Coir-.p T.-ZZ 3 S First St LOUISVILLE KY -a j1 S d:ugm OfTho Ilevs iing Double Duty -wood officers went to K&rnow to direct I. mneral- After perform- decided to take rjft Md look for a & be in the area. f" ;..,ips they came fi underbrush. f Jswell hidden and QVo barrels of beer, i,! sugar, and a case of lihins was ready to make JU guess they held i of the funeral in the V Deputy Max Cochran j Reese. . r i V FT T7 )T A 1TF3CJ a71FTT -4 Mountain lit Published Twice-A-Week In The County Seat of H&ywood County At The Eastern Entrance Of The Great Smoky Mountains National Park x TODAY'S S.'HLE Worry l lAe a rockinr chair. It gives yoa some thing to do, but idoesii't set you anywhere. - 63th YEAR NO. 35 12 PAGES Associated Press and United Press News . WAYNESVILLE, N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 1, 1950 $3.00 In Advance In Haywood and Jackson Counties Clubs Doing Oonored i ,w.. Snnriav. a Dig car L of a side-road onto the harelv missing an j.nv. - . . ng truck ana weiu iih iin-s saueallng. bare ih. npxt curve, passea ! near the top of hill. ped It up on straiglit Homo Agent And Newest Club Leador WeUco Shoe Corporation Pushing 'Waynesville' In Their National Advertising Home Demonstration Clubs oft Haywood County are joining wo-1 men from all over the United States in observing National Home Demonstration Week, May 1 to 6. Among the special events plan ned for the week are radio pro grams to be presented Monday through Friday over Radio Station WHCC. Window exhibits have been pre pared in the business districts of Hazel wood, ' Waynesville, Clyde, and Canton. The radio schedule with the sponsoring clubs is as follows: Monday, 11:30 a.m., Haywood County Council; Tuesday. 11:30 a. m., McKlmmon Club; Wednesday 11:30 a.m., Bethel Club; Thursday, 11:30 a.m., Allen's Creek Club; Friday. 11:30 a.m, Crabtree Hyder Mountain Club; and Friday, 7:15 p.m.. Saunook Club. Window exhibits were arranged by various groups as follows: at L and B Hardware. Hazelwood, by Saunook Club; at Slacks in Way? nesville by the Waynesville Home- makers; at the Toggery in Waynes ville by the Francis Cove and Iron Duff Clubs; at Belk'g in Waynes ville by the Maggie and Dellwood clubs: at Brown's in Clyde by the Clyde Club; at Fincher's in Clyde by the Clyde and South Clyde clubs: at Buchanan's m Canton by the West Canton club; at Smather's market in Canton' by the Morning Star club; and at' Sluder's in Can ton by the Beaverdam Club. mile from the spot I Erst introduced himself Sunday traffic, me spceu ii whipped into a driveway hit home, leaped out, ana in sleos to the porcn he settled lumseit com- lo a big rocking cnair, m. feet on the rail. ence. and went to sleep. P Spring L is officially here. , Yester- ibout 2 p. m. at uarver s tation on the Soco Gap big black bear was drink- of orange pop. Scat M hiirf were about ten ktvsoft drink bottles, silver fox was resting m ldw of his cage nearby, surveying the 25 men and children who were him. jouiidhog woke up, saw the ties at once, climbed out !,' and stood on. the wire his cage, on his hind legs, paws limp, looking very knowing It. . v.v r i . .... . 1 .T-u - . gum. tasted It, then tossed dinner. Thursday nlh Then the and started eating a daffo- guestg proceeded to entertain their . . '..'' , . hosts. pacocK strutted siowiy Th v.itin- T ion8 nrnrftired f cage, his shining green talented young violinist named m majestically Demna Bobby Hall Brevard College ! i ; f . , boy; and State Representative mi jusuay on nw siae, nnlnh vuhr hn hH them roll- in the sun. His back was , t. 4i,t.iaio a thD npwennnor io the crowd, i Li .t h Voung Hall not only made nis violin talk. He also made it squeal like a pig, bark like a dog, cluck like a mother hen, and cheep nice a chick. That came in by way of il lustrating his short story about a visit to a farm Hall Smith, secretary of the Bre Dmi. vard Club introduced Doin enas oi r ..CJ , naynesvuie, .. .m uW Mr view sUD- asurer of the Western ?"KrZL; ih hi. - m ured speaker at :tfl, nment o the Bre vard club is pari of an exchange 1 1 mf iwt fVlP win open at 7 d. m; P n nZX tWckt5wTitC1Ub Waynesville. Sylva. and others in L 'CK.Bradley 1" charge. ,hls M - win discuss the devel- T," lttmMna i mectinst as Lions Entertain Brovard Club , And Vice Versa . f The Waynesville Lions Club en- i S X N ' - s. . i.v' i ; cam- i i Miss Mary Cornwell, left, Haywood County's home demonstration agent, has the Job of aiding with the work and promoting the organ ization of the home demonstration clubs. At right is Mrs. W. C. Murray of Center Pigeon, president pf the 24th club which was organized for the county prograih only recently. These pictures and others of the presidents of the individual clubs, shown on page 1 of the second section, are being published in connection with the observance of Home Demonstration Club Week,' i paign of WeUco She Corporation riCOuS tbCuOOlmCn is bringing m hunareds ot letters to the factory here from people in all parts of the country. WeUco has an advertisement in the May issue of The Ladles Home Journal, and during the year their I advertising messages also appear in Saturday Evening Post, and Par ents Magazine. The firm also ad vertises extensively in trade Jour- I nals. It is estimated the readership of the publications totals 25 to 30 millions. Helm Rollman. president, while I discussing the campaign pointed out that every advertisement car-! ries at the bottom the firm name and Waynesville, North Carolina. 'We have received hundreds oi letters from the public telling us that they never knew that this pro duct was being made in Waynes ville. N. C. They often say that tney drove through Waynesville on a tour through the Smokies and saw the plant, etc, etc. IK Work On Pigeon Gap Road Summer Proj ect Attendance Good At Precinct Meets On Saturday nhtrftft-Iron Duff Bovs Win Willis Smith To HighHonorsInCompetition Crabtree-lron Duff teams won. first place In dairy judging and third In livestock judging, and a Bethel team won first in the live stock Nantaliala Federauon juture rarm- r.., IT--' ers of America contest at the Moun- V lSlI iiere tain Test Farm Saturday. The Crabtree dairy and the Beth-1 Miss Marjorle Beat, director oi el livestock judging teams thus the North Carolina Library Com- Miss Beal Makes 1 team won first in the live- , ff; l judging, competition of the LuSl vJIUClUl Saturday Morning Willis Smith will address Hay wood voters at the court house here on Saturday at eleven o'clock, it was announced today by Sheriff R. V. Welch, and Arthur Osborne, who are handling details for Mr. Smith. This will be the first formal ad dress of either of the three sena- a,a inf th Hutrit rnmnot. mission. sDent the week end here torlal candidates in Haywood since itlon which will be held at Hender- and visited Haywood County lid- the campaign got unaerway. , new year were elected at a recent CLAUDE ROGERS, principal of Central Elementary School of Waynesville, is the new presi dent of the Haywood County Schoolmasters Club, He was elected with other officers dur ing a recent dinner meeting. Claude Rogers Heads Haywood Schoolmasters Claude Rogers, .principal at Central Elementary School, is the new president of the Haywood County Schoolmaster s Club, He and other officers for the rary and members of the library I Smith and family were here sev board. eral weeks ago, but he did not the cafeteria of the1 East Waynes vllle School Doyle Alley Mdress..v sonvllle next Saturday. Pothu wnn hp hnnnpr for scor Ind ft.A mnct nnltita In tha turn rnn. This is Miss Beal's last official make a public appearance tests combined-a grand tally of visit to Waynesville since she Is Sheriff Welch and Mr Osborne 1 784 87 . leaving nortn uarouna on iune said xne speecn wouiu ue vnrtiovn vvx rhnntprn in this to reside in Harve, Montana. I cast over WHCC. She came to thU .utate as .dlrwul t JueCrabtre dairy judging tm L93BnUi!?.feliU1lnMu! Number NameS of Daa Davis, M. L. Beasley, and t , iikVio .Jh TV t tr . Joe Caldwell rolled up a total of Margaret iin. -librarian ..and put On Voting .uu .. m- has often visited in the county. She -i n hiMf n aa rt an nnvn j i - i - XZZyrZa Ubw in developing coun- individual honors in the individual dairy judging competition, com- mj T nrex RrifriA piling a total 340.30 points of his IN 6 W Dnuye Runnerup was young Caldwell, Rpady May 10th who scored 304.40. Ewcll Ander son of Hayesville was a close third Ladies' Night dinner meeting In Mr. Rogers ' succeeds Carl Rat cllffe of .Waynesville Township High School. Paul Groganf Cruso was elect vlce-pfwictent ntf Charlea Ros of , Waynesville High, secretary' treasurer, ' .'' . I.v. .' Admiral W. N. Thomas of Lake Junaluska was the featured speak Attendance at the precinct meet, Inm hrnlirhll IlflVWOOfl WBS UIV usually good. Mrs. Fred f . Camp bell, chairnin'n of the Haywood Democratic Executive committee reported this morning. Meetings were held at the voting Dlnrps of all 24 DiTcincts in the county, and precinct officers elect ed. including a 'chairman, and vice chairman, together with delegates to the county convention which will convene at the court house here at two o'clock Saturday. Reports of the chairmen of all precincts had hot been received by noon today, however, here is a partial list: Hazelwood C. N. Allen, chair man; Mrs. William Chambers, vice chairman. -'.; Waynesville. One David Under wood, chairman, Mrs. R. V. Welch vice cnaiinian. Waynesville, Two Ben slotn, chairman, Mrs. Hilda Way Gwyn vice chairman. Waynesville. Three Vaughn Rhihehart, chairman. Ivy 11111 Sam Queen, Jr chair man. Jonathan Creek Nathan Carver, chairman. Lake Junaluska-r-Guy Fulbrlght, chairman. Pigeon R. E. Seni.elle, chair man. '. ':..';. -.. Clyde Jack West, chairman, Mrs. C. E. Brown, Jr., vice, chairman. . Cruso Bryan Ileathcrly, chair- , A number of new names were added to the poll books in almost every precinct on Saturday, it was learned from Crom E. Cole, chair man of the board of elections this M. Williamson, Ir. Is Contest Winner Malcolm Williamson, Jr., won the Present indications are that work on Highway No, 276 through Pigeon- Gap will get underway this summer, L. Dale Thrash, highway commissioner of the tenth district told The Mountaineer. Engineers have made a survey through .the Gap, and the apple, orchards on this side, and Com missioner Thrash believes now that plans are being worked to the point where work can get under way this summer. The stretch of road is rather short, and it is not expected to take long to complete. At present the road through the Gap is a narrow, winding road, which is often called "the bottle necK tor tratiic on no. zvh trora Brevard arid Bethel In'.o Waynes ville. ..:.:'.. Engineers were here about two weeks ago , and with a group of civic leaders here went over the plans on the ground. The civic leaders were happy over the gen eral plans, and said all indications were that the road would b an, "ideal" route through the Gap. Local SPCA '.. Chapter Formed, Headed By Pastor : The Rev. Malcolm Williamson o Waynesville, as president, heads the newly organized Haywood County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, which waa formed as a chapter of the national organization, April 27th, by a group of thirty interested citizens who met in the showroom of the Davis Liner Motor Company with Clyde Ray of Waynesville, serving as chairman pro-torn. " Other officers are John Howard,- BeaVerd a.C"?to.- Vlceitf asident - man. chalnnan; Mrs: Smiley Carver, vice chairman. Beaverdam four M T. McKi.i nlsh, chairman; Mrs. Wade Ray, vice chairman. There will not be a designated keynoter at the county convention, Mrs. Campbell said. Delegates to the state convention will be named, and matters of business as arising from the floor will be handled. . .. VVJ UtTCl" the tnnricf K..d- a- f Md the other counties me association. jrtlCHTER IN EUROPE snd, guests were Maurice Brooks, presl .font nf the Canton club; Mark Os borne, president of the Brevard Club; Grover Haynes, presiaeni oi th rlvde club: Claude Campbell, president of the Sylva Club; Mr. morning, "Some voters of South Ward in I extemporaneous speech contest Wnvnpsvlllp. and Fines Creek do holH nf T.cnolr Uhvnp Tnlloce In Present scneauies maicaw me ni)t vet understand that a new rB- Hlckorv last Fr dav with 304.20. new 855-ioot pnage across tne oam istratlon ls required at both these He represented the Waynesville in iho lhpdnrv lnHpinff Rpthpl'. at Lake Junaluska will be compiei- nlarp hornusp nf hp pstahlishmpnl I Hich School in this division of a boys not only took the team title ea by way win, n was leamca v- 0f new precincts, Mr. Cole said, number of contests which were op with a grand total of 1,010.57, but aay irom ur. r ran o. uuv. "Even If you have voted at these en to all Wgh schools in the area caotured the chamDlonshlD and ine onuge wiu ue wuu precincts for years, it is necessary west of ciiariotte runncruri oositlon in the Indlvldu- every detail, and is costing -about t register aaaln. since both ore- Malcolm was awarded a gold al competition. $15,000. . , cincts have been divided," he said, medal and a scholarship certificate RnhhvMoPwnn flrt nlnPP wih e Sieei-aspnan huuliuio v"m South Ward hsre. I now Ward In the amount Of S30.UU. ' -r , i 1.-J ki.Mi " . , ill two, and the Aliens Creek precinct Danny Mcuiure, winner or una is Ward three FIops Creek is year's D.A.R declamation contest, known as ward one and two. entered the declamation event at The reclstratlon hook will hp Lenoir Rhyne open again this Saturday and next. Last week young wuuamson was ludaed me nest speaxer m xioy wood county in the Knights of I Pythias contest w l" lail week for ; rr , Mr parker. both of - to Europe. He . " i.7hV and Louis Gates. . i " - n. j coprotarv nf the Canton Lions, --"J . Wavnpsv lie LlOnS rresiuein Dick Bradley wielded the gavel at he has not EM- i the session. . . . m o, . , r.,rin tha brief business ses ln Northern .'-" n,ip official ninn iui i . rw . aaxm w . OlVllf . w Mnnntalneer's reoort mai w..,noeiiie Tnwnshio High School . .-....,- uaiiu WV Austria r en- In Corlnthia. A,,st ' L" 'i ms mother and sis- Kit, 7, 11 ms wuTes lthe first time. Mr. anH nnprato ru. r -j i M iSZ pn..rHnn nf North Carolina .r. Z i.rum erguson of irL""! r; rhBrlntte opening - "Mime Mr BnA V1 Jff !m 7 s mr- ana . 5 R H'wood. Mr. U t p ' "It'll take aDOUl w ki .Buson a brother. " ? there." the illier i - .r,i er Atvtm. there, u,3 ------ ...... ,pn. president esumaieu, ..I tham there." : . a. Tc1p. a Band Director vuu" - K nf the Lions nere, m -loon annreciation on be- L.i himceif and his boys and girls of the band tor me the people of this community have He declarea inw.uiF it possible for them to go to the jtBi. festival and Contest I I oia-c ATi uo'v - - - & 1 - r. ne one of the three hH3n tot mur Ph - cI school bands in North carou..- I --JUrt V &til -a I DR. FUNKE EXTENDS INVITATION Dr. I. B. Funke has extended an luwsc F j t. J UJu 348.50 poinU. while his teammate, repmce me iwnu NpoI Stainpv finlhpt HPPnnrt nnlv Wmcn was useu iui maiijr 93-hundredths of a point behind cluo --. him. Tpfl Mrfliim nt ClvAa urna thlrl best livestock judger with 336.50 Milk Producers To points, Rounding out the winning Beth- Meet On FrJrlav el livestock Judging team was ' " Thomas Rhodarmer. rh. momWi nf the Havwood lne craotree team which finished countv Milk Producers Assocla third in the bid for livestock Judg- tion will hold a business meeting Ing honrs was made up of Paul at a p.m. Friday in the Haywood bmart, i naa Meaiora and Joe county Court House. Ferguson. President James Kirkpatrick of Triad, incidentally, missed tying rrahtree will be in charge. tor third place in the individual competition by less than half a point. He complied a total 336.05 MASONS TO HOLD points. STATED COMMUNICATION lWftrnhv team of Elmer Tavlor. I n r.pntrv anrf narland Kerjhart On Friday at 8 p.m.. Waynesville nlapert second with 028.50 Dolnta In Lodge No. 259, Ancient Free and livestock judging. - Accepted Masons, will hold their Clyde's' dairy Judging team of Stated communication over me Mann. Richard Hannah and Ted First National Bank. McClure placed fourth with a total I A very Interesting program has 807-77 points. : rLLi been.. arranged by Program Com- Bethel's Charles Malnous, Zene mlttee Brother unnora w. enne, dT and Monday Partly cloudy and ayne PSV1I 1 rdprf l iempera" Dr. I. B, Funke has extenaea an it. . u "y the staff nfi i- i i:ja anA nthel I est Farm, luvuauon w net iik - I mi- tn nmi tn herljome for a view of ix' Min. Rainfall. k jnm,Mj trees from her win- la IS . t- mu flow or irom ner dblh whiph are In Drofusion in Dr. Funke'a neighborhood, are now at the height of their beauty. 78 79 76 35 40 43 55 .02 (See FFA Boys Page 6) Soco Boosters Meeting Deferred A meeting of the Soco Road Boosters Club, originally scheduled for Thursday night, has been post poned. It will be held at a date which will be announced later, officials said this morning. National Park Service Ranger here, will be in charge of the program. All visiting Masons are invited to attend Haywood Soldier Sent To Philippines Private First Class Benny B. Bowen, son of Mrs. W. B. Helmlck, of Route 3, Canton, recently was assigned to duty with the 6206th Air Police Squadron at historic Clark Air Force Base, largest American military installation in the Far East, upon his arrival tn the Philliplnes. A graduate of Mansfield High School, Georgia,' Pf c. Boweh joined the Army in October 1945. On July 22. 1949, he reentered the Air Force and after attending the Military Police School in Augusta Georgia, departed for his present overseas assignment. Mrs. M. M, Noland left Satur day by Plane for Alexandria, Vir ginia where she will spend a week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Grant. Looks Like A Fishing Week-End, As Pisgah Streams To Offer Excellent Trout Fishing ATTEND DISTRICT V. D. C MEETING My guess is that streams in Pisgah National Forest will be op ened to fishermen this week-end," so mused Charles W.t Coffin, wild- Members of the Haywood Chap- Jf specialist of the Forest here !e UnitedhDaaSnZfhehanS TSat, only recently stoct SJ&WdiifeTS! with 0.000'rainbow Were North Carolina Division, U. D. C. c osed because of the hazards of held Friday in Asheville were Mrs. fue- e j . . e W. A. Hyatt. Miss Nancy Hyatt, The rains of Saturday and Sun- Mrs. F. G. Rippetoe. Mrs. J.VH. day pretty well , "wet down" the Howell, Sr., Mrs. George Plott, and forest, and if more rain falls, there Mrs, Sam Queen, president of the Is possibility that the streams Waynesville chapter. will be opened. Mr. Coffin said that fishing tn Pisgah should be the best in many seasons. "The mild winter, the absence of flash floods, and the re-stocking program all point to good fishing in Pisgah streams. The Pisgah streams were origi nally scheduled to open on May 6-7, but state officials urged , that they be opened April 1 5th along with state streams. The dry forests and danger of fires, has this far prevented the opening of the nat ional forest streams. Legion To Name 1950 Officers This Week Members of the Waynesville American Legion Post will elect their 1950 officers and discuss plans for the Memorial Day observance when they hold their regular monthly business meeting here Wednesday night. Ernest Edwards, retiring com mander of the organization, will call the session to order at 7;30 d. m.. In the Legion Hall on the second - floor - of the-old Citizens Bank Building on Main Street. "Wp urce all members to at tend," Edwards said, "since this ls going to be a very important meei. ing." ': Man Hurt When Car Turns Over Ray Cope narrowly escaped ser ious injuries about ten o'clock Sunday night, when his model A Ford turned over at the corner of the Main Street of Hazelwood and the Balsam highway,. Cope was given first aid at the Haywood County Hospital. ' The car suffered considerable damage.- ,- Highway patrolmen and police of Waynesville and Hazelwood in vestigated the wreck. Roy Campbell attended a dis trict meeting of V. F. W, Posts held in Hendersonville Sunday after noon. - Crabtree Seniors To Give Comedy Friday Night "Damsels in Distress," a three act farce, will be presented by the senior class of the Crabtree-lron Duff High School Friday evening, at 8:00 o'clock in the school audit orium. An unusual situation develops when Jimmy Love, a glamor boy whose clothes have been stolen, climbs a fire escape and enters, quite by accident, the apartment of two of his girl friends. One of the friends, Pamela Royle, is a former fiancee of Jimmy Love, and she trips every imaginable scheme to get him out of the apart ment before her current boy friend comes for dinner. Every attempt fails, and many hilarious scenes ensue as , Jimmy tries time after time to make a getaway! The play promises to be one of the best comedies ever to be pre sented at the school. It can be en joyed by the entire family. Seniors taking part in the play are: Dot Noland as Pamela Royle; Eleanor Kinsland as Geraldine Ware; Betty Jo Ferguson as Mrs; Meeks; Hilda Best as Mrs. Guppy, the girls', landlady;. Novella - Wood as Natasha Fedcrovna, a Russian girl; 'Billy Welch as Jimmy Love; Don Crawford as Shelby Parsons; Joan Medford as Aunt Eustacia Carstairs; Pam's aunt; J. C. Hattey as Braymer Bahcock, Gerry's un cle; Bobby Stevenson as Ethelbert Mecks; Jim Davis and Keller Wells as Mike and Bill, delivery- men. and Miss Pearl Lesley Johnson of Lake Junaluska, secretary-treasurer. " , Mrs. Douglas Grant. Waynesville, was appointed director of publicity; Charter memberships were re ceived from: Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Lllius, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lyda, Miss Estelle Haydcn. C. W. Senne, Dr. ahd Mrs. A. R. Riegg, Miss Laura Reardon, Mrs. Margaret L. Marshall, Clyde Ray, Mrs. M. W. Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boone, Bill Edwards. Mrs. Norman Elliott, Mrs. R. W. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Eble, and Mr. and Mrs. R W. Scholl. . The purpose of the Haywood County S. P. C. A. is to promote the welfare of all animals in Haywood ; county as well as the public safety as it relates to animals. These ob jectives will be pursued in co operation with all pertinent town and county authorities. A general meeting of the orga nization will be held May 8, 1950, 7;30 p. m., at the Davis-Liner Motor Company to which the public is cordially and urgently invited. Officers Fail To Find Still, But 1 Get 16 Jars Liquor Three officers went back to Hemphill Sunday afternoon in search for another .stilL They came back with the "fruits" of a still, but no still. The officers found 16 half-gallon jars of liquor near the site where they found a still and some liquor several weeks ago. But this time no still. While disappointed at not locat ing the still, the officers were 1 1 i It II A i -nr-l urA got their profit." . . . Those making the raid were Deputies John Kerley, Horace Mehaffey and A- T. U- Agent Roy Reese. Summer Home At Lake Is Entered , Officers are. following up on fingerprints made at the home of Mrs. E. Walker, at Lake Juna luska, which was entered Thurs day night, and three valuable arti cles removed. ' , Missing are a table model radio, a new record-player and a new portable typewritter, with a special keyboard. A lock on a trunk was broken to get to the typewriter, Deputy Max Cochran said. Noth ing else was reported missing. Highway Record For 1950 In Haywood (To Date) Killed.... 2 Injured .... 12 . (This Information com piled from Records of State Highway Patroh

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