llnzZiy Afternoon, Jauuat Tur wayslsyille mgumalnltk OF INTEREST TO WOMEN 1 5 SOCIETY " MRS.'BEN SLOAN, 1 Laura Woody Is . : Hostess For .Visitors " Miss Laura Woody entertained a group of young people at a party at her home on the Country Club Drive Saturday evening, honoring Miss Nancy Joe Doggett and Miss Naomi" Tate, 'of "High Point, who were visiting here '.for the , week end. , . .. Dancing and games' were feat ured and refreshments were served. . Attending-te affair in addition to the hortor guests were Miss Nancy Francis, Miss Sally Stovall, Miss Linda Sloan, Miss Lane Pre vost, Miss Elizabeth 'Watkins, Miss Julia Ann Stovall, Miss' Ann Co man Crawford, Dale Ratcliffe, Bobert Massie, Carl Mundy, Jeff Reece, Robert Stretcher, Jimmy Galloway, Stanford Massie, Jimmy Swift, and George Dewey Stovall. Dpngld Rfieq Is On Merit List Donald Rhea, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. M. 'Rhea, of Hazelwood has , been placed on the merit list at Georgia Military College, Milledge ville,' Georgia.' He U a member of the sophomore class. Donald attained the honor on aceount of a' high scholastic aver age as well as a good conduct rec ord. He will be given special privi leges onHhe campus and is entitled to wear a merit badge-. ' ' ' Woman's Club To Meet Thursday The January meeting of the Waynesville Woman's Club will he held at the Presbyterian church, ' Thursday afternoon, at 3:30 o'clock . Miss1 L6uiSe' Ballard, vice-presi dent," will preside' in the- absence of Mrs, Frank Kinsey, president, and the program will .be presented by Mrs. Raymond Lane, chairman of the International Relations - Committee. yesjeycm Guild To Meet Tuesday The Wesleyan Service Guild of " the First Methodist church will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 o'clock ,-at the home of Mrs. W. A. Brad ' ley on Eagle's Nest Road. ' . v .'' .) .' Legion Auxiliary Seeks New Members The January meeting of the American' Legion ; Auxiliary was . held at the 'home of the president, Mrs. W.' H. Burgin, on Friday night. -Mrs. J. T. Russell, membership . chairman, launched a drive for new members and the group decid ed to work toward, 'doubling the i. .membership of the" Auxiliary by April 30. Mrs. Sam' Kelly and Mrs. Martha: Ann Mehaffey were ap pointed to serve as team captains - for the drive. 4" " ' -Plans were made for the Valen tine Dance which will be sponsored jointly by the Legion Auxiliary " and. the: y.FWl Auxiliary at the Waynesville Armory-tn Friday, ( February 10. - - , A social hour followed the meet ing With' Mrs. Leo Martel and Mrs. Lee Bramlett acting' as hostesses with Mrs. Burgin. - ADEQUATE EQUIPMENT . . . mattes tins" ptiarrhacy your Power Plani "lot" a healthier; happier life! Qui Pharmacists have the "kridjv'-TiQw" to use their tools, the integrity to fol low your doctor's orders.'' .-v. .-,'. Your )Valgreen Agency ! ! ' U' 5 ? DRUG STORp IJome , Owned & Operated Phono 32 ' ,'i 4 .P,...l,v ,.- and CLUB AQTIVITIES Society Editor- n.fna PVinno fi Hazelwood Church To Give Drama Thursday The temperance drama, "Priso ner At The Bar," will be presented at 7:30 p. m. Thursday at the Haz elwood Methodist church during a union service for the Baptist, Pres byterian, Methodist and Church of God congregations. . ,; The announcement was made today by the pastor, the Rev. M. B. Lee. .'' . The Rev. Paul Thrower, pastor of the Hazelwood and Bethel Pres byterian churches, will fill the role of presiding judge; Jarvis Brock, counsel for the defendant; Hazel wood Police Chief Ossie Suttoh, in the part of the sheriff; the Rev. Q. J. Cox, Church of God pastor, as the state fingerprint expert; Mrs. W. J. Nichols, Waynesville, route 1, witness for the-prosecu-tion; Miss Janice Ruff, prisoner's daughter; Ben Winchester, clerk; Boyce (Rock) Powers, bailiff; and W. J, Nichols, foreman of the jury. F, W. Wilkinson, the de fendant. Jonathan Creek Road Meeting Set For Friday Residents of Jonathan Creek Township will hold a "Go For ward" road meeting at 7:30 p. m. Friday at the Rock Hill School. The meeting, announced by the township road committee of Jule Boyd, Bob Messer and Dick Moody, will-be for the discussion of the highway problems of the Jonathan Creek area. ' AH residents of the community are urged to attend. t : - - . ; . . White Oak CDP Meeting Set For January Z5 By MRS. GEORGE BORING Mountaineer Correspondent The residents' of White Oak will hold a Community Development Program meeting January 25.- ' The ladies are requested to bring Cake.:. . Cruso Folks Name 1950 CDP Officers . Cruso residents named Lester Stockton their Community Devel opment Program chairman ' and Dowe Reece the vice-chairman last week-end in the election of 1950 officers. Nell Vance was elected secretary-reporter, and Mrs. Wilburn Clark, treasurer. Ijflrs. Frariklin Is New Cpvepreejc CDP Chairman Mrs. C. H. Franklin was elect ed chairman of the Cove Creek Community Development Program last week-end when the residents of the community named their offi cers for 1950. ! ' John Howell was elected vice chairman; ' Mrs. Vinson Morrow, secretary; Mrs. Henry Allison, treasurer; and Mrs.' D. C. Davis, reporter. Betty Ann Brown Is Party Hostess Miss Betty Ann Brown enter tained a group of high school girls at a slumber' party following a meeting of their! Girl Scout troop Thursday night. . ' ' r The guests were Miss Margaret Reece, Miss Mary Jane' Rogers', Miss Edna Callahan, Missf Joyce Carter, ' Miss Nancy LeaOierWood, Miss Betty Noland, and 'Miss.'vSara Brown. ':' ' .' Miss Margie Cope, who is now employedi.'.JnDetroit,,L'Michigah was a week end uest of her'tndtH er, Mrs. L. L. Cope, at her home in Balsam. She returned to Detroit by plane on Sunday. Dr.W.M.Harcy (Chiropractor Office ' . . Qyer Slack's 267 Main Street Office Hour 9-12 2-S . Office Phone 1123 Residence Phone 1032-W f) PomD PVir.no 4R9.T D.A.R- Chapter Pays Tribute To Mrs. J. H. Way A memorial service for the late Mrs. J. Howell Way was held 'at the January meeting of the Dorcas Bell ' Love Chapter, Daughters of the . American Revolution, Friday afternoon at trie orne of 'Mrs. Ben Colkitt. Mrs. Way was a char ter member bf the chapter ?and served for twelve year s regent. Mrs, S. H.' Bushnell was in tribute to Mrs.'Way's long' life of tribute to Mrs. Ways long life of service in theD.A.R., civic organi zations, and her ciiurch. Mrs. Har ry Marshall Tead 'the '121st Psalm and :Mrs.- John ' Klrkpatrick1 sang a soloi5 "Resit In the Lord," by Men delssohn': ' Miss Rette Hannah was accompanist. ' Mrs. J. M. Long presented to Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, daoghter of Mrs. Wa, a bowl of white floiers which was used' at the memorial. 'Mrs.' f- W; Killiah; regent, pre sided during the business' tldlir 'and Mrs. W. A. Hyatt spoke on "Forts of the American Revolution". Mrs. H. M. Leach of Lake Juna luslta and Mrs. Ramsay Buchanan of Sylva were introduced as new members of the chapter and Mrs. J. H. Howell, Sr., senior president of the Joseph Howell Society of the Children of the American Rev olution, announced thattwo of her charter members, Miss Betsy Siler and Miss Marguerite Way; had transferred to the Dorcas Bell Love Chapter. - - Mrs. Killian reported a gift ' of records sent to Moore General Hospital at Christmas and Mrs.1 J. H. . Howell, Jr..' chairman of Girl Homemakers, announced plans for the annual Cotton Dress Contest to' be held this month. ' Delegates to the Golden Jubilee State Conference of the D.A.R., to be held Mn Charlotte in March, were named. They include Mrs. J. H. Howell, Sr., Mrs. Colkitt, and Mrs. Gwyn. Alternates are Mrs.' R. N. Barber, Mrs, Harry Lutz. and wrs. jarnes fcjwood. - ' ,'. County .Council Will JVfepi At Court House ''.'''''' " ; .: The Haywood County Council of Home Demohstrajtion Clubs will meet inVthe Little tpourt Room at the Court House tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock. ; Mrs.' Paul Hyatt, new nresident. will preside and other new officers will asslime their duties. They are: Mrs. Henry ' Francis, vice-president; Mrs.' Jimmy ' Williams, secretary-treasurer: and 'Mrs. Otis Cole, publicity chairman. ' " Miss Nell ' Kennett, district home agent, will be present and will assist Miss Marv Cornwell. county home agent, in discussing the home demonstration club pro gram for the year. The county council is made up of officers of the twenty-one home demonstration clubs in the county. Pvjrs. .Caldwell -Is Hostess For " IpftDuftqul? Mrs. J. R. Caldwell was hostess for the January 'meeting of the Iron Duff Home Demonstration Club on Friday afternoon. "' ' uunng the business' hour the group elected new officers and pro ject leaders and committees were appointed to serve during the year. Mrs. Grady Davis was elected president; Mrs. F. M. Davis, vice president; Mrs. F. E. Chambers, secretary; and Mrs. Frank Brad- shaw, treasurer , Project leaders are; foods and nutrition, Mrs. F. E. Chambers: home gardents. Mrs. E. W. White and Mrs. It; N. Palmer; home poul try, Mrs. Belle McElroyr food pres ervation, Mrs. J. R. Caldwell; house furnishings, Mrs. Grady Davis; family life, Mrs. Roy Medford; home beatuification; Mrs. Manson Medford, f'dhd ''Mrs. Frank' Brad shawj clothing, Mrs. troy- Messer; arts and crafts, Mrs. F. E. Cham bers;" and music.'Mrs. F. E, Cham bers. ' "-'v.; "!;v v H -.;:; ' Named on committees were: Mrs. Manson Medford, community service;- Mrs. Kimscy Palmer; health; Mrs. E, W. White, education; Mrs. Grady Davis, citizensbip;' Mrs. Belle McElroy, recreation; Mrs. J. R. Caldwell, Mrs. Roy Medford and Mrs-. Frank. Bradshaw, loan fund; and Mrs. Tloy Medford, Mrs. J. R. Caldwell and Mrs. Frank Bradshaw, 4-H leaders. - ' - ' . ' The demonstration for the after noon was given by Miss Mary Cornwell. f, v f Moreuevccousii- ln)g spasms, muscular soreness, rub throat, chest and back at bedUme V 7 1 i I I WltH tlm-t3ted ' VAoRk i w m &r .... . t. Married In MRS. CARL O. DKNNIS, JR.. who was Miss Maude Putnam before her marriage on November 20; In tyriaml'. She is the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Putnam of Lake Junaluska. Fines Creek Club Names New Officers . ':' ", V ..'1 ' f f, .: New officers and project lead ers were elected and new commit tees were named for the Fines Creek Home Demonstration Club at a meeting of the group held Thursday at the County Kitchen. The new 1 officers are Mrs. France Rogers, president; Mrs. Cauley Rogers, vice-president; and Mrs. Dee Clark, secretary and treasurer. Project leaders Include: foods and nutrition, Mrs. R. M. McCrack en; home gardens, Mrs. R. M. Mc- Cracken, Mrs. Cauley Rogers; home poultry, Mrs. Charlie McCrary, Mrs. F. C. Green; food preserva tion, Mrs. Carl Green; Mrs. Dee Clark; house furnishings, Mrs. Mark Ferguson, Mrs. Charlie Mc Crary; home management, Mrs. M, M. Noland. Mrs. Dick Noland; fam ily life, Mrs, Mark Ferguson; home beautiflcation, Mrs. France Rog ers; clothing, Mrs, R. C. James, Mrs. France Rogers; arts and trafts, Mrs. R. C. i James; and music, Mrs. Mark Ferguson. Committees are as follows: com muhity service. Mrs. Mark Fergu son. chairman, Mrs. Dock Noland, and Mrs. France1 Rogers; health, Mrs. Carl Green; recreation,' Mrs. Charlie McCrary; loan fund, Mrs. R. M. McCracken; 4-H ' leaders, Mrs Caulery, Rogers, Mrs. Carl Green, Mrs. R. M. McCracken, Mrs France Rogers ' and Mrs. Mark Ferguson. ' 1 . , , Miss Mary Cornwell, home agent, gav,e the demonstration tor me month on 'Know your nome Demonstration Club," and plans Were made for the February meet ing to be held 'at the Fines Creek School with Mrs, Mark Ferguson and Mrs. Carl Green as hostesses - - AUDITORIUM REPAIRED AFTER 16 YEARS 1 r ' 'WHITTIER, Calif. (AP) - More than 16 years after the dis astrous Southern California earth quake of 1933, this city is getting around to repairing its high school auditorium. The quake damaged roof sup ports and beams and the building was abandoned. It has been forbid den territory ' for1 students' ever since. The'city once" decided to re model ' it, then learned ' a larger building was needed because of an Ince'rase in the number tof students. rNow Workmen are ripping .'off the roof. Using the original walls they will convert it, at a 'cost !of $381,000, into a classroom and li brary building. 1 ' They Knew What They Liked I i j '. v 4 .,' ', AS WW- "hi S ' i Tvo Baltimore, Md., sisters knew exactly what they liked, as one art expert put it. And how their trea&ure Is a Mecca for art lovers,' Miss Etta Cone bequestcd the fabulous collection' of fine art she and her sister, Dr. Claribel' Cone, had collected over the years to the Museum of Art of Baltimore. Etta done died last Augi(st, 20 yeari 'afler diath had taken' Her sister;' ' '' '' - .P-.... i r i .. i :: ;:t . Miami 1 PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. W. M. .Cobb left Sunday to spend a few days in Atlanta. , - , " Mrs. S. T. Neal arrived Sunday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sloan. . Mrs. C. E. Rothrock of Reids ville, arrived Sunday to attend funeral services of her grandmoth er, Mrs. John K. Boone, and is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Rufus Siler.,:' . v . v Mrs. D. H. Bess of Lincoln coun ty, N. C. arrived last week for a visit to her son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cobb. : Mrs: Robert Breece and Miss Helen Ray left Saturday for Jack sonville, Florida to visit the form er's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, for a few days. . ' Miss Mary Ann Massie, student at Duke University, Miss Eugenia -4. in DOUne, : smueill at max o v"i- lege, ' and Jimmy Boone, who is attending State College, arrived on Sunday to attend funeral services for their grandmother, Mrs. John K. Boone. ; : : " Mrs. Joe Doggett and daughter and son, Nancy Jo and Bill Dog cett, and Miss Naomi Tate of High Point spent the week end nt their summer home on the Country Club Drive. ' . 1 i x Dr.sand Mrs. R. L. McKittrick left yesterday for a visit to rela tives in Edgefield and Greenwood, South Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Woltz of Mt. Airy .came up Friday to join their young son, Elliott, who has been with his 'grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lenoir Gwyn, for the past two "weeks. - Mr. Woltz left yesterday for New York while Mrs. Woltz and Elliott remain for a Peek's ' visit' with Mr. and ; Mrs. Gwyn. - , : ' . ., , 1 ' ' .. , ; ',. Mrs. C, L. Dickson of Durham and her" brother, Rogers Boone of Huntington,' West Virginia are here 'to attend funeral services for their 'mother;" Mrs. J. K; Boone Miss' Louise Johnston who has been visiting her sister, Miss Mar garet Johnston, left Saturday; for her home in Fayetteville. She was accompanied by Miss Margaret Johnston! "who spent the week end in Greensboro. 1 Polio Ball Will Be Sponsored By Beta Sigma Phi Plans for the annual Polio Ball were completed at a meeting' of the Beta Sigma Phi sorority, spon soring group for the event, at a meeting held Thursday night in the Court House, ' The ball will be held Friday evening, January 27, at the Waynes- ville Armory with music by leuay Martin andjiis Orchestra. , . Arraneements will be maae oy the following' committees, appoint ed by Mrs. Herbert Braren, presi dent of the sorority: TicKei com mittee, Mrs. Charles McDaris chairman. Mrs. Jimmy Fields, anC Mrs. William Cobb; Publicity,, Mrs, Charles Woodard, chairman, Mrs Harry Lee Liner, Jr., and Mrs Sebe Brysbn; Decorating comnuf tee Miss Ediih Summerrow am . ' ..... ....... r 1 n ' Miss Thelma Ann Jones; cijei-id committee. Mrs. Wayne Corpen ing, Mrs. Edwin Russell, Miss Ed na Summerrowt and Mrs. Stanlej Herirv. ' Mrs Herbert Gibson. Jr., and Miss Bernice Harrell will be ii charge of collections at the thea tres. ' . :' The program for the meeting was presented by Mrs. Charles McDaris and Mrs. Harry Lee Liner, Jr., on Symphonic Music. Mrs. McDaris spoke on the origin and history of the ; symphony and Mrs. Liner played recordings. Annual Parish Meeting Js Hed By Episcppaligns The .annual Parish meeting of Grace Episcopal Church was held at the Parish House last Wednes day night. Supper was served prior to the business session and a large num ber of members attended. ; Reports were heard from Mrs John Taylor, Mrs. William I. Lee, Mrs. Dan Cross, Mrs. J. F. Abel, Miss Mary Michal, and Mrs. Kath arine Reed for the various organi zations in the church. V ' Mrs. Roy Campbell and E. M. Rothermel were named as new members of the vestry. Following the business, Kimball Barber paid tribute to the outstand ing work of the Rev. Edgar Goold, rector of the church; and Mrs, Goold. . " V; ANCIENT SNAKE FOUND , RIO de JANERIO (AP) An 80-mfliion-year-oid snake has been re ported found near San Jtfse Ita boral, small town In Rio de Janerio stato A rennrt in the trpnlneifnl muse'um here says a fiekl paPty, digging ip a site whach has been explored' for 20 yeargf ound'fossil birds, lizards, plants and a snake estimated to belong to the tertiary age. The snake is the first of that type found In Brazil, says the 're port.;' ,".- rt ' -' ' TOADS FOR LONDON SYDNEY,- Australia v'( A P) An export license recently granted will allow an air-freight consignment of giant 7-inch 'toads to a medical re search center ;in England. Scient ists consider the toad of ereat value for research into the activ ity of the nervous system.' 11 Torreya, known as gopherwood, is native in : America in Liberty county, Fla., and the southwestern corner of Decatur County, Ga. Bob Hall accompanied his sister Miss Lela Moore Hall, of Sylva, to Durham for the week end;' ' .... . . Mrs. Robert E. Hance and little daughter of Columbia, S. C. were guests '. of ' Mrs. ' L. r L." Cope of Balsam. Sam Welch of Atlanta spent the week end here on business. Oipi. 1949, Kmj ttm Synf Inc, LAFF-A-DAY - Tou're pot gaming him! All you're doing i mkkke' - - bim thiak hjt father is cra- - f Amethyst Wool Jsrssy pi ' fl H: itin , 1 1 Uandsome daytime dress. By VERA WINSTON 1 BEAUTIFUL, BRIGHT Vi brant colors and soft pastels, that's the ticket now in wool jersey, rather than the neutral grayed tones of yore." A rich, glowing amethyst hue marks this handsome go anywhere' dress of wool jersey, a good choice for ' stay-at-home or traveler. Thre jeweled buttons secure the collar. less V neckline. The bodice is seamed through the midriff and released for fullness over the bust. Inside tucks below the waist are released into gentle folds at the center front of the skirt. In back the skirt is cored. ' General Arnold Is Dead; Was 63 SONOMA, Calif., 'Jan. 15. (AP) General of the Air Force Henry H. (Hap) Arnold, died today at his ranch home in the peaceful Valley of the Moon. He was 63 years old. The veteran airman, wartime commander of the Army Air Force succumbed to a heart condition. He had been ill since 1944. It wasn't until June 30, 1946, however, that he allowed himself to retire to his 50-acre ranch 40 miles north ! of San Francisco.1 His physician, Dr. Russell V. Lee of Palo Alto, said: "He should have quit during the war when he had his first at tack (in 1944). But things were hot then and he decided to takt his chances witr the rest of the soldiers and wenl back to duty." ) v 1 1 Dr. R. L. Mollenhauer of Sonoma, called Mrs. Arnold after the five star general had collapsed in 'his roonii arrived shortly after he died about 7:25 a. m. The cause of death was given as coronary oc clusion. Arnold will be buried in Arling ton National Cemetery. The funeral has tentatively been set for 3 p: m. (EST) Thursday. Thje Air Force in Washington relayed a request from Mrs. Arnold that flowtrs be' omitted and that persons wishing to pay tribute contribute to the Air' Force Aid Society for establish ment of a scholarship fund. Vctf rights ?Ui' s $ 18 I II JIASSIE'S iv. m i m 5 75 a H n 2. s S 75 : s. 5 ' c pH3 m 1 r livM II i

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