PAGE FOUR THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER 44 Home Club Members Receive Reading Awards Mi's M.i, county II i u Agpnt, I.. r- i.i. of 44 iiiciiilici -s tion ciiilr. ; V Iio Il'illM'il at the AcliU'M' Margaret Smith, i i' Demonstration nuiicod the names nl home (ienuinstra imliiiiit the county ii.iiliiiK certificates .in nl Uay program Miss Jane E. KluttaJs Bride Of Lester Bui;gij Jr. held on 'I lie cei to thu-c "i sml$-eptrtc eluding oi' from h ii;o' I-our .lv n -MltCll !" i ie.ul n :,lt"t M' Id r.lifvn In irl Mmi.ii'. 1 Co', f i ! and Mi .. in? Si.ti :,( Ifclu l V.'t: p: Ah', I o Hai'kii, R. R l Airs. I! Kn i;'.,n o ( II llu'l' ." weri' presented ;.i!inv ulio had read o I'll three hooks, in-iiiin-fiction, .selected imicndt'd list. d (.Vrtilic'ites were rmlxTs who hud ic hooks from the joui were Mrs H tin Helhel Club. i::;-. ol the Francis U I.. Amnions ,l. ot ttie Murn- Oil', in i W, ( ' Ale ll'. cert iticale- i ii ;ii K, i Mi : Si. n C'lul) Mrs Kd 'Mi. I . .1 Cannon. Mrs. ir. Mi s I) K. Morgan. M M t. Mrs. W. M. . k ,.h,l Mr-. Caul Hyatt, ml l '!uh. Mrs. Mattie K. M: U'. I). Ketner. and ".. kctlitr. Cove Cluh: Mis. Kd. Nicli- The wedding of Miss Jane Klia beth KlutU, dauahter of Mrs. .lames Edward Kluttz of Wy iiesx ille and the late Mr. Klut.z. and Hubert Lester Burgin. Jr.. son of Mr and Mrs. Kohert Lester Hui'Kin. also ol Wavnesville. was solenim.ed on Sunday at The First Mellioiiist a dress 1ch? afvenlv blue 'jUL-HlllHS.-. I. lilllll wiin on -Liie-Jrnl;mer iitrcie c,ii,.j kStiUL 'ItSfl n-o full wore sa line, fitted boWcV'ind long full skirt. She can-red a cascade bou quet of pink ctaysan-ttemums and better-time rusts tjedftinvith wine afien.ooii at lour o'clock """" ' ,u"u" . "u,v I (uin imt it m kTnh i Jmi m kl i nu Mrs. Robert Lester Burgin, Jr. If aid nil Mis. C. I.. While ih.irt While. Ciuli Mrs (; (;. lis.s Klizahcth C.los- i n I A! : I-1 .ink Williams. i iv do i 1 . i i ' Mr- l.eri Morgan. Mi c Pal i o'.e .Mrs ('. F. Brown. .1) Misi ..S i,-s IVnland. Mrs. K(l v tn t.. i' U s ,loce llaynes, Mrs. ! ivnl. Kn, he Mis. Kale Med io!, i. A. . ,1 u Harris. Mrs. J. L. toid. !i- Ceorse Prescott. I ho vis Mis Hugh RoW AI'. ioiiiiiii Kliineliart and dm Ah- F.dtfur 15'irnelle. uli Mrs Glen Boyd. Cluh: .Mrs. T. G Shernll Jiniison, Co.h and Mrs. G. B. Mei AC Ah Alnn Mi -. II. i : Ft".' . AC IS ACHE - " z tiIp tot Backaeh. '" 1,1 otttisi. Cp Nightt, nroog V 1 -"-i fWI Lg PtlM. c:,'- -" . r-tlen r.kln. ti: tccr-r..-,: .,,, ., ...orm'.' K.tnrj ar.d e'-a.tfr n - . Cv?.. Q-jlek. romplrt ' "'" ' " cirniped. Ak f"-'' i; - t C tt; todiT. The Kev. 1. G. uasior of the First Baptist Church, of which the bride and fii'oom are members, officiated, using the double ring ceremony. The altar of Hie church was dec orated wilh flour baskets ol while chrysanthemums, w hile gladoli. and wood ward ia tern ayainst a back ground of palms. Seven-branched candelabra holdiu;; lighted cathe dral candles were also used and the vows were spoken before an arch entwined with ivy and flanked fiy vases of white i lii'isaiil heniums. Single candles were placed in each window. Miss Hetie Hannah, organist, and Chillies Is!e and Aaron Hyatt, soloists, presented a program of wedding inii-ir Prior to the cere mony Miss Hannah played "Idi Uebe IK-h". Ii Ci. --Clair cle Lune". b l)t'bus-. mid --I.iehe-1 stiaum ". h 1. :-.!. Mr l-li", ;ing 1 i "At navMiiiiLi". by Cmlntiin and .Mr. Hyatt sang "Because", by d llarde-i lot. The tradii lopa! wedding I marches wore used and during the ' ceremon Mi-- Har.n.ih plaed "(. I'ruiuise Me". h Delioion. Mr lsle sang "The land's l'racr" as a beiu dii l i.m. The bride who ;i given in mar riage by lit'r uncle. Homer West. 'wore a down ol while Chanlilh lace over sal in lined bodice, mar quisette oke oi.iiii.ed villi em broidered lace. and. lit ted sleev es ending in points over the hands. The full circular skirt extended , into a cathedral li nn and she wore a finger-tip veil ol (Trench illusion ; attached to a coronet el lin seed pearls. She carried i heart --imped bouquet ol lubciose- centered with a white orchid and showered with white satin streaimis and tube l roses. I Miss Mary Jean West, cousin of the bride, was maid of honor and Culbieth. Bethel Cluh. re II. Mrs. Horaei Singleton and M Mrs. e'h.ndes Ter- Peek Ml-s. Welch I . I hu l ls Soldi lie. ! Bridesmaids ' wer .'Miss Norma I Jane Burgin, -sisler of the groom, i Miss Alice Ftnchec cousin of the , bride, Miss Barbara Ann Boyd, and i Miss Edith Summerrow. They w ore dresses identical to that of : lit maid of honor and carried cas j cade bouquets in contrasting colors. : Their coronets matctied the stream ers of their bouqnets. - Edwin Burgin. brother of the groom, served as best man and ! ushers were Bill Burgin and ; Charles Hurst Burgin, cousins of ,11c groom. Hugh Watts of Taylors- ille, and Richard Bradley. Mrs Kluttz, mother of the bride, wore an afternoon dress of mauve crepe with rhinestone trim and a corsage of gardenias. Her acces sories were black. Mrs. Burgin, mother of the groom, wore an afternoon dress of blue crepe with matching hat and black accessories. Her corsage was aNo of gardenias. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was given by the bride's mother at her home on Hazel i Street. ' Guests were greeted at Ihe en-' trance by Mrs. Ben Sloan and were '. introduced to the receiving line, which was composfecj of the mother of the bride, the pahents of the j groom, and members of the bridal ! party. : Mrs. William CoUb received in the hall and Mis. Charles E. Frazier ! presided in the gift room. Miss j Edna Summerrow was in charge of the guest register. Mrs J P. Dicus received in the dining room and Mrs. Edwirt Finch er. aunt of the bride, presided at the punch bowl. Assisted in serv ing were Mrs. Charlie Woodard. Mrs Harry Lee Liner, Jr., Mrs. William Dover, Mrs. Douglas Moore, Miss Elizabeth McCracken. Miss Lorraine Martel, Miss Elaine Francis. Miss Alice Marie Burgin, Miss Carolyn BischofT, and Miss Catherine Hyatt. Others assisting were Mrs. G. C. Plott. Mrs. Homer Plott, Miss Marie Plott, Mrs. Carl Boutwell, Mrs. 11 Id ii - Ml - I f mwinn il 1 1 i ii wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm l I MHS. BUHGIN is the former Miss Jane Elizabeth Kluttz, daughter of Mrs. James Edward Kluttz, and the late Mr. Kluttz. Her wed ding took place on Sunday afternoon at the First Methodist Church. Famous an $Wm ROGERS it SILVERPLATE d Traditional earn UrViW'nrni ci' : FAMED Y77 . mm r a I I 1 t W y iy i nam f-mmfuwvfiA J pieces SERVICE FOR 8 Wedding Breakfast Honors Couple Mr. and Mis. Robert Lester Bur gin. Sr., were hosts of a wedding breakfast at their home Sunday morning in honor of Miss Jane Kluttz and their son. Lester Bur gin. Jr.. whose marriage took place later in the afternoon. Vases of white chrysanthemums were used throughout the resi dence in decoration and the bridal motif wfs noted in all appoint ments. The dining table was cen tered with an arrangement of white chrysanthemums, white car nations and tuberoses, on either side of which were white candles in crystal holders. Smaller tables were centered with yellow flowers forming wedding rings. The guests, including members of the two families, and out-of-town guests were Miss Kluttz. Mr. Burgin. Mrs. James E. Kluttz, mother of the bride: Miss Norma Jane Burgin, sister ol the groom; Erwin Burgin, brother of the groom: Mrs I". A. Burgin of Ashe ville. gi andnint her of the groom; Mrs A. W. McLaughlin, grand mother of the groom: Miss Bar bara Ann llnvd: Mrs. C. E. Jackson, Mrs. F.dith Fineannon. Miss Flora St vers. Miss Laura Scot I. and Hugh Watts, all of Winston-Salem; and Mrs. .1. .1. Elder of Albermarle. 16 Teaspoons 8 Knives 8 Forks 8 Soup Spoort 8 Salad Forks Tablespoons Butter Knifa Sugar Shell $27.50 Including ('nest No Federal Tax PATTERN T'"e workmanship shows in every line of the bpwh'ful "Regrt " pattern of Eagle Wm, Rogers Star. The grace lul outlin and wealth of carefully designed detoil rhbkes this one cf the most popular patterns of silverpfate. For fesfive occasions and everyday use "Regent" will wi your heart. Come in and see itl ' ' This certifies that the merchandise' you purchase is the celebrated trodl-j tional Rogers Sifverolate. Every! piece is guaranteed against original defects in workmanship and material and is certified to conform; W triw standards of croftsmonshlp,- yjticri .have made this brand, famous for .generations. '''"" ',"t"" - -'-U rit u ':, f -t.' vi-wit Reliable Jcivclcrs "CREDIT WITH A SMiXE" it 9! Lucy Ellen Plott Of Canton Is Engaged Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Lucy El leu Ptntt. daughter of James H. Plott and Ihe late Mrs. Flora Kins land Plott of Canton to Paul A. Swolford of Asheville and Cow pens, S. C. The wedding wll take place on November 28. C. F. Rhinehart. Jr., Mrs. Hursl Hurgin. Miss Carmen Plott. and Mrs. Harry YVhisenhunt. the University of North Carolina Out-of-town guests at the wed ding were Mrs F. A. Burgin, Misses Lillian and Margaret Burgin, Mr, and Mrs McLean Rogers, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Spears, all of Ashe ville; Mr. and Mis. James A. Crisp, and Ray Burgin and daughter, Judy, of Brevard; Mrs. C. I. Jack son. Mrs Edith Fincannan, Miss Flora Styers. Miss Laura Scott, and Hugh Walts, all of Winston Salem: and Mrs. J. J. Elder of Albemarle. The bride's table was covered wilh a Maderia cloth and centered with a crystal bowl of white chry santhemums, white carnations, and lube roses, flanked by lighted white tapers in crystal holders. A three-tiered wedding cake topped wun a miniature Dude ajid groomJ was placed at one end of the table. Later the couple left for a ved ding trip to points in Florida and upon their return will be at home on Cherry Street. For traveling the bride wor a suit of wine vool with grey top coat and grey accessories and the orchid dctachi.d from her wedding bouquet. Mrs. Burgin is a graduate of Richard J.' Reynolds High School and attended Woman's College of the Uinversity of North Carolina at Greensboro For the past three years she has been a member of the staff of The Waynesville Moun taineer. Mr. Burgin is a graduate of Waynesville Township High School and Mars Hill College. He served with the United States Marine Corps during World War II and is now employed by the Pure Oil Dis tributors, Waynesville. ' Ambassador And Official Party Entertained Dr.Jeronimo Remorino, Argen tine ambassador to the United States, and members of his official party, who made a visit to this section last Thursday, were hon ored at a reception given at The Lodge Thursday afternoon by members of the Waynesville Lions Club. The honor guests included Dr Remorino and Carlos Quiros, Ar gentine Counsellor; Rudolpho Bar bagelata. 2nd Argentine Counsel lor; Lopez Lecube. secretary to the ambassador; Mr. and Mrs. Bar talini, friends of the ambassador; and U. S. Senator Hugh Mitchell of Statesville, international coun sellor for the Lions Club. Members of the local Lions Club who received with the honor guests were Paul Davis. Howard Hyatt, Dick Bradley, Bill Chambers, Dr. Boyd Owen, and the Rev. L. G. Elliott, The rooms used for entertaining were decorated with fall flowers and candles in the Argentine col ors of blue and white. Assisting in sieving were Mrs. Boyd Owen, Mrs. J. H. Howell. Jr.. Mrs. Wayne Corpening, Mrs. How ard Hyatt, Mrs. Herbert Buchanan, Miss Betty Bradley, and Mrs. Paul Davis. Around 150 guests, including members of the Lions Club and their wives, the town officials, and representatives of the civic clubs, called during the designated hour. Club Meetings Are Announced Home Demonstration Clubs of the county will meet during the next week as follows: Tuesday, Nov. 16, Cecil club at 11:00 oclock with Mrs. Alonzo Warren. Waynesville Homemak- ers Club at 7:30 o'clock with Mrs. Earl Messer. Wednesday. Nov. 17, Dellwood club at 11:00 o'clock with Mrs. Grady Moody. Thursday, Nov. 18, Maggie club at 10:30 o'clock in thp Home nm. onstration Kitchen. luesday, Nov. 23, Clyde club at 10:30 o clock with Mrs. Otis Cole. Louise Collins Has Party On 13th Birthday Miss Louise Collins was hostess of a party at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Col lins, in Clyde on Wednesday eve ning in celebration of her thir teenth birthday anniversary. Games and contests featured the entertainment and a pize was awarded to Max Snyder. Following the games refreshr ments were served. A color scheme of pink and white was observed in the appointments. Guests included Janet Francis, Elaine Sanford, Joretta Medford, Sue Stamey. Louise and Mona Robinson, Phillis Mease, Myrtle Jackson, Frank Thompson, and Max Snyder. Friendship Class Meets With Mrs. Lowe The regular meeting of the Friendship Class of the First Bap tist Church was held Friday eve ning at the home of Mrs. Kenneth P. Lowe with Mrs. Robert Shook as associate hostess. Mrs. Milas Ferguson presided during the business session and the devotional program was presented by Mrs. Charlie Woodard. Plans were discussed for class activities for the coming year and refreshments were served by the hostesses. Members present in addition to those mentioned were Miss Marna Phillips, Mrs. J. C. Galusha, Mrs. F. E. Frye, Mrs. J. C. Wilson, Mrs. Joe Edwards, Miss Dorothy Cal houn, Mrs. Joe Cathey, Mrs. Ru dolph Carswell, Mrs. Johnny Ed wards, Miss Kate Phillips, Mrs. Herbert Singletary, Mrs. James Stanelli, Mrs. Howell Crawford, and Mrs. J, T. Rivers. Mrs. John T. Schell was a special- guest. Rummage Sale To Be Held Fri. And Sat. A Rummage Sale wHl be held on Friday and Saturday of this. week in the building next door to the Western Union, formerly occupied by The Coffee Shop. Articles of all kinds, including clothing and household items, will oe oncrea lor sale. The event is being sponsored hv he Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church. t rancis Cove r liT Home Club Meets P r With Mrs. Head ' H The Francis Cove Hmr 1Vm tration Club held a lunch,., ing on Wednesday at h , "" Mrs. M. G. Head ,0""' 01 Mrs. W. K. Boone, vice-,,, ,.. , , presided during the bus!,,,;: ':,"1 Sh-tmrSnteat- Leader reports were ,0ll0' foods " humeim,,,, ment, Mrs. Henry Franci. a dens, Mrs. C. H. Chai,ii,P , try. Mrs. W. K. Boone: ho,,,, , tification. Mrs. M. Ci H,.,,, crafts. Miss Margaret M, n,"' A covered dish lunrhr,,,, , served at noon. ' Miss Elizabeth Ray la, from a visit to friends j ilani,, ' Mr. and Mrs. Lachlan Hv hu aM children of Spartanburg , ,,, Mrs. W. A. Hyatt. 'I" 1, 5W Cofe hr ,, "tstieJ ,thV WANT ADS POSITION WANTED - Availabi, soon. Reliable honest man ji, 20 years experience in supervK. ing and managing labor i sembly manufacturing. Tf,i y,.ar, in industrial relations. Member War Labor Board during w.i, years. Write "Position Wanted Box 511, Waynesville. N. ( XlMii Mil, 4 J'-'-IMJ HaywJ Electric Sei 1'lumefcj Mil in Si. GIVES FAST RELIEF when COLD MtSEMIS STftlKI DUART COLD 1 A CUE ME SOLUTION $7.50 Made by Duart Manufacturins Co., Lid. oldest Permanent Wave coin pan its. xnis solution is mild and penile en tlie hair a magic action that gives you thai naliiralsolltf very short time. It never robs your hair ot its natural oiL RUTH CRAIG'S . BEAUTY SHOH 29 East Street Photi Listen to Ruth Craig's Talent Show Every ra Night At X I. M. Over WIICC Sensational New Radio Quiz Show EVERY TUESDAY 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. Over WWNC IT'S FTJN! IT'S EXCITING! IT'S ENTERTAINING! Brought To You By Howell Motor Co. Haywood St. Waynesville De Sotovplymouth Dealer Get the BEST IN HTESY cou SATEW1 SEE! AT Bernard-Walker Warehoiis For Your 1948 CROP OF BURLEY TOBAC dorian"- IT WILL PAY YOU toell your tobacco with an experience VOU hav tn wait u- ur.ill T ail nf Our Warell ERMARn.VJM.KER NO M - ...Mnr(ff(invr) And WALBEB WAfi&H ASSSEVILLE'S BEST j-ocatea in untmore un in- , u .fir r i .h' JAMES E. WALKER, JR. Mer. CLAUDE E "

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