Ur. ' t (I: PAGE FOUR (First Section) Mrs. Kerley Is Honored On 90th Birthday Mrs. A. K. Kerley was honored with a surprise birthday dinner giv en by her daughter. Mrs. Henry Miller and Mrs. M. O. Galloway, at the home of Mrs Miller, on Mon- David Mobley, Decorator, To Lecture Here David C. Mobley, lecturer on the art of living and a specialist in homes for better living, will give his More Livable Homes demonstra tion talks throughout North Caro- by day, March 29. The event marked I Una during the month of April, the ninetieth birthday anniversary of the guest of honor. Quantities of spring flowers were arranged in decoration of the home ;nd a buffet dinner was served. Mrs. Kerley was the recipient of many gifts and messages of con gratulation. The guest list included the fol lowing children . grand children, great grandchildren, and triends: Mr. and Mrs Dwight Williams. Miss Aileen Williams; Will Kerley. of Candler; Mrs. W. J Church. Miss l'eggy Church and Owen Church, of Asheville. Mrs. Bob Caldwell, Vickie Caldwell. Mrs Laura Ker ley. Mrs. MeharTey. Mr and Mrs. Troy Williams, Stephen Williams, ot West Virginia; Mrs. Mattic Jus tice. Mrs. Myrtle Topping. Mrs. Carl drastic Skipper and fr'rcdrhe drastic, Mrs. Kills Wells. Joy Wells. Mrs. Hen bridges. Peggy and Joe Uridgcs. Henry Miller, and M. O Galloway. Mrs. Evans Is Speaker For Beta Sigma Phi Mrs. W B K;ms ol Pittston Pa. was yuest speaker at the reg ular meeting of the Alpha Theta chapter of Beta Sigma Phi soror ity which was held Thursday niulit in the ladies parlor of the M.thr odist church Mrs Evans spoke on The Ai. o( Living" She a presented b Miss Thclma Jones and Miss Editr Summerrow . ho were in charge ol the program Mrs. Lucy N'or lis. president, presided during tin business session. Girl Scout Council Will Meet Monday The Hazelw ood-VA avnesville Gir Scout Council will meet at Thi Hul on net Mmidav night, at 7.3 o c lock. All members of the council an asked to be present to discus plans for th visit of Mrs Stroupe regional director of Girl Scouts coming to VVaynesville on April 13 Mr. Mobley's tour of North Caro lina i- made possible through the cooperation of the State Extension Service. The More Livaoto Homes demon stration consist of a wealth of il lustrative material on practical "fashions for the home" and in cludes actual procedures for im proving home surroundings. As an authority on his subject Mr Mobley does not term his work interior decoration but rather home appreciation. The moreliv able home is simply the expression of the human love for color and comfort, an unaffected and sincere answer to that desire for pleasant surroundings in daily life. Where and how we live has much to do with the development of our men tal, physical and moral fiber for we are unconsciously affected our home surroundings. TnniiiB the oast 15 years. Mr. Mobley has conducted home lur nishmgs institute from coast to coast ajid some of the universities where he has given his graduate ourscs are the University of Chi- . i . . C? . ,n a2o. New YOl'K Limeisny. ojm use L'nivei'sity ifcji 1- &tJk i MR. AND MRS VERLIN GIBSON, of Dellwood, who ob served their sixtv-fifth wedding anniversary on Tuesday, March 9. Circles of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church will meet next Tuesday. April 1U. as follows: Circle No. 1 wi!l meet at the home of Mrs. Triad Chatin with Mrs. T. L. Bramle'.t as co-hostess, at 3 30 f.m. Circle No 1 with meet at the home of M s David Hyatt with University of Ver-j Mrs.' Srnesi Hyatt as co-hostess, at THE WAYNKSVILLK MOUNTAINEER Observe 65th Anniversary mine L. wueen Is Marned lo Gerald Mooney The marriage of Mrs. Billie Lampkin Queen and Gerald Waldo Mooney was impressively solemn ized in a candlelight ceremony on Saturday, March 27, at 7 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Moodv on the Soco Gap road. Only members of the Immediate families and intimate friends at tended. Rev. T. S. Roten performed the ceremony before an impressed altar of spring flowers arranged in the French doors of the living room and library. A recording of "Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life" was played softly during the ceremony. The bride was attired in a two piece navy faille suit with match ing accessories and corsage of orchids. immediately following the cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. William Leon ard Lampkin, parents of the bride, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McEl roy, brother-in-law and sister of the bride, entertained with an in formal dinner party at the Towne House for the bridal party and out of-town guerfs. Guests were seat h i nne lone table which was centered with a tiered BEAUTY SPOTS . . Before Your Eyes 1 f1 s Methodist Circles To Meet Next Tuesday mint and L ni t isit of Utah. -Kvery home says Mr Mobley, must be made a place of mental ,nd phsical comfort, a place .here modern youth is contented o shape its inline" Mr Mobley ,iuks upon the home as "a garden Uli parents as gardeners." But ie belicc that in many homes the uccds have been permitted to roud out the green grass and the lea.itilul plants" and .that the lomemakers hae the job of t coding out cluttered furnishings ,nd discordant and inharmonious olois and the cultivation of a asie fur peacelul sun ciunoings in lail life Music Club To Meet Tonight The Wav nesville Music Club will net tonight at 8 o'clock with Mrs. fugh Love as hostess at her home n Love Lane. Co-hostesses will be .Irs Cornelia Nikoii and Miss .larnaret Stringfietd. Mrs George Bischolf will be in harge of the program and Or lary Michul will preside Mr. Farmer, Cattleman, Carpenter Or Anyone Else That Demands A Good Shoe At RAY'S i 3:30 p.m. ' Circle No 1 will rret at the home of Mrs. Felix Stovall at 7:30 j p.m. Co-hostesses will be Mrs C C. White, Mrs. Henry Tuttle. and , Mrs. High. j Circle No. 5 will ncel at the home of Mrs. How ard Hy att at i 7:30 p in. Co-hostesses vill be Mrs I Herbert Gibson and Mrs Herbert ! Buchanan. ... Club Council Will Present Interior Decorator Miss Mary Margaret Smith, the county home agent, has announced that a lecture and demonstration on "The Art of Living" will be given by David C. Mobley. inter ior decorator of New York, on Sat urday, April 13, at the Strand the atre. The event is being sponsored by the county council of Home Demonstration clubs. Mr. Mobley will show curtains and other materisls to illustrate his lecture and will demonstrate actual procedures lor improving home surroundings. The program will be hetfelrom 10 to o clock in the morning and will continue from 1:30 to T o'clock in the aft ernoon. Admission tickets at 25 cents will be available at the Home Dem onstration Office in the courthouse beginning next Monday morning, from 9 to 12 noon and from 1 to I p. m. The public is invited to at tend the demonstration. Virlin Gibsons Observe 65th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Virlin Gibson ob served their sixty-fifth wedding an imersary on Maicii 9. at their home in Dellwood. A number of rela tives and friends called during the day for an informal celebration of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Gibson, both na tives ot Haywood County were mar ried in Marshall. N. C. on March 9, 1883, with the Kev. Rollins offi dating j Mr Gibson is a retired farmer and although he is 84 years stiil enjoys hunting and fishing. A few years ago he won second prize in a shooting match at Cataloochee. Mrs. Gibson is the former Ellen Prater. She has devoted her j . wtw I iCs J4 AP By BETTY CLARKE Newsfeatures Beauty Editor The next time you see a young lady with what appears to be a smudge of dirt in the shape of a four leaf clover or a heart on her wedding face, don't be alarmed. The newest cake topped with a min ature bnae ! w 7 . " and groom and lighted at inter-1 feminine foibles ts the revival J va,s w.th long white tapers i sil-granny s beauty spo u th ough Covers were laid tor i '"'f " I thought of wearing one at the bos- . . , om line of her dress as today's Mooney was educated at. . Little black patches in stars, nlH i -.. i , j'" : crescents, triangles. Clovers aim ai LUiiownee. out- no" ......... position in the office of the Wellco Shoe corporation in Hazelwood. j Tho ornnm is a Braduate of Fines MiSS ... ,. . .u ..t.,.l ....H t.irv.iH as i officer in the U. S.' I ver hoiaers. ! 20. Mrs. the local schools and attended Western Carolina Teachers college Creek high chief petty Navy during World War 11. He is the son of Mr. and Msr. Jesse L. Mooney of Fines Creek and holds position with the Champion Pa life to making a home for her hus band and children. Both she and Mr Gibson are members of the Dellwood Baptist Church. The Gibsons have eight children : ppr and Kibrp company 0f Canton and one hundred and five grand- . n.it-of-town t-uests for the wed- Hc.Ulren. great granacnnaren ana j wpre Mf flnQ Mrs great-great grandchildren, lhechil- ., M(.p,mv ,)f Newoort News. Va , ! dren include Mrs. Mack Edwards,, Tommie Price and Mr. Joe one 1'1 hearts are taking tUeir place along with petticoat frills and waistline nippers to round out the old-fashioned look. The fad, revived by Clarence Barnes, an artist, has been seen on models in showings of the summer collections of Mildred O'Quinn, Lilly Dache and Adele Simpson. The girls wore them on the shoulder with decolletege evening Law'rence gwns' next to a aimpie on me chin, or just Detow tne corner 01 mos Moody. Mrs. James Ld-',, r.ntn Mrs. TMae wards. Dan Gibson, Grady Gibson, . a. Mr rA' Robinson of Clyde. Mr. and Mrs Mooney are resid ing at present in the Noland . put ments on Main street. of Portland. Ore, General H. Gib son, of Kockwood. Tenn.. Robert Gibson, and George Gibson. U.D.C. To Meet i At Towne House !This Afternoon PERSONALS ... , S3 Where Traf f icjs.Heflwiwt You'll &k& iA I IIIU No matter what your job, Mister, if sou want khoe that can take tough punishment . . . and wear longer.. . vou'll buv Quality-Built, Wear- Tested Peter W ork Shoe. X o S. mf 1 ni n Don't us our office ot a date bwroaw. Tfc bo won't appre tiate if if jvou hove half the male office force hanging over your dek during businesi hour. Wait until after 5. Miss Frances Williams has re turned to Meredith Couege in Ra leigh after spending the Kaster va cation with her patents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. Miss Barbara Francis, who is a student at Meredith College in Ra leigh has returned to school after poinding the holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs C. C. Fran- j cis. I i Mrs. Charles Badgett. Jr., and son. Bill Baogett. left Sunday fori their home in Knoxville after a vis it to he former's mother. Mrs. W. T. De.-.ton. i Miss Pearl Leslie Johnsci. who ' has been employed by Ihs Veter ans' Claims Service in Washington, ; D. C. has returned to her home ' here. She is making plans to en- gage in the practice of law with i her father. R. N. Johnson. i 1 C.F..M. R. L. Coin, Jr., of the' U. S. Navy will arrive today from ' Norfolk to spend a leave with his mother. Mrs. Jacque Coin. Miss Lou Elver Filer, who has been visiting in Fort Lauderdale, Fla.. returned to her home Wednesday. Don Swayngin, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Swayngin, of Medford ! Farm, left Friday for Raleigh where he will enter the sophomore class at State College. Mr. Swayn ! gin has served two years with the 'U. S. Army, most of which was : spent in Italy. He will major in aeronautical engineering at State. I Tilden Swayngin has returned to tMars Hill College after spenJtng the spring vacation with his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Swayn gin. at Medford Farm. Following his graduation in June Mr. Swayn gin will enter Bowling Green Col lege. Bowling Green. Kentucky. The April meeting of the Hay wood Chapter ol the United Daugh ters of the C infedcracy will be held this afternoon at The Towne House, at 3:30 o'clock. Mrs. Floyd Rippetoe will be hostess. Mrs. W. A. Hyatt and Mrs. T. L. Bramlett will have the program. Larry Williams, who is a law 'student at Wake Forest College, is: Mrs. F. H. Marley returned on i here to spend the Easter holidays ; Tuesday from Lenoir where she j with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. i Frank Williams. I R. Todd. MRS. HYATT AT MISSION HOSPITAL Mrs. Dewey Hyatt, wno under went an operation at Mission Hos pital in Asheville, Tuesday morn ing, is progressing satisfactorily. Mrs. Worsham Has Birthday 1 Party For Son Mrs. D. T. Worsham was hostess , of a children's party yesterday at-; ternoon in honor of her young son, ; Tommy Worsham on the occasion of his third birthday anniversary . ! The party was given at the kinder garten rooms in the Welch Mem- , orlal Building at the Baptist Church and Mrs. Worsham was as-1 sisted in entertaining by Mrs. W. H. Burgin, grandmother of the hon- j or guest, and Mrs. Emmett Green. A pink and white color scheme was carried out in the party ap pointments and baskets of candies were presented to the guests as favors. Among those present were Mary McCracken, Kathryn Lantz, Mary Barber, Betty Ruth Atkins, Anne Owen, Becky Jo Burgin, Billy Ow en, Jim Bob Leatherwood, Jimmy Woodward, Dale Massey, Joe Cathey, Lawrence Green, Ernie Edwards, Ronnie Worsham, and Billie Blane Hawkins. Baptist Adult Union Has April Fool Social Members of the Adult Training Union of the First Baptist Church held an April Fool tocial last night in the Social Hall of the Welch Memorial Building. Guests entered through the back door and were requested to wear at least one garment backward Flowers were upside down in their holders and chairs were turned to the wall. Appropriate games were played throughout the evening af ter which delightful refreshments were served. Mrs. W. H. Burgin, sotiai chair man, was in charge of the event and was assisted by Mrs. Emmett Balentine. Between 20 and 25 members were present. Daughter Of Former Resident Is Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore, of Monroeville. have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Doris Moore, to Floyd W. Robinson, of Millville, N. J. The date for the wedding has not as yet been set. Mrs. Moore Is the former Miss Faustine Turner, of Waynesville. ''H-Iiii,. tttn . .. Mrs. Hon, Feted At p, ln Canto? " nun, , U,J is I in "'.H seateil u sas iuieis Ah IT s,v.,' , ,, .. ltd ..umuvr cars 'H'ose piamg MlMlnl .1)1, . - - - . i, s m i.. J - MLIKJj llugl. Mrs. Hoi! Show At MARRIAGE LICENSES Gerald W. Mooney and Hi.lly Lampkin Queen, both of Haywood County. (H'l'd lt iu;ht J 11,1,1 Jlfv Dallas d """ mi a si M1,''T Bum at the J inn- ,M,.s t-ail(C,J 'icii mi ..larch !G, 'ri... i. ' if was amJ cut w,th .pnnjfj ( IlK'sK 'W!f n,i" Mrs S t-i'l't' and prtsnmj "owi wciv v.- y Sim anil Mrs lloj I l(le A number 0 J twceii ( Me huurs J o'clock PresbyteriJ Circles! Meet Tuesj The cm irs of It the Uancsn;, Clhin li will met (i. us tollnws Circle Ni 1 i home ol Ml'.. J I mini, at 3 311 pi) lian. Sr will be cm Circle No 2 mil: llallelt Ward cha p.ni. Circle Nil 3M l!els I.ane Q 7:311 ! in. THE OLD HOME TOWN - By STANLEY Peters Diamond Brand Work Shoes Are Built to Fit. A wide variety of Sizes and Widths. Come In. Let Us Show You. RAY'S Shoe Dept 4 SlESCgrKi, I KNOW JUCxSe HORN8U5WE J J 50&f UKES HIS SHIRTS STIFH BUT 3 L "55? )T THAT BWTTLE - ED. D1& JlfiL YOU UT SOMCrHN IH THAT CLC PAMTATCH tt WUBLB )H0 D-VB-i WASH FO MIS VWFe;iSSTUCK' FOK AH omethin Has Been A ddi W 9 e re as Close As Your Telephoi Beginning Monday, April 5th., Dover Dry Cleaning Service, Yom pendable Cleaner, Will have Regular Pick-up and Delivery Servi Your Convenience! Here's What You Gel f DOVER DRY CLEAP SERVICt TThl nfrf rnone mi n For Complete DRY CLEANING SERVICE Just Call This Magic Number For Safe, Dependable CLEANING and PRESSING! . ...mill ..,sl- ml!T 1t"u'l SPOTS GONE . . fliw ( BETTER PRESS HOLDS LOV- die rcM"15 Just send one suit. comp- other dry tjleaninR. You II rc''" , ff(lW difference. Your suit win '"" rfd The original feel of the tahru . look like new. And the 1'ftv ( BJ than with ordinary dry clean '"; and you'll be sold on our service. Dover Dry Cleaning Sera Phone 707 "House of Exquisite Cleaning" Waynesville, N. C. eXKATVl mm mm if.TTl i