v-. w August U, i99 THE WAYNES VILLE TIC I. us i Aur,EK it HES s,ytertan ' hniwr, K ;.. '-' ,8 I1 '" h.iM .IPl '!l Vtt'llilll l..i- rllllelll in I l-l I'nihn 15lh Annivrr- lic 1 l.'.'li ;iiini- fcl.lllnn I'l I lie Ihr iiiiunini' hi al ion "I I"1' ,iril'- Supper. Hie dinner (in )'( ml mil I til 1 Itlie 1 1 ii n-1 . Jliapo! .lluirch II I M Hrkuall. Pastor ify Si Iiiii.I liir .ill li-nill il. i ;il hip Willi I mi 1 1 1 il, 111 I i I i,,plc (,t ,ii i ,i i"i.' p lll!.lll;! afcui! in 1.1 fe ;. ,,i .m,l n il, i, S.llii.ilnli ' lui'1, of :,,i i, in ' t i v ice i,l Ihe I I h, li ne nl'iect. ,i Hi, I! "I Lake I,. I ,1111-111 Ml liu' l,Vi!tll to ,lll ,,:.i ler. tl I. Ui- list C'liapel I W.iyiuttville and Itrv. ( hai1 V i Hasliu x ll mes "iit'ht fv.i intent. '. i;a., rimis- "ii at lure nld- 1 r are " the I noise Ma, i Ur,1. t Ch, 4 ;i"n,i r s! Catholic ch f Kohrbachcr f'tlfdlllp Slarlnrl ti lllil e.o.ii I '.I'lilUf F thp W.-,v0. ,h n,is,'ls as f s tVf-"-y Sunday the Hvrv ffl'iik Suudav terv fan, t-.. ij i). t a m .-.iiu- e,y 'Im-d sn- ani- "cry nrst " 3 m. eery aever' Sunday rm- evt'i- Sun- j CVery fit sun- p furth Sun- Wt Ad. b TO CHURCH SUNDAY Methodist Church Expanding In Activities, Membership, Equipment Church To Be 115 Years Old Next Sunday Members of the Bethel Presh. ' lei la il church vmII uutti ve their i nonunion's ll:th ainmer-di y Sunday. I The Kev. Paul Thrower, paster 'of the Bethel church, oldest in ; Haywood county, will conduit .ci ,irt at 1 1 a. m. During the r.ervice he al o will i (induct the Holy Communion v, in, h is held on the Sunday of each anniversary of the church The choir of the Haeluood l'i c h terian church, of which Mi Thrower also is pastor, will in:' The anniversary celebration dur ii,:'. the day al-o will tcaluie a li.i. I;ct dinner on the suiiuiid1 and an afternoon musical program, with A K. Huberts, lamed lainik (piai lil from Canton, ;eheduled to ;ip pear anions the star pcifui iner In addilion to the perfoi inaiiet b the choial group1--, there also will he siniiini! by the entire I'.ilh eijiifi. Mi Thrower said members of the Baptist and Methodist chinch es of the community ale especial ly invited to join in the obscr- ancc. A cordial invitation also is ex lendcd to any who wish to attend. Woodland Baptist Church The Rev. M. C. Wvatt. Pastor Sunday, August 14 Homecoming Day. The priicjain will feature sinning and dinner on the grounds. We extend a hearty welcome to all. 9:45 a. in. Sunday School. Vardy Kugale, superintendent. 11 a. in. -The Kev. 11. A. Kliine hart will bring the message. Two hours of fellowship is scheduled during the lunch hour The Kev. F. A. Quick, former p;lsor, Will deliver the closing message after the ciuartcls and ol her groups sing. 7 p. in - Training Union. il p. m.- Sermon by the pastor. Wednesday 2.'M) p. m. WMU meets ai the church. 7::SD p. in. Hegular mid-week prayer service. The church has bought a bus You are especially invited to u-e it to visit our church. Dellwood Methodist Circuit The Iiev. J. K. B. Houser, Pastor 1 1 a. in., Sunday The Kev. Charlie .MeliaHey of Hn lol, Teim . will preach. MAPi.r cnovK ll a. m Mi . .1. I B. Hon er will he in charge of the beginning ol tin the service, annual re- v ival. The Rev. O K. Thorne ol Whil lier will preach at 8 p. m. Sunday and every night throughout the revival. Monday, 9:30 a. m Vacation Bible School will start. All the children of the community are in vited to attend. nrxiAVooD 10 a. m The Hew C. W. Boss of Lake .Junaluska will pi each. I-I.1ZABFTII (I1APKI, 11 a. ni. H A. .leffrii Wavnesvillo will direct Hie s ol VV 01- ship. r extend a cordial invitation it' our to everyone to worship services Sunday. Morning Star Methodist Charge MORNING STAR CIU RCTI Thursday evening 7:30 WSCS nieets in the Church. , Sunday, August 14 1 10:00 Church School ' Classfls, l'.ldon Burnette. Superintendent 1 6:30 Choir Practice for Youth J Fellowship. 7:45 Evening Worship Service , 8:30 Intermediate and Senior Youth Fellowships meet. Wednesday evening. ' -w Monthly meeting of the Young Adult Fellowship at the home of Thomas Hall. Our Fourth Quarterly Confer- ence will be held in the church, i n Tuesday evening. August 3" j !-,n.7 n,nmitr ic iireed to he . present. BEAVF.RDAM CIII RC1I 10:00 Church School Classes. 11:00 Morning Worship Serv ice. Our Vacation Church School will continue through next Friday. The Commencement exercise's will be on Sunday morning, August 21. Our Revival Sorvices begin Sun day morning, August 14, and will continue Monday evening through Friday evening. Bev. W. T. Med lin, Paul Duckwall and Jack Kirby will assist in th services, which will begin each evening at 7:30. No new mih-hiif!- rtiv gown; up -iinii1 Hie I list Mt-diodot ( i,,,.,:. I III ttjWir'Wllr Mill lilt ill-lit Utlull Is B OW 111-' ill ' l o! lit I ill, ,i it,, ! In pit ji.,1 .,ii in t,n the i? i.il Ml let s U lip Will .,11,11 Ki,,i.,, tin example, HisIk.o II A b.irt. ir I licit . ii-i,l,ni ,,t S.,ntlici ii ivlttii,, dl.-l I ln i-l s . Hall.,-. Texas pi e.n In ,1 lsi Stimta St xl Suudav l''Kht - ilk Ml-livp l'.,,il t.nii t,l N.t-h 1 1 nil hud i..,Kt- .kinalu-lid .'ill tttluii Hi, rciiiion at ill!1 ti 0 t lo, i 1 1 n i I, lilt) ,, in iJ tht iiit.i itiiip .iiiiuai b ii,,1 fa i',u ii y,.Uii;. I he pa Itn t I wtel. 1ii,i,i Mm, da tlnoiu'l, I'rid.i, 1)1 l'ltlee ll.iin- patiii 01 Hi e I n -1 Metliodi-t ('hul l I til All. ,i,l i (la . will In in the pulpit tin- a ei ie- nl .iiUiie-M Coiuiug with I, no In ,,M,r ill, i- lil- min-1-1( i i,l inn ii Mi Al iii -t i niig. one nl ll,t Sunt h In,, I i In, ii (In ci lia 'I he I 11. MCI t I ll ,11 I'll k( full! 1 1 it ii and - i n , pill:1 pat, will i , ealuni Sniei h Hi rit.uine II:,' S, pteliibi tit l ! III! In new S a lic it, I. d , i, I. lai i'i -.I 1 1 Mi II, w hi' llllicl ll.l I Jtill !! t hill i ll In Imi, lollim III lu II J. I , ill ,1 tl I II 111 il hie. , In Hi, mi mlji t gal inn. Inlcii had la-t two i eai nit d 111 have i t has increased propoi lloiiati l . Mr Young ceiitagc mi it ii Hut each Sui mil I In- exai I e was mil ku. lav inn i mug. In large audiloi nun vv Inch 400 people h well tilled ' an s, :i; llli x . i shippers. .Meanwhile. Mrs Call Hale secrelai v of the church's Su dav School reports the attendance a' 1 7 per cent above last year s j Tin church's- i t. ul l iliul ions also , have risen Including I he Women's Society lor Christian Service, it's (donations lo World Service are up ill! lH per cent. Ol the $1,000 Mission Special goal for the maintenance of a na tive minister in Poland. Mr. Young i cpoiis. $Hri0 has already been rais ! i d without personal solicitation. I Besides the fewer empty pews jcacb Sunday morning, the most 'evidence ol improvement nollce I able to the observer is in the phvsi I ca I appearance and 1 lie new equip meiil . With an ev,. for the recreational , needs ,,( bulb youngsters and I adults, the chinch authorities have I been pi cpai in.", a nearby lol tor I tennis cmnls, and recently com j pleled an oiililoor grill for i Inn i h picnic:: and diiini i . I Already available is the ha-e in, nl ri creat mil room w il Ii ping pong tables, tin, iiuidooi- Bailmin tun and ( loquel colli t on the lawn, and the -ollball eciuipmi.nl and other material for games. (llhn leceiil addilion have been the IWu new -loves in the (lunch kill In n lor the preparation of the diiinii- xv huh are served in the dining room, vvhii h can s,.,,i :uo people. In general, the First Methodrt Chill i h i- keepinf, step ill the ad vaiice tor ( III 1st and hi- Church. (Sunday School Of ! Baptist Church I To Hold Picnic ; I lie Sunday -scnooi m in.- i , ; Baptist C li u i c li will have Ihe an- j ' iiual picnic Wednesday afternoon at the M O Calloway farm The ; adult department is sponsoring the j evi nl for tlie whole Sunday school. Fviiy lainily is requested lo bring ! a well tilled I'll nic basket with ! suilieiciil food to satisfy the appc- t lies ( I Hie familv. It 11), 1 lamuy 1 . . .1 ureters pi ilalo s,ii,,(i 10 iiieo ,10, k, 11 and ( ounli v bam. that is ! the dish to bring. Only the drinks I consisting of eolfee and lemonade will be tin nished Facb familv intisl I be responsible tor the variety and j amount of lood. I Anoroximalely three hundred people are expected to allend this ! annual event Those attending arc : i e(ue.sted to meet at the church , not later than 5:30. Transportation 1 will he provided lor those not hav ing I heir own cars, i A brief period of worship will be conducted on the mountain side hv ! the pastor, with congregational singing as a feature. This will take the place of the regular mid-week service at the church Those loyal summer visitors who have been attending the mid-week wor ship hour are cordially invited to come along and he our guests at j the picnic and open-air service ol vv 01 ship Bethel Methodist Church The Rev. Clyde Collins. Minister Sunday, August 14 10 a m., Sunday School. 11 a m . This church will join in commemorating the 1 15th anni versary of the Bethel Presbyterian church We think this meeting will do much to bind the churches of the community together in the work of Christ and his church 7 30 p m-, Methodist Youth Fel lowship meets with Joe Jack as worship leader, Larue Amos president. (The (5ol6ett Tet The i etui "0 give thanks unto Jehovah, Cove Creek Revival Postponed; Pastor III p. i:ha hkia i s . Muiuil a 1 1 let i ( -iiimuIi ill Bev iv al ei v in-., w In, Ii v, t i , scheduled to (il n 1 1 'a-.l Suudav el Hie Cove C'eek li.iplisl ; ha1, h hav r been po-1 pot i d h, c.-,o ,,l I he libit sv ol l he p.isiui . Hi, IV , Dock i;iss, l The sci v ices vvill i,. be, ,1 al later dale Free Methodists To Hear District Olliier The Kev. Paul . Filler of Macon, the (icorgia dr. In, I siiperinti ii. dent lor the Free Melhotbsl Chuiili. will preach al the Free Methodist Chapel in av m-v ill, toniiiiiow and Salurdav imlils al H ii'cloi k and at I In Sunday 1 el v i ees 'I be 1 1 c I v Sail .inn nl will he ad mini- leri d Suudav mm lung al the elir e nl Mr Fidel - nic: age SONGS SUNG ISP. A ELITES I 'F.LKJ HT IN sfn'dif P.mii.i By NEWMAN ( AMPBFI.I. t'VFl.Y c'cll'N'TP.Y has lis In (1, .. ndtii. . 1 My. it.s day ot dihv- cran, , w hi, h 01 si 111 ii teMival tunc it , ,., 1,1 at, s vv ith .speeches us, 1 i a II ,,f.'- ,,, lu.th alms alletl. ,1 to ..or les- Th, Soli t by it, ti,,i,al I1 liiv an s,.ngs lo P.- sung Ism, lit. s cit t.in.-s , f na I, tivity 1 l,ev ai e liynin.s ,! thanl bveiiii,' lty t"i tn, 11 Jinn also gir riving imtl Joy for de 1 1 1,111 soui. gi. at 1 alam ,11 lory m battle, libcra- ,..n.lagc. ti The Jews thanksgiving for the Lord lu lp nil through their Ins- toiy as 107 Psalm revicvvcd m psalms lO.i- 11V, her ins. "Oh cive thank: unto Jehovah, cull upon His nann make Known 111s o. ctis among the people. "Sing unto Him. sing psaims unto Him; talk ye ot ail ins wondrous works. Glory ye in His holy name, rejoii r that !, t the hi art ol tlicm seek the Lord " nsalm recounts the Then tin "wondrous works that lie hatli dn." -from the brgmn-.ng of Is rael as a nation-from the call of MEMORY VERSE ,,,1-e Ihnnkx unto Jrhovah, call upon Hut name." Oh -Psalm Abraham, about 1000 B. C. down to the entrance into the promised land under Joshua, about 1400 B C It recalls the sale of Joseph to the Egyptians, his imprisonment and release: his promotion to lord of the house of his master and "ruler over all his substance. Israel also came to Egypt, and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham." , , psalm 106 is a psalm of peni tential confession; the sins of Is rael are recounted and then the mighty acts of Jehovah for which they should render obedience and thTbe1mhg to the 118th paa.m. included in our lesson arc called the Hallel. This word means "pra.se. " The whole book of psalms is one of praise and thanksgiving. This series of psalms, however, is meant to be sung on festival occasions pub be praise, "sung in circumstances of joyous solemnity in the temp e courts, at the three great feasts t-, Pntrost and TftD- rassuvci , - .11 tka motl ttt ernacies wuc" - - Israel had to appear before the Lord." This is quoted from Da vid Barons bibliography. The -same authority writea, 1 . . . .V, . .rs sutd on copyrights outlinw produw s- n c the firk. cull upon Hii name." Piolm 105;).' Dutch Cove 1 Pastor To Hold Radio Service The Hcv .1 Doyle Miller, pas On ol Ihe Dutch Cove Baptist Chinch, will have charge of the linn m ng tic nl ions nver W 1 1C( ' i,, xl week Monday Ihituigh Satur day al it :tll The follow ing week Mi1 C I) Newell ol the Crab 1 1 ee Mi -Hindis! Charge will be Hie ! ste,ikel . The worship service will he hioadeasl from the Pi esby lei iali 1 ( 'hoi cb Sunday morning at I I o'elntk Hcv. M 11 Williams,, ii will preach the sermon. , Itaibo slalion WTICC is cooper aliui: willi I In Haywood Counly M 1 1 1 1st ei la I As -,ia I inn in liinigiiig these duly worship periods In the 1 1 1 1 ' i ii 1 1 s ill Havvvood and .lai Icon COUllt It s. ! Mankind began using gold earl u r I ban lie um d silver. n AT FESTIVALS SINGING GOD'S PRAISE 105-107, 111-J1H. 'Aeetudiug to the old rabbis, the' llallcl ctltbiatcd tlie piaises of God III t onneit ion with Ave things the dehvtiance from Egypt, the dividing of the P.ed Sea. giving ot the law, resurrec tion fiom the dead; and the lot of the Mfssifih." Mr Baron tells us, too, that in connection with the Paschal supper, the Hallcl used to be di vided into two parts: the first half consisted of the first two of the series, either sung or recited in an early part of the service. You remember when the Lord Jesus kept the Passover in that upper room, on the night before His trial and crucifixion, He turned the ritual from the deliv erance from bondaRc into a me morial for the spilling of His own blood for the sins of the world. The Mallei is full of praise, and was turned by the throng of Levites and Israelites in the tem ple courts to one continuous hal lelujah. The people would repeat the whole of the first line of the psalms after the Levites, and then respond with a hallelujah after 105:1. each of the subsequent lines, etc. The 113th psalm begins: "Praise ye the Lord. Praise, O ye servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. "Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and for evermore. "From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name be praised. "The Lord is high above all na tions, and His glory above the heavens. "Who is like unto the Lord our God. who dwelleth on high, "Who humbleth Himself to be-( hold the things that are In heav en, and in the earth! He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill; That He may set him with princes, even the princes of His people." To make the children see this ereat pageant In their minds and to feel the Joy and thanksgiving expressed in these psalms, is an tnapiring thing for a teacher This is the lesson taught today the happiness in atore for those who Uve the Christian life, as ex pressed in the psalms. Thia aUo ahould b Impressed . upon the 1 tmiuieii. , ' . ... V rt. by Tot inurnnwnii uu -.. pwu-ibuua fcy Kins natures Byndlcati. Thrifty Mothers Will Not Miss This Event! SCHOOL SALE! Our C hildren's Depai tint iils Are Filled w illi N'v 1'all ami Winter Clcttlun;; ami Shoes. . . Kvei.vtliiaj! a Hoy or (iirl Neds for tlie .Months AIk-hiI. All Depend a hie Quality . . . And All at Tin illy low Trices Thai Mean Heal Sa iii;;s to K.very Home! Here are a Few of the Harj'.ains. GIRLS' WASH DRESSES . TCi - v' ... r ii7ii- c n no easily worm 0.30 New Patterns and Smart cottons and Sizes (i to II ears. (URLS' SLV'IS DKI.SSI S s1.98 t'otltins .tnd r.iuiis til smart h.ilU i ns. GIRLS' WINTER COATS Worth to $19.98 . Many new styles in tweeds, lleei es and novelties. Sonic .111 iilald lined. Siiiue lime ilaiil humls. li to 1 I ears. ;IKI.S WOOL SKIKTS Win lb S .'.IIK. Smart plaids. li to I t M'iOS. (oitni itov ja( Ki:ts s5.98 I'relty ((ihirs. I'alcb pockets. K to 14 veins. RAYON I'ANTH S Small colors. Iliitf style (i In 11 years. Just Read The Savings On Boys' Wear duio oruni ooinio nr n iU T d-i 00 . - IMUIiy VYUilll 1U tPl.vIO .... I'Uids . . . novelties ... in colors union1! Short sleeves . . . c oiik i tihlc collars, ti to Hi year sizes Hoys' 7!)c Knit I'OLO SHIRTS 49' Quick clearance. Medium and dark colors, l ancies and , plain weaves. lil'O AIM LOTH SHORTS 59' q f-lmw... i'.t,ll.l.L Um III ,., LITTLF HOYS' LONfUF SLITS Sg.98 Herringbones and tweed' Itiuhl for school .Patch pock School Hook Hans S1 weaves. Jacket with lonKies. els. (.reel., brown, wine, Krav Leather p,1u:i ( ;lse 39(. 4 lo 12 years. -1 to Kt years. v ACTUALLY . . . THOUSANDS OF PAIRS . . . No Store Shows You So Many! School Shoes OI K DOWVSTMRS CHILDREN'S SHOK DI P Mi l MI NT IT'ATI RKS f.OOIt Slllll'S AT LOW I'KK I S. AND BK( Al SI, W I! .VIKASl Kl I III WITH I III: I.ATI.ST TVI'L HAV MACHINE . . VOCRE SI'RE OF COKItECT H I. When You Read Our Prices . . .Kemt mbrr . . . Every Pair Will WEAK! Group Boys' School Oxfords $1.93 BOYS' OXFORDS 4.98 RED EAGLE brand. Sturdy ones with crepe or leather soles. BOYS' OXFORDS 3.98 Tan leather. Cord soles. Sizes 3 1-2 to 5 1-2. Boys' New TENNIS SHOES $1.90 BOYS' Special 4sit Colors r.ivons in florals and prints. .IRI.S" WASH SKIUTS 1 Many reduced limn $I.!IK. C'olliins .111(1 I.IVIIIIS. $9.98 lo $14-98 (ilKLS' WASH IJLOl'SI S $1.49 Reduced from $I.!H. Sheei, and hi (Mcleliitli. (WKliS' Were lo sllle. ( .lltl.S ANKL1 IS 25 While unci rnbirs. Novelty i.ill, i ns. 1 HOYS' WASH SLACKS 1.98 Win tb to $?.!)K. Tan. blue and ulllei cohiis in cotton vah anliiie. I! to Hi years. AIIIM.lll 39c sizes. I'M) LKS I HUTS Knit rotUn. All siws CORDl'ROY SI'OKT COATS Sg.98 SADDLF OXFORDS 2.98 White leather with ureen, rjd, hrowm and other trims. Sizes 8' to 3. OIRLS' OXFORDS 3.98 j WAl'KA WA V brand. RED 1 EAOI.E brand. Tie styles, brown 1 leather. H1 to 3. GIRLS' OXFORDS i 1.98 Brown leather. Tie style. Nov elty trims. Sizes ft' to 3. GIRLS' SANDALS 1.98 & GIRL S' HIGH TOPS $1.98 WE CLOSE WEDNESDAY AT 1 P.M. am 'J is KAYON SLIPS 98 Iluill up shiiuldii I'LASTK' IIAINCOATS s1.98 Deonned Hh bnorts. h lo M years. y n School Supplies Lunch Hoves 5(lc Hall Point Pen Sels SI Thermos Hollies SI. 2!) SCHOOL SIIOFS on SALK Sl Table filled with sandals, ox lords, in white and colors. GKOCP OF SANDALS 1 49 Many originally $1.98 and S2.98 values. SHOES REDUCED 79( Big variety of styles for boys and (iris. Play shoe and undals. s , V s.-. X ' K'SO'"'.:..-... i 4 hr f f ' SI m II ti, '!V