'AGE Ih'O THE V.'AYNLSYILLI iUNTAINEES . Uiernoun. April g , ... , lilRCH SO MEWHERE EVERY SUNDA GO TO CH WestCa The Holy Week Story: ni !? I IF He Is Risen Easter Lesson ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By Alfred J. Buetcher Church . Scripture I Corinthians J5; Luke 34:1-13. iiae Lorn is mson unday st.hoo, 0 Swanger, Supt. 1 1 Mornin, Wnr.-1.; . mon Toni -TL "4 on Topi utrertAr ' 1 Grace Ti,.i . II. r wi7'" j--.v' ir ' t 7 r-. n wymmi WW. 4Mfe. nPt ' i V-, -I ' j f I Art 5 LcWA,1.l.i:..t,.n CitAyitK! MMUf A' Newsfeatures v NOW UPON the first day of the week, verv curlv in the morning, they came unto the sepulchre, bringing the spices which they hnd prepared, and certain others with them. And they found the stone lolled away from the sepulchre. And they entered in, and found not the body. of the Lord Jesus. And it came to pass, as' thcv were much PA'iplexed. thereabout, behold, two men stood by them in shining gar ment; And they were afraid, and liowrri fWmn thiMi' fnrTc tt i'ha efiith, they said unto them, Why; seek ye the living among the dead?. Ifr is not here, but is risen: remember how ITe spake unto you whn 1 was in Galilee, Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the bands., of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third dav rise again. ..And thev remembered His words. And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to alj the rest. It was Maiy Magdelcne, and Joanna, and Marv the mother of James, and othtr women that wr.re with them, which told these things unto the apostles. Then arose Peter, and ran unto the sepulchre; fino" stooping down he beheld the linen clothes laid bv themselves. And they returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered 'together, S-ijInjj. The Lord is risen inded, and hath appeared to Simon. And asliey thus spake, Jesus himself stood in the midst Of them, and s.iiih unto them. Peace be unto you. Condensed from Luke 24: 1-36 On the first day of l.a week, very early in the morning', women came to the sepulchre bringing spices which they had prepared, and they found the stono rolled away from the opening. The women found the body" ot Jesus gone, and as they stood, much perplexed, two men4n shining garments stood near them. The women prostrated themselves and heard the men say, "He is risen." The women ran to tell the apostles, but they refused to believe thera, their story seeming "as idle tales," Peter ran quick ly to the tomb, however, found Jesus gone, and went away wondering. Writing to the Corinthians, Paul reveals that he was not one who saw Christ in person after His resurrection, but he, too, saw Him on the road to Damascisj MEMORY VERSE I Corinthians 15;57. Spring Hill Baptist Church The- Rt jGsy ' Chamber s4tfJ SUVDAY 9:50 Sunday School meets under the direction of the supt., Ralph Qw( n. 1 1 :00 Morning Worship. Easter sermon by the pastor. G;!"i0 Training Union under the direi lion of Edar Mehaffev. WEDNESDAY 7:00 Prayer meeting. Clyde Methodist Church The Rev. W.T.Medlin, Jr., Minister Sunday G;00 a. m Sunrise Service, Lake) Juruuu.'ika. !!:4r), Sunday School, Robert Cor zuie. general superintendent. 11:00. Morning worship with ser mon. "The Living Christ." 7:00, Methodist Fellowship, j, x?:30. The Choirs of the Baptist find Methodist Churches will pre- sect au Raster Cantata at the Bap ' tlt Church. Wednesday 7:15, Prayer Service. 7:45, Clioir Rehearsal. llazelwood Presbyterian Church TUf .Ucy. Taul Patterson Thrown Minister Sunday School 10:00 A.' MM with Paul L. Davis, Supt.. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Sermon by Rev. II. V. Lofquist, Youth Fellowship-7:00 P. M., with Norma Jean Winchester, Leader. Mid-Week Bible HourWed at 8.00 P. M., followed b y Choir practice. Ordinarily we have not had a morning service on the 2nd Sun day of the month as the pastor preaches at Bethel then, but since this is Easter we will have a special Easter morning service at 11:00 A. M., with Rev. H. V. Lofquist, of the Good Samaritan Mission, of Ashe ville, to preach for us. There will be no evening worship, except the Youth Fellowship meeting at 7:00 P. M. Following the young people's meeting, there will be a meeting of the Youth Council, which is com posed of the officers and chairmen of the five commissions. Let all honor the Lord by being present to worship nim in the happy Easter Day. LONG'S CHAPEL Methodist Church LAKE JCNALI SKA The Rev. Paul H. Duck wall. Pastor Sunday, April 9 Easter Sunday 9:45 a. m., Sunday School. All visitors are cordially welcome to join with us in the study of God's Word.. .;;"v; .':. 11 o'clock. Morning worship with the sermon by the pastor. A special offering for ths 'World Service work of our church will be received. 7 p. m.. Methodist Youth Fellow ship. Mr. Albert McCracken will' have charge of the program on the subject, "Trlumphait Faith." All youth of the community are invit ed to attend. Monday, April 10 The Wesleyan Service Guild will hold its regular monthly meeting in the form of a covered-dish sup per at the church at 6:45 p. m. The husbands of the members will be guests for this event. Tuesday, April 11 The Adult Fellowship will hold Us regular covered-dish supper meeting at the church at 6:45 p. in, All adults of the church and com munity are invited to attend. Wednesday, April 12 7 p. m . Boy Scout Troop No. 8 of Lake Junaluska meets in the basement of the church at 7 p. m. ; 7:30 p.m., The Worker's Coun cil of the Church School will meet at the church. All ofticials and teachers in the Church School are expected to be present. Thursday, April 13 Regular, choir practice at the chuiT-pL?-. m. Crabtree Baptist Churcb Clydei Route 1 The Rev. M. II. Raby, Pastor Friday night, , April 7 at 7 00 o'clock, prayer service at the church. ; Sunday, April 9 , Sunday morning at 5:45 will be our Easter Sunrise Service. We will meet in. the upper grave yard A program -will be conducted by Rev. Raby. . Sunday morning at 10:00 o'clock, will be Sunday : School. Orville Alle. superintendent. At 11:00 o m. will be worship service. Sunday night "n't 6:45 will be Baptist Training Union, Director Vinson Haney. Our study will be the 7th Chapter of Matthew. At 8.00 p. m. w ill be worship service conducted by Mr. Raby. die 5o!6crt (Tcxl x - '4 VM YOUR SHFRTPi LIKE NEW! O Aad sa do youi; other linens . . . as well as your family's many items of personal apparel . , . when we launder them" carefully and scientifically. Call us today for rapid, sure-satisfying service, JUST CALL 205 THE Waynesville Laundry rhonc 203 Boyd, Ave. Fred Slieehan Joe Liner "i A fir fr 5 r--wtH-Tj',Mil ''-""ft"-""! Tfiil'"-WlllHii4..;. 1 The holy women at the tomb ot Christ. ' "Thanks be to God, who giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."-! Corinthions 15:57 Crabtree Methodist Charge The Rev; C O. Newell, Pastor EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 9 Mt. Zion Church 10 A. M. The pastor will preach. Crabtree 11 A. M. The pastor will preach on the subject;. "The Real ity And Assurance of Eternal Life.,.-;. v.. : Fincher's Chapel 11 A. M. Mrs. C. Ov Newell will preach on the subject: "The; Power Of The Resurrection." Dav;is Chapel 7.30 P. M. Methodist Youth Fel lowship and Adult' group meetings for a study of Communism the analysis of its principal theories, its points of conflict with Democ racy, .. . , ' - First Methodist Church -i.';:;;:. - CANTOX Rev. L. E. Mabry, Pastor On Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock, the choir will give a spec ial musical for the morning wor ship, and the pastor will use as his sermon subject, "Endless Power For Endless Living." The evening service will be of music by the choir. ; A special service at 2:30 sponv sored by the Masons. AH the pub lic h invited to attend. Boy Scout troop will meet Tues day, with, regular midweek prayer services Wednesday evening. On Thursday the following cir cles, will meet. No. 1 with Mrs. Ray Stiles; No. 2 with Mrs. Herbert Cmly, and No. 3 with Mrs. Claud? Cooke. llazelwood Baptist Church The Rev. M. L. Lewis, Pastor Services for next week in oui church will be- SUNDAY At 6:45. a Sun-Risa Service, con sisting of Scripture readings, talks, special music,i such as selection by , the choir , Consrreptttional hymns, quartets, and solos.' There is not to be a wlusoer in side the building at this service. Kveryone .has an invitation to be with us for this service. At 9:45 Sunday school, Frank Underwood Superintendent, Clas ses for all ases from 3 weeks to 100 years. We had 250 in Sunday school last Sunday and we are expecting 300 this Sunday. Won't voii be of that 300? . At 11:00 will be our Morning Worship. We are cxoecling a large crowd and a number of folk to join our church. Sermon by the pastor At 7.00 Training Union, Jarvi? Brock, Director. Yu are missing some good things if you are not attendin'? our f mining Union. We neeel every Church member. TUESDAY The W.M.S. Ladies will meet with Mrs. Bob Cope for their regu lar meeting. All members are urg ed to be present. WEDNESDAY At 7:00 Teachers' meeting, in the Upper room, followed by Pray er meeting. , Please be present. THURSDAY At 7:00 Choir practice led by Carroll Underwood. SATURDAY At 7:30 Choir practice led by Jarvis Brock. Woodland Baptist Church The Rev. M. C. W'yatt, Pastor FRIDAY NIGHT . Special Prayer Service at the home of J. p. Ledford on the Jones Cove Road led by the Rev. O. L. Ledford, Pastor of TIip East rnn. ton Baptist Church. Everyone wel come. ' fSUNDAY : Sunday School at 9:45 with Vnrriu Fugale, Superintendent in charge. Morning Worship at 11 a. m. Sermon by a visiting minister. Training Union at 7 n m with Alfred Gaddis, Director in charge. evening worship at 8 p.m. Mes sage by Billy Lee. Shady Grove Methodist Charge The Rev. Allison E. Belk, Tastor SHADY CROVn CHURCH Sunday School at 10 a.m. Supt. Glen Boyd. Preaching at 11 a.m by Dr C. N. Clark, our Disi.nct Supt. We are delighted to have Dr. Clark with us. After the sermon Dr. Clark 'will conduct our Quar lerlj' Meeting. Be sure and hear our brother preach the Word. MAGGIE CHURCH Sundnv School at 10 a.m. Sunt. Mrs. C. L. White. . Preaching at 7:30 by the pastor: His subject, 'Resurrection Assur ance", Text, II. Cor. 5:1. "For wn know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in (he heavens." We are now in Tin earthly-house; vve have another in the heavens. We are now in a tabernacle; we will then be in'a building of God, We are now In one that win be dissolved;; we will then be in one that is eternal. This one marks our temporary stopping place but that one will mark our eternal home. Think of it in terms of three words "Out of into", Out of the body intof the pres: ence of the Lord. Out of earth into heaven. Out of pollution into purity. : Out of sin into righteousness. Out of hone into reality. Out of bondage into freedom. - Out of burdens into- rest.-- - Out of sorrow into joy. Out of darkness into day. Out of promise info realization. Out of faith; into fact. Out of temptations into triumphs, Out. of this tabernacle into our heavenly home. Out of here into hereafter. 1 Bethel Presbyterian ' Church The Rev. Pant Patterson Thrower, Minister Sunday School ld:00 A. M , L. M. West. Sunt. . '. Morning Wdrshio 11:00 A. M,, Messape' bv the nastor. f The pastor will bring sn Faster messajze ontthe subject, Resurfec t'on Joy". Following the message the" sacrament of the Lord"s Sup per will be observed. 'All are cordially invito to nt. tend services somewhere on Easter Sunday. If - convenient, worship witn us. 1 . Christian Science Service ' "Are Sin, Disease, and Death Real?" will be the subject of the lesson-sermon at the Chistian Science Service on Sunday, April 9.'. '".'' The service will be held on the second floor 6f the Masonic Tem ple at 11 a. m. ' llazelwood Methodist Church The Rev. M. B. Lee, Pastor Sunday School 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. The theme foi the message will be "Be lief in Immortality". Youth Fellowship 6:45 p.m. , Evening Worship 7:30 p.m. Song Service followed by a presentation of the parable of the Good Samari tan giving present day interpreta tion. The public is invited to at tend. Mid-Week Service Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Prayer service. Bethel Methodist Church The Rev. Clyde L. Collins, Minister Easter Sunday, April J, 1950 0:00- Methodist Youth Fellow- ship Sunrise Service. 10.00 Sunday School, J. Letch Worley, Supt. 11:00 Worship Service, Ser mon: "I Believe in Life Everlast ing." .;..' 7:00 Methodist Youth Fellow ship Worship Hour. 8:00 M. Y. F. Fellowship per iod. , , TUESDAY, APRIL 11 6:30 Bethel Troop 12, Boy Scouts of America meets at the church. Committeemen expected to be presented are Roy Morgan, T M. West, M. V. Bramiett. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 7:00 Choir practice. THURSDAY, APRIL 13 7.00 Board of Education meet ing. . : ... -'ami Special J 12:00 noon. 9:45 "Tgh sc: GIRL U! M1" Ctednt veiiport, au,, 1: Fountain bu, C, writes uni fcer father tig,,, (tatement $al' h. River M. cine it just "tfc, thing'' f,r reliel ' indigestion, Cleamit h ( iplendid high Hnooi girl wk rearixei that i e,ih tchool work oni J She stalest kodly that IwovWMte time I ate. Nqtgrjl.,u ough to ce.P By , ' energy up to I (ell tired h . Stall's has ktougini deriul relief. IBMJ my meals like any tj person and I fellikui on." The first bottle l is guaranteed te salishl ineney back. Tr it tt,J - i'U V 'rn .f 1 ;'iP1 ...... i The feeling that comes over you as you join prayer on Easter Sunday is as; proud and soa ing as a church steeple, yet as warm and hue ble as a neighbor's handshake.. You and you. friends, sharing the thrilling inspiration of ft Easter Services, become vital strands in a ha monious web -work held secure 'by the framed religion. ' Attend the Church Of Your Choice This Easte?, and join with Your Family in The Impressive Services. s Mt. Sid "Better Brands Mean Better Buys" 4&

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