!!M r.; 'A 1 i: , II. ' f ? V I 1 it ) I f 1 J fJ t,1 Li' 3 MS I 11AB BORN WITft TEETH MALDEN, Mass. 'U.p.iMrs. Frances Doueettte's baby son won't have to wait tc r his two front teeth. .He had them when he was born at Maldtu Hospital.- TAKE OFF UP TC 11311 tASY 10 HAVt A MOOH HCUOM NO ORUOSI NO 1AXATIVII NO CXQRCISCI NO MESSY LIQUIDI NO TIRINO ROUTINfl f Those flabby bulges lltut ttpofl your ippcaranci. thuHe laveri of utjly tat tlut weigh you down phvwcally and mentally can now be re- placed by eye-c pleasar a tchi ilk? l iu rs u uk U v . eauiJ v. ifely, pleasantly. Iiealihiuliy Tbe Tremett Tablet Wav. Must wutoen aeed never ainu suffer from excess faf ! TREMETT SWCET TABLETS BRING MIRACULOUS RESULTS I 0tidou, uutricimis 1 r. iuett ubits arv o wcivm feat. You aui eurrr triro in jvur pur uxl l&k them wherever you me with iw futw. mint or mb bruflment. Km them f"U would candy . J4 Ktixinp with H qui. la rt-quircj Daily quota suppli you with requn eti vitamin and minerals and ni-vi you would ordinarily nt ' u fattetuntf foods. CjO tam do rlnijra. Ati.s. Juli-ly barinlt Keep roa (ran feeing tmiitfry while i'inu up to 1U ugly txjuud wfk. Junt f(tlw biui.1 liim-tiuitit on bottt Amaxe your fr l-ndit Liuitt.re rewuiUt of tlifai mx4 B. better. qui.Aer w;tv to Icrulerneati 10-DAY NO-RISK TRIAL Tot it mid, ttutit ih(jw you tiv kMt weight, bm ma improved htfure. )uo miut took, ftl Mtx r Suit gt YOlAt MONEY BACK WITHOUT il'ESTION. The tooner you ctort Um mww you may hMv the kosa of weight yoo ytrn for in-melt ia also araiUthie in p-iw-lo. furrn for bxww 0 Gat tendj. 4linn I biHKiT T W all SMITH'S DRl'G STORE LEHOX MEAN QUALITY In HOME HEATING FIIA TERMS NO DOW PAYMEJC SEE US TODAT 1M HiriTIND compaNf Phone 1357 58 Broadwai Ashevtlle. N. C. IN 10 DAYS ! J mi I M.iii,iii a. i inn i. ni j I i f7flTF)i. FRIDAY - SATURDAY, April 1-2 DOUBLE FEATURE ' V .VI w I V 1 I A 'STEELE L CURRY dlSr.XBH AtttnYOOXd Also Color Cartoon and Final SUNDAY -MONDAY APRIL 3-4 l - - a... jfi 1 w f . .i-.aw . v ROBERT 6. SINCLAIRrwk, FRED KOHLMAR , Abo Color Cartoon World News New Tar Heel iii; ' Dr. Frank P. Graliani. iitwly appointed U. S. senator from North Carolina, uses his own method to muke friends with a very youthful guest at his home in Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Cheshire, .Jr ., of Raleigh ami their L'2-iiionth-old son, Joseph' III, were among hundreds visiting Dr. Graham's 1,om)v to wi.h him well. Jo-eh III demurred and started crawling away. Graham interrupted his hand shaking at the -pen house" and got down on the floor with Joseph. That broke the ice, and they soon necaliie .ttJdiast friends. The famed liberal president of the University of North Carolina was ap pointed to the senate last week by Gov. Kerr Seott to succeed the late Senator J. Melville Broughton. (AP Photo) MORE ABOUT Rpffpr Hnmp Life ueuer iiome uic , (Continurd from Page 1) live together in peace and harmony in the home, and to have respect for the rights and privileges of oth- ers there wtll he far less chance of their infringing on the rights of other people on through the rest OI IUC, ailU IIU11UII wuuiu aiau spect nation. Yes. it is the duty of the home I "To bring up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." Discipline The second thing we must teach our children, if we ;ire to have the right citizens of tomorrow is Dis cipline Now I do not mean neces sarily punishment. However, ! do think that piiTiishmi nt fnr wrung behavior, when rightly and wisely administered, is good in its place and valuable lessons are learned and remembered that otherwise might be forgotten. The home is a splendid place to teach the child discipline in the fundamental things of life. If a task is given to a child in proportion to his ability, then he should never be allowed to leave the job half done just because he gets a little weary of it If a task is worth doing it is worth doing well Self Discipline THe home. too. is a fine place to learn the lesson of disciplining ones self in steadfastness and lov- alty. Here a child can learn, early. loyalty to family and friends; and ( a high purpose even in the face of suffering. Here the child f; taught to slick to what he believes to be right. Too many people are too easily led into the wrong way. are too easily persuaded to ilu the wrong thing because they were never menu BREMER HICHAM) CARLSON Ufil UQR flMS KtXAS I . ftiiiitf ttKfMUWB ' vM4tr0ICA1S0fniCM Chapter "Dick Tracy Returns" (FwWwT. USED BR I DOORS Senator Entertains A taught to discipline themselves, wt',e nevtr laught true values- The hoine would do well too i ' taught the '""' child the value of right living, clean lives, pure hearts and Christianlike charac- ters. hpar of mu(.h deH cy nQw amon QUr th Yet any SOund-thinking person has with our youth as the homes in which they were raised. The great est number of criminals are young people, and one of every three mar riages is broken. Mother's Job The task of the mothers of our coming generation is certainly a big one. but there is no other ca reer so rewarding. She does not work with clay or stone, but with living souls and future lives and characters. Yes, the hand that rocks the cradle still rules the world and determines the future peace and brotherhood of the world. Not only does the rural wo man have duties and responsibil ities as a world citizen in her home, but in her community also. Here she may put into practice the lessons she has been teaching in her own home. Here she can set a fine example of working together with her neighbors for the common good of all. By pooling their efforts more can be accomplished, for in unity there is strength. By working to gether rural women can secure better Churches, better health 'good clean recreation for all. Through club work she not only learns to be a better homemaker and citizen, but is able to use her influence to help others and to demonstrate what neighborliness ran mean to the world. As she works with others in her commun ity for a more abundant home and community life she is setting a , fine example for her children; and, too, she is doing her bit as a world citizen to promote brotherhood and establishing world peace. Yes, our only need to banish forever the fear of any future war is PARK THEATRE PROGRAM SATURDAY, April 2 DOUBLE FEATURE II West Of Starring CHARLES STARRETT and SMILEY BURNETTE ALSO "Jacare" Frank Buck's Great Jungle Thriller LATE SHOW Trouble Stafrring PEGGY KNUDSON and CHARLES RUSSELL SUNDAY, Hazard Starring PAULETTE GODDARD and MacDONALD CAREY MONDAY - TUESDAY, April 4-5 "Adventures (In Technicolor) Starring ERROL FLYNN and VIVACA LINDFORS THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Young Friend MORE ABOUT St. John's (Continued from Page D Jimmy Davis, Ann Rector, Pantha Houser, Linda Messer, Betty Clar ida, Elizabeth Medford and Donna Queen. Chorus of dancers: Dolf Kienast, Sally Wages, Nancy Furtado, Mar tha del Peso, Barbara Jean Potts, Bette Hannah, Doris McCrarey, Bonnie Walker, Anita Vandenberg, and Jean Hawkins. enough good homes in which Chris tianity is taught and lived. This should be our prayer: Keep us, O God, from petti ness: let us be large in thought, in word, in deed. Let us be done with fault-finding and leave off self-seeking. May we put away all pretense and meet each other face to face without self pity and without prejudice. May we never be hasty in Judgment and always generous. Teach us to put into action our better impulses, straightforward and unafraid. Let us take time for all things, make us grow calm, serene, and gentle. Grant that we may realize it is the little things that create dif ferences; that In the big things of life we are as one. And may we strive to touch and to know the great common woman's heart of us all. And O Lord God, let us not forget to be kind. Every 1,114,000 gallons of. water from Moses Lake, Wash., contains one ton of magnesium. KIDNEYS Do jam suffer from burnln, ltchlnr, pauurel Hav to vat up nitbtsl Do m kave back or let palnil Do you hav ooldba tbat banc on! If so, vet NEF-TEX. Pink, Antiieptio Tablet, which contain a modara tirade drug-, aied by specialist la kidosy trembles. Tea day' treatment makes yo foel like a new person. Bafe for children Vad wetting-. Clip this ad at a reminder m ft VEJT-TEX Tablets at roar dru Sonora Preferred April 3 Of Don Juan Farm. Costs Bose, flhcdrile Dropped Two-fceTCehtn '48 Although the nation's. gross farm Income last year wa three percent greater than in 1947, 'production costs were eight per cent higher and net profits Aere therefore low- er than In the previous year, says Moyle S. Williams, farm manage ment specialist for the State Col lege Extension service. Latest estimates by the Bureau of Agricultural Economics place the 1948 net farm Income at 17.4 billion dollars, about two per -cent less than in 1947. The decline Is the Mrsi in 10 years. At the present time, says Wil liams, Indications are that tarm prices will decline turtner dui pio duction costs will remain high. The result is that the average farmer can look forward to a favorable year in 1949. but less favorable than in 1948. Net farm income, the specialist adds, will be small this year unless increased efficiency and better management are em ployed to hold down costs. t Average prices received by farm ers in January of this year were about 13 per cent below the record set in January. 1948. The Index of wholesale commodity prices has continued down and in early Jan uary was 6 per cent below mid- August. Nearly all of the decline in wholesale prices has been on farm I town, which has used up five po products and food; non-farm com-ijCe chiefs in recent months, modities have changed little. I Pl&nes Bfcihg Utilized To Gbmbat Forest Fires Planes are being used in emer gencies to help fight Haywood County forest fires. County Forest Warden R. E. Caldwell says the planes are em ployed in areas where lookout tow er detection is not complete and at times when visibility is extremely low. The planes, hired on a contract ! basis locally, have been of con- ! siderable help on several occasions i In extinguishing blazes in the Sylva ! forest district as a whole, Mr. Cald well added. The officials of the state forestry division are hoping that two-way radio systems to establish contact between ground fire crews and ob servation pilots can be used in the future to aid in the fight against forest fires. Mr. Caldwell says he feels that such cooperation could speed up PHONES 82 AND 83 Customers and Friends of Haywood County Gentlemen: Many price changes arc taking place. It shall ever be our policy to pass along ' J01 any savings that we can get through careful buying. ? I i '; Check with us to obtain the advantage of lowest current prices. In certain instances, we have been able to get some exceptionally good bargains. For instance, we have a shipment of doors that represent unusual values. These are splendidly built with solid stiles ami so prisingly cheap, as follows: 2'8" x 6'8" 2'6" x G'8" A few f: )nt doors at $12.50. We have been getting a numb:- of other items that are still in short supply. incluiW 5 V Crimp galvanized roofing, .;.-dvnnied pipe, kiln dried Fir, Ponderosa, Sugar and South" Yellow Pine. Springtime is here and it's time to paint. We have in stock all the popular colors. you see an .utstandingly good paint job, chances are ten to one it's "Gliddens". For great" and smoother coverage and for lasting wear, we recommend "Gliddens Climatic" Dixie Made Dixie Trade. Let us help you solve your builu." material difference." Sincerely, WHEN YOU At Strand Tv.one Powe. tu.iv (Une T. n.t s ingenious ptan .o. .evenge .mo unexpected channels in 'Tbat Wonderful Urge," Twentieth , Century Fox's hilarious new comedy hit. Opening at the Strand Theatre Sun-lay. BOY PREACHER T.U'KLFS KIN EVARTS, Ky. (UP) Hilly Hates, 12-year-old' schoolboy of the re mote mountain areas of south eastern Kentucky, said "the Lord told me just to go out preaching." He has 30 converts to his credit. One of Billy's best efforts has been reserved for this tiny mining COW SETS PRODUCTION MARK HADLEY, Mass. i UP' A mem ber of the nation's bovine aristoc racy is Harlsbrook Inka Maude, a registered Ilolstein cow which has produced 109.8(12 pounds of milk and 4,087 pounds of bultcrl'at in eight years. Her owners. E. P. and O. C. West say she is the 1.809th Ilolstein in the ( ntire United Slates to produce moie than lOOjOOO pounds of milk. the work of suppressing (ires and save time for (ire crews in locating the right place to attack a larger blaze. Two-way radios have already been established by the -Sylva dis trict between the lookout lowers and the county warden's ti u ks. A Cheap Way To Sell Want Ads HAYWOOD BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY WAYNESVILLE, N. C. March 28, 1949 at $8.80 at 8.60 HAYWOOD BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY THINK OF BUILDING TWiwk- duiiluN(3...think OF ' Thursday Afternoon, Sunday Flame-resistant woolens are used for furnishings in luxurious post war passenger planes. "B9 ON ALL WILLYS-OVERLAND tt America's mot versatile vehicle for farm and kim Selective 2- and 4-wheel drive. Thrifty 'Jeep' Engne for economical performance. Let ui demonstult, LIST PRICE $1335.00 SIMS TIRE & BATTERY (j PHONH 486 2'0" x 6'8" at $8.50 l'G" x 6'8" Closet at 8.011 problems. Here you will often find "lfre u . .wY ' HAYWOOD BUILDERS SUPPLY COMPANY Adamant imT stance, eitfc W"k'h ancient 'mpenetral,l v.. - - " ""ram, Heart BurrJ KeLeved B, J franklin h r. i siT,.:,"ni Indian Bii; ? and six . , "'e0ltil a new uck,,,, , nrnfit K,. .. ' 't how it hoL I on ,tl"' nri bottle?, mi S B ! 'ur, stores. Listen to ScalTk Quartet over WWSf n. Monday d MAIN Sill is" I M I jJei It ssk' v- Ii:dEJ'i l 'H V

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