IS 1 I i cilir. Ol I fie vVayntSVlHf iVl,ii i a i net i' Hill'At. SrIM t jvilihri 2. i!i-ii Mountaineers Open Conference With Try on Tod 1 i t County Boys Making Good At WCTC For Catamounts Tin- following Was nesville lads are showing their wares for the ISMtf edition (if III.- We'tel'Il Caro lina Catamount . j Jack 'I'lulu-i Ail iiil'Iom, 240 II).' quaitei li(f k is hlluiK In- liiii- back ing post and callinj.' Hit- iiMciiMW signals. An iii'-.ion i.-, plasiiit; Ins j second year of college ball, after i missnii; l he 1 94t! season with in juries iviriml in I i c-seasini piac- ! tn-e. lit- is alternate caplain this ; year anil one nl 1 1 it- most versatile hack?, in the Cat attack. ArriiiKtiiii is rated a- one nt the best Mockers in Cat lii-1 i and much will he heard aliunt tins hi, la lole tlic season ends in November, j Hairs .la.Miis In 22." II) tackle from Uainsilr holds down the! left tackle spot in th,. ('at lorwaril wall .lavnis s plavuiu Ins louith season as a ('alainoiint. having daid in 1114a when the Cats ' I )!; ill .11 j 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . I -clu duh' Coach' Tom Yuiini: Jay lies as one ol the outstanding tackles of the .North Sialc C'nnleivi'.cc. and as Mood a tackl, as he has cu-r coach- ' ed. lie las a slam hany. hard i charim; type .anie and is often' 1 hi- lit l h man in the opponent s backfield IIuHh Constance, center, from V a. ncs ilV, is siai mm lus third i year ol s,.i;,,. unli the Cats anil il Ins pi,'s,nl s i i , n pla is an indu aloi In- is ,t, 1 1 ni il to hi' one ol the I'l e..s in II, e loolhall history ol tin- C at amount - lie holds down the oilier 1 1 1 n hacker post and is haul to t.,ke out ol a play. Ills aluht n s do ii, ,t .i,,p v. it I, his de-Icii-aw' maneuvers. ;,s ,. S rated one ot t In- lop olleien,' pnol men in the ( onli ience and is dt-stint-d to i:aiu oniercnce honors at this spol. -Constance lled Up to tin- .nivalin- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t; 'in the npell- i'lc' i'. .e.on-i lli-h I'., ml. lie lllll.i i l a -iipelh d,l,n-le per t ii i ii ,i 1 1, , whi n h, crashed through the IIil'Ii I',, ii. t lino to hiock their Irs l"i point mi the final plav of 'he came and a-Mii'c he Cata mount a 7 to ii a loi i ' I In- i th,. lii I in a cries of l He Hi'- mm ,i ' It,,- , .,1 end Hull 'Aal I nil ot llMli , CALIFORNIA 6 ARtyy sink Va. A I . llMr"Alls,. . A . 'rrt TJrt r 1 I I I a f 'warm. r T A 4a.. X, Kj "m I kin.. "1Jo.. w"k4 H-. o. NEBRASKA & w Ml, "' . "T " mttm. SI! m A A " . I M "W. ' M J X T M a I rs. ' LJiJL . t . -tl . jy. '. C7. r. Q r. -tex V. r w -y n A v V. 'vi . "tv -To - C World Series Managers? X V v A v if fr y 1 "9 Sitf S Te M, c If lull nil. Ill) and -umiiier school st here so he hiate al Texas one-day ii Attn wokk. ThXAS A( K HI I I s AI ew -features S A.N'IUMO think compel it i e I III! check V , I ! I .1 i Vi I -lt id l'i as Ii team captain. Jim is attendnm at St, Man - I nr., will he aide to ;;i net spiinj' l)inini? Ihe summer he "I liimsi If to a mi l e one and lialf miles of swimmiiiH per That requires an hour and a half. When he's in compel d ion Jim splashes hio and om- half miles per day. KF.NTl TKV KFRVKI.S MIAMI a.M'i There are more Kenluc-ky kernels at Hialeah this summer llian at the height uf win ter racing at the Florida track It's like this. There was considerable quantity of Kentucky torn in the hay taken from stalls for a protec tive blanket Xur Uie racing strip jn the olt4ea.san, The st-cd look root, and (he Hialeah track has accident ally i become a flourishing corn patch. All indication-- : eclu- n eh tin t w o old t mi. I - ill Ii ai'el ol 1 he t v o ho tin Ion lii aw and Sox IF if - Vifr " TtiiK" s ftrf''- li-jMnnll Football Schedules I'riday. Sept. :! I Tr on al U .ii ni" die Mm phy a I S l a Mom oe .it ( .nil, ,11 lirysun (':! .-.I Si-v lerviile. Tenn. I.'o, Sp, Hi" . al la: - ,1.1,1 Saint liill al s,annaiioa. Total Catch One Red Face Here is the story of one of Way nesville's fishermen who barbers as a pastime. It all happened out at Fontana one sunny morning. It seems thai the fisherman had very good luck and had reeled in a 23-inch 5'2 pound bass, which was truly a beauty. Now this fish erman had heard a lot about the big I ones that had gotten away, so ue I was going to make sure that he jclid not lose this one. After all, I he knew a certain fellow-fisherman Uhat would never believe it unless he saw the fish. Hack to this big fish, he looped his line through its gill and lied it securely not just once but two large knots. Gently he lowered the fish back into the water, keep ing one eye dii the knots as the lish disappeared under water. About half an hour later, he de cided to check on his fish and, NO Fish! It seems that this very careful fisherman had forgotten to anchor the ether end of his line to the boat and his big one had gotten away. That is the story of one big fish that got away, and of a local fish-, erman who returned home with a very red face. i Waynesville Scores Against Sylva UVOn - not ri9hting Villi- "ntair, undo ianl R,,,. --inn Hi s'Snal ,1,,., " Shl,) Sa.l,u, !at 8 0 1 'oik This Blue R,d6f 11,., o ' r "UUllt, KitiJ Con!,,. in Setting "I led i for ti This picture made by Ingram's Studio, shows Bob Owen end tor ine mountaineers, maKing a touenaown in their game Sylva last Friday nighl. . right agaiiisi inn s..,: uu' -""6 team 9r s'Nui, Canton Finishes Drills For Strong Monroe High On Home Field 8 Tonight 5-Day Fox Hound Hunt To Be Staged In Newport T i t thai, Ihe Woi Id St res will he played in Boston i 1 ni' oioei Iiiiic uiitoi -ei n happens, these eihdl ill ai'. mi iiiati h it-,, as respective nian '"' I' -am - l.ell. lidi Sou I h u ol t Ii, manager ot the i i, lil .lo.- M.l .o il,, niaii.e'i-i ol the Huston Red W ( Vllll-i. Hi , ai ill .. i.Asheiille, L'll U'ci r, -ii Dllkc ': illiam X I III mall V I' I y V Ml v '1 1 mi, s ( ieoiia I'll). Id. i oilh (' Alab.ii I. ( in i i t.i: I in il.i s i)t '!a -. Appalachian (Ashe In ille-llillniort .I; ( ; I . i.o-. U.c In I . I CO 1 '.d.iuh, , Mi . h Mi i Mais Hill. I l.'i villain. Inn X a liilu'tiili. ippi Slate, andei hilt. ill I ni. i The Smoky Mountain Fox Hunt ers Association will stage the first annual hunt at Newport, Tenn , October 4-9, and hundreds of hunl- ers from several states are expect ed to attend. A number of Haywood hunters are expected to enter the various contests that will he staged during the 5-day gathering of hunters. I'ronioters of the hunt announced this week that Hill Top Hustler, national fox hound champion, will he at the show. The promoters also announced that more cups and trophies will be given at this hunt than any oilier of ils kind, and all winners will be recognized in the National hunt. During the 5-day hunt, derby dogs will run the first two days, and the all-age dogs Ihe remaining three clays. The Bench Show will be held on the night of the 7lli. Plenty of hotel accommodations will be available, and camp sites provided for those wishing to camp. The backers also announced that there will la- plenty ol individual kennel space, Ihe same as used in Ihe Soul heaslei ii hunt. A dug truck will be avail able al Hie casling site each day to pick ui) lult- returning dogs and re lurn them to Ihe kennels. Headquarters ull be at the Ifhea-Miius Hotel, and Dr. W. C Ituble, is president, and ('. II. Wag ner, of Maryville, is secretary-treasurer. ori a. I- . " ! itch '.r.mi I'llgllt. I TI,. . ' I,, : , rim! , rnort i f'IK.. .... i fund:,,,,,.,,,,., lim i,i, ,: "a,S fsN - ifie big boys """""f- Coach aJ i " nis "Bij wiled As in yj, nioiB.." ... it in open tteJ : u1'' later in th, . J 1 Lujack Is gone, But Irish Still Mm To Go Thru 3rd Unbeaten Campaign Al1 By Will I AM News! , at ore-, I. CON'VVAV TH I'.KM). hid liooiiu,: toi it ,ii uilholil a h lil -1 lal'.'el sin, N'oti t third ami lid till to; l-1 M 1 11 1 ' Il on pro-season it lias what it ell as Ol led op- HOW FAST ARE THEY? NEW YORK AC A series of tests lecently conducted on the speeds of game birds established the blue-wing teal as the fastest of them all. It averages about 90 miles an hour in flight and can go even faster when freightened Most game birds flv at around 50 miles an hour when unmolested and a little faster when frightened. Six former Notre Dame athletes, are members of the Buffalo Bills of the All-America Football Conference. Players from 23 states are on the roster of the Baltimore Colts of the All-America Football Conference. Sill Dame i straight the M'l whethci tin , munition. The s(,,-u paper, look, like takes to knock oil' ponent s. But the question of its ability can be answered better alxiut 5 p.m. on Sept. 25. Thai s the dale of th Notre Dame Purdue match. And Purdue, strong and season ed, rates as a potential BiR Nine champ. The Irish will go into the cam paign without the ,-lar who guided Ihem thorugh seasons unblemished by defeat in I94IS anil 1947 Johnny Lujack They also will miss suc h stalwarts of the line as George Connor. Ziggy Carobski and George Strohnu-yer, and backs like Bob Livingstone. Bill (Jumpers Kloyd Simmons, Corwin Clalt and I 'etc Ashbaugh. But they still have the coach ing magic of (-'rank Leahv and a gang of big anil swift young nun to carry the victory chain. The team will he built on the firm foundation of 24 letternien Toughest task will be filling Waynesville Ken To Play Important Roles When WCTC Meets Appalachian FRANK TKIPUCKA Blue Ridge Conference To Stage 'Paper Bowl' Game In Canton Dec. 4 ft; The Blue Ridge athletic confer-1 to the Paper Bowl" in the event ence has officially approved the proposed "Paper Bowl" football i i K earoe, planned for Dec. 4th in Can I 'ton high's Memorial stadium, and 1 has accepted an invitation for th '. r lull ...... r k.Mn!nM. 4 1 (, awu luniEiriivc .iiiiiipiuiia lu fl7 , 1 aa host team in this new bowl prb- motion. ' J This action was taken at the an f nual fall business meeting of the , J conference, at which time permis - sion was also granted to any mem- ler school to accept an invitation i tne loop champions could not fill the engagement. The "Paper Bowl" promotion is being sponsored b,y the Y's Men s club of the Champion YMCA of Canton. They were represented at the conference meeting by John Stephens and Ralph Gofoiih, who revealed that the club plans to in vite strong team from a North Georgia or East Tennessee con. feretice to opposa the Blue Ridge representative. I.njack's old job at quarterback. I. ti jack's heir presumptive is Frank Tnpucka. Tripucka is a good pass er Hut since he didn't see a lot of action as l.ujack's understudy, his efficiency as a field general re mains lo be tested. I.eahy will he able to present a line made up of veterans who will average more than 200 pounds. Best of the six monasram men available for guard duty are Mill I ischrr, the 230-pound cap tain, and Marty Wendell, who is not so heavy hut Just as rugged. The Irish need yield to nobody when it comes to class at the ends Inn Mai tin and I.eon Hart will, work Hare. Both tower more than six feet and top 20(1 in weight. Three letter winners are ready for service at the tackles Ralph McGehee. Augie Cifelli and Ted Budy nkiewic7 and two more are on deck for center chores Bill Walsh anil Walter Grothaus. Halfback materia) includes Terry liiennan. a fast and furious ball carrier, Emil Stitke, Ernie Zaleski, I.arry Coutre and Coy McGee, the little scat specialist. John Panelli and Mike Swistow-irz will be on hand fur fullback roles. And re serves, numerically at least, are never a problem at Notre Dame. But Coach Leahy has his wor ries, t int is how to get his tal ented boys functioning In high gear for the opening game against Purdue. If they can push past the Boiler makers, the going should be easi er against. Pittsburgh, Michigan Slate and Nebraska. Then comes Iowa, always stubborn against the Irish, Navy anil Indiana. The finish id the schedule may matjrh the slarl in difficulty. The Irish will ran", memories of last year's 2(1-1!) :-iii, ,,k afainst North western And tin Wildcats may be even wilder I his tune. The loni! road ends in a new game with Wa-Inn; Ion anil the tra ditional South, i n California tilt. VARIETY SHOW MIAMI i.M'i - Team varioly is one of the -pices of the Orantfe Bowl football series. Twenty-two different educational institutions have been reprc enled in the 14 New Year's Rami's hire. In the same period, brag the Orange Bowl folks, the Su; Howl has featured 19 different schools, the Cotton Howl 18 and the Hose Bowl 14. Coach Tom Young pronounced his Catamounts in top shape for the important clash with the Ap palachian Mountaineers in Ashe ville Saturday night. This is the big Kame of the year for the Cats and they are primed to defeat the Apps and get revenge for the 19 to 0 de feat of last year. Coach Young was very well pleased with the performance of the Cats as they handed the High I'oint Panthers a 7-6 defeat in High Point last Saturday and mov ed nut in front of the Ninth Stale Conl'ereni e. Coach Youni; was high in his praise of livid, i ichl guard anil Constance, cenler, as these hoys led a superb defense of their double marker. Both teams are expoclod lo elder the game on even terms Saturday, with the breaks ol' Ihe game being the deciding factor. A large group of local fans are expected to follow the Catamounts to Asheville to see the only feature college game of tin- year lo be played in A Coach C. C. Poindexter sent his Canton High Black Bears through light tapering off drills Thursday in final preparation for the invasion of Monroe High Friday night. Still seeking to enter the 1948 win column after eoinu .t,. - i... fore the powerful Forest Cilv T.n'.'f wilh Canton nadoes last Friday night, the Black Bears are nrimed li-M,.., m.. .... v e or six game slat time has been devoted to cettinB !he Moums H th.. nlT(.no m,.hi wre teams. - fiiaieii up and also to improve the aerial game of the Bears. In last week's encounter, the Black Bears played excellent de fensive ball and made G. Green, highly regarded Forest City full back, just another football as the hard charging ( player ; 'anion line! stopped him before he could get started. The entire Forest City backfield could only total (14 yards rushing against the Bear forward wall. Anticipating perfect football weather for the game, another capacity crowd is expected to wit ness a wide open, hard fought bat tle on the turf of Memorial Stadium Friday night. Kick-off time is 0 o'clock. Coach Poindexter is expected to start the same line-up that opened against Forest City. LE Pate. I.T -Whilted. I.G Fisher. C Amos., RG Swafford. RT Clark or Sharp. RE B. Rhodarmer. QB Rhymer or Cannon 1.11 Phillips. KH D. Allen. FH Stiles. HITS 'EM A COUNTRY MILE - By Alon Mover A horticulturist al I he University of Massachusetts says flowers for bouquets should be cut with a razor. ukets have been xim eet-iuri(. is uritjl I'arly A nu her tlpJ anticipated tusvrtkrl open llinr 1948 M i'tubahle starling Yarburousli Terrell Howell Price MehalTi'y Uill Own Bub Owen Wotmick Davis I.iner Hnslc) The probable slariil Tryon is as follows: Kllisiin Boi rell ii'o-capt i J (jOnell Williams T Ail-ilfe .1 A. ledge Idiocies iro-capt i Kdwarils Mellon Qinllen l-D-'er at Human ears cans Incessant clamor of ll fits about merheid bat's signaling ml wave band uf about 1 ur vibrations per l cars can only detect band front 20 lo 2C f To Think of RefreM Is to Think of Cm 75,000 SFF. FILM I.OS ANGFT.F.S (AP) Xfore than 7.1,011(1 Soul hern Californians have been hnwn "The Hesl in Football." a 21-minule sound and color movie piepand by the Los Angeles Doris of the All . America pro football Conference. Don Am cche, president of the Dons, nar rates the film, which features the outstanding plays of the team's 1947 season. Ten members of the All-America Conference Champion Cleve land Browns played their college football for Ohio State. Coach Paul Brown is an ex-Ohio State cotch. " . i Y ). f SUGGESTING fl i V .V?S?V!'. V B Be BENCHED- f ,J jjk fWt I HBO MADE ONLY sff V , fie I 4 hits m his V jT;r f HL-.-:,.i-itf.:i.'V I At. S ' t I I a f a I. w T I SLAUGHTER, OUTFBLOSR OF THE 5T. LOUIS CARDS, TUB &IG HBRO DU&fNQ THAT TSRRIFJC AUGUST SPUtZT WHICH PUT fH PED3ADS BACK M PENNANT ., cotrrBHTfori f WD ZJJMMER WE FAH3 D8- ftAKINO AU9. 31 . 'BNOs SLAUGHTER nlJL .ZT, imirwirOfW .t COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMFAN VjJ