."TAMMRP PTG C(, Crrrtp- 220-230 S First St The Waynesville Mountaineer Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park UNCLE ABE SEZ . . . Hit don't east a man's feel in's a'ter bein' fard to learn from the papers that he "re lined''. - . -o jbts lie igain uv liable Jec' ;clal on some Lr went into Fc . f (hp a copy Ul , wnted a set I w.as puzzled I'fc. k, " '"ls Led that par ity I. The mer- loon aer the .red tne " Iter All Lppived a let- L citizen now COIIIPI'11"""' story appear f The Moun- fdealt with the ns for hstung Id have sam ad said young L 0 the men not as bad as iler concluded. em are not re use, according rc any person without a Hc be more than present law. :i. secretary of linber of Com- jor a Duncn m town "custom- Wtrr Sundays i Convention, long distance the other end bed that he'd it the mountain wanted to see m, even u ne going to be (ian it was be- More than a ton lot plants with Iwcnt down the n 5.000 people Ih annual con- Bse lor the average Ivc horn fixed less. ire Court last k was charged :ive muffler and in a line and III had a noisy get fixed. the new Lions ! name of Ed lected a direc- have been right other new offi- fih'e him, right ition he rates. the number of f last Sunday's "Mention have Pative. Thrv People had ition Secretary le in with COUntM Rlon IW alnno P'ors uhn Fat'c mountain uaP. did not 'ndications Probably at- learlv . !. "'"nates P my people r escape the hpt Mr n'J.. r. - uyu s L". llas were 'Jtlone k . CLOUDY '01 IBllrh i. ' mange Nle ., -"ii;ra-thesta1ofthe M Rainfall 34 50 .03 4th YEAR NO. 34 20 West Pigeon Community Leaders 1 !- ij ' v f : J Among the principal officers elected when the West Pigeon Com munity Development Program was organized are, left to right, Chairman John Sloan, Mrs. Henry Garner, secretary; Vice-Chairman Jack P. McCracken. Mrs. Clifton Terrell, assistant reporter; and the Rev. Clyde Collins, treasurer. Mrs. Clyde Collins, reporter, was absent when the picture was taken. Haywood Post Offices Show Business Better Than Same Period '48 Traffic Violators Have Until May 1 To Settle Up' Motorists who have "lost" the citations for traffic violations have until Saturday night to see the Chief of Police. Many motorists who have got ten tickets from the police for parking overtime against park ing meters have failed to report to the city hall and pay their fines. Chief of Police Orville Noland said that on and after May first, warrants would be issued to those who had "forgotten" to come in and pay the fine of one dollar. Many have paid up during the past week. Specialists Will Check Water Flow On Watershed A study of stream flow on the Waynesville watershed has been approved by the board of alder men. The study will be made by spe cialists of TVA and. the State and National Forest Service. There will not be any cost to the town. The three agencies made a tim ber survey of the watershed some time back, as a basis for cutting matured timber from the area. The study of stream flow will follow this same line of study, according to G. C. Ferguson, town manager. Movies Feature Community Meet At Hominy Creek The showing of movies featured the Community Development Pro gram meeting for Hominy Creek citizens at the Beaverdam School Tuesday night. Community Chairman Herschel Hipps presided at the meeting, which attracted a large group. Dime Board Will Be Set Up For Cancer Campaign Members of the Waynesville Business and Professional Women's Club will take their campaign to raise funds for the relief of cancer victims to the streets of Waynes ville Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Ethel Hayes Fisher, chair man of the Club's Dime Board Committee; inhniinmJ uactnritfiv that virtually every member of the "'g-mzauon will help operate a Qinoe board In front of the First National Bank on those two days. s- W. M. Cobb, commander of the Haywood County Cancer Drive, ur?ed all citizens to cooperate In PAGES Associated Press vPhoto by Ingram's Studio) Judging from quarterly receipts from the four post offices, business in Haywood county is about nine per cent better than it was during the first quarter of last year. The postmasters at Waynesville, Hazelwood, Canton, and Clyde, re ported postal business durfng the first three months of this year ag gregated $190,672 that's about $17,000 better than the four post offices did during the first three months of 1948. Of the four, only Waynesville reported decreases compared with the first quarter of last year, and these amounted to less than $800. Postmaster J. 11. Howell report er! prnss business for the first quarter of this year aggregated $12,458.51, which is $7by.4b under the figure for the same period last year. As usual. Canton's volume of business topped all other post offices in the county. Postmaster Wade Hill reported that grgss busi ness for the first three months of this vcar reached $174,917.55, com pared to $157,825.20 for the first quarter of 1948. The Carlton postmaster noted that stamp business was slightly off. $7,304.50 worth having Deen cnlrl during the first three months of 1948 compared to $7,175.28 in sales for the same period this year. Mr. Hill estimated, however, that the volume of incoming parcel post and C.O.D. packages was 40 per cent heavier than it was during the same period a year ago. Hazelwood Postmaster Thurman Smith reported a marked increase also in eeneral gross business last quarter, particularly in money orders. The Hazelwood post office had to deduct $12,380.23 from its total for the last two quarters when it was discovered that a firm that was a patron of the Waynesville post office had been mailing in Hazelwood. However, gross business in the March 1949 Quarter, totalled $2,- 389.97an increase of $451.83 nvpr the 1948 quarter business. DnrinB this vear's March quarter, the Hazelwood office issued $28,- 488.43 in 2,173 money orders, re (Sec Post Offices Page 8) this worthy cause to help achieve .nrt sumass the county's goal of $2,500 for this year. The schedules lor tne wumcia are as follows: Friday, 9 to 10 a. m., Mrs. Kenneth Lowe and Miss Elise DeLozier; 10 to 11, Mrs. W. O. Dov- i x-. nnwsrd Rrvson: 11 er anu - to 12, Mrs. Wilma Sease and Mrs. Ethel Hayes Fisher; u io i v- . Miss Dixie Campbell and Mrs. Joe c ik. i n 1 Mrs. Kenneth oiaiioi", v- -. Stahl and Mrs. Edith Alley; 2 to 3, J C J Al-lfi (vl PC Miss Mary Meaioi,u Rufus Slier. (See Dime noara rr and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, APRIL 28, James Takes Lease On Sims Bldg. O. C. James has leased the main" building of the Sims Tire and Bat tery Company, and will move his furniture store into it on June first. L. E. Sims, owner, will begin work in 10 days, on an addition to the rear of the grease rack of the building for his tire and recap ping plant, in addition to a 1,700 square foot garage. Mr. James took a 10-year lease on the building, and will Increase his line of furniture about three times over his present stocks in ! the Hazelwood store, which will be closed. Mr. James said that many new lines and several additional nation ally advertised lines would be car ried. Work is already underway in renovating the building in pastel colors for the furniture stock. No changes will by made to the ex terior, i Mr. James opened his store "in Hazelwood in October 1947. He said yesterday, the "new lo cation will give me a larger build ing right in the heart of Waynes ville, and ample parking space for customers." Mr. Sims said he plans to en large his service and parts depart ments for Jeeps, and maintain a complete tire service. The gar age and parts department will be in the building which he will build, and the tire department in the present grease rack room and the room to the back. "Since I decided to devote all my time and attention to the Jeep agency, and a tire service, 1 did not need my present building for this. In fact, the building did not lend itself for a garage, and for that reason I decided to lease it," Mr. Sims said. "Instead of one business on Main Street, the move will be the same as three businesses, since I am building a garage," he continued. T.V.A. Official To Speak At Beaverdam Schl. W. M. Landess head of the Ten nessee Valley Authority's Agricul tural Relations Department, will address a joint meeting of Beaver dam and Hominy Creek citizens at the Beaverdam School May 10. The joint meeting will be held in connection with the Haywood County community development program. $50 Offered For Arrest Of Vandals Citizens of Iron Duff are offering a reward of $50 for information leading to the arrest and convic tion of those responsible for tear ing down signs erected in connec tion with the Community Develop ment Program. Community Chairman J. R. Cald well, who signed the advertisement of the reward appearing in today's Mountaineer, said the signs were damaged Saturday and Sunday nights. Canton Preparing For City Election Tuesday Canton Elections Chairman Clar ence Medford said ballots are be ing printed today for Tuesday's municipal election. He reported few new names were added to the registration books which were opened in preparation for the election. Predicting a light vote, Mr. Med ford reported that activity during the past week was not nearly so "hot" as it had been the previous week. Some observers, however, fore cast up to 2,500 of the city s 3,- County Agent Praises Special Farm Edition "I have just looked over the plans for the special Farm Edition being prepared by The Mountain eer. It should make one of the out standing farm issues ever publish ed," Wayne Corpening, county agent said this morning. "It is especially appropriate at this time that the edition be pub lished, because of the Community Development program which is underway in Haywood County," the county agent continued. "The plans, and articles T have Haywood Farms Being Studied By Specialists Heads Jaycees (Photo by Ingram's Studio) LESTER BURGIN, JR., is the new pres'dent of the Waynesville Junior Chamber of Commerce. The organization has started into its second year of activity here. 23 Haywood Girls Attend FHA Meet Twenty-three Haywood County girls were among the sever al hundred who attended a state rally of Future Homemakers of America at Raleigh last week-end. A style show with the F. H. A. members modeling clothing they had made in their high school home economics classes was a feature of the event. Geraldine Fish of Clyde model ed a two-piece brown light weight suit and, Betty Farmer of Waynes ville wore a lavender waffle-pique suit. Patsy Smathers represented Canton School, wearing a red taf feta evening dress and black velvet cape, which she had made. While in Raleigh, the girls at tended a session of the Ganeral Assembly and went to a tea given in honor of the F. H. A. by Mrs. (See 23 Girls Page 8) Monthly Singing Convention Set For Sunday People from throughout Hay wood and Buncombe Counties will launch the month of May in a burst of song. They will gather Sunday at the Crabtree Baptist Church for the monthly singing convention, with Ray Parker of Canton presiding. The Rev. William Abel, pastor of the host church, will preach the sermon during the all-day conven tion. The visitors will take time out only for lunch, which many will bring with them in picnic baskets. Mrs. Way Messer, secretary of the church, said all singers have a special invitation and everyone is welcome. 000-odd registered voters would go to the polls next Tuesday to select their city officials. Mayor J. Paul Murray, seeking his third consecutive term, faces Floyd Woody. Standard Oil Com pany distributor, in the major con test of the election. Also seeking re-election to their offices are Aldermen Albert B. Robinson and P. D. DeWeese, both running on the same ticket with Mayor Murray. Running for their first terms as (See1 Canton Election Page 8) read, together with the many pic tures I saw, shows that the edi tion is especially adapted for the farm families and will carry in formation In which the men, wo men, and children of every farm family will be interested. "The edition, in fact, will be a step forward toward making better rural living for the farm people in Haywood county. We are extreme ly happy the edition is being published." 1 iff ? W"' j 0 '""W4 r -1 Agricultural workers are study ing Haywood County farms in an effort to obtain "blue prints'' of the best possible combination of farming enterprises. The study being made by a team of men from the North Carolina State College Extension Service, Tennessee Valley Authority, and the U. S. Department of Agricul ture is the first of its kind ever launched in North Carolina. State College Farm Manage ment Specialist Moyle Williams ex plained: "We are trying to find the com bination of operatio'ns that will in the long run give the best return in income to the farmer and at the same time build up and con serve his soil." "For example," he added, "we might find that livestock added to a small tobacco farm might prove to be this most profitable combin ation. But this Is just an example." The study started six months ago, when the team picked 150 farms at random. "These farms," Mr. Williams ex plained, "represented a cross sec tion of the different kinds of soils, the different sizes of the farms, and the different types of farming the county has." These 150 farms were then clas sified into major groups. And from each of these groups, one or more average farms were selected. The detailed studies are being made on these average farms. The workers, with the farm own ers cooperating, study the soils of these average farms, and gather detailed information about their resources and their operations. From the soil maps that are pre pared, and the other information, the members of the team try to decide what system of farming, in the long run, will be the most profitable to this "average" farm from the standpoint of Income to the farmer, soil building and soil conservation. "The resulU of this study," Mr. Williams said, "wjll be used by the various agricultural agencies to help further the agricultural pro gram in this and other mountain counties." Just what results the study has obtained so far, Mr. Williams could not reveal. "Much of this work," he ex plained, "is being carried on on a confidential basis with the in dividual farmers." He added, however, that this in tensive study would be completed (See Haywood Farms Page 8) $200 Fine Given Canton Motorist A conviction of drunk driving af ter his license had been revoked cost a motorist $214.40 this week. Judge R. R. Meese, Sr., levied the $200 fine and $14.40 in costs against the defendant in Canton Police Court Monday. Two others charged with drunk driving lost their licenses for one year and had to pay fines and cost totalling more than $100 each. One was fined $100 and ordered to pay $11 in costs, while the other was fined $110 and the same j amount of costs. A man accused of being drunk and disorderly was ordered to pay a $25 fine and $13 In costs. It cost three defendants $11 each in court costs on public druoken ness charges, while a fourth had to pay $13.25 in costs because he stayed in jail a little longer. Parking Meters Bring In $1,950 Almost $2,000 In pennies, and nickles have been put into Waynesville parking meters since January first. Through April 21, the town has collected $1,950.15, according to records in the town hall. The money goes into the gen eral fund of the town. Haywood Resident Comes Back After Long Absence No one could ever accuse Wal ter Allison of wearing out a wel come. Last Saturday night, he and his wife reached the home of j Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ferguson on the Soco Gap Road after a trip ! from Caldwell, Idaho. The last time Mrs. Ferguson had had a visit from her brother was 20 years ago. The Allisons will spend the summer here, getting reacquaint ed with Mr. Allison's sister and two of his brothers, .1 H. and 1949 $3.00 In Advance In Saunook Community Officers J1! mk The men and women above were elected principal officers when the Saunook Community Development Program was organized this mouth. Hack row, left to right, are Dick Barber, chairman; Hay Smathers, treasurer; and John Sparks, vice-chairman. In front of them are Jean Hall, reporter, (left), and Mrs. Clifton Shook, secretary. Aliens Creek Residents Name Committee To Get Details On Annexation Hazelwood Officials Issue Statement To Citizens Of Area, Explaining Position Officials of the town of Hazel wood today, are publishing a state ment addrefstd to Ule residents of the Aliens Creek section, set ting out their position on the mat ter of proposed annexation with Hazelwood. The full statement, appearing i on page six, is signed by the may or, and three-member board of al dermen. The statement sets out that the Hazelwood board ordered a sur vey made of Aliens Creek, but did not include as much territory as the proposed Waynesville plan. Be fore the surveyor could" complete the mat) of the area, the Waynes ville board passed a resolution pro posing to annex the area, the state- men! says. I The Hazel v. ood officials continue j by saying: "Vt. feel the people of ! Aliens ( reek should have some ' help wilh both its water and its sewer problems." They also point (See Hazelwood Page 8) Clean-Up Week Is I Set For May 9-14; Program Ready (Jel our soap and water; dust j cloths and mops. Annual clean-up week is on the way. A special committee named by I the Chamber of Commerce, togeth er wilh civic leaders, will meet at Uhe city hall Tuesday at 3:30 to : man final plans for the campaign j which will be staged the week of ; May 0-14. ! Letter-; went out yesterday to all civic yroiips asking that they ' have a representative present at Ihe meeling. Mrs. Frank Knutti, 1 secretary of the Chamber of Com ! merce said that plans were to also send the letter to schools in the area. ! C. C Ferguson was named gen eral chairman, and is being assist ed hy It. L. Burgin. Jr., James ' Kilpatrick. George A. Brown, Jr., V. Curtis Russ, David Felmet, and I William S. Ray. Marvin Allison, who live in Waynesville, and Mr. Ferguson, his brother-in-law. He has another brother, Low ry H. Allison, who lives in Greensboro. This is only the second time the 55-year-old farmer has re turned to Waynesville, since he left his home 35 years ago to go into business in California. The Allisons, parents of two children, sold their Idaho farm before coming here, but plan to return to Caldwell after their visit. Haywood and JacksonCoun ties' (Photo by Ingram's Studio) Majority At Mass Meeting Vote Favoring To Become Part Of Waynesville BY MRS. BLANCHE FRANKLIN Mountaineer Correspondent A group of Allen's Creek citizens voted Monday night that they would prefer becoming residents of Waynesville if they were to be incorporated into either Waynes ville or Hazelwood. The majority vote came at n meeting of approximately 150 ot Allen's Creek's 1,500 residents at the school house and followed a long discussion. The mass meeting was called shortly after the Waynesville board of aldermen adopted a resolution in the matter. The resolution proposes passage of a city ordinance extending the city limits to include Allen's Creek. After the vote at Monday night 's meeting, a committee of five wa-; appointed to circulate a pet it inn and to meet with the Waynesville aldermen on the matter. This committee, headed by Chair man R. L. Hendrix will report to the Allen's Creek residents at an other mass meeting May 9 at the School. Other members of the group are L. L. Gilleland, Derry Norman, Vance Muse, and E. O. Ensley. During the discussion. Dr. Tom Stringfield told the audience what advantages there would lie in be coming a part of Waynesville. It was pointed out that, among other things, Allen's Creek resi dents would get Waynesville water, ISee Mass Meeting Page 8) Teacher Burned In Lab Accident Mrs. M. G. Stamey received painful acid burns Wednesday '.'i the high school chemistry labora tory, when sodium which bad been used in an experiment accidentally sprayed on her hands and face. Mrs. Stamey is receiving treat ment at the Haywood County Hos pital where sru is reported to be resting comfortably. She expects to return home tomorrow. Highway Record For 1949 (To Date) In Haywood Killed . ; ; : 1 Injured .... 12 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol).

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