THE WAYNESVILLE MGUNTAIXEEI Monday Afternoon, February 2fl lions AS OUT Hotarians (Continued from Pare 1) f -places. At present meetings are , held at the; Tqwng House. : Soon after the club became es- tabllshed, the dark days of the de t tpression came along and hit Rotary vrUh. full fury. It is generally con ! .ceded that it was through the un tiring efforts of the l3te Ernest L. Withers that the club was able to weather the storm.. 1 In 1926 the Club assumed active leadership in sponsoring the move Iment to get; a hospital here, and, af itelf the building was erected, the 'club furnished a room in the Insti tution. A 'little later a clinic was rheld for crippled children. . I In 1035 the club took the leader ship and invested $100 in a Guern- (sey bull as a cooperative move ment to encourage dairying in the I county .'Then it was that the Club 'assumed, responsibility of sponsor fng Boy Scout work, and have fol lowed this, 'tbrpu'gh lo this day.' The fCiup vas also sponsor of purchas ing an Iron lung to be used, at (he hospital. In recent years, the clifb ? continued to sponsor the' Boy I Scouts',' polio drive and crippled children's work. '. . "While giving support to all these worthy, objectives, the club has not J been unmindful of local Interests, t From Its' organization it has giv Jen support lo every project, look V in; toward the development of the ? cottnty as a whole. Farming, came ls raising, tobacco, dairying, apple, poultry and everything affecting f the welfare and prosperity' of the ; farmer has received the enthusias f tic support of. this organization. This club has every reason to be proud ol the result of, its efforts in i establishing goodwill between the Mown and county citizenship o I iiaywood. ''; The Rotary club has not been I satisfied with just the local pro- It Jeets alone, but in keeping with ' the policies of, Rotary Internation ; aT have carried Rotary in its fin. t est sense to foreign fields. The club is proucj of. Lew "Weill, one of thj I International Service committee members lor the fine work in thij ; particular field. V The late Ernest L. Withpr the only member of the "Waynes- t vine UUD to serve as District Uov St. John's Cage Coach Has Good Bench Manners; Keeps Cool When It's Hot Al AP Newsfeatures In these . days of towel-tossing, penny-pitching basketball coaches. Frank McGuire of St. John s University of Brooklyn i$ a rarity. The photogenic mentor one of the youngest in the game is getting to be known as ."the coach with the best bench man ners.". ,ow in his third year as coach of the Redmen he has one pf the best teams in the east. "Why get excited?" McGuire asks. "Ae boys have a tough enough job out there with the way the game is played today." McGuire, who doubles as baseball coach, has crashed the big time in a city that includes such veteran cage coaches as Clair Bee, Jake Cann and Nat Holman. ( f j .... -S:' 4 I wonder if this play will work. ; Jfow, fellas 1 tfcat, the wr practiced it? They're still not doing l( rlfty Vrank (Mulzoff), stick close to that mun. WE DID IT! ernor. Those who have served as presi-, dent of the club, since it was or ganized, arc in this order: v Rev. J. TV Mangum, Ernest L. Withers, Hilliard B. Atkins, Dr. J, K. McuracKen, Hugh Sloan. Ralph Sollner, Bonner Ray, W. D. Smith, B. D. Bunn, Dr. S., P. Gay, Dr. R. H. Stretcher, W. Curtis Russ. Dr. C. N.-Sisk, William Medford, M. H. Bowles, Ben J. Colkltt, J. C. Brown, Aaron Prevost, Rev. H. G. Sammett, "W. H. F. Millar. Charles E. Ray Howard Clapp, Rev. M. R. Williamson, Hallett S. Ward and .he present president, Jonathan Woody. " . Rev. Mr. Mangum and Ernest Withers, the two men most respon sible for the organization of this .lub, have passed on to their re ward, but they left an imprint of services that will long have Us silent influence. The Waynesville Rotary Club nay well recall its past history vith pride and inspiration for the luties of the present; looking to .he future as a cog in a wheel, In YQU'RE TELLING ME! ByWlUIAMUTT Centtal Press Wtittt IN A political speech there 'was a reference to "tht stage coach of history ."i Noy." don't itHjjs HopaTong Cassidy is run- Vift fof oflic'e! " ' S ! ! , That Canadian town rectntlf te-named Enchant is isolated by a blizzard. High time ih Chamber of Commerce and the weatherman got together. ' .."!!!'"' A Central European country ttVt far a lean a meatly five million. Surely thi can't be any thing more' than," ayj spring practice. .;;' ! !.!'.; . Mow that there are ao many different egg eating champions, feow" about a playoff between the leading poached, scrambled, soft-boiled ' and hard boiled cacklebcrry consumers? I s J Crandpappy Jenkins, an . up- old picnic campaigner, thinks they're all sissies. ' Cramps says , the real est is how many deviled eggs can they down? i ' These Alabama detectives who tracked down a solen eiahr-ton steel " bridge certainly proved their mettle. ' ' 1 ! ! A noted naturalist says that an alligator never eats human beings.1 But, supposing the al ligator la, under the irnpresslop tt'j'a crocodile? ' 1 " ' ow Boy Scout troop Organize In. Maggie The Maggie section has a Boy Scout Troop. ' The organization of Troop 10 of Maggie was completed last week end by the troop committee of the sponsoring , Soco Road Boosters Club. v 1 The eight boys who are the charter members of Haywood coun ty's newest Scout unit have already passed tnetr Tenderfoot tests, and the troop will be installed formally into the international organization at the March 2 meeting o the Soco Club. " A representative of the Daniel Boone Council headquart ers at Asheville will participate. For their headquarters, Mrs. Crockett Campbell has loaned them the use of a large cabin on her property on Campbell's Creek; and the . boys are now at work cleaning it Up'.' 7-7. ;', ' ;;'-'7v -V.' ..'The charter members are Billy Rogers, Jack Campbell, Bobby Moody, Charles Plott, Johnny Fer guson, Douglas Moody, Jimmy Plott, and Johnny Heinz. Robert Massie has been named Scoutmaster of the new troop, which is in the Scouts organiza tion's Pigeon River District. Fred Campbell, president of the Soco Road Boosters Club, repre sented the sponsoring organization in the work ofbrganlzation, which was handled by this troop com miUee: L. L. Lyda, T. L. Camp bell, Sr., IS. W. Rogers, Fred 3. Henry and Taylor A. Ferguson. ny ImproyQrnQ! Knives with wooden handles should be washed carefully and never allowed to soak. Soaking sometimes loosens the handles. ternational in circumference, which visions the future objective of piercing the clouds of suspicion, deceit, and hatred with the sun shinq of Peace on earth, and good will among all men." urn ? i ' P Whether it's a juicy Jonathan or i tangy yin sap, you judge an apple by the color and glosi of its skin . . . that's what tells, you about the condition and flavor of the food within. It tells you what you must know "abut the oods in the package." And that's exactly why yon judge other prod ucts by their brand names, too. ( the name the manufacturer puts on his product to that you can tell it from all others.) ' V ' Brand names enable you to judge the quality of the product the reputation of the dealer, and the reliability of its manufacture. Any manufac turer knows thai if you find his products good, you will Ibuy tiem. If not, you won't-and the manufacturer, will be forced out of, business. Brand names are your prqtecliov. Brand names tell you exactly what's in the package exactly what ypu muit know to shop wisely and well. Brand names also enable you to choose the product that exactly fit your taste - to avoid gctt ingjiroducts ypu don't wan t-whether you're buying an automobile, a towel, a can qf peas or a candy bar. v . V That'siwby smart shoppers will look carefully at the brand names whea they read the ads in this newspaper. That's why you should choose the things you buy by their brand names. lt's the sure way to get exactly what you leant. Braid iAtfid' ' ? T 14 ! . ' - t 11? West 57th Sheet, New York 19, K Y. " A non-profit educational foundation Brilliantly styled 1950, Frlgld alre refrigerators of three types, four series and 10 sizes, plus revo lutionary 30-inch ranges featuring extra-large full width ovens but with a suggested cash price of only $169.75 highlight extensive new product lines being Introduced this year,' according to Ted Martin, of Martin Electric Co. The new products were shown for the first time here today during a special store display arranged by Martin.' New and improved " prod ucts Introduced currently include a refrigerator line comprised of models affording four to 17 cubic feet of storage capacity with sug gested cash prices starting as low as $184.75, two compact economy ranges equipped with the new extra-large ovens, new large capacity food freezers and on Improved elec tric dehumidifler. Mr. Martin' pointed out that one of the most: important aspects of the broad hew refrigerator line, aside from1 advanced engineering refinements, is ihe attractive, radically-different Raymond Loewy styling. Gleaming white, gold an,d chromium predominates streamlin ed cabinet exteriors while white Lifetime porcelain, satin-finished ;, , ajtd Jusous Jce Blti Tand guldrtrim'scf newsKaitdafcft for Interior decor. Particularly pleasing to the eyes, and at trie same time more conveni ent, is the nCw "target door latch," which lends a distinctive appear ance to, the new Frigldaire models, In addition, some models feature full-length' doors, enhancing the graceful, smooth-flowing lines of the smart new cabinet Styling. There are also new toe plates, ven tilated and recessed, of chromium or harmonizing . grey, depending upon the model. The interiors of all models are finished in white porcelain with acid resisting porce lain on food compartment floors. Cabinet exteriors are finished in Dulux with .some also available in Lifetime porcelain. ' Storage' Flexibility Keynotes Line 'Food storage1 flexibility 'Is the keynote of 'the new Frigidaire re frigerator line.' Frozen food stor age capacities of various models range from over 70 pounds in larg er refriaerators to more than 15 pounds in smallest size models. All models have double-easy Quiokube ice trays designed to slide out of freezing compartments smoothly and easily, releasing lceK cubes Instantly. Aluminum shelves, which are not only adjustable but sliding on iome models, contribute to storage flex, bllity. Master, De Luxe and Im perial models are also equipped with' new extra.-deep twin 'sliding porcelain Hydrators with new dur able transparent plastic tops, which provide super-moist cold storage for keeping fruits and vegetables crisp and if resh. Total Hydrator storage capacities range up to 28 quarts in larger models. In addi tion, these Hydrators may be stack- ed, one' on the other, affording storage for large items alongside. All models in the line are equip ped with Improved, compact, seal ed rotary Meter-Miser compressors which provide more cold with no more current, and are covered by a. five-year protection plan.' Cabinets are of sturdy one-piece construc tion and have improved insulation. Three Types of Refrigeration Sys- ' ' terns Available Three separate types 6f refriger ation are available in four series, In 10 different sizes, affording food storage capacities from four to 17 cubic feet." Two De Luxe refrigerators have sweeping full length doors -and Ice Blue and gold trim in extremely smart and Colorful interiors. The largest model has 10.7 cubic feet of storage sjpace. (DM-107V, and the other h,as nine cubic feet (DM-9Q). Both are refrigerated by an extra large, " .: full - width Super-Freezer Chest with its own easy to grasp door and new improved, Cold-Wall cooling in the walls and bottoms. Super-Freezer Chests have storage capacities of 49 and 45 pounds of frozen foods. De Luxe models also feature, a full-width plastic, ChUl Drawer for meat and ice cube stor. age or quick-chilling of beverages plus new plastic Basket Drawer for small food Items, There are ad justable and sliding aluminum Shelves' twin "stack-up" type Hy drators and Multl-Purpose trays. There is plenty of extra storage space, f or example, the nine-cubic-foot' model 'takes' little more kitch en space than a five-cubic-foot mod el of only a few years ago. , Three new Master series refrig erators are cooled by extra-large Super-Freezers now located in the upper right side of the food com partments for added convenience. These hew models Include; An 11-cubic-foot refrigerator (MM-110); a 9.2-cublc-foot refrigerator (MM 92); and a 7.6-cubic-foot refriger ator (MM76). These attractive new gold-and-white Master models in troduce for the first time adjust able aluminum shelves in low priced refrigerators. In addition a new porcelain meat storage draw er is" equipped with a plastic trivet especially designed to provide con trolled ventilation at the bottom. Also featured are twin "stack-up" Hydrators, Jack shelves and large super-f reezers wun storage capa cities ranging from 19 to 29 pounds of frozen foods. Two BGW-.StanKiiyl Htri models fn ?he low price brawef include: 7.6 cubic foot (SM-76) and q cubic foot (SM-6Q) refrigerators with frozen food storage capacities of 19 and 15 cubic feet, offering all the "basic Frigidaire features In cluding the newly located Super Freezer, improved Meter-Miser, rust-resistant shelves, deep, slid ing porcelain Hydrator and exclu sive Quickube Ice Trays. In addition to, all these, there are special four and 17 cubic foot models (or extra small and extra large requirements and a full 6- cubtc-foot model at a suggested cash price of only $184 75. ' Top models of the line are two Imperial refrigerators, of eight and 10-cubic-foot food storage cap-. acities. These refrigerators are two-door combination models ; with separate Locker-Top freezers which hold 50 and 70 pounds of frozen food, depending upon the model. Imperial models feature new Improved Cold-Wall refriger ation in the main food compart ment and are equipped with a new Ref rig-o-plate which is part of the Cold-Wall ' cooling system. These models are equipped with many Innovations, including adjust able and sliding aluminum shelves, plastic Basket Drawers, " deeper porcelain twin Hydrators and Ice Blue and gold interior trim. New Thrifty-30 Ranges Ilaye Estra Large. Ovens Frigidaire engineers have inject ed a completely new design into the low-cost electric range field by developing two new compact mod els, porcelain finished inside and out. only 30 Inches wide but equipped with what is claimed to be one of the largest ovens install ed In anv household range. Al though these new revolutionary ranges (RM-30 and RM-35) ' are compact enough to fit into the smallest kitchen, they have a cook ing capacity for big harvest meals, the new thrifty "giant" oven will bake six pies or 10 loaves of bread, at one time. Thickly Insulated on all six sides, the one-piece oven extends completely across the range and is equipped with sliding shelves adjustable to five positions with automatic stops; counterbal anced shelf type door, and a speedy waist-high broiler recessed in the top. Like ' the oven' the broiling pan is finished in porcelain. The new range models feature four new standard size, five-speed Radiantube cooking units, three six inches and One eight inches in di ameter. These units swing up and porcelain drip trays lift out for easy cleaning. One of. the new models (RM-35) features a new Cook-Master oven clock control, which combines in one unit, the controls for automatic oven-cook ing, a Cooking-Top lamp and kit chen clock, In addition, this range is equipped with a full-width uten sil drawer, located below the big oven. It pulls out easily on triple Nylon rollers. An impressive new type of streamlined styling has been Incor porated into the two new ranges. Styled by Raymond Loewy, the front is strikingly slanted and there is a high back panel to protect the kitchen wall. The flowing-top is of one-piece design. Lustrous white porcelain and chromium trim adds to the appearance. An extensive well-rounded line of 40-inch , electric household ranges is also produced by Frigid aire. There are two De Luxe mod els included, one featuring two complete ovens (RM-75) and the other (RM-65) equipped with a single oven and warming drawer. Both of these models feature ultra modern streamlined styling, have high back pane-s, and include a multitude of Frigidaire exclusive features and cooking conveniences such as Thermizer Deep-Well Cook ers, faster Radiantube units full width fluorescent lamps, f'6-60" time signal and large ovens. Aso there are two 40-inch economy models (RM-27 and RM-17), plus two 24-lnch ranges. Other Products Frigidaire's smartly styled food THIN AND NOW By f eg Alurray yjlfi-ltoi ftMrt.H, Mtttfirgt3 5 ,.X U XI'' -v liiui HITTER, BATTED. 3 16 FOR. ''SiyT 19VEACS IN THE MAJORS. R . -V M MADE 7MORBA6emrS r I rHAN&eRUmtilDl C288Q). AVNAeRorfWE Chicago CUBS, AND ONE OF THE GREATEST INFiaOpiS IN BASEBALL HIS TOfty, WMO PLAYED IM A TOTAL OF 50 GAMES Ihj 8 WO&LD ' ' WnHlHE eSlANtS ANP 24 VITM THE CARDINALS), AND GOT 58 HITS IN (97 TlMSS AT ?AT,-.NCLUDING 10 DOUBLES. PEE WEE REESE, SHORTSTOP! -CAPTAIN OF THE BROOKLYN I DO&G ERS, WHO, THOUGH NOT A I GREAT BATTER, IS A FlNE'ClUW HITTER. IM 1946 HE SET A BROOKLVM RECORD BY Fielding .9664 in -152 GAMES. Siilrituifrf y Kiit r NtirM SthUatt "ounty CDp j MiqalsToWc1 un Awards Mr1 Officers and riir, I WOOd rnnnfi,' r. U" 7 WVJ 4 vommu'.. opment Program Wednesilay win u, tailed plans f()r tha March awards meKin'" R- C Francis nf p.. v the committee chaij; wm. open at theTowne House. Ou March 4 r. Scott. Dr. Everett j man of the State Hi-,, Uistrlct Highway nalo Tk..l. ... ... v ue nere fur ih. 4 tion of the awards lo the communities for the is,' County Agent Wavier announced this last awards session win m. a.m. Spiced whipped crfr.m , ous on apple pie, appe kJ ed custard, and manv ' serts. To make it jUst i of cinnamon, nutinw ...t aiong wun me sugar you usually uSe to cream.' For a garnish for ham r ned cling peach halves fi, raw cra.mberry and orai freezers are now available j sizes with frozen food i capacities of 8.8, 11.7 and j feet. A powerful but compj er-Miser compressor supple ty of low temperature ttl tion, to keep frozen w months. Up to 630 pounds i en food may he stored. Frigidaire's 1950 broad ance Aries also include as ) tic electric clothes waste matic electric dryer and i ironer; automatic electa heaters with sizes ranging! to 80 gallons and includia tank-type and table-top i kitchen cabinets, Includiri cabinets equipped withthei talast tops, wall cabinets a er single or double bowl sinks, and an improved elt humidifier for home or i use,. ' ' "I know mv own name. Mv mother and daddy uighl v( could tell people. "My name is important! U' tle wl! "j people can tell who I am and who I belong to. ' Tommy is right! Names are important to people Ami U just as important to things you buy in stores, l .uli p""'1" a name, too . . . a brand name! That's the name the in.itcrr on his product, so you can tell it from any othti. ' Shopping (or products by brand names is the nC ,U'T only way-you can buy the food, the clothing, " l!ic that exactly suits youf taste. ' The brand name on a product tncans protection f')"., thp m.lnu.l(tllKrlCTl,,l mufactui knovs that it you find his products good, you bu If not, you won't and the manufacturer will be forced o business. toi Brand names mean broeress. Eadi manufacturer stantly to improve his product so that his brand name w stajiu tor better and better (juatity ana vaiuc. Von Pft nimlilv hmlfrlinn ."."anil von CCt ( -.'""''T 1 want when you know, and use, brand names, You'll find n'fJ . ' J . V ; ; . ". 'a r .I.!.- nni 1 uic most lamous Draiiu-names on tne pages 01 - . - z . . - . ' . . .ill' $mid tAwmP uwltrfK INCORPORATED NOH WOni EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION . lit WEST 57tb STREET, :. " : . I J HE.Y! WHAT DO X IM PLAYINQ N D THATS GRANDPA A I T bfWT KWnwl UheS ODWr4SW5

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