October 20, 1949 PAGE THBEE (Second Section? ' THE WAYNESVTLLE MOUNT AINEE3 Peak lnr- ,ttie d-iV- , i:.,fiIV Jeep Replaces Burro In Rugged Brazil rs I POLICE CALLS ENLIVENED 1 VOKT WORTH. Ti-x IP' S1S U;is M,!,.,! 11 11 h n,,li,.,, Tnr.irtm o in p i n . h... i. . i . . . . ...c nam- : ien a p,m :. miiii'i. url I tional burro is losing his job to tin- hook, d v.; t!i,. 1Mil:tv .,wl wau ls on tne . jn amost inaccessible parts of r-idiu u , , ,. ..... .- . Brazil. pain The Oblate Fathers of Man Immaculate, doing missionary work THI VU. si. i n Ai UOMF in the rugged interior, have sold CADILLAC Mul IV ' Tin' io- thfir burros and purchased jeeps. IUt. U ;;i!t!:..-iii ..(. Ku ird ru i Tl.ey said the little cais can go ei.luu :i., m :m lU,It.u tm. wiii ' anywnere a ouno can aim never uiu , ui:, i i; t ,Ml , . a ao make up their minds to be stub- puhh-.i t,H, , u,Ul,. vu.u. born. tailing en in , !.. .. ,, ,. between .til .i c file!? i ('ritsnea . i a us fwc m PINEAPPLE No. 2 Can 3 Jc S PEACHES 29c 79c LIBBY'S FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 2! Can 37c 3 Cans 99c 6t Carrots 16-oz.Can J gc 3 Cans Qc tdVegetables 16-oz. Can J 3C Cans Qc Uett No. 303 Can 21c 3 Cans 57c No. 2 Can 35c 3 Cans 93c fATSUP 14-oz. Bottle Jgc-3 for Qc TOMATO JUICE 29c 77c LIBBY'S BEEF STEW 16-oz.Can 39c 3 Cans 99c Eeaple Juice No. 2 Can J 3C3 CcmS dota Figs 17i-oz. Can 23c 3 Cans 63c tRed Beets 16-oz. Can 4C 3 Cans 37c Small BEETS 27c 73c Libby's Whole Stringless Beans No. 2 Can 35c 3 Cans 93c LIBBY'S KRAUT No. 21 Can 17c 3 Cans 44c 'mm mm Frosting, Cake ' Mixes Make Baking Easier NKW YORK (UP) Cake and frosting mixes have made the bus iness of baking vastly simpler. "You still have to pour the bat ter in the pan and turn on the .fii. one expert commented, "but 1 hose are about the only two steps ;hat haven't changed." Now a new way has been dcvel l 'l d to turn out fancy frostings, nil u 's and sauces in a few min ;es to top these ready-mix cakes. H using the new instant pud diiiu mix as an ingredient, the . ake loppings can be made with out cooking. Two of the fancy lop 1 in;", developed are an orange whip iilliii;', lor spice cake and a mocha 1 lean) - auee for a devil's food cake. Orange Whip lM'.KKDlENTS: l'-i cups orange lince. 1 cup cold milk; 2 teasp. i: rated orange rind and 1 package in laid aiulla dessert. METHOD: Pour orange juice and milk in large bowl. Add orange mid and instant dessert and whip rapidly with a rotary beater for 30 seconds, or until smooth. Serve with hot (gingerbread. Mocha Cream Sauce INC.HKDIKNTS: 1 cup cold -I rung coll'ee; 1 cup cold milk; '4 leasp salt; 2 teasp. sugar; 1 pack , i i . :ine instant vanuia uesscn, aim cup cream. AlKTllOH- Pour coffee and milk into howl; add salt, sugar, and in fant dessert. Whip rapidly with rotarv beater 30 seconds, unui nioolli. Stir in cream. Serve on sciuares of while caKe. necipe makes 2' a cups of sauce. Fur ilioso who prefer to begin i heir cake baking wth sugar and -hortening instead of a ready mix. a new recipe for a banana crunch rake will cut down preparation lime in at least one way. The cake .cquiics no frosting. A banana top ping is spread over the cake batter belore it's baked. Banana Crunch Cake INCIfKDIENTS: ll2 cups sifted Hour; 1 teasp. baking powder; i icasp. salt; a cup shortening; 1 nip sugar; 2 eggs, separated; 'i iea-p. almond extract; Vi cup milk, ind ' - cup chopped nuts. For the topping: 3 medium hananas; 2 tbsps. brown sugar; 1 i teasp. cinnamon, and 1 tbsp. imtter or margarine. MF.THOl): Sift together sifted lour baking powder and salt, .'nam together shortening and uf-'ar until light and fluffy. Add -gg yolks and almond extract. Mix ell. Add Hour mixture to creamed mixture alternately with milk. Fold in chopped nuts. Beat, egg whites mill still and fold in. Pour batter into greased l:n, 8 inches square. Tin m t f tn the batter with ba nanas, sliced lengthwise. Sprinkle ailh a mixture of brown sugar, ,,l holler and hake in moderate oven Cf.W degrees i aoo.n ill ininilles. S GREEN LIMAS 175c 47c iJiinc VALLEY PRIME CORN Golden Vhole Kernel 12-oz. Can 12c 3 Cans 33c Olympia Yellow land Niblets BEANS CORN 12ic 12-oz. Can 17k 33c 3 Cans 47c lose ';m Camps PORK & BEANS 16-oz Can 12c 3 Cans 33c 51b. Jar 45c Syrup S 2i Can 25c 69c Can PWCE 3 cans 36c mm OWER 2 lbs. 25c Tiia g 2bchs.21c Lz: 4 lbs. 28c iLi 3 lbs. 14c BITS Cooked Rcady-to-Eat PICNIC HAM S lb. 45c Wilson's Sliced BACON lb- 55c lender Minute STEAKS lb-79c Young Tender BEEF LIVER b-49c Newspaper Insert Reunites Family 1.1 'SK. Wvo. (U.l1.- Fight y-two-r.n-old Mose Bourgoin of Lusk, iho spent 20 years searching lor Ids family, has been reunited with Hi,. mi ailer 30 years of separation. Mourgoin left his home in Can ,da 31! years ago to search for ,!,,i'k in the United States, and when he finally found it, tried to otiI.oI his family. They had moved and he could find no trace id lliem. About 20 years ago be began a vsiematie search which included wa iting letters to all people in Can- uiin niiyht know of them, a oi isonal search through Canada, uid a live-year hunt by the Cana- li-m Mounted Police. II was to no avail. Even the Mount ies gave up the job. rontiniiine his search alone Bourgoin began inserting small lersonal ads in Canadian news nap i s. Finally a friend of one of his il.unditers saw a notice and failed her. Mrs. Lloyd McFarlane nf Wilcox Saskatchewan. In turn, she called another daughter, Mrs. W. C. Metzger of Minneanolis. Minn., and they call ed Bourgoin. They came to Lusk ,o visit their father. lioureoin found he still has a brother and 91-year-old sister liv ing in Canada. Resides the two daughters who visited him, he has luce sons' in Canada whom he ex pects to visit. DULANEY'S 10-Oz. Pkg. GREEN BEANS Both For i9rw Pksr. Greens ...... 2 lbs. 23r i KALE-GREENS Hard Way To Burglarize Proves Not Good Enough rfi.OIT Wis. (U.P.) A burg lar ignored doors and windows in his unsuccessful try at breaking into a local tavern. First he built himself a shed n,.vt in one of the tavern walls Then he went to work with a saw and drill. But his work through plaster, lath and plywood was cut short hv sunrise. Police found his tools in the shed next to the unburglarized tavern the next day. WIf'KFR FOR BABV PHILADELPHIA (UP) Baby's bottle soon may have a new kiclr er'- in it. The milk research lab. ,.,..t.,ie nf tht Philadelphia ChiL ,,-s iiosoital has developed a new apple syrup which, mixed with .,,. ,,i or cold milk. Is said to be helpful for infants and older chil Super Suds Lge. rk. 28 Ivory Snow Lie. Pkg. 28c Camay Soap 2 Bath Shie 21 c Camay Soap 3 Reg. Size c 23 P & G Soap 3 Lire. Cakes c 22 Texize Cleaner Pint 39 Ivory Soap 2 Lge. Cakes 'c 27 Ivory Soap 3 Med. Cakes 25 Ivory Flakes 2 Med. Phgs. 23 Oxydol Lge. PkB. 28c Duz Lge. Pkff. 28 Old Dutch Cleanser 2 Cans 23 Dash Dog Food 2 Cans 25c Spic & Span Cleanser 2 Cans 45' Dreft Soap Powder Pkg. 27 Ivory Flakes Lge. Pkg. 28c Jewel Oil Pint 31c Scoco Shortening 4-Lb. Carton 85 Crisco 3 Lb. 87 Swif tiring Shortening 3 Lb. DIXIE-HOME We mi ALE nil EVERY DAY- LOU PRICES It's Good News When Dixie -Home Stores Has a Sale of Corn - Fed Fresh Pork. CENTER CUT LOIN PORK CIKWS p CENTER CUT EcormY RIB LB. 43c LB. 53c LB. 3c O PORK LOIN ROASTS Rib End lb. 43c Loin End lb. 47c U. S. GOOD GRADE HEAVY GRAIN FED B E K F STEAKS ROUND SIRLOIN t-boni: CLl'B SEA FOOD LB. Medium 89c .-1U..J ci.:-i.. Frrsh I-S 111. Sizes. Codfish lb. 33c Flounder lb. 35c Mullets lb. 21c King Mackerel Fresh Virginia Medium lUAQ StpaU lb. 45c Soots lb. 15c Green Shrimp lb. 49c 17 Frozen Foods Frigid Dough DINNER ROLLS 2 - 7-Oz. Pkgs. 2SC Pictsweet BROCCOLI 10-Oz. I'kg. Piclswert LEAF SPINACH 11 (.. Pkg. 27c a Pictsweet COB CORN 2 Lars 29 FLOUR 25 lb. bag 1.93 RICE 3 lb. cello bag 33c SALMON No. i can 26c FANCY PINEAPPLE TUICE 2 -12 oz. cans 27c PINTO BEANS .2 lb. cello bag 29c 7 Miuil PIE MIX Choeolate-Lemon-Cocoanut Pkg. 30c 7 Minit PIE CRUST MIX Pkg. 17' Rama GRAPE I AM 2-Lb. Jar 33 Airline Lemon Pie FILLING 16-Oz. Pkg. 25 Bosco 12-oz. jar 27c Superfine 303 Can Lima Grands 15c HiC 46-Oz. Can Orangeade 27c Std. Cut No. 2 Can Green Beans 14c Webster Fresh No. 2 Cans Lima Beans 2 for 25c VERI - BEST PRODUCE r iff. -v v if a Fresh Crisp California 2 heads A Iceberg Lettuce .... 27c Jit A York Imperial nil c r Apples .i ids. .c Fanev Red Delicious APPLES 3 lbs. Fall Russet Oregon PEARS 3 lbs. Fancy Crookneck c c 3 1 33 fancy i rooKnecK Yellow Squash ... 2 lbs. J Qc Snowy White CAULIFLOWER .. 2 lbs. g 1 c Std. E. J. No. 2 Can SPECIAL OFFER Kgs. Peas 10c Swans Down Instant Cake Deal .... 69c Beverly Breakfast 10 Oz. Sausage ,-- 23c California Tall Can Sardines 15c Jim Dandy 5-Lb. Bag Grits 32c Standard No. 2 Cans Tomatoes 2 for 23c ON DUFF'SijftfWHITE CAKE MIX WITH THISMALUABLE COUPON Make 2 High 8" Layer. Eggs Regular Price 36c and Milk already in -Add Ifss This doupon 15c . . , You Fay Only 21c Water-Mix-Boke-That'sAII! ' DIXIE-HOME STORES Ked Woiir JNO. -a i an "Dixie-Home Stores win reaeetn any raauiiic., Pie Cherries 27c merchandise carried in their stores regardless of whose name appears A on coupon." 77' dren suffering from anemia. Read the Want Ads for bargains