'- LMSVILLE Kr lli Wayneswlle today's z:::lz Poem ... The bachelor's a cajey fry. An I lis a lot of fan; Be sizes til the cullies up And never BIrs, one. MFJNIAINEEE Of Tho New Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of Haywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park Uer Form of urn. xiuiu isu. H 15 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News WAYNESVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, FEB. 16, 1950 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties TT T TJ1 -LLJ2i ICS ...inn were oractlcal F.. J. hm welL went ISJuh the candidate?" . b. uhisiered: 0ne' ..... v.. Tint thinking bout. Oux just wants me to leu . mm' in tne enure, C in increase in salary. seen shak- uovernpr lo Upen bealed Decision As 1 I . B invpr - thel the Community To B 4ih Awards e Made Marcl l By Gov. Scott MS dim ow -,, - log, whichever the customer Bound To Happen dwindling coal piles some- had to nna a way v a,si into a pracucai j An I 'it has oee uu"v Iht here. ... , . .. Who is the winner of the $1,000 in cash prizes of the 1 under pres- Community Development progress contest? """"' J I TV,. . 4 tL.l -H i L ill 1 165 000 pounas, anu u auawei iu uiai aii-unpui mm question Will De given solid log. reaay w vuc by Governor W. Kerr Scott, here on Saturday, March 4th. w sm. v.ni. This mornine R. C. Francis, eeneral rmintv rrinlrmfln on. tQ tne Ocaicia na- 7 o f o ...v..., ie fuel it has a 101 oi nounced that uovernor bcott would be here the 4th, at the a ..u. ti inn inn I . - i kes, ana "e"s court nouse, and open the sealed report of the judges. Much interest has been manifest ed in the outcome of the contest, which was staged throughout last year by 21 Haywood communities. The report of the judges was put into a sealed envelope and put In the vault of the banX several weeks ago. Governor Scott will open the envelope, and. re veal the win ners of the first three places. The first place winner will re ceive $500 In cash.. The second place prize is $300, and third place is $200. Accompanying Governor Scott here will be L. Dale Thrash, high way commisisoner for this district, and Chairman Jordan, of the high way commission. Heads Tourist Unit g Man Through Glasses lf SUVA UD her argument king her husband with "not nterested in numan inv ito' not that, dear," he pro- 1 Just haven t seen any. !y A Safety d kier day, The Mountaineer ilup ribbon from the Mate inent of Labor for not hav- accldents causing any iosi trine 1949. 'X. d by State Labor commis- Jorrcst Shuford, U was in another certificate, which luntaineer had won for hav same sort of record in 1948. hangs on the 1948 certlfl the Mountaineer office the man who put itiherefc i mashed thumb, t las Injured while taking the certificate out 6f Its frame he could attach th .new bbon to it. injury, however, was fle as "not serious." ' est time was reported. ' han't comments on the. mat ire inaudible, as they, were rd under his breath. Candidate v 1 i ing: Cartoonists g Born Here , Grade School boys and girls lei Elementary perhaps are- Img anything in their - art resembling Da Vinci, Degas, pton, perhaps. But they're a lot more fun. other day Neal Kelly of s sixth grade turned An a iy drawn picture that and students are still Igover,: JULE NOLAND has formally an nounced he is a candidate for Register of -Deeds. This is his first -time to seek office, and is managed of ih Farmers Federa- X1UU. IXBOU 143 AIlKtaillB ciuuiv.t lule Nolarid Is Candidate For Register Of Deeds Jule Poland, manager of the Farmers Federation store here since 1939, announced today ' he was a candidate for Register', of Deeds. Mr, Noland's entry Into the race did not come as a surprise, as he has been frequtnely mentioned as being a candidate. Mr. Noland has been in the re tail business since his graduation from high Bchool, except for three years spent in the Army. Prior to being named manager of the Feder. ation in 1939, he was co-owner of (See Noland Page 8) liows a typical skv-seraner Sketball player standing with n Ittalrlnrt ...... 1 J.-l. p. one opponent, of normal , I ameS - v ouub liClU KUBl. DUl 1 mm m mm Joking very irked because rleadS htQie ' nas bounced off the tall eaa and out of bounds! "e side one of the shooter's ' is complairJng to the College Ag Club Mixed Court Term Closes Here Monday The mixed February civil and criminal term of Haywood Supe rior Court ended -early Monday af ter Judge Zeb V.' Nettles of Asrfe- ville granted : two divorces .and heard a few other routine civil matters. M ".."i if- - r?f The HQ-week session was iaark- ed by quick action on relatively light criminal docket. Before court convened February 9, county magis trates had turned in only about 30 new warrants for action.' Many cases were disposed of quickly without the necessity for jury trial. Sevteral others .were postponed, nol prossed, or continued to the July term. con Davidson College Band To Give Concert Tuesday VX7 ... : i i mm il ir L'....ij TTTT JttUff Are E Teftsioii lo wer lines Ie 1 Ready To Inergizea. Switch Scheduled To Be Thrown Sunday Afternoon C. J. Oeece Hon President E'lerchanls Association CARL HENRY, president of the Haywood County Tourist Asso ciation, assumed office this month, and the members adopted a plan for expanding activities to bring in more tourist business Into the area. George Kimball Is vice president of the group. Thad Eure To Address YDC Rally Korth Carolina Secretary of State Thad Eure and U. S. Ren. Monroe Redden will top the Speak ers' list for the annual Haywood County Young Democratic Club dinner rally which was announced today for the night of February County YDC President Vanar Haynes of Clyde wiH be in charge. i Wingate Hannah and Jerry Rog ers, working on the arrangements for the event, said in their Ljoint announcement that the meeting would open at 8 P, M. at the Hazel wooa bcnooi. Eure will make the keynote ad dress after he Is Jntroduoed by the Congreiwaa Irom HendersonvllUi Besides these officials, a whole host of political dignitaries, candl dates for public office, and incum bent office holders from the entire western district, as well as Hay wood County are expected to be on hand. The event also will mark the official opening of the annual Haywood Young Democrats' mem' bershlp campaign. The master of ceremonies and toast master for the dinner will be former District Solicitor" John Queen, Sr. Tickets will be on sale in Way nesville at Claudette Beauty Shop Town and Country Shop, Gunn (See Young Demos Pare 8) Merchants elected new officers, voted to maintain present store hours, and named commute to work on a street and road project, at their meeting here Tuesday night. C, J. Reece was named presi dent, succeeding V. M. Cobb, while Richard Bradley was named vice president,' Mrs. Gordon Schenck. secretary, and Harvey Dulln, treas urer. - A large attendance entered into the various phases of the business matters presented, President Reece named W. Hugh Massic, Charles Ray and Guy Massic as a commit tee to work with other similar committees for the early expediting of construction on Highway No. 276 through Pigeon Gap. : Another committee composed of W. Hugh Massle. Charles Ray and David Felmet was named to confer with the town board of aldermen, relative to the need of widening certain streets In the business area. Med Leatherwood Is In Race For Hay wood Sheriff Med Leatherwood, well known Jonathan Creek: farmer, cattle rateer, atari an auctioneer of note forahallyTannounced' today' he was a candidate for sheriff. , Other than serving for 16 years as a member of the Waynesvllle Township school board, he has never held a public office. A native of Jonathan Creek, he started farming before finishing high school. About 18 yedrs ago he started auctioneering on the side, and has conducted many cut tle sales at Clyde and Ashevllle, In addition to numerous land sales, , He has taken an active part in the civic affairs of his community. In addition to being a member of the Elk's Lodge, he is a mem ber of. the Shady Grove Methodist church. C. J. REECE The new high tension power lines from Canton to Hazel- wood will be energized late Sunday afternoon, it was an nounced this morning by Julian S. Stepp, district manager of Carolina Power & Light Company. Plans are now under way for an informal ceremony when the main switch is thrown at Canton and 66,000 volts are sent surging over the" new lines, built at a cost of about $140,000, as part of a mil lion dollar improvement program in the western division. With weather permitting, power I will be off Sunday afternoon from one until five, on all REA lines, and lines at the Lake, Waynesvllle, Hazelwood and Balsam. Three new sub stations have been built as part of the project of increasing the power load coming into tho area. The sub station at Hazelwood, Waynesvllle and Day ton Rubber Company A large number of construction crews from other divisions have been brought here to assist in the final change-over from the 22,000 volt lines to the new 66,000-volt lines. The new high tension lines were built across country from (See Power Line Pare I) Houso Candidate Former HaywoodfMari Now Heads Idaho Sheriffs ... you mean to say there's Iri It. . . u uie rules about crnvs . tin - t Executive Address Lions Irsdav KmYit mnkthl?lpSon' President of moky Mountains Fertilizer '" here win i,e the princl ? Tnursday night at the svifu Tf meetin of the svl"e Lions Club. - feting win open at , p Pr.!i. yaieieria, with - HUH N. C. James, Jr., 23-year-old former Haywood County boy, is the new president of N. C. State Col lege's Agricultural Club. Son of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. James, now of Statesville, he and other officers were elected at a recent meeting at the college., Now a senior at State, James re sumed his 'studies after getting his honorable discharge following three years of war time Navy ser vice. . He Is a graduate of Fines Creek High School. Haywood county's music lovers next Tuesday night will have the chance to hear what is regarded as North Carolina's finest college concert orchestra. The 55-piece Davidson College concert band, conducted by James Christian Pfohl. will appear at the Waynesvllle Township High School auditorium at 8 p. m. High, school Band Director Charles Isley today said ; the school's Music Students' Council is sponsoring the appearance of the orchestra here and will use the proceeds from the box office to purchase awards for the school's outstanding musicians. This will be the only concert the Davidson band will give in Western North Carolina as it continues its homeward trip after a highly suc cessful tour through the South, Mr. Isley said the "usual a misison" of 25 cents and 50 cents will be charged at the door. 1 . HUICJ UJ FAIR Pdav. iri..: . I n.' .,uluaryi6--Falr and Prir: ..,n Thursday iiciai nr. B,,u warmer sreoni-i : . ""s tempera-T2FS,bytheofthe Max. 3 14 -- Mln. Rainfall 45 .03 58 .16 32 Seeks Re-Election DR. J. FRANK PATE announced today that he is a candidate for re-election for the place as cor oner of Haywood county, a posi tion he has held for about 10v years. : Thickety Citizens Spend $112,000 On Improvements The 125 families of Thickety community spent over $112,241 making permanent improvements during 1949, ac cording to a survey just completed by K. O. Carswell, in be half of the Community Development program. New brick, and rock houses led the list, with almost $33,000 being invested, while the amount put into cars and trucks was about $30,000. Remodeling of homes in the community accounted for almost $20,000, while another $14,000 went into new equip' ment for the homes. New barns cost $7,200, and $1,775 was spent on new bathrooms. A breakdown of the figures as revealed in the report (See ThicketyPage 8) Dr. Pate Seeks Re-Election As Haywood Coroner Dr, J. Frank Pate, well known physician, today made formal an nouncement that he was candl date for re-election to the position as coroner. ' Dr.' Pate has been a practicing physician for 20 years, and for the past 18 has been in Haywood, with offices in Canton. He is a gradu ate of the University of South Carolina and the Medical College of The State of South Carolina. He has served as president of the Haywood county Medical Soci ety, and is a member of the North Carolina State Society, and the American Medical Association, as well as a member of the American Academy of General Practice. Dr. Pate Is an active Mason. t ANNOUNCEMENT Dr. and Mrs. Hal P. James of Memphis, Tenn., announce, the birth of a son, Ernest Easly, on Saturday, January 28. Mrs. James is -the former Miss Arbutus Mc- Clure, daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs. Porter McClure of Waynesvllle. R. L. Justice 7 Seeks Post On Bd, R. L. Justice, well known farm er and stock rulser of Pigeon Town ship, and an active civic leader of his area, today announced he was a candidate for a place on the Hay wood Board of Commissioners. Mr. Justice, active In the affairs of the Democratic party for the past 40 years, is today seeking his first public office, He served as a member of the Bethel School Board, and several terms as a mem ber of , the Haywood Democratic executive committee, He is at present a member of hi townshln rural rnnrf committee: and has spent much time on road,jyian JJOUnCl UV6r prujuuis in inn mwnoiuy, una iuc county as a whole, He is a demon stration farmer, and supporter of the Community Development pro gram. : ' For some years he was superin tendent of the Bethel Presbyter ian Sunday School, and still a member of trfat congregation. He is an ardent worker for better (See Justice Page 8) Another Haywood County native is going strong in,. another state. A news report from Idaho re ceived here last weekend announc ed that Charles McCracken, "pop ular caribou County sheriff, was named pioM of he Mafo SJler Ufa Association recently, 'i j The native Haywood man was elected during the Association's an nual meeting. " " He is a brother of M. C. Mc Cracken, who lives here. Referring to Charles McCracken, tne news story continues: He has been vice-president of the group for the past two years. 'TCharlle," as he is knowri to most of the people of Caribou County, is in his tenth consecutive (See Sheriff Page 8) On Breaking And Entering Charges Directors Of Chamber Of Commerce To Meet The board of directors of the Chamber of Commerce will meet Monday night at 7:30, in the city hall offices, It was announced today by Mrs. Gordon Schenck, secretary. This is the monthly meeting of the board, and a number of mat ters pertaining to the year's pro gram will be brought to the atten tion of the 24-member board. A Negro man was still fn jail today in default of bonds totalling $2,000 set after he was bound over last Monday on charges of break ing and entering two Waynesvllle business houses. Mayor J. H. Way, Jr., as police court magistrate at a preliminary hearing, found probable cause against the defendant on charges arising from breaking into the Western Union office and Westf rn Auto Stores here about two weeks ago. - The Negro faces trial in the July term of Haywood Superior Court Bond of $1,000 was set for each break-In count. For Commissioner V - HI rkf JAMES E. HENDERSON today announced he is a candidate for member of the Board of Commis sioners. He served on the board In the,1930'8, and is at present a member of the Canton School Board. ' . 'v' J. E. Henderson Is Candidate For Bd. Of Commissioners James E. Henderson of Canton, made formal announcement today he was a candidate for member of the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Henderson, who held a term of office as commissioner back about 1935, is now a member of the Canton School Board. These two public offices constitute the extent of his office-holding, al though he spent 23 years with the Indian Service out west. Mr. Henderson left the Indian Service to return to his farm and dairy in Haywood in 1928, and has been in the farm-dairying business ever since. He takes an active part in church and-civic affairs. He is an elder of the Canton Presbyterian church, an active Mason, having been Past Deputy Grand Master of the 41st district. He is now district gov ernor of the, Civitan Club, and has served as past president of the Canton club. He is also a member ' (See Henderson Page For Tax Collector St1" ." VANAR HAYNES, mayor of Clyde, has formally announced he is a candidate for tax collec tor of Haywood county. Besides being mayor of Clyde, Mr. Haynes Is president of the Hay wood Young Democratic Club. -. r W. G. BYERS this morning an- nounced In Washington that he was a candidate for the House of Representatives of Haywood County. Mr, Byers Is chairman of i'the Saywood DenuHiratk k6cu-' y live Committee. ' W. G, Byers Is A Candidate For Representative (Special to The Moantaineer) WASHINQTON W. G. Byers. an employee of the United States Senate, told friends here this morn- ing that he will be a candidate for the Democratic nomination for House of Representatives. Mr. Byers has been often men tioned in his home county as a possible candidate, but his decis ion was hot known by even his closest friend until this morning. - Mr. Byers la working on his formal announcement, which will include his platform, and this la expected to be released In the near future. ' ' He spent last week In Haywood, as chairman of the Democratic Ex ecutive Committee, and presided over the meeting of ' all precinct chairmen. r ; : ... Mr. Byers has been in Washing ton since early 1949. . MRS. WARD IMPROVING Mrs. HaUett Ward, who has been a patient at MUsion Hospital In Ashevllle for a week following an operation, was reported to be great ly improved, this morning. Haywood Folks Holding $6,350,000 In U.S. Bonds Haywood County people are now holding more than $6,000,000 worth of U. S. Savings Bonds that they have bought within the last ten years,' --.'v- '-.v . - This staggering total is revealed In the annual report of U. S. Savings Bonds sales in North Car olina that was released today by J. E. Massle of Waynesvllle, county sales chairman. The report shows specifically, that Haywood folks are currently holding a net backlog of bonds amounting to $6,305,730. These were bought since May 1941. But the figure does not represent the total amount of bonds purchased since then. Before arriving at the net value of the bonds still being held by purchasers, officials first deducted the total cashed after purchase and the redemptions as of Dec. 31, 1949. The figure includes purchases of the series E, F, and G bonds. The report also showed that last year alone Haywood county people bought: .. ',' ;-' $426,916 in Series E bonds; $592 In Series F; and $41,100 in Serk3 G bonds for a total $468,608 during " the entire year. Mr. Massle said the people of all of North Carolina's 100 counties now hold a total $657 million in Savings Bonds. , Highway Record For .1950 In Haywood (To Date) Killed.... 2 Injured .... 8 (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patrol). x

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