywood Plott, of Newport News, Va.. T Sgt. and Mrs. J. B. Luckadoo, of Parris Island, S. C. and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Battle, of Andrews. The Hev. and Mrs. J. G. Huggin of Charlotte were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Massie on Monday ...Hev. Mr. Huggin is a former pastor of the Fust Methodist Church here. L. G. Goldsworthy is leaving to day for Chicago, III., where he has accepted a position with the Alad din Mantle Lamp Company. He will be joined later by Mrs. Golds worthy. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clapp had as their guest last week end t In former's sister, Miss Ruth Clapp, of Nashville. Mr. and Mrs. W. Curtis Russ and daughter. Marguerite, spent Hie week end in Tbomasville and e. ited the Mills Home on Sunday They were accompanied by l loi i le Patrick. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tingen and small daughters. Anne and Mary, left Monday for their home in Fuquay Springs after a visit to Mrs. Tingens parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Killian, Sr. Mothers Would Continue War-lime Baby Parking UKTHOIT (UP - Mothers who had to have a place to park junior while they worked in war-lime defense plants, still find it a boon to gel (he same service a few hours a day. Detroit's welfare department founded 12 nursery schools for de fense plant workers as an emer gency war measure. The depart ment feels the emergency is over and wants to close the schools, but the mothers are fighting the move Mother, it seems, worked li;n( for peace, and now she wants to enjoy it for a couple of hours a day anyway. On All Electric Water Heaters GENERAL ELECTRIC HEATMASTER HOTPOINT NORGE Oi o Limited Time Only ROGERS ELECTRIC CO. Phone 461 Transactions Waynesville Township Dan Wrigiii and wife tu William D. binatlieis and wile. bat bara !lilkood and husband to Kooeil lluricss. Linmelt fii igl.t and wife to Tauy 1'icsley and wile. liu;,li rinliip.-, and wile tu Clin ton imuiil and wife. ."sum Daw, lo l ied Webb. ltca cid.iiii 'lownsliip lies Conley and husband to Chu . tiUlllgdl IH'l . i i.ii.i hh.up Miutli and husband lo J, u k I . hi nt ll and wife. S. M. Robinson and vwle to Al lien I. on lev and wife. A. 1(. Moure et at. to Floyd Ue- weesc et al. Fred V. IJoutt and wife to Wil liam Milne and wile. Ka F. Curt i.- and wife to II. J. Wright and wile. P. 1). Uewee. e and wile to II. M. Carter and wile. M. A. King and wife to 11. M. King. Naomi Pre, Icy and husband to William Milne and wife. Pigeon 'lownsliip Fa Mae Gaddie and husband to S M. Robinson and wife. S. M. Robnisoii and wife to Rob ert W. Gaddie and wile. L. C llcnson and wife to Manley I). Oil k -oli and c. L . G llcnson and wife to L. C. J lenson. John ll.ii ding and wife to Aldie CAItll (II THANKS We wish tu ixpic.s our appreci ation lo our Ii lends and neighbors tin -their n,.iii acts u kindness and expie.vsion ui .sympathy extended dsn lor the li'-.aitiliil Moral offer ings, dm in ; I he loss ol our fattier. Children ol .lames A. Fisher. AKI III THANKS We wish to thank our many ll lends ami nrirjihois ur ,. kindness, winds ol .sympathy and the (lowei . i ui in In- sicklies:, and death ol our dear lather ,1 A Fisher. The Fisher family. FAIRBANKS -MORSE FURNACES STOKERS EXPERT SHEET METAL WORK With Each Installation Rogers ElectricCo. r.K.ne Ibl Main street On Entire Slock Of Automatic Electric WATER HEATERS Electrical Contractors In Real Estate Cook and wife. Crabtrce Township T T. Sutton. Noland and wife to Lucile Jonathan Township Lawson Franklin Stanberry Franklin. and wife to MAPLES TO OUST ELMS MINNEAPOLIS ( LP) The city park board has decided to substi tute maple trees for elms in im proving the city's parks. Llms have been a traditional favorite in Minneapolis. Will Your Screens Last This Season? Don't look . . . just call 215 .. . The PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND .SCREEN CO. representative will be glad to check your screens for you. If new screens are needed, The PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO. handle the famous WATSON ALL METAL SCREEN, a screen that will last a lifetime. So call 215 for an estim ate without obligation. Springtime is house cleaning time. . . . Let PROTEX WEATHER STRIP AND SCREEN CO. com pletely weather protect your house before you start your Spring house cleaning: duties. They handle an all metal wcalberstripping that will not rust or corrode. I'or a com plete job installed and Inspected by skilled mechanics rail the PRO TEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO. For screen and weather protection needs contact PROTEX WEATHERSTRIP AND SCREEN CO., 113 College Street, Asheville, N. C. Ben Mayheld will be happy to discuss these problems with you. PKOTI :X VK ATI I ERST RIP AND SCREEN CO, Asheville, 113 College St. N. C. Phone 215 Main Street t r 3 mi I