i PAGE SES THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER Thursday Afternoon, April 2 B And V W Club Hears Talk By Leo Weill Home Clubs Schedule May Meetings In Japan . The Waynesville Business Professional Women's Club and The Haywood County home dem- held ! onstration clubs will have as their its regular monthly dinner meet- ! subject for May programs. "What ing, Tuesday evening at Mount 1 Makes a Good Home." Valley Inn on the Soeo Gap Road The schedule of meetings as an- The long table used for serving ; nouneed by Miss Elise De Lozier. was decorated with arrangements assistant home agent, follows of jonquils, and yellow randies. Morning Star Dutch Cove, May Leo Weill, who has recently re- 2. at 2 p.m., place to be announced turned from a trip to Europe, was later; IJeaverdam with Mrs. Prank guest sDeaker. and discussed living Cabe, at 2 p.m. May 3; Aliens ronditiuns in the countries he vis- Creek. Mrs. L L. Allen. May 4 at J p.m.. Dcll'Ood. Mrs Sam Potts. May 5 at 2 p m. Jonathan Creek, Mrs Troy Leatherwood. May 6 at 2 p.m.. Rog ers Cove. Mrs. Carey Mct'ritkcn. May 9 at 2 p.m ; Lake.-ide. Mrs. Kenneth Sani Queen. May 10 at 2 p.m.; Miss rrancis Love. Mrs iruv wcne May 11: Fines Creek. Mrs. u J Noland, May 12 at lu.3u a.m. Iron Duff. Mrs L L. Williams ited During the business session Mrs M. ; Stanley was re-elected presi dent of t tie group and other offi cers elecUd to s-' ve for the coin ing ar weie Mrs J. K. Met rack en. wee piesident: Mr Stah! recording secretary Mai ;. Mt-dtoid cot responding sec retary: and Mrs W. G. Dover, treasurer. Howell Mrs ft The following new members were on Mav 13 at 2 P m : RatclifT Cove, u,.l,i,.ri ii.t.i iK.. rluh Mrs W Mrs. i.rrancis. "" I) Ketr.er. Mrs. George Brown, ville Homemakers. Mrs. t;. r r ... xtrc uv.H,nn Bryson. May 17; Bethel Jont-s. Mr I.asw, lice Leatherwood KeIU'' Ma' 19 al 2 1,1 : C,'ab" and Mi- Ed.th Alley. Mr. Arthur tree-Hyder Mountain, Mrs. C. O Paul Evans, another new member. Newell. May 20. a- nut able to be present on ac- McKlmnion. Mrs Malcolm Crip. cc.ui.t of i!lne-s May 23 at 2 p m.; Clyde Club. Mrs. Vaiious club projects were dis- Roy Medford. at 10:30 a.m.. May 24; cu-sed and the members decided Cecil- Ct?cil Scho1 at 2 " 111 - Dime Boar for the Ma' 2- West Canton. Mrs. i!,v 'Hyde, May zo. at z pm : junaius ka May 27 at 2 p.m. with Mrs tu operate bt iielil of the Cancer Drive on Frl ('. '. and Saturday of this week. ( ub members will also do baby during the month of May 1 iai-e funds for other charities. ? i . - Ft h-1 Hayes Fisher will serve a chairman of the dime board co:k and Mrs Kenneth Stahl Frank Williams. ATTEND OPENING OF BLOOD CENTER Pvt. Lloyd V. Parton, 17, of Waynesville is now in Japan with I'. S. Army occupation forces. He wrote his parents, Mr. and Mrs Lyda Parton last week that he had landed, at Yokohoma aboard the U S Attack Transport General. D. E. Aultman". The infantryman also reported that he received his "diploma" which shows that he has crossed the 180lh meiidian in the North Pa cific The mock ceremonies are held to initiate those who are crossing the meridian for the first time. Prirate Parton enlist ed last February 17 while he was a student at Waynesville Hign School. is The following members of the m of tlv baby-sitting pro- committee for the Red Cross Blood Program attended a luncheon meeting at the Vanderbilt Hotel in Ashevtlle Monday. opening the Red Cross Blood Center there: Ji.e Davis, co-chairman of the local blood program; Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan. volunteer service chair man; Mrs. Ethel Hayes Fisher, cutive secretary; and Mrs G. A.'s Meet At Aliens Creek The Junior Girls' Auxiliary tl , Allen- Creek Baptist Church in.-i at the parsonage on Monday niL'bt with nine members present The proL'ram. from the World Comrade, was directed by Mrs. I la Farmer, counselor for the group. of e Freida Knopf South Carolina farmers are now showing greater interest in perm anent pastures than at any other time in the history of the State. MR. FARMER . . . Be Sure Your MILK BARN CHICKEN HOUSES AND ALL BUILDINGS ARE 'BUILT OF OUR QUALITY BLOCK Ask the man that has used our BLOCK . . .and you will buy a Western Carolina product. All Sizes Of Concrete Pipe See your contractor or material dealer or call us collect. DIAL 3-8321 Concrete Products Go. ASHEVILLE, N. C. Family Life Leaders To Have School Mrs Corrine Grimsley. Family Life specialist of the state exten sion department, will conduct a leaders' school at the Court House tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock Trip school is being held for Home Demonstration Family Life Leaders. Community Development Leaders, and Family Life Leader of other civic groups. Craft School To Be Held Monday A county-wide Craft "School will be conducted at the Court House by Miss Rose Elwood Bryan craft specialist of the extension depart ment, on Monday, May 2, begin ning at 2 o'clock. Those invited to attend the school include Home Demonstra tion Club members, Community Inoculations I Continue For County Dogs The process of immunizing Hay- iwood County dogs against rabies continued this week at clinics set up throughout the county. Dr. A. R. Riegg, county rabits inspector, who is vaccinating the animals, reminded owners of these pets that this inoculation is re quired by law The '-ehedule of clinics: Friday 3 p.m.. Pigeon Valley Grocery, Fiseon Valley: 4 P m , Rogers and West Grocery Pigeon Valley: 5 p.m . Smathers Grocery. Pigeon Valley Road". Cantcn: 6 p.m.. Stamie Grocer, Garden Creek Mill. Canton Saturday 9 a m . Bill Hyde Gro ' eery. Dutch Cove. Canton; 10 a.m . : Fisher's Store Dutch Cove Road. Canton; 11 a.m.. Colored School. Canton: 12 Noon. Store at Spring Hill School Monday 3 p.m.. Williamson's. Grocery. Thickel: 4 p.m. Bryson and Reece's Grocery. Fiberviile; 5 30 p.m.. Lowe's Service Store. Greenhill. Canton Tuesday 3 p.m. Sana..' Super Market. Trammel and North Main. Canton: 4.30 p.m.. X O. RobirrSoiv Grocery. North Main. Canton. 5:30 p.m.. Deweese Grocery. Newfound and Main. Canton. Wednesday 3 p.m.. Myers Cash Grocery, Canton: 4 30 p.m.. Hub Mattheson's Store. Highland Park. Canton: 6 p m Nir.a's Grill. Can ton. May 53 pm. Late Frank Mann s Store: 4 p.m.. Beaverdam School: 5 p m . Zeth Wood's Store. Canton. y;iy 64 p.m., Medford Farm Servuv Station 5pm. Clyde Rail road Station LAFF A-DAY I . . Commander I . fin i mil i i l i i i ii ' -X f ifir ly, Kttg I 9 to Baptist Circle To Meet Monday Ttu- Hu-me- Women's Circle of the First n.-ip'i-t Church will meet MuniJd evening at 8 o'clock with Miv Mar Jo Green and Miss Mer rill Green a- hostes-es Mrs. Stan. hy Her,r will be in charge of the program. Bookmobile Schedule l Tiiesdar. May 3rd MOKVIN'G STAR Patlon Schcjo! 9 l-'-lO GO I Ki Davi Store Development Craft leaders, others interested in crafts. '; Presbyterian Circles To Meet and lo 20 -10 36 Morning Star . r., 1 10 4-1?00 Hyde's Store 12 05-12 20 Mr? B. M Stan:ev 12 30-12 45 C M St3nie:. Giocer 1? 50- 1 05 Clyde School i '',- 2 30 Wednesday May 4th H A7F.LWOOD The circles of the Women of the ' Hazeiuood Tour. Hall 10 ivi-M fX) Chiii ch of the First Presbyterian ' Church v. ill meet Tuesday, May 3 ' Friday, May 6th a- follows FINE f'KFfr.K Circle No. 1. Mrs. J. W. Killian, Mrs Frances Rogers chairman, wll meet in the Assem- chailie Rathbon'e bK Room at the Church with Mrs. Hariey Rathbotie W F Swift and Mrs. R. L. Prevost Fines Creek School a-; ho-tesse's. , ' Mai k Ferguson' Store Circle No 2. Miss Margaret - Hooker Johnston, chairman, will meet at Mr. q y Shelton the home of Miss Lois Harold at ! . 7 'M P 111 Monday, Mav 9th Circle No 3, Mrs. Dan Watkins. , IRON DUFF, CRABTEEE, HVDFR chairman, will meet at the home i j-j- of Miss Betsy Lane Quinlan at :30 i prog Levc in 00-10 30 1 1 00-1 1 15 11 So-ll 45 1 2 00- 1 15 1:2U- 1 35 2 1 2 4; p.m. Mrs. J co-hostess. T. Russell, Jr., will be 3 3 Per Ceitl Penality ON TAXES AFTER MAY 1st Pay Your 1948 County Taxes Now and Avoid Further Penalty o SEBE BRYSON Haywood County Tax Collector Mrs. Fannie Davis W. C. Davis C. O. Newell Tommie Noland C. L. Hill J. M. Davis Crabtree School M. H. Kirkpatrick C. T. Ferguson's Store Jack Long 9 25- 9 40 9- 50-10 05 1010-10.25 10 30-10:40 11.15-11:30 11-35-41:50 12:05-12 20 12 30- 2 00 2 15- 2 30 2 45- 3 00 3:15- 3 30 Tuesday. May 10th BETHEL Mrs. Henry Francis 9 10- 9 25 Mrs. Wiley Franklin 9:35- 9 50 Mrs. Guy Wells 10:05-10 20 Bethel School 10 30-12:00 Rigdon's Store 12 05-12:30 Spring Hill School 1:00-120 Ed Blalock's Store 1:25- 1:40 Center Pigeon Smathers Grocery 1 50- 2 05 Powell Service Station 2 15- 2:35 The Bookmobile schedule will hp changed to some extent when schools are closed for the summer. Persons interested in having the Bookmobile come to their com munity are asked to contact Miss Margaret Johnston, county librari an, immediately since . the new schedule is now being planned. LAFF -A-DAY '. - . V -' , T VA4 "They're fleeting oyer a' womaa m!H " "I love the way you dance too Freddie." Mrs. "George C, Marshall of Pinehurst, wife of the former Sec retary of State, last weejf accepted her commission as honorary state commander of the North, Carolina Division, American Cancer Soci ety. "I am proud," she said, "to spon sor the Ndrth. Carolina Diision in its flht for the jjplief of humanity. "Cancer is such a dreaded and fatal malady that for years it was spoken of in Whispers , "Today, it Jjas been brought out into the open. The medical pro- m Age 2 Knows His Fir CORBiv v.. ' L"lv two W. IllS 1 1 w .1 V, When ik... Scinch, ..ry S0!.'- ,sh SIMc. dune- and "I i,wVr'nalN IsU ,1 o , a, .. :: ."ivtt " u "l terminal .... . , lvl JHr then rurtlt-.. ined liJ, feseirJ I.V lli.lli'll And she added; " " "my with J support thai this J tl JiUf Tll" Haywood Cm. w trying J"'' the relief of J ' "is is the county's ' campaign i .. . . i.asc year, nearly fession and our scientists through died of cancer io'sj il1t0C To He of Al mm LireeE Seen A large number of you recently signed petitions Stating that: would like for your area to become a part of the Town of Hazels The Town of Hazelwood, through its Board of Aldermen, promise that if a majority of you wanted your area in the Town of Hazelwi would start annexation proceedings. It started these proceedin authorizing a survey. The survey has been made but before them the area proposed to be annexed was returned to the Town oi B wood by the surveyor, the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Wa ville met in special session and hurriedly passed a proposed am tion ordinance to take in all the area that the Town of Hazelwood planned to take in and more too. This confuses matters decidedly. The Town of Hazelwood lei the people of this section should have some help with both its s and its water problems. The area was omitted from the corporatel of the Town of Waynesville when these limits were recently exte by the Legislature. We naturally felt that if Waynesville had lefl out one time it was no longer interested in attempting to help M your problems. Therefore, we were offering our help as we hadai to do. We do not think it becoming or appropriate for two nei towns to engage in a fight for the annexation of adjoining territory! der these circumstances, a free expression of the will of the pe might not be secured. We are, therefore, suspending our proceej until it is determined whether or not you want to join the To Waynesville. ' The Town of Hazelwood, however, still stands ready to promise, and if you db not decide to become a part of the to ' ----- W .Al UKS lC'lliaLULCU lJ UCIC or not you want to become a pert of the Town of Hazelwood. We in Hazelwood still belio ve in democracy and the free exS of the will of the people. Respectfully submitted, B. L. PREVOST ALDERMAN OF C. L. FISHER, MAYOR CARL SWANGER ALDERMAN GRADY SMI AI.DEBMA"