TIIC V." A Y N I S VILLZ ZIO UNT AINTXI GO TO CHURCH SOMEWHERE EVERY SUNDA) FACE rOUU (Second Section) Waynesville Presby ( terian ChurcH The Rev. M. B. Williamson, Pastor jyhitouu Prevost, Superintend ent of Sunday School. Sunday School at 10;00 o'clock. lorning Worship at 11:00 o'clock Sermon Subject: "THE INDIS PENSABLE CHRIST" Special music by the church choir directed by Mrs. J. L. Kil pafhek with Miss Bette Hannah at the organ. South Fellowship neetin it 7:Q0 P. M. Ilazclwood Presbyterian Church The Rev. Paul Patterson Throwei V Minister Sunday School 10:00 A. M., L. C. Davis, Supt. Morning Worship 11.00 A. M., exwpt on 2nd Sunday. youth Fellowship 7:00 P. M., Claude Greene, Pres. Jimmy Davis, Program Leader. JSvenmg Worship Only on 2nd Sunday 8:00 P. M., followed by Choir Practice. Mid-week Bible Hour Wed. 8:00 P.M. Sunday morning the pastor's subject will be, "Daniel's God", Circle 1 will meet Tuesday even ing', 8 o'clock with Mrs. W. B. Win chester. Circle 2 will meet at the same hour with Mrs. Lawson Suninicrrow, with Mrs. John Sum nievrow as joint hostess. At the mid-week service the past or 'will continue a series of studies iiiV Personal Work, using as this theme, "The Method In Fishing Tor Men." Amos Teaches About Worship JLLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LE5SON - Scripture Amoa 4:4; 5:4-9, 14, 15, 21-14 By Alfred J. Bueschcr jfgsb tarAfcMM MWIrU431 ; S (MiWWnvl Seek the Lord, who made the stars, "and turneth the shadow of death into the mowing; the Lord is His name," Amoa pleaded wth his erring people. "Hate the evil and love the good, and establish judgment in the gate" the market place where the poor were cheated so that God would be gracious. The Lord hates the feast days, the solemn assemblies, and the burnt offer ings while the rich oppress the poor and live immoral lives, declared Amos. Even the religious songs, sung to the "melody of thy viols'' are displeasing to Jehovah without right living;. MEMORY VERSE Amos 5.2-1. .Bcthel Presbyterian Church The Itev. Paul Patterson Thrower, Minister 'Sunday School 10:00 A. U:00 A. M., 4th Sun.) L. M. West, Supt. Morning Worship: ? 2nd Sunday 11:00 A. M. Hi 4th Sunday 10:00 A. M. iWomen of the Church 1st Frl dajr 2:00 P, M. First Methodist Church i-' WAYNES VILLE JXorncr Haywood and Academy the Rev J. E. Yountz. Minister hurch School meets at 9;45 each Sunday. Francis Massie, Gene ra Superintendent. Classes and Departments for all ages. jMorning Worship 11:00 O'clock. hcrmon by the pastor. Subject "Thd Salt ol UlalAirttl. Special music by the choir. Haywood County Youth Rally will be held at Camp Hope begin ning at 3:00 O'clock in the after noon. Our Youth Fellowship will at tend this rally. , Evening Worship 8:00 O'clock. The sermon subject will be "Un conscious Loss." You are invited to worship with us at all our services. First Baptist Church WAYNESVILLE -v The Rev, L, G. Elliott Pastor SUNDAY '' 9:45 Sunday ; School. Frank Kirkpatrick is general superintendent. Morning services will be broadcast both this Sunday and next Sunday. 11;00 Morning Worship. Ser mon by the pastor. Special music under the direction of Mr. Charles Isley; Mrs. Douglas Moore, organ ist. . ; 6:45 Training Union. Mr. R. L. Gaddi3 is t. U. Director. 8:00 Evening Worsnlp. Sermon by the pastor. Special music by the Youth Choir. MONDAY 8:30 Y. W. A's. meet with Mrs. Gentry. 7:30 Business Woman's Circie meets with Miss Geraldine Parris. 8:00 Deacons will meet in the church office. TUESDAY 7:30 Circles of the W. M. S. will meet as follows; Lottie Moon Circle with Mrs. L E. Green; Mrs. Frank Leather wood associate. Eliza Yates Circle with Miss Pearl Underwood and Mrs. Robert Underwood. , Ann Hasseltine Judson Circle with Mrs. M. M. Noland. Henrietta Hall Shuck Circle with Mrs. J. L. Edwards; Mrs. Homer West, associate Fannie E. S. Heck Circle with Mis. O. V. Barker. WEDNESDAY 3:30 Jr. R. A.'s. meet in the social hall. 6:30 Youth choir rehearsal. J:3J)-rMidweek Prayer Meeting. THURSDAY 3:30 Jr. G. A's. meet in the social hall. i Grace Church in the ! Mountains ' EPISCOPAL The Rev. Edgar II. Goold, Rector April 30, Third Sunday after Easter 1 9:45 a.m. Church School. J 11 a.m. Holy Communion and sermon. In connection with this service there will be a corporate Com munion of the young people of the parish. Spring Hill Baptist Church The Rev. Gay Chambers, Pastor SUNDAY 10:50 a.m. Sunday School. , 3:00 p.m. Associational Broth erhood meeting. Harry Mashburn in charge. 6:50 p.m. Training Union, Ed gar Mehaffey in charge. WEDNESDAY 6:30 p.m. Deacons meet in the Library. 7:00 p.m. Prayer meeting. Boy Scouts will also meet in room 8. .7:45 p.m. Church business meet ing. FRIDAY 4:00 p.m. 4-H Club meet at Spring Hill School. j WHAT DOES THIS PICTURE REPRESENT? ANSWER ON PAGE S Free Methodist Chapel 110 Boundary Street Waynesville Rev, Charlotte Bishop and Rev. Ruth Gruber, Co-pastors Telephone 668-J The church of the . "Light and Life Radio Hour" world-wide broadcast of gospel and song, in vites you to its weekly services listed below: Sunduy School ,10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Young People's Service 6:30 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:45 p.m. A warm welcome awaits you at the weekly services at the Bound ary St. Chapel come and worship God with us in these full-gospel services. Mid-Week Prayer Meeting Thursday night 7:45. "God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you". I Sam. 12-23. If you have a troubled heart, or any kind of a spiritual need, feel free to phone the above tele phone number and a quick re sponse will be made. Cottage pray er meetings will be gladly arranged in any home or community upon re quest. "O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy en durelh forever", Psalm 107-1. Olivet Baptist Church MAGGIE The Rev. Jarvis Underwood, Pastor llarrold Leatherwood is Sunday School Superintendent, with the school meeting at 10:00 o'clock. Morning services at 11:00 o'clock with the sermon by the pastor. Training union at 7:00 o'clock, with Mrs lliriam Caldwell, direc tor. Evening services at 8:00 o'clock, with the message by the pastor. Regular Wednesday night pray er services at 7:30, with Hiriam Caldwell, in charge. Richland Baptist Church The Rev. Ben Cook, Pastor George Milder, Superintendent 10:00 a.m. Sunday School. 7:30 p.m. Church Service. Every Wednesday night, Prayer Meeting. 7:30, REAL SAVINGS FOR CAR OWNERS O You don't have to trade your insurance when you trade your car ' O Because of economical operations, the Farm Bureau Mutual Automobile Insurance Company ofi Columbus, Ohio is per mitted to offer automobile insurance at rates 25 under state-established rates for like coverage O See me for real help in financing and insuring your car TED STACKPOLE Phone 448-R Waynesville West Canton Baptist Church Clyde Road The Rev. Otto Parham, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Robert Swanger, Supt. Morning Worship lf:00 a.m. Evening Worship 8j00 p.m. John nie Tiller preaching. Training Union 7:00 p.m. Vaughn Hall, Director. Our Revival is progressing in a fine way. First Methodist Church CANTON Rev. L. E. Maury, Pastor For the morning service Sunday, the pastor will use as his sermon subject: "The Christian Church Looks At Our World." The evening service, beginning at 7:30, the pastor's subject will be: "Our Part In The Ecumenical Movement." The Youth Fellowship meets at 6:30. ' . ,' On Monday at seven o'clock the board of trustees will meet, and Tuesday at the same hour the Scouts will meet. Wednesday at 7:30 the Warm Heart Meeting at the church. , The building committee has the blueprints for the new building.: 10 YEARS GAS DISTRESS At Mrs. M. I. Un derweod, Compo belle, S. C, de claret! "For ten yean I tuffered terrible spetli of stomach distreii. After meali I could hardly breath I (alt lo stuffed from gat on my stomach. I triad treat ments and medi cines with littlo or no results. My mother-in-law persuaded me to try Salf's Indian River Medicine. Now I eat heartily of foods I dared not touch. Scalf's Is th best stomach) tonic money can buy is my sincere belief." The first bottle of Sialf's is guaranteed to satisfy or your money bark, Try it today. Shady Grove Methodist Charge The Rov. Allison E. Be'.k, Pastor SHADY GROVE CHURCH Preaching at 10 a.m. by the Hev. Bruce L. Roberts. Sunday School at 11 a.m., Glen Boyd, superintendent. MAGGIE CHURCH Sunday School at 10 a.m., Mrs C. L. White, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Bruce L. P.olSerts on the subject: "The Reality of God". Ilazclwood Baptist Church The Rev. M. t. Lewis, Pastor Friday, 8 P. M Free organ con cert by Mr. Thompson of Asheville.. Program to be broadcast over sta tion WHCC from 8 o'clock to 8:55 P. M. ; Sunday, April 30 9:45 ; A. M. Sunday School. Frank Underwood, Superintendent. The Junior Department will meet with the Adult 'Department for their opening program. 11 A. M.-Worship. Message by Jarvis Brock. 7 P. M. Training Union. 8 P. M Worship. Youth Emphasis Night, with Dick Cope in charge. Wednesday , ' " 7:30 P. M. Teacher's meeting. 8;15 P. M. Prayer meeting. rtead the .MountHiiitt Want Acs Asheville Man To Give Organ Concert Here Mr. Thompson of Asheville will give an organ concert at 8 P. M. tomorrow at the Hazelwood Baptist Church, the Rev. M- L. Lewis, the pastor, announced today. The performance will be broad cast over Station WHCC from 8 P. M. to 8:55 P. M. ; Everyone is invited to attend. There will be no admission charge. Bishop Kern Will Make Address In Canton May 11th Bishop Paul B. Kern will be the guest speaker at the bishop's din ner sponsored by the First Method ist church of Canton on Thursday, May 11. The announcement was made today , by Rev. L. E. Mabry, pastor of the church. , The dinner will be held at the Canton YMCA, and Edward Pless is in charge of the sale of tickets. The proceeds will be Used for the building fund. Dr. C. N. Clark, district super intendent, will also be on the pro gram and introduce Bishop Kern. Mount Zion Baptist Church Thomas. En in. Pastor Sunday, April 30 10:00 A. M. Sunday School with the Supcrintendenl Mr. Hugh Franklin in charge. . 7:00 P. M. Training Union with the director Mr. Dennis Singleton in charge. Wednesday, 7 P, M. Meeting of Sunday School teachers. Juniors will meet at same time for prayer meeting under the direction of Mrs. Tom Lanning. Spring Hill Church To Be Host To Brotherhobd Spring Bill Baptist Church will be host to the Haywood County Baptist Brotherhood meeting, Sun day afternoon at 2:20 o'clock. Mr. Don C. Young, N. C. State Baptist Brotherhood President, will be the main speaker. Harry L. Mashburn is the associational brotherhood president. Fvery pastor is urged to bring his men and boys to this meeting. Haywood People To Attend State Baptist Meeting Baptist ministers and laymen of Haywood County will attend the special session of the State Baptist Convention which meets in the Charlotte Armory, Thursday, April 27, at 10:30 A. M. The purpose of this call session of the Convention is to consider the action of the General Board and the trustees of the Baptist Hospital to receive Federal Aid. with which, to build an additional wing to the hospital. i First place on the agenda will be given to the disposal of Wake Forest College to the Southern Baptist Convention for the use as a theological seminary. Each church in the association is entitled to two messengers, and one additional messenger for every 100 members provided that no ri,irrh slU be entitled to more than 10. No messenger will be al lowed t register and vote unlesscar tor only guaraif ho has been certified by his church, run 25 miles an hour. TIT , SfV odjstCri FRIDAY, ion,, . Vacation Chu i, c i eets at Vhei81: lurch ,, -I h-" s meets Church will be plan to primary, at 7-sn S'ven to to Junior ,k SUNDAY co Set uur vacatio AY- 9:45 Pm. t. a' i. i vork u i.i. - . g anct a m c... . age groups. Yki. invited to : rs i God's Word. K.! , intendent 10:45 a.m.-The ated by the V,,.;,.' will ""n dren Pre-school lor SUDervki. . morning M0rxhiph llj,M0rnig 0r r """ fll -a,'ip Hope. Tv 'ns at J wiiiwm oi a get acquain,, an assembly to tied t, mice classes, suppef, ,,cw umcers will memDers of the Youth F( are ui gea lo plan to atte WEDNESDAY Boy Scout Troop N0 8 Junaluska meets in the of the church at 7 p.m. R Scoutmaster. THURSDAY Regular choir practiCt church at 7:30 p.m. Rocky Branih B; Church ine Kev. W. c, Wravtr, SUNDAY, APIilL ilD- 10:00 a.m. Sutiday Scl .: 11:00 a.m. Monto Sermon suhjeet, "OvcrcoJ With Good. ': 7:00 p.m. Community-! ing convention. All singen LONG, LOST. AO PAW PAW. Mi.li. IP spring cleaning at the dr:i Chesapeake and Ohio Seavers found an old &; buck Catalogue advertisirj Feather-bedding scheme of Firemen's Union to put an additional f fireman on diesel locomotives has been ME u Fact Finding Boards appointed by Presidents Roosevelt and Truman have said these demands were "devoid of merit" and they were ii I nit uuuuu c - - . ....... ... -. . .... . . . f Now the Firemen's leaders seek to paralyze railroad transportatiori to compel me raiiroaas to employ a wnoiiy unnecessary aaamw fireman to ride on diesel locomotives. This scheme is plain ni jyl Leaders op the Firemen's union haVe called a nationwide strike starting with four great railroads on April 26. These railroads are the New York Central, Penn . sylvania, Santa Fe, and Southern, y The union claim that a second fireman is needed on grounds of safety is sheer hypocrisy. Safety has been dragged into this dispute only in an unsuccessful effort to give a cloak of respectability to vicious feather-bedding demands. After a careful study of the first de mands of this union, a Presidential Fact Finding Board on May 21, 1943, reported to President Roosevelt that there was no need for an extra fireman on diesel locomotives. Again, on September 19, 1949, after a second hearing on the union leaders' de mands, a second Board reported to Presi dent Truman that: "there presently exists no need for an additional fireman . . upon either the ground of safety or that of efficiency and economy of operation." Safety Record of Diesels Is Outstandingly Good j Although the railroads accepted the Board findings, the union leaders have brazenly rejected thorn. They represent that an extra fireman is needed for "safety" rea sons. Here's what the Board had to say on that point: .'. v . . .. "The safety and on-time performance of diesel electric locomotives operated under current rules have been notably gOOd . . . -.''- . "Upon careful analysis of the data sub mitted on safety, we have concluded " that no valid reasons have been shown , as a support for the Brotherhood pro posal under which a fireman would be ' required to be at all times continuously in the cab of road diesels. The proposal must Be rejected." The real reason behind these demands is that the union leaders are trying to make jobs where there is no work. In other words, a plain case of "feather-bedding." The railroads have no intention of yield ing to these wasteful make-work demands. "Th. Safety Record of Diesels is Outstandingly Gooa, Presidential Fact Finding Bm ti , fr'rm official.1 of Presidential Fact Find.n -The safety record J ; standingly good, and it , the safety rules now appi'6 produced good results. ... The safety and on-time under current rules .n Diesel-electric operation 'than steam loeomot.ve opera Remember! These are not w rf i Thpv Arc Ju . .. ivl me raiinmu" -.'rheooj'i m.iydmllarconc.usionI dent Truman. m mm pent months intr"- - the union lesders. We are publishing this and other advertisements to talk t 6t first lwnd about mailers which aro important io o'-r