Thursday Afternoon, .April 2: ,. " w i'AGS rour. wait.tsyille mountain::: OF INTEREST TO WOMEN agttvitiES CLUBS Office Phone 700 MRS. BEN SLOAN, Editor Home Phone 462-J Contest Is Held i At Crabtree P-TA Meeting v A i recitation-declamation contest for girls and boys in the grammar grades of the Crabtree-Iron Duff School was held Tuesday night at the regular meeting of the Parent Teacher Association of the school. Frances Sanford was the winner of the first 'place for the girls and Roger McElroy won top honors for thei. boys. Second place winners were Jean Crawford and Boyd Fish. eHand third places went to Adeline Best and Henry Earl Bishop. Others participating in the con test were Frances Emma Yates, Sybil Bradshaw, Doris Ann Messer, Lorraine Sanford, Martha Ann Caldwell, and Spencer McCracken Presentation of awards will be made during the school's com mencement program. : .1 . Bfeta Sigma Phi Installs Nqw Officers Insinuation ceremonies for new of ticejc's of Beta Sigma Phi were held. at. a dinner meetinf of th sorority Monday night at The Towrip House. 'rtiosc installed were Miss Edna Sunmierrow, president; Mrs, Harrj Lee iner, Jr., vice president; Mrs Charge Woodard, secretary; Mrs Fned fcampbell, corresponding sec retary; Mrs. James Fields, treasur er; and Miss Nancy Killian, social sponsor. ' 1 : ' rl'he Ritual of Jewels degree was conferred upon Mrs. William Dov er, Mrs. Edwin Russell, Mrs. James Flcldfji. and Mrs. Gloria Newport of Highlands and Cuba, who was a 'guest fat the meeting. - V Thq ceremonies were conducted bv Mrs. William Norris, Ml Edith Sunjfucrrow, Mrs, Stanley Henry, nndMiss Bernlce Harrell. Dinner was served at one long table which was decorated witl vases, of yellow snapdragon and yellow candles. The new president was, presented a corsage 'of yellow rosebuds. v '.-,' 1 ; Mfi and Mrs. John Williams, and son! Johnny, of Jonathan Creek liav-moved to SApfordi 'Mir, Wil- liamswlKbe atatiottodr aU-Fort Bragg. Mr. ana MrsTKalph Buy will occupy their house while they are away. 0 ,l;l',;,llai,i';j! Sisjaiiliiisiiiii ft o r 0 'I i iliiiini n it 'j t f i s vi c cif The Toppers That i Go Everywhere ' With Everything!. S.95 and $g.95 " ' 1 i Short and to the point! These are the shortie coats we offer for your Summer-afid-on wearing pleasure. Cpol evenings, chill days, traveling... this is the coat ybu wear everywhere, with everything. Of coolest suede-tex . . . high fashioned with deep collar and cuffs. Complete range of sizes in white and pastel shades. '.-:'.-,.:..y:::.-V.;:;: Sheppe's S: - 123 Main Street -Strand Theatre Bldg. Miss Bradley And Mr. Cline Are Honored At Party Mr. and Mrs. Harold Massie were hosts of a bridge-dinner at their home on Academy Street last night in compliment 10 Miss Betty Bradley and Joe Cline, whose wed ding will take place in June. The tables at which dinner was lerved, were centered with flow- 3r arrangements formed or nose jays and boutonnieres which were resented to the guests. - White handles were used and place cards vere in the bridal motif. The bride- lect was presented a gift. The euest list included Miss Bradley, Mr. Cline, Mr. and Mis. :. E. Weatherby, Mr. and Mrs. lharles Ketner. Mr. and Mrs. How- lrd Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Davis, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Reed, Jr., Miss llce Flncher, Dick Bradley, Mr. md Mrs. L. K. Barber. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell, Jr., Mr. ind Mrs. David Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Prevost, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Killian, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. ATilllam Rav. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. iClmball, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Xorte, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Brown if Salem, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Hal- ett Ward, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Corpening. .:' ' Joint Hostesses Entertain For Recent Bride Mrs. Geoge Craig and Miss Alma fackson entertained with a kitchen mower at the home of Mrs. Craig Wednesday evening, in compllmnet ;o Mrs. John R. Jackson, the form- ir Miss Lois Miller, whose marriage ook place last month. A color motif of green and white was observed In the party appolnt- nents and hydrangeas were used n decorating. i The guest list Included Mrs. Fackson, Mrs. Jack Worthington Mrs, Oliver Yount, Mrs. Howard 2agle, Misg Mary Medford, Mrs Sallle Russell, Mrs. J. J. Pipes, Miss MaUde Mehaffey, Mrs. Ben Jiidges; Mrs. Henry Miller, Mrs. Mice Jackson, Mrs. Ossie Sutton. Mrs. Patsy Hill, Misg Sue Warlick. Mrs. Allen Rowe,: Mrs. Zeb Curtis U'Bc jJlQWmaiL Mrs. Ralph olln, " Mrs. Tnnit'B Tie, ind Mrs. Leon Yount. . , . '. . MrsTTCirkpatrick Is Hostess For McKirnmon Club Mrs.;-' J. H. Kirkpatrick was hostess for the April meeting of rne McKirnmon Home Demonstra tlon Club held Monday afternoon with Mrs. Ed Harkins presiding Mrs. W. C. Moody gave the devotional. " Mrs. W. L. Amnions' essay was selected to enter the countv con st and recipes were given for ihe County Cook Book. A sale of plants and bulbs, auc tioned by Mrs. Paul Hyatt, netted the club $12.85. Mrs. B, M. Stamey gave a report an a lamp conversion workshop which she had held and several .Tiembers gave book reports. The demonstration was given by Miss Mary Com well , home demon stration agent. Project leaders reporting were Mrs. L. J. Cannon, Mrs. D. S. Plemmons, Mrs. W, J. Muse, Mrs. W. C. Moody, Mrs. Love Coleman, Mrs. Logan, White, Mrs. W. L. Ammons; Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mrs. M. B. Hyatt and Mrs. Malcolm Crisp. ' During the social hour the hos- ess was assisted by her daughter, Miss , Mary Frances Kirkpatrick. Five visitors were present for the meeting. Cecil Home Club Meets With Mrs. Warren The Cecil Home Demonstration Club held its April meeting Wed nesday afternoon at the home nf Mrs. A16nzo Warden with the oresl- dent, Mrs. Thomas Erwin. Dresid- Jng. " .' Msr. Howard Medford was wel comed as a new member. Essays written bv Mrs. Erwin and Mrs. James Reeves were se lected to be entered in the countv essay contest on "12 Reasons Why I Am A Home Demonstration Club Member." A demonstration on "Mv Best Dress," was given by Miss Mary Cornwell and reports on projects were made by Mrs. J. E. Burnette, Mrs. Erwin, Mrs. George Allen, Mrs. A. M. Frazier, Mrs. Warren, Mrs. , Reeves, and Mrs. Kenneth Browning. A social hour followed the meet ing. .' .. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Garrett of Palm Beach, Fla , expect to make their home with their step-mother, Mrs. C. M. Moody. Mrs. Garrett re mained here and Mr. Garrett will return in a few weeks. Recent Bride V MRS. GEORGE M. SKILLING- TON is the former Miss Doris Marie Sutton. She was married on Saturday, April 22, at the home of her parents. Miss Sutton Is Married To G. M. Skillington Mr. and Mrs. George C. Sutton if Waynesville luave announced the narriage of their daughter, Miss Doris Marie Sutton, to George M. Skillington, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Skillington, of Chattanooga, Tenn, .. The wedding took place at the lome of the bride's parents last Saturday afternoon with the Rev. L. G. Elliott, pastor of the First Baptist Church, officiating. The louble ring ceremony was used ind only a few relatives and friends vere present. The couple entered the living oom together and stood before an mprovised altar of gladioli, lilies, ind snapdragon. The bride wore a dress of white affeta with navy accessories and l corsage of white gardenias, Mrs. Sutton, mother of the bride was attired in an afternoon dress )f navy and white. ' A reception was held after the ereinony. . ; Following , th6': receptUin the ibu'ple left on a weddirig trfp. Fbr raveling the bride wore a suit if navy with her wedding corsage. Mrs. Skillington is a graduate of he Waynesville High School and it the tinie of her marriage was aking nurse's training in the Er 'anger Hospital at Chattanooga. Mr. Skillington attended the Chattanooga schools and for the last two and one half years has been in the Navy., He is at present stationed at Memphis. Following his dischareg the couple will re lide in Chattanooga. Crabtree Church Women Present Play Saturday ' The Young Woman's and Girls' Auxiliaries of the Crabtree Baptist ohurch presented a play, "How Home Missions Came Home To Helen," last Saturday night. The drama was directed by Mrs. Charles Noland. , A song and a prayer were offer ed following the opening of the meeting, and the Rev. M, H. Raby, the pastor, discussed the theme, "The Drinking House Over The Way." Another feature of the program was the harmonica and guitar music played by 14-year-old Jimmy Wil son of Canton. Patsy Dietz, Audrey Allen and Dorothy Haney also had a part in the program with songs and poems. The Crabtree Quartet sang seve ral songs, and Mrs. M. B. Reeves, Jr., played "The Blue Danube," and other piano solos. Members of the cast of the play were: Mrs. Vinson Haney as Mrs. Brown, Helen's mother; Miss Jose phine. Presnell . as . Helen Brown; Mrs. Spencer Fisher as Grandmoth er; Mrs. Orville Allen as -Aunt Sarah; Miss Betty Jo Allen as Aunt Fannie; Miss Geraldlne Allen as Aunt Mandy, the colored wo man; Mrs. Weldee Burns as Mrs. Reed; Ray James as Helen's young brother, Ted; Gene Jones as Petro Ledo, an Italian playmate; Miss Ruby Presnell as Mrs. Cam pello; Miss R. A. Gillette' as Lois, Helen's chum; Miss Lorene Cog dill as Wanda, Helen's Indian friend; Miss Lane Walker as Dot; j Miss Louise Presnell as Rachel. ... ' '. .''j Mrs. Farmer Honors Mother Mrs. Grady Farmer was hostess of a birthday dinner last Sunday in honor of her mother, Mrs. Belle Edwards, of Greenville, S. C, who was seventy-five years old that day. Around thirty relatives and friends were present for. the celebration. Thirty Tables Are Assembled For Benefit Party Around thirty tables were as sembled for the benefit party given by the Waynesville Woman's Club Wednesday evening In the display room of Davis-Liner Motor Sales. After the games high score prizes were awarded at each table as fol lows; For bridge players, Mrs. John Schell, Mrs. R. L. Prevost, Mrs. Jack Messer, Miss Margaret Johnston, Eric Clausen, Mrs. Johnny Ferguson, Mrs. Leo Rieger, Mrs. Roy Campbell, Hugh Sloan, Sr., Mrs. James R. Boyd, Mrs. M. W. Bethel, Mrs. W. C. Norris,' Mrs. Bruce Janes, Mrs. T. L. Bramlett, Mrs. T. H. Kent, Mrs. J. M. Long, Mrs. Elizabeth Bowman, Mrs. Hil liard Atkins, Miss Amelia Mac Fadyen, Mrs. W. T. Hannah, and Mrs. J. W. Seaver. Canasta win ners were Mrs. Jonathan Woody, Miss Ethel McCoy, Miis Ray Bal lard, Mrs. E. W. Moody, Mrs. W. A. Bradley, and C. B, McDarrls, and set back winners were Mrs. W. T. Shelton and V. O. Ayres. Holders of lucky numbers for door prizes were Mrs. F. H. Marley, who was presented a cake; Mrs. Claude Walker, who received an aluminum tray; and Mrs. L. M. Rlcheson, who won a pressure cooker. ... -.' . ; Prizes for the party were do nated by Rogers Electric, The First National Bank, Tuts, Eagle 5 and 10, Howell's Hardware, American Fruit Stand, Town and Country Shop, Stovall'g 5 and 10, Parkman Hardware, McClung Hardware, Claudette Beauty Shop, Carolina 5 and 10, Belk's, Massie Depart ment Store, Slack's, Smith's Drug Store, The Toggery, the Firestone Store, Gunn's, The Ladye Fayre Beauty Shop, C. E. Hay's Sons, Ketner's, Charlie's Place, Boyd's Furniture Co., Park Barber Shop, Leatherwpod's Esso Station, E. J. Lilius Jewelers, Curtis Drug Store, Garrett Furniture Store, Massie's Furniture Store, The Book Store, Reliable Jewelers, Mrs. J. V. Smith, Mrs. Carl Mundy, and Mrs. J. W. Killian. Chicken salad sandwiches, cook ies, and punch were donated and served by members of the spon soring club. Arrangements for the party were made by a committee composed of ,Mrs..Virgil Smith, Mrs, Will Fah- irion, Mrs. Charles Ray, Mrs. John Hipps, Mrs, Charles Ketner, and Mrs, W. M. Cobb. Miss Mary Osborne and Miss Joan Morris spent the week-end at Peace College in Raleigh. SPECIAL JVeuA Cottattl formerly $10.95 and $12.95 NOW $g.95 While they last Fashion Corner Charch Street Novatny-Davis Marriage Is Announced Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Davis of Hazelwood have announced tlie marriage of their daughter, Miss Alice Davis, to Paul Edward No vatny, of Winntr. S. D. The ceremony was performed at St. John's Church in Waynesville on Saturday, April 15, at eight o'clock in the morning with the Rev. Raymond Rahe officiating, The altar was decorated with white snapdragon and gladioli against a background of fern and branched candelabra holding white candles. The bride and bridegroom en tered the church together. .The bride wore a gown of white satin with lace yoke and long sleeves pointed at the wrists. The skirt was fashioned with a draned effect at the waist which ended in a large bow at the back. She wore a bonnet-shaped head dress with finger tip veil of illusion. Miss Barbara Jean Potts was maid of honor and wore a dress of light blue satin with matching headdress and shoulder length veiL Robert Davis, brother of the bride, served as best man. Immediately after the ceremony the couple left on a wedding trip. Mrs, Novatny received her edu cation in the Waynesville Schools and has recently held a position in Winner, S. D. Mr. rJovatny, a veteran of World War II, operates a ranch near Win er, S. D., where the couple will reside. Secretaries Have Meeting The first business meeting of the newlv nronn7a4 Ci,nmin.i.,. a " - uviKvaiicg &so- elation was held in the Court House iuuuy mgni wun miss Mary f1'"" presiding. The hV-laWR UIOKa rn.J J , T" cau aim a constitution adopted and the group ActAaA t,nlj ji ..Uvu iu nuiu a uinner meeting on the third Wednesday in each month. V . " Mrs. William R. Nash and small daughter, Ann, of Cleveland, Ohio, ara here fos a visit to the former's rriother,-Mrs. C. B. Atkinson, and her aunt, Mrs. John Blaylock, and other relatives. J Mr. and Mrs. Novatny ii iii X I A 4 ii irttflfurtiiii ' ' . J MR. and MRS. PAUL EDWARD NOVATNY were married in St. John's Church on Saturday, April 15. Mrs. Novatny is the former Miss Mary Alice Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Davis of Hazelwood. West Canton Home Club Holds April Meeting The April meeting of the West Canton Home Demonstration Club was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Lewis Sanford with Mrs. W. S. McElrath presiding. Plans were made for the ob servation of National Home Dem onstration Week and recipes were submitted for the County Cook Book. : -; Leaders reporting Were Mrs. Hugh Earley, Mrs. J, E. Corzine, Mrs. Howell Pless, Mrs. Theodore Clark, Mrs. Lewis Sanford, Mrs. James Hyde, and Mrs. McElrath. -Miss Mary Cornwell gave the demonstration on "My Best Dress." A social hour was enjoyed after the meeting. v. Silver Tea , To Be Held At Dellwood A silver tea will be given at the Dellwood Methodist Church next Sunday afternoon during the hours from three to five o'clock. The tea marks the completion of the new Methodist Parsonage at Dellwood which seyves three churches Elizabeth Chapel, Maple Grove, and Dellwood. Ladies from the three churches are serving as hostesses for. the event and members of the churches and friends are invited to attend. ' The Rev. Paul Taylor is pastor. , . j, . rfi Joel Crisp, father of Mrs. Tom Massie of Aliens Creek, is a patient at Mission Hospital, Asheville. The Hammetts nre nonored At Reception The Rev. nr. , mett were honored las. C reception held by 1 1 Temple Bapt.nchun n the rece;ii church. ' " m The Rev. Mr mer Pastor r church here. is irsvf'r torate of lhp n akethePositH)nU;f tary-treasurer 0f th Members of the Wnm sionary Union and .fc1 meUntCah, ht Z merits for the reception Upon her arrival, Mrs, ,, was presented a cor h riHv.H"""4-- The refreshment table a ed wC 8 late Cl,,,h HaTu an,.arraWt gladioli, white lilies m, dragons. Crystal candelabn white tapers complex ration. A six-piece silver tea j was presented to the tomm the church. Approximately 450 wm tended. Hill -Trull j Marriage Is Announced rtimuuiicfineni nas Dem 1 nf tho marrlortn t Hit., n -- '""'"obc m miss a Trull, daughter of Mrs. Marj of Canton, Route 3, and ft Mr. Trull, to Wallace W. Hi of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. IliUof Route 1. The ceremony took pi Greenville South Carolina urday, April 8. The bride was attired f marriage In a suit of navj with navy accessories and i sage of white flowers. Mrs. Hill, a graduate o Canton High School, is w ployed at Enka. Mr. Hill was graduated in Clyde High School and serve years in the U. S. Army, th which were spent in the Eui theatre. He is now engag farming and cattle raisins al Route 1, where the coupl reside. MASSIE'S DEPT. STORE ir: Every Spring -Summer REDUCED Iff 'HAL W SOME AS MUCH AS mi 4 W Full Stock of All-Wools. Gabardines and Summer Suits In Every Pastel Color and White A LARGE SELECTION Here's Bargains You Usually Get In July Hurry In " Get Your Pick of a Suit Now Save Up To 5fl On Suits PMSSIE'S DEPT. ''Better Brands Mean Better Buys" 4 1