August 11, 1949 THE WAYNESVILLE MOUNTAINEER PAGE FIVE -he Revives The Merry Widow Era The Hudsons Have ( Mrs. Doggctt Celebration At j Entertains For Parkway Knoll irs. Don Hy'tt i in I'.nk'sds Knoll thi-; ullei lino: , ii i eirhi .i' ion ol t he HM Ii .mil' . I Mi and Mrs Holiorl C Mil.! t.r j M : ):,.,.. it ,., oie Ihi.n1. it a lawn ivir; in d"' . i . ,., i ,, ,. i ,i. . .mute - t.i Mi I '"ii '' .. .'. ii,l r A I... v. l ! ul tin- oer,i'ion ol i ho In I1 uiii i ; , t i . , j . - M. A I ".'i-iKenielit j ' , I.,.,.-., nit. i.i'i.v ..i ' '1 In- h u -Is "I'll' ii-M-ted Ml 'Ml , ,. . in- I, - VI Mil., n:; lis Mis William I I ,1 at iuiee. on .! I .. (lames anil contest . wen l:ii ! i . ., Loom mi too H il .:.. IN in ed anil 1 el I esliinenl - w i'1'e sr; ', ri ! I'll,,,, pu , il , ; Mi AttcmliiiB the all.or were. .H. Mi V.'. A 1 1 . " Mi .it (he I'arUwav anil Mr .lid Mi - ' I's.dl. Mr- '' ''' M' I'anl Hyatt. Mr and Mis. Tim r . ''uni I'lvi. r ami n Hrownell, Miss M.iit.iiiI U',u: .1. ' TueKi i .ol innnam .,i. and :uiet. Miss l.omse . I ) i 1 1 1 1 : M'.n'.'ts't ol l-'oitdi Miss I llarrold. Mrs. is I - Crawford. Mr and Mrs 11 I ' Ml' ' Ur' 1 Mr I Mis Urooks Miss Nan nc-t le .loins M. G. Stanley. Mr. and Mis C, rl I'.nio. ,di. K . ' n !!av id Aliendalo Kiirni. and '1- Mi .Trail I . lo.iiai ind Mrs. Hem v Van CHeson. ( 11 -I-;. Large Crowd lis Expected For Dance I iri;p crowd is expected to at- -' tlie dance sponsmed by (he ) ' i n. ia sima Phi .-.(iioritx at lh'" ai : i l i'imIiihiiiI Hotel Saturd iy night : ll.uniiu "111 begin at 9 o clock ;' a llii music b Teddy Martin and ! ' 1 ;ii - ei chc -tra. i:'i Mi- lierhrrl Hraren is servini; I i' f- oiiT1 for I ho event. .. i .ln. Ii is the tourlh in a scries of I '"ii nances sponsored by (he sorority 's -ii tin-, slimmer lor the beiielil ol N r i harilable projects, i ' Advance tickets are beinK sold i s'i at the Firestone Store. Dry son and Miller Molor Sales, Charlie's Place and t lit- l.adye Kayre Beauts I - ;til Sl'.oppe u ; .a :. v rl, Mr and Mis A I). PluHips ol . Ii are miosis a( the Wayside i I .edge. Preston Crews ; Has Party On 3th Birthday Preslon Crew-, was lionoi . d on !.i - eit.lil h liii I li 1 s w li.'ii in - io 'Hi r. Mr- Os d Crew .. n'ei t n; d villi a p.'titv at her home W i d i . - day alternoon Mrs. l'ros w a . as i led by Mr. lull's MiKiiiley and Mis li.u.l. Irye ( ianic weii' p! is rd on tie' I i' 1 1 after ret i e .hni' nl .'i:. erved in the limine loom Tin 'able was centered wilh a Iniili day cake and pi. icon w.-ie in.olir l with favors bubble sets I'm Hie 4irls and v. hislles lor I be bos .. Altendini; the parts in adii"ii In the honor mi est were Nam's Hector. Ann Dnlin. Carols n IVis: -( i.ill I'llai ski. Ki .ink l i s e. I'.iui Das is. ,lr , Tommy IVesosl. Willie Clark, Dan Croon, and '' ' Cress s. ESSO FUEL OIL Tiike AdvuntaKe Of Special M'M.MMK PRICKS Pliono 461 Or Canton 2260 For Delivery F. V. WOODY Fsso Distributor i ' r t ss n -.ilk liuur hip (ii liii limner i l,i ! black llv imii: F,i.t'."n l.diior d l""k hke , II.. he. W l. Ih a pi llinplt i" in ins car - 6, I V. Iinl, '.ah lh,- ilinaooi hi nl Ir.'in ii; 'he Merry 1!-; 'i ' ill aie, I In rile Irirrli :.i( tit le ideas ft: "II Hie '.lii- '.i'l ir and lii'.l line l ee ham! I "I elei;anc. I!i i ' mi Hie in. iii lias or an ticrkliiics, tin iK .mil Hie .ml Ih'ls nl blacl. I1"1'!! IlillllL'll Tin ie an mi. siinpli plenty o 'inil hlmisi- ''" Hie lliemi li'-ii. r's hearl j. !' Il.iri n i "I a divs 'nl l. us,,. Then n -hii-icd anr' " kiue. bios- HiMlN .,m mn- ilh s.-,,-,r l: ''i" 'l mi on, '" achieve ; Mlll.lll. II,' ' ''"-'-"s coals I'lriih ,,f ,.,.,.r "l '""lllul lh. -'"'s "raps then 51ls Sum,. f iu,, J trlillH ,,H,. f' ItHs. to Iraim F' 'ii'1 -illinin'ttc. f11'1' 'lie (lesjenei ipr.rii'iK sleeve is pnotony fENHOKF I . -, I "J:.". run I ho KVrh I mend t"at waii' them, 'i"v anv f effor3 or for VAMI'lHE SII.HOUI TTK . . . This evening sheath ol lieer black is shirred Irom neck In knee, banded in velsel. with hemline chou. CAN-CAN 1(1 I I I 1 s Mirtalioiis ladies. 1 1 1 i s black sheer w ool -In -,il li with pi 1 1 I n I -lies ot nylon net. lis bills Dache. Sara Thomas Is Honored On 3rd Birlhduy Mrs. .lames II. Thomas. ,lr . en erlained with a party at her homo n Thomas Park WVilncsil.iy aller iiion, honoring her little daughter, iara Thomas, on the occasion of ii-r third birthday. A color motif of pink and meen i. as lulled in the parly appoint -nenls and rel i I'shini-iiU were .uiveil at small table) assembled in the' lawn. Favprs wore balloons mil iinniaturc carts filled" with andy. Mrs. Thomas was assisted lis Mrs. .lames It. Thomas. Sr.. Mrs. Hoy Campbell, aunt of Hie honor most, and Mrs. II. Is. Herman. The miosis included .linims "raw ford and Terrs and C.ail Mason of Sylva. Karen Smathers. limmy Medlord, Mary llarher. lohn Siler. Cat hey Missio. Donna lo Massie. Harris Provost. Myrtle ''ilzgerald. and laldie Damour. Miss Doris Ann and Holly Jean iuchanan base relumed lo their lonie'in Marion after a two weeks isit lo their randtnirents. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn H. McCbiro. of Way nes- ille. Iioule 1. Misses llillie .In and Paula Anne VIooneyhan. daimblers of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slanelli, are speiulinp. wo weeks at Camp Hope in Pisnah Forest. he sheath eveninc dress which may he transformed indefinitely by iclrlit ion and .subtraction of boleros, -timmerbunds and aprons. Off the Menu ''"l sVi's par v I now SS P rsn dian- h?r ccmp'.air.t. ' ?'.iw eld nine ,n n.i- S '" l""l rp"p. Hi .lainry i"-t the !'n UMiai'v r(,r. !e "'"I "irved '!' cf earh Wfeij I tnan f,ri i-'.uc-, now care. rfplaint ma'le -similar r--- "J t:ay ,rv. ?fe.,n,",5 that P the et rsea o'-it beauti- ":i table lor n, . r"d J' ,V ",r Elass . :e Pfim and . -iTarcd day f, rtaneed. Dad 5 '?- S? in. him was ?et a little table in th porch and he ate his breakfast, read the paper, smoked his pipe and as all the happier for it. Sun day a tray breakast was available for all, so that each member of the family could eat at Ins las-onre n1nso -in nnveVi lininfT TDOlll. kitch en, living room or take the tray up to his own room. There were neat little tri-ks with fruit. Unhulled strawberries mois tened in pineapple or oranire juice and arranged about a mound of powdered sugar, provide a differ ent touch. Stewed fresh fruits with toast or hot breads are good. A summer breakfast of chilled fruit juice, then berries and cream, toasted brioches, mayhap some grilled ham, and coffee is superla tive eating, and not too expensive. Hot Breads With all the quick mixes avail able, it is easy enough to run up some special hot breads or runs. j Or invest in some bakers buns, slice, toast lightly on one side, but- .ter and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, then put in a warm oven to blend. There's an inexpensive but beautiful breakfast treat! For something mighty good in Place of the indifferently prepared V-nM nnW Inn often. "mil mat, ayyema vn.j - freshen thiD ham slices by letting them stand in hot water for about 10 min. Then panbroil until brown. Add a little hot water or milk, cover tightly and allow to steam over low heat until tender (about H hour for a & inch slice, 15 nuns, for a thin piece.) But whatever th provender, whatever the meal, serve it lovingly, serve it pret tily. Colorful garnishes are eu-y to do, and what a happy difference they make. Ml- I I' y ..i. "U ol lies lllr entci i .i 1 1 a d 1 1 1, in I mill ,i bridge i i,nl y. I 1 1 1 . i al Ibe Mount I al l.-s I n n . J li I T. . 1 1 I . . ( ' ' .elf. in in. ss it. i of Mel liodi I I'.:- bop Sol. man of I). ill. i- Tefi .. a. In. Jr.. lo II' ii.- I . today at the Mount Valley 1 mi. Mi s I-1 , ,li n k Mono ol Canton lias o a I'll I lid. iv p.u t s al I lie Mount Valles Inn la. I iiu'.bl tor her hus band, i I Mr -DM lib. a of Cliai lolle is here tin a ' i at lo her paiellt-. j , Mr and Mi - T I. Hianilotl. j , , , j i Miss I, on iso M.ntiii lias ro , nil nod lo bieliinoud alter -pendiim a vaeat ion ss it h her parents. Mr. land Mi-- Hoy Martin j M i's ( i i ..Is toy el. who under- : wont an opei at ion al the Has ssood 'Counts ll'i pi'.il some days ai:o. i ! eons ales, no: al I ho home of her niece. Mis. ii.ilph Provost, i i j M, s l.i s , Morgan and Mrs. Pat ; Colo ol Clyde ale represent um the I Clyde limn,. Demonstration Club at ! Farm and Homo Week in Haleiuh. ! )r Sbacklord ol Nesspoil New... a ha- iiniiod Mrs. Sliaok Innl al lh . inner ( 'rest lor a moiil b's A l-.o at 111 r ( 'rest tin -sseek are other meniheis of the laiuils . The lies, and Mrs. Joe T Shacklonl and tour children ol Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins Shacklonl and two daughters of KaleieJi. and Mrs. I.ylo Ottorness of Ness pint News. Mrs ;,-ei Walker and two sons are spendum t!"- week al Parris Island ssilh Mrs. Walker's brolher and islei Dr. and Mis. W. S Mat ! h."S '- Mi Wood on Jones and her niece. Mi Vines Jo Do;::;.tl. ,,,h I..' Ho-, sse, k in Green Cos-' Spi in - I l.i . ss ilh Mrs, June .' sop. ,,, I and daughter Mr and Mrs I' Medloid. DON'T MIX AGi GROUPS . ChiWrcn do not belong of (oedfo. porfes. If bod for fhem ond always embor- ummeir nV' i FEMOUMO QUI Y POPUUB, MB THRIFTY GREAT for rn 41 )ress m I the costs. Famous Makes as j-" Nelly Don - Carrol King - Mar- 1 tha Manning and Others. OF OUR ENTIRE SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK - All Sizes, Styles nmr nxiv n T r HT Hl PZD Bri"9 a Iricnd il YOU lil:c " Divido DU S Uitb a I IIUUVaJlilB fnul GET M0TI1EE Only 22 Spring and Summer COA' lUa.lo by SWANSDOWN - IJKTTY IJOSF - .1 AFM V .IIMOU alf-Price Final Clean - Up Of Entire Stock 0! I I Only 19 Spring and Summer rmrv ii ii ii u il I Mdc l.y SWANSDOWN - IH'iTTY KOSli - JAl'NTY Jt'NlOR Half-Fnce tllftlUWnBHBiWBI J-JMfllllUllllllAimw.w"".".''J- ITITIBW SUMMER SHOES LADIES' $7.95 SUMMER SHOES FINAL CLEARANCE $; 9 EVERY PAIR OF OUR LOVELY SUMMER n noes Now Reduced To $10.95 AND $12.95 AIR - STEP SUMMER SHOES .aiijfih S5BWW. chiidren-s gej your im us Bargains hi Uinaerenu otuuui DRESSES Sizes 3 to It 3.95 and Dresses Nov 2.98 $1.98 2.98 Dresses Now Only Buy Now School Supply Of Dresses at These Prices Ihr.iiv- Out AVhite I These Were $4.95 NOW ONLY Main Street Including Ttax Waynesville MmHmFm 8