i 1 Ji fir 1' (I - PAGE FOUR OF INTEREST TO WOMEN SOCIETY and CLUB ACTIVITIES MRS. BEN SLOAN, Society Editor Office Phone 700 Home Phone 462-J Mrs. Howell And Mrs. Cathey Give Party M's .lames il Howell. Jr.. ;rul Mr? Joe ( al hi y were joint host ess, 5 ot .1 dessert bridge in Satin dv afternoon at the home of Mrs. llouell. 1 fie 1 1 ii ii - were decorated k :l ii ii'ived -iiniiner flowers. Following the gnies priie were awarded to the holcltis ut liiuh anil low scores and a Kill as presented to Mrs. V H l),iitieini ol Warrenton, who l the aw si d her daughter. Mrs. Iidv Hi lt all The s:ue-t list included Mis ,ine Ma.--ie. Mis .lohn n Edwards. Mrs. I fun K 1 1 1 1 .in Jr.. Mrs. Harrv Kun. Mr- I'oiiii It adv. Mrs. Charlie onilw aril. Mrs Ned Howell. Mrs lian v I. .ml. Mrs Kred lhatt. Mrs. I(i' I a i ii he 1 1. Mr-. Hu-th Daniel, .'.h'. .latrc- Ki I pat nek. Mrs llnh Me ic, Mr-. David H.vatt. Mrs. U. II iMiiieiun. Mrs. I.aehl.in Hvatt. Ml Hovel ( "well Mis William Meotiird Mrs. I'aul Davis. Mrs llerherl liraren Mrs Harold Tin men nf i-'uqua Sprint;.-, and Mr-, .lame- K. Thomas. Jr Mrs. Frank (i Hroun. who m r ed a- Dean ol Women tor the -ee-rml e ion of -inniiier school at We -tern Carolina Teachers Cnlhue. has returned home. with this AUTOMATIC FLOOR FURNACE CKCiiT-iiiTrti lAicn'cur?, isc. Manuel tr Avtmtit Cnrl Rogers Electric Co. Phone 101 Main Street 7 V ' CHAN . I ICONOMIUI . i f '' 10W COST ! W L 10MC UFI 0ir o rioot IHSTII Amateur Show Friday Evenings At 8 P.M. OVER WHCC Ruth Craig's Beauty Shop East Street, Waynesville, N. C. The winner of each show will bo awarded a cash prize, and a winner from each show will be selected to apposu on a later propram when a grand prize will be award ed the one who received the A variety of talent will appear for an audition. There is no ae limit. If you have talent, and would pear on one of these programs, fill in the blank at right and mail to Mr. and Mrs. .p ji? -iM f" 'il 1 tin AMI MliS l'AXTON were married on Friday eveiiiiiu. iiju-i 20, al the home of the bride. Mrs, I'axion is the toriner Miss l.ilhe M..e lilankeiiship. daiiehter ol Mrs. '.. I) HI inkenship and the laic Mr Hlaiikeii-hip Mr I'axtnn is the son ol Mr. and Mrs C. C. I'aMon ul Cai The Hargroves Are Honored At Party Saturday Mi and Mrs Thomas Campbell. Jr. and Mr and Mis Kimball Bar ber entertained al the Kimball res 1 ideiiri on Saiiirdav evening in hon ' or ut Mi and Mrs Theodore Har !rov e of Newberry. S. C. who were recent i married. rr.ini;cini nts ol" mixed flowers wore n-ed in decorating The 'zue-t list included Mr. and Mrs Hargrove. Mr. and Mrs. H. I.. Coin Mr. and Mrs William Med- ford. Mr and Mr and Mr Mr and Mr-, and Mr- J H Mrs. Milas Ferguson. Charles Khinehart, Robert Welch. Dr. McCracken. Mr and Mrs Charles D. Ketner. Mr. and 'Mis David Hyatt. Miss Margaret Perry Miss Josephine Cabe. Mrs. Hubert O Donnell. Miss Luni.se Francis. Mi Marie l'lott L. Hramlett. Mint Heed. A gifi was nr 1:111 -l bv - Carmen l'lott. Miss Knfus Sumnierrow. T. Frank Ferguson, and prc-cnted to the hon thc hosts Mr. ard Jr- F.v nil Dickson and two daughter.- ol Hrevard were ieek-eM( ::iii's. of Mr. and Mrs. Utt::!i MP'-io THE RUTH CRAIG SPONSORED BY most votes bv mail. be selected each week, and like to ap Name I Address Radio Station Roy Paxton i l Miss Schusler Announces ! j Wedding Plans Miss Mary Sehusler. whose mar riage to William 1 Millar will take place oil next Saturday evening has announced her wedding plans The ceremony will take place al Grace Episcopal Church at il o'clock with the Rev F.dgar Could officiating. The bride will be given in mar riage by her father. Harry Schus ler. and will be attended by Mrs Robert Millar, sister-in-law of 1 he groom, as matron ot honor, and Miss Marguerite Way as brides maid. Robert Miliar, brother of the groom, will serve as be-t rum and ushers will be James Klwood. Hill Richeson. and Tom Medford. Prior to the ceremony a program of wedding music will be presented by Mrs. .. M Richeson. organist, and Carl Nicholas of New York and Charles Isley, soloists. Miss Schusler has been exten sively entertained since the an nouncement of her engagement sever?! weeks ago. you will be notified when lo THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Miss Chgney Is Bride Of Francis Smith Miss Lawrence Ellen Chaney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Chaney of Lake Junaluska, was married to Francis Benton Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Smith of Canton, on August 22 at 4 p.m. at the Lake Junaluska Meth odist church. The Rev. Paul 11 Duckuall, pastor of the bride, offi ciated, using the single ring cere mony The vows were taken beneath an ivy entwined arch in front of a background of native greenery ln- terspersed witli baskets of white gladiolus and seven-branched can- delabra. Miss Anna dosser, organist, and Miss Mary Jane Edward's and Low ry Ferguson. Jr.. vofaiists. present ed a musical progiam. Miss Ed wards and Mr FeiKuson sang 'The Sweetest Story Ever Told" as a duet. Miss Edwf.-us sang -T Love You Truly" and "(1 Promise Me". Dunns the ceremony the Bach Couin.d Ave Maria" was played softly on tin organ. The tradilion- j t . . .. wedding rnarcnes were u.seu ioi Hie d'ocessie''.al and recessional. The brnle. who was given in mar riage bv her father, wore a wedding cires- pieviously worn by her sister :! her wedding. The gown, of white dipper satin .was fashioned with a laic bodice, extending ill a panel down the front of the skirl, sweet heart neckline, and long sleeves ending in points over the wrist. The full skirl ended in a long Irani Her fingertip veil of illusion was al- Uieheil to a halo of matching l.iii' She earned a white Bible lopped I with a white orchid showered with -at in streamers. I Mr- John E. lirainlett . only sis ter ol the bride, sei ved as matron ol honor She wore a dress of mint giien silk with a lace bertha and litted bodice She carried an old lashioned nosegay of mixed flowers in pastel shades with a bandeau of matching flowers in her hair. Itu-isell liuckner of Canton was best man. Ushers were Oral Yales of Lake Junaluska and Ray Ellis of Waynesville. Following iiie ceremony an in formal rceplion was held at the home of I he bride's parents for members of the wedding party and the immediate families The bridal table was covered with a lace cloth with a center arrangement of white flowers and lighted tapers in crys tal holders. The wedding cake with a miniature bride and bridegroom was at one end of the table and the punch bowl at the other. The mother of the bride wore a pale blue crepe dress with a cor sage of pink rosebuds The mother of the bridegroom wore a lavender crepe dress. Her corsage was also of pink rosebuds. Immediately following the recep tion the cuuple left for a wedding trip to Myrtle Beach. S. C. For traveling the bride changed to a gray linen suit with black and w hite accessories and the orchid detach ed from her bridal bouquet. L'pnn their return the couple will make llieir home in Canton. ,1984 m L NEW, STREAMUNID TEERLESS I n BALL POINT PEN I mm UfITU A M w v a m ii,. j 'n m IV IKAH OTKIIItN vUAHANTcl J 0 0 D YIA$ J1"',""!"" "' ' "OH" birPr la ll (.m.,., nalionll dr,rliJ ' k" "r" I" ' " lu'l. .-mo.lh-nint'. prfci.i,,.,. 4n,nt4 (III u-ralrk. rani In.uf , d,,,. M.kf. t to f.rfcoo rapin. Smart lran,linnl b.,l. , ,ap. !,, . tl ; " n limiif. Ak lap errlvM utn mi BBBID SMITH'S DRUG STORE WAVXESVIU.E, . C". COXTIMQIS SHOWS Monday Thru Friday 3:1(9 p. m. Cont. Showing Sat. From 11:00 a. m. 'til 11:00 p. m. WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY. Sept. 1-2 Randolph Scott and John Wavne in PITTSBURGH DOUBLE FEATURE With George Raft SUNDAY. MONDAY. TUESDAY. Sept. 3-6-7 LORETTA YOUNG In Mr. and Mrs. Medford "J. - v vim f iV"V Mil AND Fiisi Baptist c is the tormei' MRS ROGER BOYD MEDFORD were married at the hurch on Saturday evening, August 21. Mrs. Medford Miss Nancy Naomi Jones, daughter of Mrs. Woodson late Mr. Jones. Mr. Medford is the son of Mr. and Jidie- and the .Mrs. Roger Medford i Photo by Ingram's Studioi. Miscellaneous Shower Honors Bride-Elect Mis- lla Jean Evans, bride-elect of Oliver Yount, Jr . was honored at a miscellaneous shower given by Miss Helen Jewel Robinson at her home last Friday evening. Late summer Mowers v, ere used throughout the house and the show er gills were arranged at a fable which was decorated with clematis. Various games were played dur ing the evening and prizes were presented to the holders of high and low si-ores. The guest list included Ali-s Evans, her mother, Mrs. Harry Evans, Sr.. Mrs. Oliver Yount. Sr., Miss Dorothy Martin. Mrs. Henry Clayton. .Mrs. James Fie. Mrs. C. B Gore, Mrs Bill Boyd. Mrs. Bon nie Pless. Misses Margaret and Dorothy Blalock. Miss Ida Lou Gibson, Mrs. Buddy Robinson, Mrs. Stanley Henry. Miss Mary Sue Crocker, Miss Betty Jo Noland, Miss Peggy Sue Uurgin. Miss Dor othy Calhoun, Miss Nancy Floyd. Mrs. Roy Floyd. Mrs. Hugh Con stance. Mrs. Harry Evans. Jr., and Miss Gladys Sheehan. -r Miss Alice Fincher ol Clyde flew to Di nvor. Colo.. Thursday to at tend the wedding on Saturday of her cousin. Miss Marva Jo Fincher. daughter of Waller fincher. lorm er Clyde resident, and Mrs. Finch er. WITHOUT REFILLING D B E Su,ll)r OEBDB SUNDAY SHOWS 2: (tO - 4:00 - 9:00 Friday and Saturday, Sept. 3-4 PM s HIT NO. 2 Wild Bill Elliolt In COLORADO PIONEER Also COMEDY and SERIAL Miss Martin lis Honored By Mrs. Burgin Mrs. Hurst Burgin was hostess of a miscellaneous shower given at her home on the Dellwood' Road Friday evening in honor of Miss Dorothy Martin, whose marriage to Arthur I'aul Evuns will take place in Hie fall. Roses, gladioli, and other suni 1 iner (lowers were used in mixed arrangements throughout the resi dence. The shower gifts were ar ranged on a white cart and were ; presented to the bride elect by lit tle Miss Becky Jo Burgin, daugh ter of the hostess. I Informal games and contests featured the entertainment, j The guest list included Miss j Martin, her mother, Mrs. J. L. ! Martin, of Franklin and her sister, I Mrs. W. N. Dalrymple, also of .Franklin. Mrs. Z. L. Massey. Mrs. J. P. Dicus Mrs. L. G. Elliott. Mrs. Henry Foy, Mrs. P. H. Gentry, Mrs Sallie Lou Justice, Mrs. Em mett Green. Mrs. Douglas Wor sham. Mrs. H. B. Freeman. Mrs. Douglas Moore. Mrs. Johnny Ed wards. Misses Evonia, Maude, and Robina Howell, Miss Judy Goodin, Mrs Harry Evans. Miss lla Jean Evans. Mrs. Max Hogers, Mrs. Wayne Rogers. Mrs, Hugh Rogers, Mrs. Henry Hale. Mrs. W, F. Strange. Mrs. Carl Medford. Mrs. M. O. Galloway. Miss Norma Jane Burgin. Mrs. Henry Clayton, and Miss Merrill Green. I Mr. low h and Mrs Paul Raione nf Cul- - were week end guests of Mrs. Haiont l'lott. mother, Mrs. G. C. I ATHLETES FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN ONE HOUR IF NOT PLEASED, your 35c brk Ask .niv druggist for this STRONG funcu-idr. TK-nt !Marle with 90 per cent alrotiol. it PENETRATES Rpaohes and kills MORE firms faster. Today al Smiths Urog Store. Boyd Avenue Beauty Sj MRS. All Lines SCALP TREATMENT PERMANENTS COLD Merel Stamey Is Wed To Perry Plemmons Miss Merel Stamey, daughter of nuu km a. joe Sj( anie Waynesville, and Perrv W v mons, son oi Mr. and Mr m c i .1: x-ieiiimuiib ui L.UCK, Wei mar; nit ai me first tiaptist Chur Thursday afternoon at fhL. o'clock. Ihe Kev. L. G. Eliiott, the church, pronounced Pa-lm- the using mc uuuuie ring cereinom ine aitar was decorated witli noor standards of whit, giaili ana nyarangea against a i,; k ground of palms and fern- s. ', , branched candelabra liohlin ;,,.,,' ed white tapers were al u u r-nor 10 ine certnioii Douglas Moore, orgain i. t u. i-rontise Me. and Bee rau.-t ine traditional weddm were used as proeessioiidi a,lr) cessional and during the tdi.i,. me vows Mrs. Moore solth "To A Wild Rose" pla The bride and groom un attended and entered lh, , together. The bride wore dn wool suit with grey aires.,,,,, her corsage was of white ,,, gypsophilia. llli- 'Hi ii et'l1 I.I ;iiifl Mrs. Stamey. mother oi , ht. bride, wore a dress of hl, k Irish linen with white accessone, and corsage of red roses. Mis Hen', mons, mother of the groom, attired in a blue crepe dress h DiacK accessories and her cor-age was aiso oi red roses. Immediately ami the wed the bride and groom left for a -trip and upon their return wil side in Waynesville. 101 ! re- Mrs. Plemons is a giaduaie Spring Creek High Schm,! ami Western Carolina Teachers Cn. lege. She taught last year in tin Spring Creek School and tin- i;n will be on the faculty ol the lietliel School. Mr. Plninioiis is also a m Kui.iie of Spring Creek High School and attended Western Carolina Teach ers College. During World War II, he served three years in the A 1 1 1 1 Air Corps and attained the rank of flight officer. He will also be .i member of the faculty of the Beth el School for the coming year. Crabtree Society To Meet Thursday The Crabtree Woman's Society of Christian Service will meet at Mt. Zion Church on Thursday. September 2, at 2:30 p.m. PARK THEA1 PROGRAM WLDNKSDAV. Sniltinl'trl "Song Of My Hi Stai I 'll ". FRANK SUNMSTKOM ami THURSDAY - J k!lAV Srptcinb "Fort Apache St irt v: IIFNKY ri)VP and SHIRLEY TEMFLi;. The OPENING Of The Owned and Operated Hy KLONDIA PARRIS Of Beauty CulW 612 -W 1 1 OnBoj -rf J! !'ar-i up Don't; "jura ""'.'- xm il i, itt i.W if , ' !'( tie t Nal-are :di aste Ibu a trt-sa. On, nay t'.S!tQl hac under itit,jM worn ijjr. f I'-'iJea, H Dr.. or bofldtf "1 tif ropj is i ii us, t a. S" r.d ol in, I I'.a', h lliiili !,r!y naorwd t'h, tmnt s,dn Don't Sm'h - ' . cut ft. R ' r-;i,itiM ' -.an ' ' ;d I I l., ill ,. :m y.im : ubei I'll sw Al'DRD IT FACIA1 FOR APPOINTMENT CALL WHCC. THE CRUSADES (Write her what your talent is) 216 Boyd Ave. 1 '