Lsi . TIIE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER rati, V tj . ' BY WALtY BISHOP' MUGGS AND SKEETER FOR RiSaOSi mi : i I l - JT AD 3 cents per charce W ann inch. I KOH SALE Registered American pit bull puppies, 4 months old. Tiinuned and vaccinated. Phone 729-R. t FOR SALE Have all the modem conveniences of the city by hav ing us to install you a Bobbins and Myers or Peerleas deep 01 shallow well pump. Easy term. CAGLE FURNITURE CO, Clvde, N. C tf , publtobed F . i. Thp.Moun- rK. rrsPODslMe 1 Limits he; r...v r ( ah must efto before! . if,in Dliuli- U to b 1 anl insert d- :oe. radio u-pair. L. j,. I'luiaiilct FOB RENT Bendix washers, dry ers and Ironer. me Launder ette 19 Depot street, Phone 695 tf THE TRUTH ABOUT CATHOLICS You should know the REAL FACTS. Write for free informa tion to Box 305, WhitevUle, N. C. June 8-Sept. 17 two II GUARANTEED RADIO WATCH CLOCK and JEWELRY REPAIRS 24-Hour Service JONES RADIO CO New Location 76 Main Street NOW OPEN I WAV"NESVIIK TKRM1TE AND PEST CONTROL Phone 9170 William D. Thrasher, Mgr. Seventee Tears Experience Free Inspection WeaT Contract Have your house checked now fur termites Dan't Walt until it's too late. TOY MtOK I A(.t PUHm'TI l IM11T1.AM). Mr IT' Santa llaus Siay Unit 'tils pack a little hgliUr next Christinas I. S. Tal bert. retail salt's manager for Seam Roebuck, says tliere II h? a toy shortage, partUulaily in steel articles. Some retailers already have been advised to cut their toy orders 25 per cent, he reported. FOR RENT Two apart ments. See Fred Caldwell. Dollwood Road June 18-22 FOR SALE 4-foot wooden beam cultivators Hazelwood Hard ware. Phone 595-J. June 18-22 HAYWOOD COUNTY FOREST OWEN. vs. LEL1A OWEN. V" Kz, ifMt. K t-i "fsmammmmimmmfmmm BMfci nn ' hie I; ; I .it I' ml Willi1 Mil Kit mil. J u l n tf DH'I' l;il V I. tails hi :t. 1H-22 1,1:1 J ., Illll OU J , II iall :UH- m.ii .i l"ail .in i n . J i:t WANTED FRESH EGGS AND COUNTRY HAMS BEST PRICES PAID Patrick's Cafeteria FOR SALE 17 acres house, barn and water and 3 acres m woodland $2750. Located near Hyder Mt Church. Clyde, Rt. 1 W infield Smith. Jn 18-22-25 WANTED From November to May, small furnished bungalow, man and wife. Write "Small Bungalow," Box 511, Waynes ville. June 15-18-22 SUNBEAM COFFEE-MASTER FARMERS f EDERAI ION fcjtllOm W:mt Lffp l;il rilalalors; Maw n i i if i at ; a!! I,. i l.l'Cas Huililll', Wclrll tf WELLS DRILLED Wiilcr Wells a Nik". ilt7 Kami Home Dariei HI Years' Experience GREEN BROS. WELI -DRILLING CO. HI. 3, Canton, N. C Ph. Canton 2980 Hi VI THE 4::ti I. till It ,ll : ii.iii In.l -v.. di I :A v j ill . Ill U lee Mil I . l ll l ti ll limit- I. ol 4 , liti'.il location :t In iliuiiiiis jki-w in -i'c tf 1 FOR MONUMENTS so Haywood Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange, on Asheville Road. H. H. Angel, manager, rhone 277-M. tf II P .1 ttairt in i t n i' Kill) Sit I Lehoud Mil ilueon t idOll llllllt-lt lantile JAMES W. REED. JR. INSTITUTIONAL FURNITURE Steam Tables, Refrigerated Sandwich Unitt, Qalvafliud an Stalnlaae Steel Smln, Reach-In Bonee and Meal Oitsiay i:jsei. Layoute and Blueprints for Ret inuianeeaead Ow Stnaaai PHONE 87 OH S3a-W SHOWROOM -114 MAIN ST. Jinn k salk Mwond ro.-ul. about pin Mn-i t ( i Doni tiatli and lucak- fdood lliiois. lii'hls 'k Param- anil can pis of Irmls. apuU s. s and crani's. i running thrauEh f Property is alxnit Ham road. All Mail to nrimpi'tv PaCI'O al (, mi. Ill nml iw offered. Price W lloillIT (lu,.r, in fie durina ll.r (1.1V fr'p. m. Price in planted croc 1 ennrf Ps. 1 fresh Cucrn- Ca, 1 1)1 Dllll SOW IP'gs. This ,,,, ; livinR on. lm,i.. k Commercial reservoirs I We are prepared to take care of your water needs. Engineers ana rlusiuncrq snrl sole owners of con crete Mptal Form Svstem that enables us to expertly engineer and build water tight reservoirs without use of lumber waste and carpenter hire. Estimate without obligation on any size system individual family size to needs. Also other types of concrete building including base ment, paving, etc. C. M. Dicus Construclion Co: Phone 86. tf The alum- named defendant Lelia Oucn, will take uotiee that an action as afiuve entitled lias been commenced in the Superior Court of IUywood County, North Carolina, bv the plaintiff to secure land good ! an aDSulu,e divorce from the de outbuUdings. I Pendant upon the ground that the planum unu ine ut-iiiiuaiii iimx lived separate and apart iron i each other for mure than two years next preceding the bringing of this Court not later than twenty days from and after the 16th day of action; and the defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to be and appear at the of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Haywood County, in the Couiiliouse in Way ncsville, North Carolina, wit I. in tw enty seven days after the 7th day ol July. 1948, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This June 7lh. l!)4!i. MI ITT AND IF.FF sErti t ET A N NEW JOB ALMOST I HEAR Vol) GOT A NEW COB, JEFF.' WrtEftE VA WORK.IN? By Bud FUher .... TOMORROW IfA GONNA TRY FR. A JOB AT THE- MOuEL-LAUNDRy Waynesville Used Car Co. Opposite Charlie's Place On Asheville Highway 1942 Dodge (like new) 1937 Dodge (clean) 1934 Plymouth (clean) 1936 Chevrolet (fair) 1939 Plymouth (clean) We pay new highest cash prices anal clean used cam SEE US for J. Norris E. Crawford from city r.,, ,..... ... i;io" nrpliminarv to rim sa ,k mai nvinnn eeu. ca- hum.-, i--- "STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State PRELIMINABY CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION To AU.toWhoW, These, Presents May Coine Oreeting: WUERFJVS, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my of fice, that the BUILDF.MS SUPPLY COMPANY, INC., a corporation of this Slate, whose principal office is situated at Water Street in the Town of Waynesville, Count v of Haywood, Stale of North Carolina HI. L. Liner, Sr., being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process way I he served I. has complied wnn uie I requirements of Chapter 55. C.en ,.i iM,it..s entitled "Corpora- trie ISSU1HK lc count n I Am homo. i'ltn-s. 2 hirl- also maiii's , Km home h,,,,i,v and fun i. ..'.' t1 'Jt'' iiieru " s,rf,'i'n i.ivhard. Fias i,,..,,,,,. " "in I I u hi n i lew. HI lushed M. Pone r',....i 111 111- PUf rem, , h--i.-u-iea l'o '32 nmnihs .. eon n ,. H. Rt 'We --"iai nimse V Barber. Sr wynesville. cellent condition, low mileage Priced to sell. See W. C. Norris or call 484-J after 6 p. m. tf FOR SALE New modern three bedroom home. Living room, 24 x 28; 3 toilets; electric hot water heater, etc. Located on 5 acres with 300 ft. on Soco Gap road. 1 1 miles from Court House. Price $15,000. Good terms. E. R. Ben nett, Route 2, Box 198, Waynes ville, North Carolina. Jn 4-Jy 13 MALE HELP WANTED Reliable man with csfr wanted to call on farmers in Haywood County. Wondprful nnnortuHitv. $15 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. McNESS COM PANY, Dept. C, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. June 22-29 FOR RENT Unfurnished apart ment, three rooms and bath. For couple only. All conveniences, nice location. Bus stop at door Available immediately. Phone 93-J after 2 o'clock. JuneJ!2 LOST Red hound dog, on Lee Mountain or Pieeon Valley. $5 reward for information and re turn H. C. Medford, Clyde. Route 2. June 22 FOR SALE Westinghouse refrig erator, six cubic feet, in gooci condition. Inquire The Lodge, Hazelwood. June 22-25 of this Certificate of Dissolution: NOW THERF.FORE, 1, THAD EURE, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did on the 26th day of May 1948 file in my office a duly executed am! attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporauon. executed by all the stocKnom ers thereof which said consent ami me record 'of the proceedings afore said are now on file in my said ol flce as provided by law IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. 1 have hereto set my hand and af c,! mv f.fficifll seal at Raleiyh, this 26th day of May. A. D. 1948. THAD EURE Secretary of State 1730 June 1-8-15-22 NOTICE OF SUMMONS iw eiTPERIOR COUKI STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA V DOWN AT THE J WHAT DOYoU WHATDAVUH J A FAfiLE i DO AT THE THINK . . 2"s S I ' 11 . Kr,.lO I T. MIAOU I A CVCM w7: f II -ai-i -IT i .w. . . ri 11 . ret I I II ET. 5 t h 11 lea-,, m- v crssjLco; i -vr -af r-J .... 1 r-J !' I I AJK .Y II I Vl ' . A H SKI r"& fj M nrrn ad rn I roc By Gene Byrne a-mx A a-taawe-ta-Vfc . . . . l HAD A FIOMT W.TI, V fXAUTlFUL ) ( H A 6tN5 -t lL fflttT HIM J CXAV ) V, IKHAM ? UT fRJrlC.g lAT' WANSTA MAe yhlAH tWOiJW ' 7 :. ... - uy swaiT 1 mP 'i mm v V C. II. I.EATIII'.KWOOI) Clerk Supei ior Court, June H-1 5-22-29 THE FLOP FAMILY SEE ON DISPLAY NEW WILLYS OVERLAND PICK - UP TRUCK 2 & 4 Wheel Drive SIMS MOTOR CO Phone 48C o Main Street July 2 June 22-2"5 Off Bnvrf June 22-25 25. July 6 FOR SALE A brand new oil tnk with 60 gallon capacity, $50. This price includes con necting materials Call Joe Mas sey, 783-J. Jn 22-25-28 Jy 2-6-9 FOR SALE Fine 5 room and bath bungalow oa corner with three extra lota, one now in garden. Joins city limits ol Waynesville. Roattfiful mountain view. New water heater. SAuuu balance payable $37.00 monthly. Hardwood floors throughout, newly waxed and painted. See Carolina Ins. and Realty Compaay or write owner Box 40, Lane junaiu. electric Cash. P. O. COUNTY OF HAYWOOD CLARENCE E. HUGHEY vs. rnpir VI A F HUGHEY "The above named defendant will take notice that an action has been commenced against her in the Superior Court of Haywood Counly for the purpose of securing an ab solute divorce on the grounds of .... c,rc cpoaration; the said de fendant will further take notice aL.t Vn it? rAflll ired to be and ap- pear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court ot na.vwuou v.... ty, Waynesyiiie. n. v., ..... than seven aavs the 30th day of June. 1948, then and there to answer or oemu. o. otherwise plad to Uie eomplaint . j I a i art Tn hp PTeOf Ul Itfliuiv so to do on the part of the defend ant, the plaintiff will appry w Court for the renei oniucu said complaint. . This the 7th av mvir PAMPBELL Assistant Clerk of Superior Court 1733 June 8-15-Z-M NOTICE OF SERVICE OF SUMMONS BT PU8UC ATION IN THE SUFERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA, " " RIGHT AROUND HOME By DUDLEY FISHES MYRTLE , I ! 1 j "To 1 I lr "-r -ruiMk' AF'll"M S!UEV DON'T CO 1 U-c vn, i wamt TO WASH f DUMP 'EAA PICHT IN, POP' MaU TO BUW A Jl 1 CO GOOD IN TME J you can't mess A M iX CN psTlP' I rnA 1 - CARL C. ANDERSOU HENRY "" .r'"" : '""t- ' BY WALT DISNE1 DONALD DUCK , 1 i z oTJT' aTO3Pay Z3gag&rt awii