THE WAYNKSVIl.laK MOD NTAINEKli PAGE SEVE? Is At Clyde School Jrade 'A' Honor Roll Truman Invades The States Rights Territory v ,i. Civile ! ,,., ion State College Hints ,,l l In- cur ,i:n? to ri-i- tn-il ' r To Farm HomciiKtkers ! Special incta! cleam i -- quire very llule 1 1 1 1 t j 1 1 1 able fur cleanup copper preor, 'alt and viuoy.u will du a good juli copper with salt with illegal' in' a Which li- ai c u ci li lt i) u or 1 1 1 1 it , 1 1 If ' cloth. well and diy uufi a ?l ll:kl(- tin 'I'd Hu ll I III) lire ol lemon Mill i Ttr I 1 , i e li.-ll'd ., 111! !l I !' ,..(. 110 .:i,.t makes ,!, nt - arc: . l:.,i.hlle ,.,.,1(1. Mi ni, I'atii ., mall, anfl i.idc, 1 Iil.i iinnon ;, ill Made, I 'ihrknoy 1 III selecting all n,a-ling aial h.ik ; illg Utenrlls look tor lu.ilri l.ils MUi'dy eunuch cot to w.up v,,,.n exposed to lii.Mli oen teu.p, i ,u m . Few team.1', smooth idte . ami rounded coi nei - all make cleaning l easier, htuily the - i.e .md 'of your ov.n heldie Inc. in sfi'olcs, utility pan-, ninllui in, cake and ie pans Win lew i pu pe Hible u: ed oven select titen il. for top lame cookerv. w III! li a- w.ll :.n lie i - for I f5 i? - T ' .. Ji i X i 3i : 'sW". ' 5 ;i . 1 ' 4 , Tift j , -V wjfjik.- f y i-xJ Plain i-eani" in linliiiei! or in ravelly inalei ial i,,.iv j i.'.lled by luriiini; Hie i d niaehiiie ititilin;;. Hero s a new idea and one: Toy a ra: ( role i, ., in.isneii si jii.i- n ii ii mi j.u k. H be (ie i and nod I'll idt nt Truman ilefll arrives in Raleigh, N. C to make two speeches, and is greeted by NoMh Cai'iilnui's (;v. H. (;rein Cherry. The President Hew to lialeieh alter addressing the national i mi' i iii inn 1,1 id,' American l.epion in Miami, Kla. AI li.nhl, Pit-ulcnt Tiunian pauses at tin Miami ;,n,ml In bus a Community Client Ked Feather from loiii'-'ear old lamia Hamilton, daughter of a di'.'ihltd war wleran. The Miami and Haleiuli speeches were lahrled as non-political. In hot Ii Florida and -nilli Cneliiia I lie Slates lliehls Democratic candidate for pic iilenl, (Jov. J. Strom Thurmond i,l Siioili Carolina. Iia- a plae' on Hie presidential hallot for the m, 2 election eM' Wirephotos). IIC'll, Hi, F June ?i on ; different. Oo n cunnt'cl sipia- h. ' 1 ri nt; ii". heal t v, o v: v, !, one te.'c poon mi ar. ,, and I per io taMc and nne-li ill I, , mi cd In rli m- i uniii:;. Sp, with paprika and brown oven. in d lake li' our in tin DEATHS II. C. I!lt ADI I V Add a dozen chopped pilled il.,t, and a tablespoon or luu ol line! cut crystallized twicer in vuur Indian puddini;. Plain (ream ( ol the Maj't'ic e da , )i t oher lies. were held in sitli crade. ,ln,li seciilli prade i Ann .biii.l ,ll,,i,l . Har row , Cer- ': Sec I ',e i, ime you're m for your sts .. give eat! Serve: de luxe J in the i stamped if Quaiiry. Cream . . . nest, most am you've k only of "'ill, daily 3 J delicate 'rings Cream is u'ant the llaynes; I'ressh y Francis and .Inn i la 1 tenth prade. .laiuce Coivnie hara Cockrell, and l-i,da Ilipps, and eleveiilh erail, , aldine l-'i' II. On Hie "II' honor roll aic ond Kradc, IUv.i .la, I. I-OWC, Wl.ll.ic.' l.o,laic. Peers Fkt. Van M.'lcall. and ,!, Ha lies: third e, aile. .Ibn l.i inu , ton, llohcrl Tax Inc. ( 'harle-. Turn er. Marie Holden, Mary Ana II.imI, Dorolhy Clonl, ,ind Dons Ann Snyder: fourth pra.le. Mary Kila Drown, I.inda l.imbo, and I.eaiin.i Han is; hl'lh crade, Donald I.iv iiifc'slon, Howard .Shook. I rani.: Hoeeii. .Mary .lane Cieenc. I.ulher Hall. James Henry Jirown, and Jininiy Wliilei-idcs: sixth grade, lionald Dot miii, Judy Ahhnl. Joan Hanks. Hetlv Sue Carver. Sainnn ' .'in .laik;(,n, Sue I. in, lev, Viol. I l.iiid'cv. Jo Anna MeCiack. n. liar hara Tin m i , Ihn bara Walker, and PcPMV Willi-: sc.. nib rr.i-h'. Lou ise Collins, Sammy Kav ll.c m-s Shirley Hbodai nicr. Kl.iiiie San lord ..Hid Sue Slames ; ejelilli I'rade, f.'rialdine Sinjtli and lane-: line () home: ninlh suade. Paul Jacksnn, Mary Frances' Allin, Nnr llia Sue IllIK ll, Ceialdllle lu.lll hers, Jean Hon-Ion. Mary Sue j Mann, Nina Medlord, and llohbie Joe Sliuh I ; li nth crade. 'I'.r. Mr ( lure, Jo. ui 'I hump on, and MiceJ Mcll'ord: ile . i,lh C!eo Mil-J chan.'in. I .it'll I c Ilucli.'i in ll. Sallv j Huciianaii, Mai 1 Ii.i Ji nku; , and Shirley Welch: and I w II I li ;'i ade. Patricia Co!c. I.inda C'ndin . Don : t'.rahaiu, Minnie Hall. Helen Hon -ton, Johnnie Mc( 'rai l:en. Pecj '. ' McCracken, Dale M, ,lt.,i,l. ISoiio.-,- I Hector, Mai n' Hooper, ainl I'.ml : Sanford. 1 II. C Hradli v, 111 m i lion. 1 1 . - I on '1 i 1J all. i a ' hoi I ll limeial services U ai in i . C. M. Bradli y was a native of Hay wood ( ' i it i n y and : pen! most of 111 lile here. Survivors include two sons. John llradli ol Ma!'j:ie and Troy Hrad li ol Warner; live daughters, Mrs. Kel!e Ma-ae, Mrs. May Burr llrown and Mrs. Ann Hradsbaw. all nl Mapcie; Miss Curdle Hrad lo (, I Mayehvood, and Mrs. Kate Cli.'illiie nl I lay ll I.' ; line hlolh er. I- Itradley of Sevierville. 'l i mi : -17 rraudchildren and '.VI (real ri ..lulrhlldi en Town-end I'uiliial Home of Warner was in i barge "I arrange llielil s JAM FN. W. FOX Funeral services for James W. l-'ox. HI. of ('anion, who died Tues day niorniiiK at Hie home of his daui-dilei, Mrs. M 1.. Kiady, will be belli 1 bis allernoon at 2 'M) oCloik al the Providence Metho-de-l ( 'bin i li neni Al ai ion. The pa-lnr. assi.-led b t he Hev. C. II (.Men and Hie 1'ev. Pete Hu k-., will oliii late, Uriel lite-- will he condncled at Hie li,,n,r ol Ml s I l ad' u, IMilllips vdli loil.e. al no. in In lme I lie pro ee I nil leaves Ciulon Ini filial i il, in M.u ion. Mr. I n is sin v ived by two dan, i-. Mrs. I iaih, and Mrs. l ied Me er of ('anion; Ihree sons, lied anil Allied Fox ol ('anion, and Chi",1 I os nl M.oioii: 22 y .nidi In l,b en and 111 ip cat t;raiid . 1 . 1 1 1 1 i i . HIS MK.MOKV ;ODl IIOI.YOKK. Mass. 'I Pi "Why, il s Pci'cv 'Ful 1 1.'." Jim Heardon aid im he reached uul to si,,kc hands'wiUi the man who walked into his r.araf.e. Heardon instantly rcconnicd Tiltlle. who left lloh oke 40 years aco to live in Cab loi nia. WORKS ON IXKIS TOO TII.DFN. Ill il'Pi -Artilicial res piralion works on .loys, too. A pup pushed aside a well cover and fell in. Henry llahn rescued the dog with a rope. After a few minutes of ail ilicial respiration, the doi; went on ils wav. Red Skelton Hopes That His Children Will Escape Issue HOLLYWOOD iL'Pr-Hed Skel ton hopes that his kids will escape the misfortune of growing up as a movie star's children. He doesn't want them to have all the breaks in life, he said. The red haired comedian is convinced ttut children who take a few knocks during youth yrow into more sub stantial and useful citiens The star of Metro Coldwyn Mayer's "A Southern Yankee" hasn't even any special education plans for his one-and-a-half- ear old daughter Valenlina or Ins hve-iiionths-old sou hii hard. "I get a pain in the neck from parents who enroll their babies in private prep schools and colleges as soon as they're born," Skelton said. "How do they know what kind of h school the kid will want lo go to when he grows up?" If Richard wants to ro to Har vard or Valenlina to Vassar that will be okay with Skelton. Kids Will Choose "But it'll be u decision they'll make themselves when Uiey're old enough to know what they want," he said. The Skelton kids will have no private tutors or swanUv prep schools. "They'll no to public made and high schools." Skellon said. "I want them to buck up at;.oii. kids of all types and not mix just with the snooty upper crusl " Skelton himself .put school when he was 1(1 and joined a medicine show to help support bis mother. Ilis years as a minstrel man and a circus performer had plenty of lips and dow n- "Those bumps 1 sot taught me how to judye people and life," he said. "That's why I don't want my kids to see just the cushy side of things. 1 think every kid should finish high school at least. But I believe you appreciate learning even more when you've had to get it the hard way." If Valenlina and Itichurd want to become college professors, that J fine with their pa. "But if they decide to work as circus clowns," he said, "that's okay with me, too." Wild camels have become to much of a nuisance in some parts of Australia that they are shot on sight by ranchers. Johns - Manville Building; Materials Super Felt Rock Wool White Asbestos Siding Shingles Asphalt Shingles Asphalt Roll Roofings Insulating and Hard Board At Richland Supply Co "VOtlR FKOfi LEVEL FRIEND" At The Depot Phone 43 ' l 1 1 L 1 lav di ed hard sauce is best. I In I c I , .. I, . , I I do,- it. Illdlj' '-I's all.ill ll - no Ik, 1 1 (ill lo I be hoine can Liiiil;. slow baking 'I Ia l e's no Milr litiile lor And put olt the whole von cant get mine salt It's A Popular, Mid-Morning, Office Refreshment ; fcvLa-si '"LL if ' " I? t 'T i you were the President ofA&P W would you do to make your A&P a better place to shop? Jlave you eer said to yourself, "If I -were the PreHtlt iit of A&V, I know what I'd do"? 1 think i there are many A&P customer who would like the opportunity to express themselves on the suhject of their A&P. I really helieve that from your side of llie eounter, you know A&P best. That's why I ahk your opinion. You can help lo make your A&P an even' Letter place to do all your food buying by sending me your suggestions . . . critieisms . . opinions. For instance, what about our serv ice? Is it as courteous and helpful as you would like it to be? Is it prompt and efficient, too? Do you always find all items plainly and cor rectly price-tagged as they should he? What in your opinion are we doing that we could do even better? Or what are we not doing that you feel we should do? II INVITE YOU TO WRITE AND TELL ME HOW YOUR A&P MAY SERVE YOU RETTER iWe of A&P want lo make our stores the finest places of all in which to shop. That Is" hy your suggestions, criticisms and opinions will be gratefully received and acknowl edged. You see there are 100,000 employees of A&P from coast to coast jealously guarding the A&P reputation for courteous, honest, and efficient service. They never ant to fail you in any way, but if they do, I am sure that they, as well as I, would i - - " " appreciate your writing iue. ; John A. Hartford, President THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY Grjbr Building, New Yrk 17, N. Y. THE V I r4 .. '. 1 is- ll I . ill. 1 111 IU VlUl i 1?