! 5 J' THE VAYr,SYILLE luGor i AIKcES AD ES L s cents per L charge 60 Ivpe, 50c In inch. iril be published desired schedule Hurl'. ijjeBW '.hiiuld be rel"iiu't' sponsible . in, ..rrH( t in- illir Lrurvix ART Lvf E. (M ih must j Lrs jfiil liy man. L in nttice be- L. on day before- juaranlie lo be limn iiwrt a want ad I. J THE OLD HOMb lUwi, WANTKD Yearlings to pasture at $2 per month. Ladmo Clover pasture. Jerry Liner. Lake Junaluska. M 12 it l-ao MDNUMENTS M tlavwon.t I ; . v - - - - - Monument Co., next to Farmers Exchange, on Aehtville Road. il. ' B Angel, manager, phone 277-M. til Hill S.-M.K 1 1 ink in A i-li i il I'lv.i.-. N l I 'I Hi l)odj I ' uiiiliu.,11. e Hill l.o we MoitM its h:ki N AC IDtNl FOR f il: 1) SAl.K h i ne I 1 ill lie Lev I al e C I N f E B BLOCKS Superock ' blocks and Concret Block, -4", '. 8", and 12" sizes. The W. A Hays Block Plant, Phone 102, i Franklin or 903 Highlands. tf ; SPORTSMEN The finest sporting ' goods In Waynesvllle are sold at Rogers Electric Co. Phone 461 tf II. u-t-d while ink, $rj .00. J unaliiska, N (' Jl 7-11 Toil SALE r '-i '.viiia 2 t In tl 1. tit n simp. 1 urn food, mrd Sint-'-Machine 2 treadle?. S3., and up. Camp Plume :,): .1 Ji 7-1 idain I'M 1111,11 ciiiidiin n Mi'. !kr S!. I'i.onr ,11 4-7 sati-fii-s is the klini Hie Mduii- n'lirk. Jul call niuiiriii ruunl r huiiiaiii slrciims. jnrs miliard: td mad Inquire rl It. Mc .Naif. KERVJC i: Call linnali at the le III2S. Il 4-7-1 1-14-18-21 Tli BLOCKS, fed and luiuliii" all Marshall t or 579-J. Il 4-7-1I-I4-1H-2I tup punil m( is niiii i ijvv s tu i'H Wiiliiul 'it' 447-.I. ,. I" tf SILLING L)W price! any ilarc pI'I.V AND :0 Inc. Ir, Buy 51 N. t. Ponograph, f and Toasters. "mien is. t Service. Jdio and YCo. Waynesvillf e Points POINT IATORs EAtidc FZERS fM Make, I '-KOSLr.V lT1 Horn. pish it fI Payment pCo. (fhone 3379 5 Errs ERVICP PTT, jr PRINTING of all types of fonn. letterheads and every need ex pertly done by The Mountaineer. Just call 700. FOR RENT Bendix washers, div ers, and ironer. The Launderette. 19 Depot Street. Phone C9fi. Jn 9-1 f PRINTING needs are promptly and satisfactorily tilled by Un commercial printing plant of The IVDountaineer. Just cull 700. FOR SALE Several top Guernsey heavy springing cows. Law si.e. 404 Walnut Street, Tele phone 447-J. J. E. Watson. tf TOP. SAl.r - 4., f. unh lup cabin 18 8 paituil;. fini-hed in 'iile. Ahout ?ll vuiiiip liuit tieec Witlnn t it v limit-- of Wavne; vitle. Pin e $4 000. Fur parti- i nl.ii ;ntiti , I ,ue C'ahm, ' , The M on nt :u nt i'i . ,l 7 tu ;8 pu-k-up'-' Hi I Jl 7-11 I lilt Alii) ilU'i The Leather and .Sim,'; weekly irptul- that em iiM.ulalmii: ,ii i,m,i clinic, by; liVlu 1 1 I,-- have -haiph jvilueed ac. iitiiiK I .tigiie. ..bM'iiteeUm and p l llli.ll I in nowc The ha ! lilt .1 ol 1 1 it- t linicb, the we, kit s !.. U to "it'litve urpt ni ! loot iitnibU tuiii-t. ingrowing! nail-, athlete'- loot, athe or pain j in the it,oi l'atusite" iinil other di.-ouiei- The i hiitipotli -t who -tafl- the' clinic al t) ,-te: that proper -hues j ate worn a.m mat measure' are taken to reduce toot strain on the job KOI M) A lew place- to bu ,tj 1 1 1 1 tfc- . bin now we are ruiinim1 .'hull .n'ain For :"ic abov e rei'iilar pi ice. hum' 1 hem to Pali i. k' lie lam .ml il lOlt SAl.K Pi. mo. in ,.,Mii lion. Call 7i;.!-ll alter 4 or vi e Mi.- Pi auk Robin-n phin Spi in;' Koatl. ,11. couth l. in . i. Sul M 1-14 iiii! ssi.i: ll.'llle tor : Frank Uoh !!o:,(l. Tu o OlIII'J. II'-OII - lioat',. or ill cow. See Mrs Sulphur Sprincs Jl 7-11-14 FOR SALE 1938 Plymouth 2-dour $225. Nice car, worth $1151). Write Box 511, .11 4-7 Wll.l. PF.RSON or persons who took chihl'' balloon-! ireil skooler liom ;n tl on llovtl Ave. please return. No question asked. FOR RENT One-bedroom furn ished apartment, modern, private entrance, dock facilities. At Mr Elroy's Rock Home, Lake Shore Drive. Lake Junaluska. Phone 3(i()-J. .11 7 WANTED Best car up to $00(1 cash. No junk. No dealers. Give full details. Box 511 Jl 4-7 FOR RENT First class furiiish-il apartment. Electric kid h 'li. Balsam Road near Country Club. Phone 1119-W, C. A. Georj.'e. .11 4-7 FOR SALE 2' 4 ai res good land and six room house. Good barn. Located upper section Aliens Creek. See Lawrence Kilbv. HI. 1. Waynesville. .11 4-7-11 FOR SALE: New and used furni ture. Specials: Pianos $59.50 to $99 50. New baby beds with mat -tresses as low as $19 50. I'sed China Closets from $24 95 to $37.50. Antiques. Also 2 lots in Hazelwood, 75 x 150 $450 and $1)50 each. liargain Day is every rlay at Justice Furniture Store. Phone 567, Depot St. tf LOST June 29th, H weeks-old. black, female pig. Weinht 30 lb--. Vicinity Cedarlop. Notii. Howard Covington, Rl. 2, Civile. N. C. Jn 30 Jl 4-7 SALES PFOP1.F WANTED to sell our cxlensive line of Fruit Trees. Nut Trie-'. Berry Plants and ( Irnaini ntal Plant material, of fered by Virginia's Largest Growers. Liberal cah commis sion paid weekly. 4H-Pai'e All color Planting Guide FREE Wrile lor furl her informal ion Way nesboro Nurseries, JVay llcs boro. Virginia. .In 9-ie-23-30-.ly 7-14 FOR SALE Duplex Col1ae.e three rooms anil halh each apal'l inent. Gas equipped. Year lound oc cii;"'c . Roth apartments rent ed, nice inconic. Desirably lo cated. Sacrificing -- best oiler over :..iiiu,(lll lermv. Al -1 1 1 1 1 1 residential lol approxi matel.s 100'xl H.V. Ili.'liway I HA 23 Haewtioil Adjacent lots so lor $2,500.00. Ileaonable oiler accepted. Telephone 9 5 p. hi or write Box 225 w ood. Norlh ( 'arolina. FOR SALE Small used, wooden refiiceralor. $15 00 J H lvev. Lake Junaluska N. C Jl 7-11 LOST June 4lh. boi l, black coal I Reward ottered. Wute 220 i Vance Street, Way lie-ville. C .11 7 NOTICE SERVING SI MMONS By PI BI.U ATION IN THE SUPERIOR CO I RT NORTH CAROLINA. 1 1 AY WOOD COl'NTY. MARY I! W ILLIAMS. Plainlill, vs. BILLY R- WILLIAMS. Defendant. The Defendant above-named, Billy R. Williams, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Super ior Court of ilavwootl Count, North Carolina, to obtain an abso lute (livorte upon the grounds of : two years separation of wile and husband; and the saitl dcfondanl will further take noliee thai he h required lo appeal at I be olt'ii e of Dj 'j K.L' :Ljrr .v WHILE THEYI5E Nv jwrT i2 TAKNGTHFII? SF-vEAJTH Wa "SSP ( INNIMG STPETCH- I Lu. WiSd s5 I HAvE" A CHAMCE To SNEAK ) Zhf "t"'Sj V 4c out ano dust off the 4. yy . . r home plat? -also a f&r f it N. HlrS 4t?S pullo' pots.panS- 'tfUTeiEVISlOAj AiiSMT- MOTHER SQalSAANS ;.N ThEBE PlTiTrtiMG E'x'lteA fwi&S I litis W II II incut in a the corner Lula Cabh 124. page 5911 of that lot N. in. ai.ii : i - "O p..- Soulheih dlretlioo to ol tin' lot conveted to by It. VV el; !i ' Hook Hit nee with the line V) West lo tin- cent er of All, lis prong of Richland Creek; I hence dow n the renter of the creek ill a Northerly ilneclinii to the Southwest iiiim-r ol ihe Fied Wood lol: thence wllh the tioulhert., b.llillddly line ol Ihr Fred Wood lot ill an Eastei lj ii lectlon to the I1KGINMNG. and BEING the lot known at Ihr Mna House propei ty BEING Ibe same properly con vt yed by deed dated Apill 2r, 1947. lo grantors lit rein by J M. Long .nut Mil. I, M I '-. Sale made pursuant to the puwn and aulhonly confeiied upon tht imdt i signed I rustti- by that deed of trust dated April 25th, 1947 exuuted bv Hardy C. Cable apil wile . I. ula K. Cable, and reem'dei! in Book of Deeds of Trust No 82 pHge 27. Hi Office of Reglilier ol Deeds ,, Haywood County tc whiih iu-li uiiienl and lecord rf i-i em e is lieiebj made for all tht leiiu- and cmtlil ions thereof, de fdiilt liatiiig been made in the pay ment of llie indebtedness thereby -ft in ed This June 30. I'M!). A f. WARD, riule l.7 -July 7-14 21-28 the Clerk of Hie Superior Coin! ol saitl County al the Court bouse in Wavnesville. North Carolina w ph in twenty days after the 41 h day of August. 1949, and answer or ileum', to the Complaint 111 said at lion or tile Plaintili will apply lo llie Court for the relief dcmandi d in -aid Complaint This July 1st. 1949 DIXIE CAMPBELL Ass't Clerk Superior Court llltiii July 7-14-21-2!! ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE Having qualified as Adniinisl ra-j tor of the Estate of Aim E. Brown.! deceased, late a resident of the State of Florida, and of the Estate of Eugene W. Rroun, deceased, lale ' a resident of the Stale of Florida, j this is to notify all persons havuu'j claims against either of said estates i lo exhibit them lo the undersigned i Tow n al his residence. Bo d Avenue, cad or tins nut ice will be pleaded in bar their. it. All per on-, indebted lo either ol said i -laic- pi, a-e 1 niaki immeih.ili pavment. j This June 13. 1949 ,1 W. Lillian. 1HI13 Jn 10 23 30 .) 7 14 21 Mil ki. or sai i: On Mond.iv . u;'ic I I ! 1949. al eb vt n o'rloi k, a to at llie Ciiurl housc door in .i ni - lite. North Carolina. I will nil t r lor sale at public out t . lo llie III'.' hc-st bidder lor cash, the billowing desci ibetl lands and premises, situate, lying anil being in Wavnesville Town ship, Haywood County. North Cam Una. and nunc p.u I iciilai ly des cribed as lollow s to-w il BEGINNING on a slake al Hit edge of the paveuu id on llie We. I side of Richland Slieel in Ha ul llarlwooil at Ibe Stiulh m ni'i' o! a lot con vi v rd lo mr. nwim : . : Be Sure Your MILK BARN CHICKEN HOUSES AND ALL BUILDINGS ARF. Ill!ILT OF OUR QUALITY BLOCK Ask the man that has used our BLOCK . . .and you will buy a Western Carolina product. All Sizes Of Concrete Pipe See your contractor or material dealer or call us collect. dial :i-x:!2i Concrete Products Co. ASHEVILLE, N. C. FOR RENT apal 1 1 1 it ni i li;9 W alb i De- lrabh illiloi nl' bed C p. m. Attention Broiler lol! lil.'l I AT BRANNF.R CREST Ci llillol I able I hit tl thiol I lino!-,. i ea-oii.il'b piiicd. Two deliidit I ol . 1 1 1 1 1 on ic , one on In -:i one oil el olid floor. ne lovely lir I llnor i win bed loom willi bath. All available lor summer or ve.ir lound occupancy. 455-R or 4.1-1-.'-. M. Jl 7 Raisers! Julv! Special for Month of ftapid feathering, fast growing Nichols strain baby chicks at spe cial low price of 12 cents each. Take advantage of this money saving offer. Order yours today from Farmers Federation Hatch, ery, Asheville, or through your nearest Federation warehouse. For Beautiful Tile Floors Select ARMSTRONG TILE Call B. R. Hundley 356 or 349-W FOR SALE Early American House Country Club Road Phone 807-R Mr. Farmer! For A Late Hay Crop We Have Virginia Brown, Black Wilson and Ilaherlant SOYBEANS CANE SEED MILLET Farmers Exchange Asheville Road Phone 130-M WE REPAIR Radios, Refrigerators, Washing Machine. Electric Range, and Water Heaters Small Appliances. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE DeHART'S RADIO & APPLIANCE SERVICE DEPOT STREET McKAY'S ABATTOIR Corner Sulphur Springs Road And Main Street HAZELWOOD Way iirsv ilh . North Carolina, t r I Fred Wood and wile .1 M Long j before the I i it 1 1 day ol June. 1 950. 1 anil wile 'Book 100 pare 51i3'. and ' THi:. I LOP FAMILY By SWAN I ' "I lfC.FE.-lM f FCU clOF. I OHl.q HfwJEM'T Ti-a- I C "SONi- THFf?P PINi, T T- 1.1 after " A.W . Crl nnU(SM HO)Uttt V ' ,BSO-V -Vir-r 1' . , lyiYknl: riciit around home b pi di.i v r isin it I r f t- 'VUITt-1 MVPT1 F I I HOT WHEN IC I TU ") f f THIS IS JUST FOP? ( I ".t" ri eAP BATK i. I WlDFOUPME fTrlAT'S O-K ( TONIGHT, LONG SWOT 'J u ruTiTdVn, V V Tni too men n PwnviMF. itx we'll fcupe out BUT Ht TM Tl-ITILL -TTPV ' - IIH ltJs-' HIIjH , qi(5f KI t 1 ..c-r nil- ri re A " TIRE TT n yiT 5 1948 civilian ieep ! RECAPPING ) Tclean Fu" , MOTOR CO. Tires $S95 Guaranteed PHONE 48G MAIN STREET NEW TIRE MILEAGE i vi iiv tiki, we REt ah is guaranteed We Finance to c;ivi: new tire mileage I ..rvDv " .v CARL C. ANDERSON HENRY AZ , , zZTZzr f( '---Ji l ij., r t t nicvrv W PHONE 1005 noNALDDUCK "y J ' Il 'u '' " "'-:'-' '..'::. ' -. j . - - - - fair : ...... HI .. ' - - (10US panes '4Ll'8KA Wholesale Meats Custom Killing PHONE 387-R