YN1SYI Af MAKCHZO. 19S TiiTTTY Tn7 A . MOUNTAINSIE in iri v7 A I THE ' f I I 'OUNGER SET By hLDRED MEDFORD Blh School Senior U ef fe clyde Futurc 5 America chapter a i than as indited. Vonine. who did such a j job of guest-columning U Monday, reports that VrA'5 assets total more -X... Llations go to Mrs. Sloan ioraeroom this month for jid work they have done t . ,l. rltlTpnshiD Ban- iinf me v.- r - Waynesviwe mso otuw.. past two months the W, rtiiwnshiD Banner has jrdedto Mr. Isley's home- lt this time me uae Thv will proably be the banner for quite a IheyJBntimip 10 worn. a in utc va"' ' y' 4 I Hfilflnw wov for ROW " J Banquet for tfavjieavjlje L Seniors, Of lie th In eharee, ttejlplans L Himnlete lifiHhfeYiear but. the plans rh Wmafln It hat" until the night of jnet -- then everyone will I uimrls. Vorking1 with Gene on the i ih. 'hlr nichf are: Kath- loun. Nancy Stamey, Fran- w f. Betty Brown, Luther She Shops 99 but Painful Backache t older, itrcm and strain, over inaivi smoking or exposure to bmrt ilowi down kidney fune- fnijr Ind many folk) to com- tt(in backache, lorn of pep and dartres ind dixxineaa. Getting r frequent pansnKea may result I bladder irritation! due to cold) ar dietary indiscretions, j discomfort are due to these i't wait, try Doan't Pilla, a mild M lufcHsfully by milliona tor n. While those aynaptome may win occur, it'a (mazing how Ooaaa iv happy relief-- inileaof kidney tubes and Altera iiu, (Jet Doas'a Pills today! rs Pills Shaw, and Bobby Owen. Everyone is already looking for word to this banquet, although It's still a long wv off. Not so long cither. . .the last of April. v'.,"What docs democracy mean to a youth of today"? 1 Well, if you don't know, you would if you had the opportunity to read the themes that are being written by each and every student of the Waynesville High School. . That "was one assignment given to everyone, not only to the seniors, but juniors, freshmen, sophomores, yes, and even to the Junior High Students. The present plans are to select the .best one for a Graduation Speech , . . so let's hope a senior wins, out. ; ( Again Haywood County was well represented af W.C.T.C., but this tirne .even, more so in the number of students representing each school. Although the trophy did iwtt'come back to us (Haywood) feVefyfline that 'went enjoyed them selves and had a wonderful time while, they were there, (Talking exams to see where they rated among other students of Western North Carolina.) Those going from Canton High School and also their rating are as follows: Robert Mann, 3rd place, oil painting; James Morgan, 1st in metal working; W. C. Woody, 2nd in wood carving; Sara Hicks, 1st in luncheon set; Jewel Wil liamson, 2nd in pillow cases; Craig Whitmire, 3rd in declamation; Hafley Putnam, tied 3rd in World History; Frances Fisher, 1st in Spanish reading; Rose Anne Duck ett, 3rd Spanish Grammar; Rich ard Morse, 1st in Biology; and Kenneth Sanford, 2nd in Chemistry- Others that participated from Canton High were: Anita Brooks, Virgil Hall, Nancy Cody, Joan Wil liams, Sara -'Hicks,.' Juanlta Earley, Patsy Ruth Clark, Betty Sue Hipps, Carolyn McElratliV Joan- Finoher, Aileen Haney, B. Moore, Maxine Randolph, Pat Long, Simon Downs, Sara Cannon. Bobby Queen, Henry Looper, Bill Hawkins, Dorothy June Gldney, Betty Klrkpatrlck, Mrs. Grimsloy To Speak In Stamey Cove By MRS. MARTIN ROGERS (Mountaineer Correspondent! Mrs. Corinne Grimslejr,' family relations specialist of the N. C. State College Agricultural Exten sion Service, will address residents of Stamey Cove Thursday night at the Piney Grove Methodist Church. The-meeting will open at 7:30 P. M. with the Rev. V. M. Allen, the community chairman, presid Ing. . Mrs. Grimsley will discuss pro blems whichvarise In family living, the relations' between parents and their children, and "in-laws" and children. Another feature of the meeting will be the showing of The Cham pion Paper and Fibre Company's film, "The Price Of Freedom." This movie so far has been shown before audiences numbering nearly 4,000 Haywood County people. Speech Class Of W.T.H.S. Will Present Play The Speech Class of the Waynes ville High School has announced plans for the presentation of a three-act comedy, "American Pass port," by Dana Thomas, at the school auditorium today. Miss Alma Jackson of the school faculty is directing the production. The leading roles will be played by Elaine Francis and Gene Yar borough and other members of the cast will include Johnny Patter son, Ann Rector, Danny McClure, and Nancy Stamey. Jim Trantham, and Nancy Leo Duckworth. Although all of the ones that went from Waynesville are not known as yet, I will give you the list we have, without their rating, but just as soon as possible I will give their ranking. They are: Ellse Palmer, Betty Lee Gibson, Betty Jo Ray, Harold Metcalfe, J. D. Stanley, Francis Hendrix, Marjorie Woody, Edna Callahan, George D. Stovall, Sammy Jones, Nancy Fran cis, Jame.) Robert Moore, Bobby Owen, Gene Yarborough, Malcolm Williamson, Junior Snyder, Jim my Whitman, Jimmy Galloway, Mary Osborne, Julia A. Stovall, Nancy Leatherwood, Barbara Chase, Betty Noland, Dot Caldwell, Mark Rogers, Robert Massle, Nancy Curly, Mary J. Rogers, Dora Lee Matney, Charlie Womack, Robert Luther, Elaine Francis, Nancy (Continued on Page 3) i km can do belfer f i ' Today is Spring, and It Happens Every Spring AP Newsfeatures ITS SPUING! This, delightf season not only turns youug men's fancies to thoughts of love. ' Here comedian Ish Kabibble of the Kay Kyser television show ' demonstrates some other typical springtime escapades ... ? a J f v 'vl 1 1 i innl i 7 &K if JkH.. - '.- "I ' '''Ml Illllll MMWWWIIIMIIIllVllll)Jflll iiitirfri SULPHUR & MOLASSES HOT St COLD WARFARE . " i :;'--':v : . .'vj. :'.::::;V;- y'l. ,;J ... 'V ;:t:. : .if :.: .x 1 '';' r .n ti t-Ki.fv.Al..l a m''j:.vvi. LONGIES vs. SHORTIES ASK THC MAN WHO OWNS ONI Switch to Packard Ultramatic Prive-the first and only fully-automatic drive that combines 1 The super smoothness of torque-converter , acceleration with ' . Q The gasolins-saving efficiency, and more positive responsivenesSi ' f solid direct drive at "all cruisir ing speeds ".Mrtt in sea for yourself why it's the successor to tht ofhsr au07ioie drives you've ever known. THE 1950 (J WITH i Ichlj now, ef reduced extra cost, on aU 1950 modelsl Came in-we want you to drive itl POTTS MOTOR CO. Q Street Waynesville Debate Will Be Held Wednesday In Ratcliff e Cove A debate, "Resolved that the United States should produce the H-Bomb," will be held at the Rat- cliffc Cove Community Building on Wednesday, March 22. Jack Felmct and Walter Francis will take the affirmative side of the question and Joe Francis and Bud Whtsenhunt will take ..the negative. . ' '. 1 ', " .. . , 1 , As an added attraction,' Mr. Whisenhunt and Mr. Francis will show moving pictures which they made on a visit to Alaska last sum mer. The Francis Cove Chord Busters will furnish music. Local Masons To Confer Degree Here Tuesday . Waynesville Lodge No. 259, A.F. & A.M. will confer the Followcraft Degree on Tuesday night, March 21, 1950, at 7:30 p. m. Brother R, M. Fie, Senior Warden, will con fer the Degree, all visiting Master Masons are invited to attend. Farm, Home Plans Discussed At Stamey Cove I5y MRS. MARTIN ROGERS (Mountaineer Concspoiulcnl ) County Agent ' Wayne Corpcning and Home Demonstration Agent Mary Cornwcll last Wednesday night discussed plans for Improved farnj an homo -life when they ap pehred 'at a calli'd meetin of the Stamey Cove Community Develop ment Program organization. Assistant County Agents Turner Cathey and Wayne Franklin also took part in the program which was witnessed by u record turn out of Stamey Cove residents. The evidence indicated that the people of this community, the most recent to organize for the Program, are becoming more and more in terested, and everyone enjoyed this meeting. After the business session was over, refreshments were served to the visitors and residents. The meeting was opened by the Rev. V. N. Allen, the community chairman. L AFF - A - DAY If 3-1 A V .NCopr. IViO, Kuiji I latum Smiicalc, Inc, World rihu rucrvtX The Haywood High School Student of the Week By MILDRED MED FORD When there's anything to lo around St. John's school, or any where as far as that goes, a call Is put oet for Hallett, and he is always on the 'spot' to do it. He's net just outstanding in one thing, but in everything. And if you don't believe it, just let me tell you a few of the things that he does, has done, and is doing. To start the story off, I will tell you that Uallett is a senior at St. John's School, and is doing superior work. Hallett is now being called "King Hallett" by all of his class mates, and they have the right as he was chosen the Prom King of St. John's for the year of 1949-50. You can jee very well why he was chosen though . . , all kings are great leaders. , Besides being a King, Hallett Is also the Sports writer for Moun tain Echoes, the school paper. Last year ho was the Feature Editor, and from all the reports he turned out some good features. In his Freshman and Sophomore year he was just a reporter, and a good one, too. Hallett, Is also a member of the Quill and Scroll, an Inter national Honorary Society for High School Journalists, No wonder Hallett does such a swell Job as a Sports writer . . . he's the captain of the basketball team and has been since his junior year. When Hallett was just a Fresh man ho was elected the Secretary and Treasurer of his class, and now that he has become a Senior, he is still the Secretary and Treasurer of his class. As a Junior. Hallett proved that he was a good actor, especially when he was acting In something like ' Kiss and Tell." In which he had a good role. Now, this year as a Senior, he Is again making a big hit as an actor, playing a lover's part in "Aunt Abby Answers An Ad," which is their Class play. Hallett is a member of the First Presbyterian Church, and also a leader In the Young People's or- (Photo by Ingram' Studio) HALLETT SIDNEY WARD, JR. ganlzation. His present plans for the futurc (when they relate to an education) are to enter Davidson College where he will start as a Pre-med student, and then In; Is hoping to transfer to Duke University to con tinue his education. This summer he'waiits to go to Alaska to work, hunt, and fish. llallet is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hallett S. Ward. Sr. County Council Of HD Clubs Will Hold Meeting An important', meeting of the County Council of Home Demon stration Clubs will be held on Tues day afternoon, according to an announcement by Miss Mary Corn well, home agent. . The meeting will be held at 2 o'clock in the court room in Way nesville. Mrs. Paul Hyatt, president of the council, Is requesting each of. fleer of every club to attend. Piney Grove Circle To Meet , Circle No. 2 of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Piney Grove Methodist Church will meet Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the ho.iie of Mrs. Martin Rogers. All members are requested to be present and visitors are welcome. r n '! J It$ Ucver Too i Late to Insulate ( Malta ap yow nlntf mow not to . frttst tht Ktt of th wlntsjr and 1 thtniwilttr thlicomlnf Mimmir. I GtiaElCUMIiiwUtloji Job. I PncumtUcaTly clown Into tf a roof tnd ildtwalU of your hom, ' Eil Imulatlon will ilatk year I fl bills at much at 40. Fk proof and wtttMOsallmt. And that's Ml all In tumrnw ... an Etl CtrtlM IniuUtlon Job Will kttp Inildo Umptttturtt ap to 15 cool than eubldtl No dowa pay ratnti thrt ytart to pay. ... - i . Phona today for frtt turvty. No obllfaUoa. FOR FREE SURVEY CALL Asheville 3-0946 or Canton 2263 EAGLE INSULATING CO John R. Cabe Robert F. Wilson S0-S1 Mclntyre BIdr. ASHEVILLE, N. C. iiliiiiili .. , ......J.i.,...,v,:?...8..v 1 II ONE .-WEEK'-ONLY!' i:':- ft'; P'-- -'.' ..IMAGINE.... MEB.UE IIOLLVrVOOO BED Complete with MEBANE IMNERSPRIKC MATTKESS MEBANE MATCHING BOX SPRING MEBANE HEADBOARD ALL FOR 'AW COMPLETE r . li ' SEVER BEFORE AN OFFER LIKE THIS BY THE NIEBAXE COMPANY . . . CREATORS OF... You will sUo want to sa A naw modali Of If famout K1NGSDOWM Innaripnng Maltrasi. Thar it absolutely ta finav martrau on lha narkai al any pnea) Garrett Furniture Co. PHONE 1-J MAIN ST. BERTS WHAT Y09 SET:.. H E A D B 8 A B D . ' , , (Of 0USAN PtASTIQ ' IIKISPBIIC MATTRESS (WIIM KOUiO EDGE) - ' s " ' IIATC1I1C. Ill SPIIIC , (WITH PRiMRU Wl COItSJ , - I1UIUS IIP UtS . tXTRA STURDY - EXTIA tIGIO) s t ' - V'., '-Xi ) ''. ':' s,: :; ; .'.. V'iv ' ' v?- ALL THIS COMPLETE FOR ONLY H9.50 YOU'LL" SAY IT'S THE BIGGEST BUY, SLEEPING COMFORT YOU'VE EVER SEE Nt ; , T V t ' if 1 1. '" v t "Aha! I KNEW .we'd find you home A' ' '