,ir .fterPQontoch A 1 THE TTAi7ESVILLE KOUNTATCi: FAGS Tlinn (C i cc ;"i r.ger Set ; . Unued from Pag' 2 ' Mtivone had a s, t" h' Murphy won the V" ,c .u- rear ahead !Ulr.l'"ns . m' OU. to each and k .i d bos that went i.rb ' ; ant Sal. last rnuM w-....nament sure did McClure " wB honorable mention . -j win as they r 1 r.rvi alacc and an k;r mfRIlon ; frf about 85 boys and BprCae in the different ..4 everyone had a Upcfch. which made the ton very r ,:..:t-. am Dlannea jlichal, Jiars-ii ' Mae Connatser, Jimmy '..a Jimmy McJunkln L others oinj from this JswickStew (elebrate on Birthday M Post 47 of the Amerl- linn will celebrate the vet Kinlzation s 31st Dirtnaay Unswick stew Wednesday the Leeion Hall here vent, being sponsored by i t rcionnaires and the k of their women's Auxll set for 6 p. m. at the Lffiees on the second floor Id Citizens Bank Building. ommander Ernest Edwards that this brunswick stew ainlv not be the work of Y. amateur. cm. a ranking favorite par v down East, will be pre- Wet the skilled profession- lull hands of a recognized -Lesionnaire D. F. Whit- fcynesville bakery operator, At Tho Park Monday and Tuesday . " . ..fMMn,., 4s, . .0 ' ' v jA - f i :Ah, . ij v : s y . j,f-,; ? Kirk Douglas and Lauren Bacall co-starring in "Young Man With a Horn," playing at the Park Monday and Tuesday. INVENTER SIMULATES LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UP) Man's age-old desire to fly like the birds may be realized in a new type of aircraft being developed by J. E. Caldwell, inventor, Caldwell has completed prelim inary tests of a flying machine built in the form of a "cyclogiro" which he believes solves the bird formula of flight. " To the"cycloglro," a device rec ognized as an efficient aeronautical instrument by the Advisory Coun cil of Aeronautics, Caldwall has aded a "simple attachment" which he claims will duplicate the prin ciple of gravity propulsion, said to be the birds' secret of flight. The inventor "explains that birds fly simply by lifting their wings for initial impetus and then taking the trimmings. Commander Edwards said the Birthday Dinner is open to the wives of Legionnaires and to all war veterans, whether or not they are members of this or any other Legion post. The dinner will be followed by will be served with all an entertainment program. YOU CAN ENJOY THE BEST PICTURES IN COMFORT ID IN LUXURIOUS BODIFORM UPHOLSTERED SEATS. Irrs Sunday 2 and, 4. fc M. Saturdays 11 A. M. Continuous Night Shows I and 9 P. M. Sunday Night 8:30 PROGRAM MON. - TUES., MARjCIt 20 -21 1 Lauren BACALL ife m YOUNG t Jd b with HOAGY CARMICHAEl Iknl o WEDNESDAY, March 22 T&SwTi . .... 1 2 . f V 7 JMn t . 1 STREAKING OUT OF THE UNKNOWN . A STRANGE NEW y A TERROR mm fc CiaiiiCf HUM J MIKEL CONRAD PAT GARRISON MANTI VON ItVtttH ALSO Chapter 9 Of ' "EIDERS OF DEATH VALLEY" and , : Buggs Bunny Cartoon ' Tl'lRSDAY and FRIDAY, March 23-24 DAN UAILtY X A L- """""" I ir I : " . .. f i CORINNi COllllM WRl'" 3 CALVtT TOWKSEKD BEMARtST Gets Irish 'Oscar1 WINNER of the nationwide Irish 1950 screen and radio award of the Ancient Order of Hibernians is Hollywood's pretty movie starlet, Ann Blyth. She will be presented with a special citation at the St Patrick"! Day Ball to be held in Lm Angeles, CaL (International) advantage of the force of gravity for gliding propulsion. If birds had to pull themselves along through the air as an airplane does, he points out, they could fly only short distances before becoming exhausted. 'His new aircraft, Caldwell says, will imitate this method, lifting itself from the ground with power supplied by a jeep engine and con tinuing iii flight by the proper use of gravitation; The revolutionary plane rose a foot off : the ground during preliminary tests in Cald well's hanger. A war-time employe of the How ard Hughes Aircraft Co., the in ventor became a center of national attention in 1949 when some in ventions he was developing were mistaken for "flying saucers." Watch Your Temper: It Can Make You Sick By PAUL F. ELLIS United Press Science Editor NEW YORK (UP) Watch your emotion's they mltht make you ill. So warns Dr. O. Spurseon English of the department of psychiatry. Temple University school of medi cine. He lists ci"?ht common emo tions that may upset your health. They are. according to the doc tor; need for love, approval and recognition; anxiety if ear" and worry); hostility; inferiority , feel in3s; ambivalence- (mixed feeling of love and hate); guilt; ambition (competition) and envy. "The need for love," Dr. English said, "is one of humanity's great est hungers, and many other emo tions are dependent on it. From the cradle to the grave, : human beings struggle under it. Some of them have a great hunger for love, but either have no recognition of what they need or have no tech nique for obtaining it." Emotion of Anxiety Touch On Health , , English, reporting in the journal of the American Medical Associa tion, said anxiety "is one of the earliest emotions aroused and one of the most basic in the whole life of man." Fear is anxiety's conscious rep resentative he believes, but the origins of anxiety itself are largely unconscious. He said that "people who in the ordinary course of life suffer from too much anxiety are people who in early life lacked consistent supply of reassuring, friendly presence or who were subjected to too many real paln liiflictlng experiences or threats of them. "Not only does anxiety Impair one's ability to enjoy life," he I said, "but it has more far-reach Ing effects. If one's energy Is used tip in concentrating on the feared thing, too little energy is left for happy living. If this phenomenon goes on long enough and severely enough, the', body can no longer function properly and symptoms of Illness have arrived." Love and Hate Linked With Inferiority , English said he believes that feelings of inferiority are linked with the basic emotions of hate and love. "Obviously," he said, "the per son having feellnE? of Inferiority has not had enough acceptance and appreciation. There are' few peo ple who ever feel qulle'ssdtisfldd with themselves but In some per sons the feeling of wofthlessness can be so deep as to destroy, the capacity of the psychic apparatus for maintaining ; physiologic equi librium." Strand Thursday The latest in nursery furnish ings, according to The American Magazine, is a lamp with a music box In Its base that plays the Brahms Lullaby as the light turns itself off slowly and automatically See Our Want Ads For Bargain '4 II Film On Flying Saucers Coming . ThewfKo, countrjf.;sems to b d(;CurtH'f;-v i!h " Flylitsi SaUeers siiiln at (iiKlhno, refnirts are'eom lig In IrTih" 'far 'and' wide'ot a delttre xl the strange objects, and cdn(Tk-tiH.! Itlfis f thctr origin and everi.ihej (J. S. Air Force stt ps pnt.y1 TSu!n,n'1 lrqienuy, pud nta'.fii'e -1otl:)f-'Hictyi; Ii)dustrJ hatstaken i hiih(l liJ flie motter-.and OiJ Feet In San Antonio, Cal., a watch dog that was missing whn Y master's house was being rotbd, v showed up In time tt sii'ack ' policeman who came to ln?eiJ- gat. ; i - ' i -, : ; hfc 'produced a rfrVsure 'picture oA th subject entitled.WlX FLY ING SAUCER" which Is based oh the Tru o .Magailne story purport ing to show that there arc strajine objects from another planet invad ing our planet, and recent rumors that one has crashed in Mexico with a small man of about 30" in heirht being found in the wreck age. ; This timely picture is to be shown at the Park Theatre on Wednesday' night of this week, at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. adv. Ray Mllland and William Gargtn are shown in one of the thrilling scenes from the Realart release, "Wings Over Honolulu," the ex citing and novel story of a navy pilot and his wife. Coming to the Strand Theatre Thursday only. . ' . Says Ambitious Person ; Should Watch Step : .' : V' ' i n" '' 1 English said the ambitious per son "certainly runs the risk of be ing infected with envy or exces sive competitiveness." Such emotions, he said, "tend to produce tension, and profes sional, financial and social success of many has been paid for at a high price, the price of tension, which is prone to express Itself through the nervous system on many parts of the body." Man Eats Not Wisely - And Not Too Well Either CHICAGO (UP) Man's ignor ance of what is good for him to eat leadi him through a series of "gastronomlcal eras," a nutrition al expert oays. Human beings in their span of life go from soft-boiled eggs and milk to soft-boiled eggs and milk, Dr. Oulda Davis Abbott of the Uni versity of Florida told an audience here.. , ' , ..' Dr. Abbott listed her "gastro nomlcal eras" as: The childhood stage with its suckers, popcorn and Ice cream, and all-day suckers. The school age with Its hot dogs and pop. . The college age with Its hanvj burgers and coffee, plus more hot dogs, v , - - . The post-college age with Its cocktails, bouillon, roast duck and creamed broccoli. The business age with Its wiener schnitzel and cheeses. But then you're right" back where you started and your diet consists of soft-boiled eggs and milk. There's no reason for it, Dr. Ab bott declared. ' For no extra money, people could eat things that are good for them, merely by knowing what to buy, she argued.' She advocated more schooling In the field of nutrition. "Even in agricultural colleges," she maintained, "every animal un der the sun is studied except the human animal." Dr. Abbott also blamed the pace of modern life for man's ignorance and indifference as to what to eat. "This ,hlgh tension world" people live in. nowadays destroys -"their appetites so that' they lack the in centive to search out what might be good for them to eat,, she aaid. Yemen 'Madonna' .XV . ' ' I 1 " J . ; v . -" if!; i ' Iowa State College agriculturists say the "same practices that save soil save water." Studies indicate that good crop rotation supple mented by mechanical practices can make an additional two to six inches of water available to crops. ON TRIAL FOR 'IMPULSE SLAYING' i Mi r via 4 i I 1 2 IN THE CUSTODY of a deputy sheriff, Edward L. Gibbs, 23, a senior at Franklin and Marshall College, leaves the Lancaster, Pa., jail for his trial. Gibbs, who is married, is accused of the "impulse slaying" of Marion Louise Baier. 2L a coLece reexctarr. ' , , CxJS Ta-.rtoii.cU Hainan Island has been Chinese for 2,000 years. SLEEP TONIGHT! lM met hin( mhn tlwplm nifhM . I , ndlo twisting ind turnin( , , . Inv jrt tihatiRttd i Ike mornlnf. NORMALIN TABLETS cut hdp brinf calm, rcfrnhioc feat whrn mrvout tention thrmtcfw nrrtnu toep. NORMALIN TABLETS irt nnn-laMt farminc . . - (( to an. Tak la dircctad. Mrdtcaillir pprovtd ingredicnta. Guamntmal itiofaction or mnw refunded. NO PRE SCRIPTION NEEDED. Clip thit tmaaan t Inaura fettina (enuina NORMALIM TABLETS m ! Mday at . . . SMITH'S DRUG STORE ft 1 J L . The first International horseshoe pitching contest was held in Bran son. Kans.. In 1909. Frank Jack son of Blue Mound, Kans., was the winner. ' Sensational i:2-.7; tlaSio au'u Ste; ' X $ nil v mV NEWLY-ARRIVED In Israel, a young Yemnlt mother holds her baby, Naama, as they await their turn to be processed at Lydda Airport The baby was born aboard the Ameri can plane that flew the mother front Aden, Yemen, If the tame Interna tlonal law, applying to births en ships at sea holdi for children born in the alrlittle ;'Naama may have the right later on to claim Ameri can citizenship. ; .(InternatiotuO) Words of the Wise v 'Every 'man "feels Instinc-' lively that . all tho . beautiful sentiment in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.' 1 ;:: (Lowell) I Tlmd Warii-t, ' N rrpt&-9 Mlliina baa banrfltrd T ' Iht thai Viiamlna tni albrr aetlta aamianrra OMIN Tab. lata anataln. Innluaina ire fhaaahate. Afctl na anbttl- tatat. Tr OMIN fur as Ova. . Ha II p dnn't tttt aara fnanirr. nb aairr a rrk. 1iT. r.nlo Ut'l Cbf w OMIN llhr toadl At Smlth'a Drat Stora II, K. WAYNESVILLE PROGRAM , Shows Start at 7:00. P. M. .( , :' ' ; ., ; ' v MONDAY TUESDAY, MARCH 20-21 II STREETS OF LAREDO Starriiigr ,'. ; WILLIAM HOLD EN antiV WILLIAM, BENDIX WEDNESDAY, MbCH 22 "THE ENCHANEbV ALLEY ALAN CURTIS and ANNii tSWYNNE' 'j H'J n't I.!, J!1.,' : ,, GIVES FAST. RELIEF whan COLD MISERIES STRIKi EVERY TUESDAY 9:30 to 10:30 p. m. Over WWNC .' IT'S FUN! ' IT'S EXCITING! IT'S ENTERTAINING! Brought To You By Howell Motor Co. Haywood St. Waynesville De Soto-Plymouth Dealer 2k CAR-TUNES By WATKINS CHEVROLET CO. TIIURS. & FRI., MRi;II 23, & 24 ;j TARZAN AND THE MERMAIDS" Starring JOHNNY WEISSMULLER and BRENDA JOYCE ALSO SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS v " " : m""" "iV ..i::!'!":':'.1'. ' . tir-a nrTia"r-ri -r- iin nmn hi r-tinti ftrrr - - .-.jr ;" ' LwalAdmtlilntCa. 'iJO : "Yes, I know that WATKINS CHEVROLET CO. painted our car, but they don't fix teeth." 71 Two Shows Dally Monday through Friday 7 & 9 P.M. Saturday: Continuous Showings from 11 A.M. Sunday: 3 Shows, 2, 4 and 8:30 P. M. LAST TIMES TODAY TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, March 21-22 . . ... - 1 J. ARTHUR RANK presents ANN TODD CLAUDE RAINS TREVOR HOWARD! I iy ft ' ft k ""'Ilk J THURSDAY ONLY, March 23 flUSl ' nvwlTWf Next Week: "PINKY o II BE WISE GET STRAND WISE t it: I . , 1 1 ' ,7 rV i-'